COWBOY FAST DRAW ASSOCIATION S AUGUST/SEPTEMBER ’ 2018 UNSLIN ER S GOfficial Journal of the ’ Cowboy fast Draw assoCiation GAZETTE ~ Honoring the Romance and Legend of the Old West ~ Oklahoma State Virginia State Championship Championship page 8 page 10 Colorado State Great Northwest Championship Territorial page 19 Championship Four Corners page 12 Territorial Championship page 20 2018 Shoot for the Stars 4 Page Scholarship Fastest Gun Recipients Alive page 7 Insert in This Issue! PAGE 15 Cover Photo Courtesty Vic Torious Page 2 August/September 2018 Gunslinger’s Gazette The Choice of Champions HIGHLY REGARDED AS THE MOST DEPENDABLE SIX-GUN IN THE WORLD Gunslinger’s Gazette August/September 2018 Page 3 GUNSLINGER”S GAZETTE EDITORIAL Publisher ATTENTION Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC is like nothing around. What an amazing sport we Deadline to submit articles Director have! Please be sure to stop in the CFDA General Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L2 store and say hello! for next Gazette is: Editor Holy Articles! This issue is jam packed Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46 with competition articles. Thank you so very much November 9th to all who sent in articles and pictures. I appreciate Please submit all articles and Contributing Editors you all so much! Many times there are so many pictures to: Alotta Lead #L37 great photos to choose from, but unfortunately not Mongo #L57 enough room to publish in the Gunslinger’s Ga- [email protected] zette. I have set up a 2018 Events album on our Copy Editor main CFDA facebook page. I will be adding pho- Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” t’s hard to believe, but summer has already come tos after each issue with the photos I published and Life #46 Ito an end. I don’t know about you guys, but it those that were not able to be published. The only # Marketing and Sales is always a love/hate relationship when the sea- exception are photos from Professional Photogra- Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” #L46 sons change. But I have to admit, Fall is definite- phers, as I will not be able to post any copyrighted Inside CFDA ...............................................4 ly my favorite. Here in Northern Nevada we are photos unless I have permission from the photog- Contents Membership News .....................................5 Memberships/Product Orders: still having 90 degree weather, so I say, SO LONG rapher. Alotta Lead #L37 Articles SUMMER and COME ON FALL! There is noth- The 2019 CFDA Events Page has been Regulator Report.........................................6 Jackie Daniels L2472 set up on the main CFDA website. So far we have (775)575-1802 ing like the cool crisp air on a Fall morning. Not 13 titled contests already listed. If you have your www.cowboyfastdraw. com to mention, along with Fall comes FGA! Man, a Shoot For the Stars. Recipients......................................7 year sure does go by fast. This is our last issue be- dates set for 2019, be sure to get the information Regulator Posse Administrator fore the 2018 Fastest Gun Alive, and in this issue sent into CFDA Headquarters so we can get it add- 2018 Oklahoma State Championship.......8 Mongo #L57 you will find the 4 page FGA event insert. Be sure ed to the schedule. (970)731-9140 to take out this 4 page insert and pack it with you As always, if you have an article your 2018 Virginia State Championship.........10 when you head to Fallon, NV for the FGA as it has would like to submit, please send them my way! CFDA Shoot For the Stars Scholarship Fund all of your need to know info inside. 2018 Great Northwest Territorial...........12 Windmill Kid #L1748 & Miss Betty #L2457 CFDA Headquarters has been extreme- Best Wishes & see you at the 2018 FGA! 2018 Colorado State Championship......19 [email protected] ly busy with having just hosted the Nevada State Hannah Calder or 432-664-1913 and Western Territorial , and planning the Fastest 2018 Four Corners Territorial.................21 Advertising Gun Alive. I know all of us cannot wait for Oc- Be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook! (775)980-6373 tober to get here to get the chance to visit with Follow us on Twitter! 