BACK COVER PAINTING This month's back cover painting is enti- tled "Weekend Warrior and depicts a P-51D owned by Mike Bertz of Englewood. CO re- flecting a big fly-In crowd in its highly polished aluminum skin The artist is Kevin K Lundy of 6628 Floyd. Overland Park. KS 66202 (phone 913677-1226) "Weekend Warrior" was awarded 5th Place in the 1985 EAA Sport Aviation Art Contest and is cur- rently on display in the Gorman Art Gallery in the EAA Aviation Center at Oshkosh NEW PUBLISHER FOR SPORT AVIATION After 33 years. SPORT AVIATION has a new publisher Throughout its existence, starting with a mimeographed newsletter, progressing through a period as the Experi- menter and. finally, as SPORT AVIATION. EAA founder and president Paul H Pobe- rezny has served as the magazine's pub- lisher Beginning this month, however, the torch has been passed to a new generation President Paul has named his son. Tom Poberezny, as publisher of all EAA publica- tions. Tom is president of the EAA Aviation synopsis of your recent experiences, good primary interests has always been safety in Foundation and is Senior Vice President of or bad. Address your reports to Henry Og- aviation," Owen concluded. "This is just one EAA He has worked closely with the publi- rodzinski. EAA Headquarters, Wittman Air- of the ways we encourage safer flying while cations department for many years, so the field, Oshkosh. WI 54903-3086. recognizing individual accomplishments. Through the generosity of Avco Lycoming, transition to his new responsibilities will go EAA Headquarters intends to monitor the smoothly real world operation of ARSAs on a national we'll also be able to award an 0-235 engine Under Paul Poberezny's leadership. scale as they go on line . from the view- to the contest winner." SPORT AVIATION has become one of the point of the user. Later, after ARSAs have Entry forms are available at the EAA Avia- world's largest and finest aviation publica- been functioning for a time, we will ask for tion Center. To receive a form and complete tions, growing steadily each year since its follow-up reports to see if service has im- contest details, contact Ben Owen. EAA, inception. Our staff looks forward to working proved or worsened. If abuses occur as they Avco Lycoming Safety Contest. EAA. with Tom to continue this tradition. did with TRSAs. we want to be able to go to Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh, WI 54901-3086. — Jack Cox. Editor-in-Chief the FAA Administrator and the Transporta- 414426-4800. tion Secretary with documented evidence. ARSA INFO REQUESTED FSS MODERNIZATION OPERATIONAL EAA/AVCO LYCOMING For a number of months now SPORT AVI- FAA's controversial FSS modernization SAFETY CONTEST ATION has been listing the sites where FAA plans went operational in December at six intends to create Airport Radar Service How would you like to win a brand new sites around the U. S. What is termed Model Areas (ARSA). Some ARSAs are in service Avco Lycoming engine? 1 equipment went into service at the follow- now and others will be activated in the For the third year in a row, Avco Lycoming ing ATC Centers and satellite FSS's: months ahead. One of EAA Headquarters' will provide an 0-235 engine of your choice • Cleveland Center and FSS's at Cleve- primary objections to the facilities has been as the top prize in the EAA/Avco Lycoming land, Dayton and Bridgeport. CT. the potential for inconsistent interpretation Safety Contest. All EAA members are eligi- • Indianapolis Center and FSS's at Terre and implementation of operating procedures ble to enter the contest, which recognizes Haute. IN and Green Bay. WI. by local controllers. We saw this happen in new designs, design changes, installation • Washington Center and FSS's at Lees- the TRSAs that preceded the ARSAs improvements or any ideas that lead to safer burg, VA and Macon, GA FAA said pilots had the option of refusing flying, according to Ben Owen, EAA's Direc- • Salt Lake City Center and FSS s at Pre- Stage III services, but in the real world many tor of Information Services and who is coor- scott, AZ, Denver and Reno. controllers handled all traffic like IFR traffic, dinating the safety contest. • Houston Center and FSS's at Conroe, regardless of conditions. Will this sort of "We're looking for ways to improve flying TX, DeRidder, LA and McAlister, OK. thing happen again with ARSAs9 safety and we encourage all EAA members • Miami Center and FSS's at Miami and As the new ARSAs come on stream, EAA to submit their ideas for consideration," St. Petersburg. FL. Headquarters is requesting that its members Owen explained. "We're looking for some- Services now provided include