Jurnal Komunitas 6 (2) (2014): 320-326. DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3311 ResearchJURNAL & Learning inKOMUNITAS Sociology and Anthropology http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/komunitas Framing Analysis of Islamic Marriage Sermon in Perspective of Gender Equality Diyah Utami, Ali Imron, Refti Handini Sociology Department of Surabaya State University, Indonesia Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3311 Received : July 2014; Accepted: August 2014; Published: September 2014 Abstract Knowledge of gender in the context of marriage sermon is closely related to the interpretation of religious doctrines concerning the relationship of men and women. This study aims to understand the perspective of gender equality on Islamic marriage sermon through framing analysis. This study used framing analysis to reveals the frame of a text by using framing devices that are directly related to the central idea of the text and reasoning. The devices are associated with the cohesion and coherence of the text that refer to a particular idea of marriage. Islamic sermons such as text still tend to show discriminatory for example, this can be felt in the reproduction of a sentences like this: such as sentence “the ideal family is where the husband and wife make a living for their household, especially by giving love and education to children”. The word “ideal” or “good” is a framing device. And the phrase, “if the wife works outside the home, the family will lose orientation”. The word “disoriented” indicates that family whose wife works outside of the house is a failed family. In this case, the wife is used as a scapegoat for the failure of a family as a wife who works outside. Abstrak Pengetahuan tentang gender dalam konteks pernikahan khotbah berkaitan erat dengan penafsiran doktrin agama tentang hubungan pria dan wanita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami perspektif kesetaraan gender dalam khotbah perkawinan Islam dalam analisis perspektif framing. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis yang mengungkapkan bingkai teks dengan menggunakan perangkat framing yang langsung berhubungan dengan gagasan utama dari teks dan penalaran framing. Perangkat yang terkait dengan kohesi dan koherensi teks yang merujuk pada ide tertentu pernikahan khotbah Islam Teks masih cenderung menunjukkan tindakan diskriminatif, seperti kalimat “keluarga yang ideal adalah di mana suami dan istri mencari nafkah untuk keluarga mereka, terutama dengan memberikan cinta dan pendidikan untuk anak-anak. Kata “ideal” atau “baik” adalah perangkat framing. Dan kalimat, “jika istri bekerja di luar rumah, keluarga akan kehilangan orientasi”. Kata “bingung” menunjukkan bahwa keluarga yang istrinya bekerja di luar rumah adalah keluarga yang gagal. Dalam hal ini, istri digunakan sebagai kambing hitam atas kegagalan keluarga sebagai istri yang bekerja di luar. Keywords: framing analysis; gender equality; islam; marriage sermon How to Cite: Utami, D., Imron, A. & Handini, R. 2014. Framing Analysis of Islamic Marriage Sermon in Perspective of Gender Equality. Jurnal Komunitas, 6 (2): 320-326. doi: 10.15294/komunitas.v6i2.3311 © 2014 Semarang State University. All rights reserved Corresponding author : ISSN 2086-5465 Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Phone. (031) 8280009 E-mail: [email protected] UNNES JOURNALS Jurnal Komunitas 6 (2) (2014): 320-326 321 INTRODUCTION men and women are different. The phy- Discussion of the relationship between men sical nature differences have effect on the and women in the context of social science condition of each human (Budiman, 1996). leads to the concept of gender. Women’s Stu- Women with physical nature to bear have dies Encyclopedia defines gender as a cultu- the consequences in the development of ral concept, seeks to make a distinction in psychological temperament needed to care terms of roles, behavior, mentality, and for children who are born, such as maternal emotional characteristics between men and temperament that require delicate attitude, women who thrive in a society (Mufidah, patient, and affection. Men. with their phy- 2004). The embodiment of these gender dif- sical nature of having the penis and sperm ferences are women perceived as more emo- production with physical and psychologi- tional, delicate, painstaking, and a number cal nature, are constructed for hard sector, of other feminine characteristics. Otherwi- while providing protection to the weaker, se, men are considered to have a more ratio- women. The differences between the two nal and assertive characteristics. If there are biological characteristics in both have result women and men who have opposite or cont- in the psychological temperament. rary characteristics of what is determined Nurture theory does not agree that by the