ST CUTHBERT (OUT) PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON THURSDAY 22ND HULY 2021 PRESENT: Cllrs T Hathway, Cllr M Hayden and Cllr J Reeves. 01. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND TO CONSIDER THE REASONS GIVEN Cllr M Lunnon & Cllr P Foster set apologies. 02. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 02.01. There was one declarations of personal interest by Cllr Reeves for application 2021/0042/FUL 02.02. There were no requests for dispensation for disclosable pecuniary interests. 02.03. There were no requests for dispensation. 03. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC There were no items for exclusion. 04. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME There were 4 Members of the Public attending and Cllr Wride came as an observer. 05. RECOMMENDATIONS OF ST CUTHBERT OUT PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE COLLATED ON WEDNESDAY 2nd JULY 2021 These recommendations were approved by the Chairman of the Planning Committee under ‘Delegated Powers’ resolution of 8th April 2020. They do not constitute minutes of a meeting as no meeting was held. 06. APPLICATIONS FOR RECOMMENDATION All planning applications can be viewed in detail from www.mendip.gov.uk. Members of the Public are welcome to express their views at the Parish Council Planning Committee as well as direct to Mendip District Council. No. & Detail Type Officer 2021/1418 Extension until 23/07/21 for comments approved by planning officer. HSE Erection of a lean-to store and insertion of two dormer windows and a roof light. Charlotte Rogers 1 Poplar Farm Cottages, Easton, Wells, BA5 1ED 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE with the condition that gable-ends of lean-to are no impediment to the flow of water. Page 1 of 12 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/1445 Extension until 23/07/21 for comments approved by planning officer. HSE Installation of rooflights, enlarge openings and two storey side extension. Jennifer Alvis Yew Tree Barn, Kingdom, West Horrington 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with condition that neighbour’s privacy is protected in a way agreed between applicant and neighbour. 2021/1296 Extension until 23/07/21 for comments approved by planning officer. VRC Variation of condition 2 (drawings) of permission 2016/2582/FUL (The demolition of existing children’s nursery and the erection of a new children’s nursery and 2 no dwellings to financially cross subsidise development.) Lynsey Bradshaw Former Tree house Day Nursery, Old Frome Road, Wells BA5 3DL 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: St Cuthbert (Out) parish Council are not required to comment. 2021/1493 Extension until 23/07/21 for comments approved by planning officer. TPO TPO M318 (T8) – Western red Cedar (T5) – Remove 2 NE limbs. Bo Walsh Westfield House, Old Frome Road, Wells BA5 3DH 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 2021/1494 Application to vary condition 1 (drawings) of planning approval VRC 2018/0333/VRC (Application to vary condition 2 (drawing numbers) of planning approval 2015/0203/FUL (Alterations and conversion of two buildings and construction of link building to create a single dwelling house) to allow amended drawings to fenestration, doors, materials and re-configuration of internal bedroom layout. Kelly Beau Paddock, Easton Hill, Easton, Wells. Pritchard 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 2021/1381 Application for a certificate of lawful existence development for Change CLE of Use from annexe to letting. Charlotte The Coach House, Dinder, Wells BA5 3PW Rogers 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 2021/0042 Conversion and extension of existing agricultural building to create a FUL single dwelling. Kelly Pritchard Land at 351759 147198 Easton Hill, Easton, Wells. 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL primarily on the inadequate provision for run-off water from the large roof area and hard standing area around the dwelling. There is potential for flood hazard to the neighbouring property and Multi-User Path; the dew pond reaches capacity already in heavy rain, and the site is proven to be in a low flood risk area. The design of the building was considered unappealing and that different materials should be incorporated. Page 2 of 12 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/1561 Erection of a greenhouse. HSE Callam The Palm House, Church Street, Dinder, Wells. Pearce 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVE 2021/1439 Application to discharge Section 52 planning obligation attached to S106 planning permission 103769. Charlotte Windwhistle, Polsham Lane, Polsham, Wells BA5 1RP Rogers 22/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: St Cuthbert (Out) parish Council are not required to comment 07. TO NOTE PLANNING PERMISSION APPROVED The following applications have been considered by Mendip District Council via the Planning Application process. The ‘Dec.’ column refers to the decision by Mendip District Council, which will be either ‘APPROVAL’ (A), ‘REFUSAL’ (R) or if the Application has been ‘WITHDRAWN’ (W). Items marked with an ‘*’, have been determined contrary to Parish Council recommendation, or have conditions attached not stipulated by St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council. Dec. A/R/W Detail No. & Officer 2021/1104 Erection of side extension. CLP Jennifer Stantonbury, Burcott Lane, BA5 1NE Alvis 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/1165 Demolition of existing stables, storage and garage buildings and the OTS erection of 1no. dwelling house. Callam Pearce Somerleaze House, Wells Road, Wookey, Wells. 