pre-flight in affected areas report in writing on their thing that is currently in use and operational. and in-flight weather briefings, plus automa- experiences — whether good or bad. To re- The winner will be announced at EAA Osh- tic flight plan processing. port a single flight into one of the new kosh '86." Model 1 equipment is on order for 13 addi- ARSAs, note the location (airport), the date The first winner of the EAA/Avco Lycoming tional sites . and improved Western Union and approximate time, the type of aircraft Safety Contest was Richard Brown. Brown teletypes are being installed at all FSS's. In- being flown, whether the operation was VFR won the 1984 contest with his Water Fuel flight hazardous weather information is now or IFR and describe any problems that oc- Detection Test. Last year, Fred Cailey won being offered at Atlanta, Houston, Miami and curred. If the flight went smoothly, please re- the O-235 for his efforts over the past dec- Jacksonville. port that, also. If you are based at an airport ade as Safety Chairman of EAA's Interna- Model 2 equipment, which will add with a new ARSA or fly into or through one tional Aerobatic Club (IAC). This year's win- weather maps, radar depiction and other regularly, provide the location, the type of ner could be you! graphics to Model 1 capability is scheduled aircraft you fly, whether VFR or IFR and a "Along with Avco Lycoming, one of EAA's to come on line in 1988. 5 NEW TAX LAWS From my experience in Washington work- If any of you sport pilots are also operating ing for FAA, I don't see how we can expect a business aircraft you should know that the anything in the next 90 days. I'll keep you IRS has just announced new rules for de- posted. ducting expenses incurred in the business — Charlie Schuck, EAA, Washington use of cars and aircraft. You can get all the bad news by asking your IRS office for a O-540B APPROVED FOR AUTO GAS copy of a paper entitled "Income Tax; Re- The FAA has presented the EAA Founda- moval of Certain Temporary Regulations on tion with an STC that approves the use of Substitution and the Taxation of Fringe Be- unleaded auto gas in the Avco Lycoming O- nefits" — which was published in the Federal 540B series engines. The Foundation will Register on November 6, 1985. now submit an STC application for the Piper PA-28-235 which uses the engine. 1985 ICAS AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE NEW LOPRESTI BROTHERS ADDRESS Tom Poberezny and Jim Gattis have been honored as the 1985 recipients of the Air The LoPresti Brothers Aircraft Company Show Industry's Awards of Excellence. Pre- has a new address: 610 E. 14th St., Wichita, sented each year by the International Coun- KS 67206. The new phone number is 316 cil of Air Shows at its annual meeting (this 682-7552. The firm's Sharkfire prototype has year in Ft. Worth, TX), the awards are for been moved to the Newton, KS airport where two outstanding individuals and/or organiza- flight testing will be done. A number of de- tions for their significant contributions to the sign modifications are also in the works, in- world air show industry. The actual awards cluding a fuselage stretch to provide more are the famous Wilkinson presentation rear cockpit room. swords and are displayed in the EAA Museum. A smaller sword is presented each SUN 'N FUN '86 — WARBIRD SOUTH recipient as a keepsake. ARRIVAL PROCEDURE (ATIS 124.2) Tom Poberezny is president of the EAA 10 miles due south of the Lakeland Airport Aviation Foundation, senior vice president of will be the initial reporting point for the War- EAA and a member of the Eagles Aerobatic birds South Arrival Procedure. Aircraft Flight Team. He was a member of the 1972 should report 10 miles south to Lakeland U. S. Aerobatic Team that won the world title Tower on frequency 121.4 mHz. The report at Salon, France in 1972 and was U. S. Na- should state Warbird South Arrival, color, tional Aerobatic Champion in 1973. Since type aircraft and position. For example: 1976, Tom has served as chairman of the "Lakeland tower, Warbird South Arrival, annual EAA Convention, and as the EAA Silver Mustang, 10 south." Foundation president, directed the planning Aircraft should then approach the airport and development of the new EAA Aviation from the south for a midfield downwind leg Center and its museum at Oshkosh. entry to either Runway 9 Right or 27 Left, as Jim Gattis of Salinas, CA is the founder instructed. Remain at or above 3000 feet and driving force behind the California Inter- until turning a wide base leg to at least a 3 national Air Show, an annual event held at mile final.
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