2018 Grand Teton Gunfights...................22 [email protected] our CFDA family in Fallon. There is nothing like @cowboyfastdraw the atmosphere that FGA brings. The people, the Please send all articles and advertising to: CFDA in Europe........................................24 Please send Letters to the Editor to: competitions, the costumes, and the camaraderie [email protected] [email protected] Republic of Texas by Texas Joe.................24 Copyright 2018 by Cowboy Fast Draw Association, New Member List.....................................25 LLC. All rights reserved under international and Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduci- ton in whole or in part without written permission Information of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Printed in the U.S.A. CFDA General Store................................27 PO Box 5 - Fernley, NV 89408 Shooting Schedule....................................28 (775)575-1802 Affiliated Clubs.........................................29 Office Hours: Membership Information........................30 Monday - Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (pst) www.cowboyfastdraw. com e-mail: info@cowboyfastdraw. com Current CFDA World Record Holders Men’s Record -Master Gunfighter Warning: Join the Readers: Be advised that there may be products 21’ - .295 @ 24” / 15’ - .287 @ 17-3/16” represented in this magazine as to which the sale, Cowboy Fast Draw Society Group on Facebook Ladies Record- K.K. Kid possession, or interstate transporation thereof may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing 21’ - .331 @ 24” / 15’ - .323 @ 17-3/16” requirements. Nothing herein is intended to And join in on discussions with other CFDA Members! constitute a manual for the use of any product or the carrying out of any procedure or process. The CFDA, its publications, officers, authors, consultants and Advertise in The Gunslinger’s Gazette! employees accept no responsiblity for any liability, Articles Wanted! injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely upon information contained herein. One Issue Ad Pricing We are always looking for Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch articles to be submitted in regards Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50 to clubs, contests, historical, Inside Back Cover $325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75 aliases, or anything else that Back Cover $240 pertains to our sport. All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $160 $85 $6.50 Business Cards $35 If You Are Interested, Telegraph Current Global Passwords: 3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 5 Issue Contract Deduct 20% - (From Above Prices) Please Contact: safetyfirst To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines, Hannah Calder at hitemfast (All lower case, no spaces) visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com [email protected] Page 4 August/September 2018 Gunslinger’s Gazette iment with solutions. But, I got a call from Thirsty, L107, our Arizona CFDA Regula- INSIDE THE CFDA tor. I would like to thank him for stepping in and providing guidance in person with Hell By: Quick Cal, Executive Director on Wheels and setting up a phone conference. It’s extremely important that we tain the atmosphere that brings us all together. as a little bit of fringed leather sewn on or other came up of a clear set of rules that accommo- You may not make a conscious decision to not western-themed decorations to make them appear dates all wheelchair competitors present or follow our rules, or even if you just don’t care, by as moccasins or other themed footwear. All you future, who would like to enjoy our sport. It trying to slide by on dress, or push our competi- have to do is submit a picture of it to CFDA. We is equally important that these rules are ac- tive rules into “gray areas”. You may even begin will gladly issue a permanent letter of exemption, cepted and respected by all of our members. think that no one else cares either, because no because we appreciate every effort our members We must also be mindful not to give one is calling you. But don’t fool yourself, your make to get into the spirit of our game. a clear competitive leverage advantage over friends do notice and care! It’s just that they don’t someone who is not disabled. We can learn from want to spoil your day, or theirs, by calling you. Wheel Chair Competitors - Experience, t’s one of the busiest times of the year, here are what not to do as experienced by Marathon Run- Cowboy Fast Draw needs to be fun Reasoning, and a Final Decision ICFDA Headquarters. The FGA is coming up ning Sports years ago. They tried to accommo- for everyone. From club officers to club mem- One of our most notable shooters, Hell on quickly, we begin setup on September 29th at the date wheelchair competitors, and soon custom bers, from match directors to shooters, and from Wheels - L2748, has been caught in a Catch-22 Churchill County Fairgrounds. It’s amazing how wheelchairs were designed that could be piloted the newest member to the Executive Director of situation within our Shooters with Disabilities fast a year goes by for contest hosts in our sport. at 70 mph, in downhill segments. This forced a CFDA. We ALL do this for fun, love of the game, rules. He has been hesitant to attend CFDA When one year’s event is over, Match Directors lot of political back-stroking to protect the integ- and to make memorable times to share with good events, and I was glad to see him in Amarillo. and Host Clubs rest and say, “Wow that’s over for rity of their game.
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