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the condition that clarification is provided for the maximum footprint of proposed building. Page 3 of 12 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/1208 Convert existing garage to a home office, change garage doors to HSE two windows, installation of two Velux roof-lights to the side elements of the roof and installations of rear door. Jennifer Alvis 2 Hay Hill Close, Haybridge, Wells BA5 1GR 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL on the grounds the application removes existing parking spaces, encourages overspill onto already narrow roads and sets a precedent for other residents, saturating estate with on-road parking. As newly purchased houses, the integrity of the estate plans should be maintained. It is not clear how many adjacent properties were consulted, or are occupied and therefore able to contribute. 2021/1257 Retrospective temporary siting of a caravan for residential occupation FUL by the applicants. Charlotte Rogers Land North Of 30 Wells Road Wookey Hole Wells 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/1259 Application to vary / remove condition 2 (drawings) of planning VRC approval 2020/1399/FUL (Conversion of outbuilding into self contained annex as ancillary accommodation to main house). To replace fenestration, roof tiles and timber boarding. Jennifer Alvis Polsham Farm, Polsham Lane, Polsham, Wells. 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION:APPROVAL 2021/1434 Consultation: Proposed diversion of footpath SM 5/41 in the parish of *No CNT Croscombe. Objection Lynsey Bradshaw Crapnell Farmhouse, Crapnell Lane, Dinder, BA5 3HG 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: REFUSAL on grounds that no documentation was available nor evidence that Croscombe Parish Council had been consulted. It was requested that full information was sent to both Croscombe & St Cuthbert (Out) for recommendation. Highways Somerset provided details and offered an extension to consultation; Croscombe Parish Council had already approved the diversion. 2021/1448 Willow (T2) - Repollard willow back to previous pruning points No TCA (estimated 30-40% reduction overall). Mulberry (T3) - Reduce Objection extending lateral branches by 2m to sound pruning points and re- shape canopy (estimated 20-30% reduction overall). Weeping Ash (T4) - Section fell to Ground level. Western red Cedar (T5) - Remove 2 NE limbs. Bo Westfield House, Old Frome Road, BA5 3DH Walsh 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL Page 4 of 12 St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council – Planning Committee 2021/1458 T1 - Ash - Fell. (Possibly TPO M318). *A FDN Bo Westfield House Old Frome Road Wells Somerset BA5 3DH Walsh 02/07/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with condition that replanting is with native tree species. 2021/1027 Proposed Single Storey Extension and Alterations *A HSE Rose Cottage, Cheddar Road, Easton, Wells. Jennifer 10/06/10 RECOMMENDATION: Approved with the condition Alvis that the number of roof lights are reduced, specifically over the Kitchen/Living Space and Utility/Boot room. 2021/0978 Erection of single storey front and rear extensions along with *A HSE extension to rear roof dormer. Jennifer Greystones, Old Frome Road, East Horrington, Wells Alvis 10/06/10 RECOMMENDATION: Approved but with condition that the neighbouring church and Horrington Cricket Club are notified by either the Planning Officer (Mendip District Council) or our local parish councillor. 2021/0969 Works to a tree covered by TPO M1274:- T4 Thuja Plicata (Western A TPO Red Cedar) – Crown lift from ground by 3m. Bo Mendip House, Upper Breach, South Horrington Village, Wells. Walsh 19/05/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL 2021/0970 Works to trees in a Conservation Area:- T1 –Ash-Remove crown and No TCA leave as a 3m monolith. T2 – Ash Tree – remove crown structure Objection and reduce to a 3m monolith. T3 – Sycamore – Remove crown structure and reduce to a 2m monolith. Bo Mendip House, Upper Breach, South Horrington Village, Wells Walsh 19/05/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with the condition that a site visit with Mendip’s Tree Officer is arranged to confirm it is necessary to remove the entire tree, leaving a void in the small woodland. 2021/0879 Garage building with storage and home office within roof void. *A HSE With conditions Callam The Billiard Room, Orchard Paddock, Wookey Hole, Wells. Pearce 19/05/21 RECOMMENDATION: APPROVAL with condition that a)technology is deployed to avoid lightspill into the AONB and as protection for bats or that Dormer windows are used as an alternative moreso given its use as new office space, b) that there are no objections from the neighbouring property when in possession of (c), c) more detail is offered regarding roof height and d) the proximity to neighbouring structures is considered adequate.
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