7= SINO-INDIAN phylosector Observatoire Linguistique Linguasphere Observatory page 525 7=SINO-INDIAN phylosector édition princeps foundation edition DU RÉPERTOIRE DE LA LINGUASPHÈRE 1999-2000 THE LINGUASPHERE REGISTER 1999-2000 publiée en ligne et mise à jour dès novembre 2012 published online & updated from November 2012 This phylosector comprises 22 sets of languages spoken by communities in eastern Asia, from the Himalayas to Manchuria (Heilongjiang), constituting the Sino-Tibetan (or Sino-Indian) continental affinity. See note on nomenclature below. 70= TIBETIC phylozone 71= HIMALAYIC phylozone 72= GARIC phylozone 73= KUKIC phylozone 74= MIRIC phylozone 75= KACHINIC phylozone 76= RUNGIC phylozone 77= IRRAWADDIC phylozone 78= KARENIC phylozone 79= SINITIC phylozone This continental affinity is composed of two major parts: the disparate Tibeto-Burman affinity (zones 70= to 77=), spoken by relatively small communities (with the exception of 77=) in the Himalayas and adjacent regions; and the closely related Chinese languages of the Sinitic set and net (zone 79=), spoken in eastern Asia. The Karen languages of zone 78=, formerly considered part of the Tibeto-Burman grouping, are probably best regarded as a third component of Sino-Tibetan affinity. Zone 79=Sinitic includes the outer-language with the largest number of primary voices in the world, representing the most populous network of contiguous speech-communities at the end of the 20th century ("Mainstream Chinese" or so- called 'Mandarin', standardised under the name of Putonghua). This phylosector is named 7=Sino-Indian (rather than Sino-Tibetan) to maintain the broad geographic nomenclature of all ten sectors of the linguasphere, composed of the names of continental or sub-continental entities. The future nomenclature of the Sino-Tibetan affinity itself remains a matter for public debate and consensus, although it should be observed that languages from 8 of 10 zones in this phylosector are currently spoken in geographic India. More important, however, is the need for further geographic surveying and comparative analysis in this phylosector, which in Southeast Asia includes a number of geographically fragmented and interspersed speech communities. Before consulting the following tables, please see Guide to the Register in Volume One Les données supplémentaires ou améliorées sur les langues Additional or improved data on languages and et communautés traitées sous ce secteur seront accueillies communities covered by this sector will ici : ré[email protected] be welcomed here : [email protected] COLUMN 1 & 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMNS 4 & 5 layers of reference other nomenclature and notes nation-states scale of (+ provinces) and speakers codes and reference-names 70= TIBETIC covers the "Tibetan" or Phöke+ Kinnauri set, part of the Bhutan; China; Nepal; adjacent 6 "Tibeto-Burman" affinity within the "Sino-Tibetan" ("Sino- India; Pakistan: phylozone Indian") continental affinity; comprising 1 set of languages (= 25 outer languages) spoken by communities in Central Asia, on both sides of the Himalayas: 70-A PHÖKE+ KINNAURI 70-A PHÖKE+ KINNAURI BODISH, "tibetan"+ kanauri set 70-AA PHÖKE+ GURUNG* from c.650: Tibetan scriptinter-relationships and ethnolinguistic chain nomenclature to be reviewed 70-AAA PHÖKE+ LADAKHI BHOTIA, bhote, tibate, huniya, kazi, lama, shalgno, dalai, xifan, hsifan, net pohbetian, tebilian, "wider