community, it can be regarded as an the selection of the position and the roles unusual thing, even deviation. Determinati- of men and women are the nature charac- on of the nature of the differences eventual- teristics. Biological factors do not cause the ly leads to the determination of the different superiority of men over women, segregation roles. The emergence of balanced gender re- and superiority of men due to cultural ela- lations between men and women is due to boration of the respective biological (Budi- the strong culture of patriarchy that causes man, 1996). Thus what is called with mas- inequality or injustice on gender relations. culine and feminine characteristics are the Gender inequality manifests itself in result of the culture. Cultural theory with various forms of injustice, namely margi- materialist perspective, the superiority of nalization or economic impoverishment, men over women as constructed by the cul- subordinated or not important assumption ture with communal objects ownership shift in political decisions, steorotype forming into private property. The understanding of (negative labeling) and violence. Research the two genders perspective also raises dif- shows that violence against women is a very ferent understandings of gender relations. big problem. Violence has put women at risk The emergence of unbalanced gender rela- of short-term and long term consequences tions can not be separated from social insti- involving psychological, physical, econo- tutions, whose function is to provide outre- mic and social welfare (King’ori, Odera, and ach to members of the public about gender Oboka, 2014: 14). Gender inequality also values. Social institutions referred to in this raises another reality on a longer and more case is a family institution, education or re- workload (double burden) and ideology so- ligion (Dewi, 2006: 8-10). cialization of gender values (Fakih, 2004). This research article uses Gramsci’s Some researches indicate that gender ine- central concept of hegemony. The starting qualities which cause double burden for wo- point of Gramsci’s concept of hegemony is men not only in the domestic sector but also that a class and its members exercise the po- in the public sector. That conditions lead to wer toward the below classes by force and social relations between men and women persuasion (Simon, 1999). Furthermore which has not been balanced yet (Luthfi, Gramsci develops the idea of leadership and 2010: 83) its implementation as a condition for obtai- There are two mainstreams to under- ning state power into the concept of hege- stand gender, among others, nature theory mony. Hegemony is a relationship between and nurture theory. The nature theory as- classes with other social forces. Hegemony sumes that the biological nature between class group is a class which gets approval UNNES JOURNALS 322 Diyah Utami et al, Framing Analysis of Islamic Marriage Sermon in Perspective of Gender ... from powerful authority and other social comes interesting for several reasons. First classes by creating and maintaining a sys- is to see whether or not the change of gender tem of alliances through political and ide- equality awareness among modern theolo- ological struggle. gians exists. Second is as an attempt to as- One of the important issues in the sess gender construction among theologians concept of hegemony is the importance of not only can be done through the interview language in establishing intellectual leader- process, but could also be done through the ship and moral. This is not because the lan- study of material marriage sermon delivered guage itself is something which maintains by scholars or the speaker. Marriage sermon hegemonic function. Gramsci (in Bagong material is actually a reflection of the under- 2010) writes, “... every language contains the standing of theologians about the meaning elements of the world”, which means that of gender which is tried to socially interact mental activity will depend on the character with other people. This article will analyze of the vocabulary availability in the langu- the Islamic marriage sermon using framing age. approach with the aim to understand the The formation of different discour- perspectives of gender equality in Islamic ses between men and women is a form of marriage sermon. hegemonic language. Discourse is a study in the application of postmodernism theo- METHODS ries of the struggle between authority and This research used framing analysis, an ana- knowledge in the context of social relations lysis which revealed the frame of a text of among the community members (Yunin- William A. Gamson and Andre Modigliani. dyawati, et al, 2014: 171). The discourse bet- This research raised the concept of the frame ween authority and knowledge is what
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