tibetan" Tibetan-"Proper", "inner" bhotia, "inner bodish"Tibetan script 70-AAA-a Phöke China (Tibet; Sichuan; Qinghai); 6 Nepal; Bhutan; India (Arunachal Pradesh; West Bengal; Sikkim; Uttar Pradesh; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu & Kashmir; migration> Karnataka); Pakistan 70-AAA-aa phöke-L. classical-tibetan, "classical" phöke, "classical" bhotia, including China (Tibet…) "archaic literary tibetan"… "later classical tibetan" Tibetan script page 526 The Linguasphere Register 1999 / 2000 edition 70-AAA-ab choni+ golog phöke-N., "non-tonal tibetan" Qinghai-S.+ Tibet-E.+ Yunnan-N. China-W. (Tibet; also Qinghai; 5 mountains Yunnan) 70-AAA-aba choni cone, chone, chona (Tibet) 70-AAA-abb golog ngolok, mgolog Golug (Tibet) 70-AAA-abc zhong-dian chong-tien (Tibet) 70-AAA-abd ambo ngambo, amdo (Tibet); also India 70-AAA-abe dpari dpalri, dparus (Tibet) 70-AAA-abf rebkong (Tibet) 70-AAA-abg banag banang, sbanag, panakha-panags Banag… (Tibet); India frontier 70-AAA-abh wayen (Tibet…) 70-AAA-abi horke (Tibet…) 70-AAA-abj blabrang (Tibet…) 70-AAA-ac utsang zang, phöke-C., part of "tonal tibetan" A China (Tibet); Nepal; Bhutan 70-AAA-aca utsang-F. "modern literary tibetan", "cultivated spoken tibetan" (Tibet…) 70-AAA-acb utsang-U. lhasa "city tibetan", dbus Lhasa… (Tibet: Lhasa ) 70-AAA-acc utsang-V. "vehicular tibetan" (Tibet…) 70-AAA-acd panang panags, panakha Phu-Chu+ Sankosh confluence: Punakha (Tibet) 70-AAA-ace sotati-po (Tibet) 70-AAA-acf lhomi lhoket, shing-saapa Lhoma* (Tibet); Nepal 70-AAA-acg tseku (Tibet); Bhutan; Nepal 70-AAA-ach kyerung (Tibet) 70-AAA-aci kagate shuba, shyuba, kagate-bhotia, shigatse (Tibet) 70-AAA-acj olangchung-gola (Tibet) 70-AAA-ack naapa nawa-sherpa, naba, naapaa (Tibet) 70-AAA-acl helambu-sherpa helambu-sharpa (Tibet) 70-AAA-acm nyam-kat mnyam-skad (Tibet) 70-AAA-acn aba apa, ba, batang (Tibet); India frontier… 70-AAA-aco dartsemdo tatsienlu India frontier… 70-AAA-acp dru India frontier… 70-AAA-acq garhwal garhwal-bhotia, "tibetan" garhwali Garwhal district India (Uttar Pradesh) 70-AAA-acr jad dzad, tehri-garhwal-bhotia India frontier… 70-AAA-acs gtsang India frontier… 70-AAA-act hanniu India frontier… 70-AAA-acu bud-kat bod-skad (Tibet) 70-AAA-acv sangyas sangs-rgyas, "upper" kanawar bhotia (Tibet) 70-AAA-acw paraung paurong India frontier… 70-AAA-acx kumaun Kumaun, Kumaon hills India (Uttar Pradesh) 70-AAA-acy takpa dwags (Tibet); India frontier… 70-AAA-ad kham-atuence phöke-E., part of "tonal tibetan" China (Tibet) 5 70-AAA-ada kham khams, khams-yal, khams-bhotia, kam, chamdo Chamco* (Tibet) 70-AAA-adb nyarong niarong (Tibet) 70-AAA-adc atuence atuentse, ngan-shuen-kuan, an-shuen-kuan-nyarong, "tibetan"-SE. (Tibet); India frontier 70-AAA-add sdedge (Tibet) 70-AAA-ade mbathang (Tibet) 70-AAA-ae sherpa "mountain" phöke, sharpa, xiaerba, serwa; sharpa-bhotia, part of "tonal Nepal; India (Sikkim; West Bengal) 4 tibetan" #sherpa =«eastener» 70-AAA-aea sherpa-'nepal' Solu Khumbu district Nepal 70-AAA-aeb sherpa-'sikkim' (Sikkim) 70-AAA-aec sherpa-'bengal' (West Bengal) 4 70-AAA-af dolpo+ tichurong phöke-S., part of "tonal tibetan" Nepal 3 70-AAA-afa dolpo phöke-dolpa, dolpa 2 Nepal 70-AAA-afb tichurong ticherong Nepal 70-AAA-afc mugali mngari Nepal 70-AAA-afd mugali-kham Nepal 70-AAA-afe humla humla-bhotia, dangali-phöke Nepal 70-AAA-b Dzongkha+ Groma "Wider"-Tibetan-S., lho-ke, lho-ka, hloka, lho-skad, de-njong-ke, da- China-W. (Tibet); Nepal; Bhutan; 4 ndzong-ka #lho-ke, lho-ka = «southern language» India (Sikkim; also Arunchal Pradesh*) 70-AAA-ba jirel ziral, jiri Jiri valley transition < [70=] Phöke Nepal-E. 3 70-AAA-bb sikkim-bhotia sikkimese, sikami, sikkim de-njong-ke, sikkim lho-ke Sikkim-N. India (Sikkim) 3 mountains 70-AAA-bc groma tromowa Chambi valley… Bhutan; China (Tibet); India (Sikkim) 70-AAA-bca 'upper'-groma (Tibet); Bhutan; (Sikkim) 70-AAA-bcb 'lower'-groma (Sikkim)… 7= SINO-INDIAN phylosector Observatoire Linguistique Linguasphere Observatory page 527 70-AAA-bd spiti Lahul-Spiti district China (Tibet); India (Sikkim) 70-AAA-be tomo chumba, chumbi, chambi Chumba China (Tibet)… 70-AAA-bf dzongkha bhutanese, bhutan-bhotia, zongkhar, zonkar, jonkha, drukke, drukha, A Bhutan 5 bhutan de-njong-ke, bhutan lho-ke 70-AAA-bg tshalingpa tshali Bhutan 3 70-AAA-bh dagpakha part of dakpa, dukpa-bhotia Bhutan; China (Tibet) 3 70-AAA-bha dagpakha-S. Bhutan 70-AAA-bhb dagpakha-N. (Tibet) 70-AAA-bi padam #identity of ta-padam-teng in Bhutan and (adi-)padam in Arunachal Bhutan; India (Arunachal Pradesh) 4* Pradesh to be confirmed 70-AAA-bia ta-padam-teng Bhutan 3 70-AAA-bib adi-padam padam (Arunachal Pradesh) 3 70-AAA-bj laya-lingzhi "shepherds' bhutanese"-NW. Bhutan 2 70-AAA-bja laya Bhutan 70-AAA-bjb lingzhi Bhutan 70-AAA-bk adap dap, "bhutanese"-CS. Bhutan 3 70-AAA-bl sagtengpa* mira-sagtengpa, brokpa, part of dakpa, hutan Sakteng valley Bhutan 3 classification within this net to be confirmed 70-AAA-c Ladakhi+ Purik "Wider"-Tibetan-W. Pakistan (NWF); India (Jammu & 5 Kashmir); China (Tibet) 70-AAA-ca ladakhi ladak, ladhakhi, ladwags Ladakh mountains… Indus upper valley India (Jammu & Kashmir) 4 Tibetan script 70-AAA-caa budhi Budhi (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cab bod-butun (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cac maryul (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cad hanu (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cae leh Leh (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-caf sham (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cb changthang Indus upper valley India (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cba byan-skat (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cbb rong Henis park environs: Rong (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cbc rapshu (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cbd stotpa (Jammu & Kashmir) 70-AAA-cc balti sbalti, sbalt, baltistani, baltistan bhotia Baltistan mountains Pakistan (NWF); India (Jammu & 5 Kashmir) 70-AAA-cd purik burig, purig, purig-skad, purik-bhotia, purig-pa, purki Himalaya-W. (Kashmir) 5 mountains 70-AAA-ce zangskari zanskari, zaskari Zaskar mountains (Kashmir); China (Tibet) 4 70-AAA-d Larkye Gorka-N. district: Buri-gandalei valley Nepal 3 70-AAA-da larkye kutang-bhotia Nepal 3 70-AAA-e Loyu loya, mustang, dolpa 3 Dolpa district Nepal 4 70-AAA-ea lo mustang "proper", lo-montang; lo-pa, lo-ba community Manthang, Nepal-CN. Mustang 70-AAA-eb seke Nepal-CN. 70-AAA-f Thudam-Bhotia* thudam Taplejung district Nepal (Mechi) 3* 70-AAA-fa thudam-bhotia thudam-bhote classification to be confirmed Nepal (Mechi) 3 70-AAA-g Sherdukpen India (Arunachal Pradesh; Assam) 3 70-AAA-ga sherdukpen India (Arunachal Pradesh; Assam) 3 70-AAA-gaa sherdukpen-N. (Arunachal Pradesh) 70-AAA-gab sherdukpen-S.
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