Meet Ed-Op 12 Datebook 45 Drexel’s Comes'^ 20 Golf Team Classifieds * 22 mEniuNGi£ Entertainment 24 Page 17 Volume 72, Numbet 24 Philid«lphu. P»nntylv«nu April 18,1997 The Student Newspaper at Drexel University Copyrighl 01997 The Tilingte Master USGA fails to meet quorum, again The organization has not had an official activity fee process. The draft legislative board. Plan was a compromised version, Director of Student Activities meeting this term. The activity fee process which came from two months of and USGA advisor Adam work am ong Student Life staff Goldstein said, “We would love and internal restructuring may be affected. and students. to see the student government firm Among the proposed changes, have the opportunity to vote on Anh Dang legislative officers present to do the new student fee process calls this. That is our first option.” NEWS EDITOR business. It was one officer short for a new membership and The USGA officers were named Three weeks into the spring for quorum on April 14. appointment system for the allo­ expected to be be informed of term, the Undergraduate Student Associate Vice President and cation committee. This process the proposal April 14, then come Government Association has not Dean of Students Dianna Dale would override parts of the cur­ back to debate and vote on the If approved by the yet obtained quorum to hold an and others came to USGA meet­ rent USGA constitution. changes the following week. If Board of Trustees, the official meeting. Currently, the ing April 14 to present their latest Modifying its constitution would USGA does not have quorum local firm will study student government needs seven proposal to revise the student require approval from the USGA See USGA on page 2 Drexel's campus with a landscape architect. Architect Speaks In M andell Jonathan Poet MANAGING EDITOR An architecture firm has been chosen to develop a Master Plan for Drexel’s campus, according to Vice President for Student Life and Administrative Services Tony Caneris. The Philadelphia firm of Burt, Hill, Kosar and Rittelmann will develop the plan in conjunction with landscape architect George Hargraves, pending Board of Trustees approval. Hargraves has offices in San Francisco and Boston. A Master Plan is a report which offers suggestions for space usage to create a more cohesive and attractive commu­ nity of buildings. It provides an outline for overall future space needs, but not the details of potential improvements. See Master Plan on page 3 Senior wins G e r m a n F u lb r ig h t scholarship Noah Addis The Triangle Anh Dang Architect James Polshek addresses a crowd in Mandell Theater on Thursday, April 17. He showed slides at the lecture, which was part of the Departnnent of NEWS EDITOR Architecture's annual endowed Farajolla and Maryam Badie Arfaa Lecture Series. International Area Studies major Stacy Lutkus was awarded a J. William Fulbright scholar­ ship on March 17. Beginning in September, she will be in Germany to study and work on G a m b le rs h o ld o n t o t h e ir her Fulbright thesis, all expenses paid. “I didn’t really expect to get cash at M onte Carlo Night this award. I was amazed that I even made it to the second Babita Kuruvilla Upon entering the lounge, TRIANGLE STAFF WRITER round,” said Lutkus. “Right now each person received a cup I’m really excited and nervous, The Monte Carlo Night at labeled “Monte Carlo on the but I know that first I have to Drexel had the feel of an Atlantic Strip” with $1,000 in fake money concentrate on graduation.” City casino. However, gamblers and a raffle ticket. Spread Besides maintaining a 3.8 didn’t need to shell out a dime to throughout the lounge were 10 gambling stations including grade point average, the senior is win big prizes. also involved with numerous of The 18th annual Monte Carlo black jack, poker, roulette, extra-curricular activities. She Night was held by the Resident craps, a money wheel and a “big has served as president of the Student Association on April 16 sbc” wheel. The dealers at the tables were Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority and in the New Tower’s second floor resident assistants and other vol­ was a member of the women’s lounge. The event started at 7:00 unteers who knew the games. soccer team as well as The p.m. and lasted for four hours. Anh Dang The Triangle About 250 students and staff Director of the Newman Center Triangle. Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Kambiz Pourrezaei deals a hand of poker at the 18th Rev. Charles Brinkman as well as Dr. Vivien M. Thweatt, direc- came in and out to try their luck ' See Monte Carlo Night on page See Fulbright scholar on page 3 annual Monte Carlo Night held April 16 in New Tower. at the gambling tables. ' c University The Triangle • April 18,1997 A m tr a k 's Student Life will bypass USGA THE TRIANGLE Established 1926 3 0 t h if there is no quorum next week USGA from page 1 The proposed student activity ballot. If approved by a majority Editorial Street Yard fee allocation committee consists of voters, the new student gov­ Ediior-in-Chief Patricia O'Brien again on April 21, Dale said she of nine full-time undergraduate ernment constitution would Managing Editor Jonathan Poet would use her power as dean of students who would be appoint­ apply to the officers who will be News Editor Anh Dang p r o j e c t students to implement the ed by USGA. Two faculty mem­ elected via the current system. Entertainment Editor BradWible changes without their input. bers and two staff members It was unclear at press time Sports Editor Larry Rosenzweig Photo Editor NoahAddis “As dean of students, 1 feel would make up the non-voting how the elected officials would Eminence Grise John Gruber r e s u r f a c e s that I’ve given students the members. translate into the new student opportunity that is substantial government structure. ASSOCIATED PRESS for their student voice. If they Officers' changes Shroff told The Triangle that Because USGA Speaker he hopes new officers would When Amtrak officials look can’t step up to the plate, 1 will Administration above the train tracks next to move the new allocation process Tasheen Khan recently resigned, solve the attendance issue and be Business Office Manager Jay Kimball 30th Street Station, they do not ... forward,” Dale said. the April 14 unofficial USGA more productive. Business Manager Sachin Shah see thin air. They see a potential “The lack of quorum in the meeting was presided over by Goldstein said, “I had hoped Advertising Manager Venu Gaddamldi hotel, a future movie theater and, USGA is an area of great concern College of Business Repre­ to see the referendum happen Classifieds Manager Jbnathan Mullen maybe, a retail area. to me,” Goldstein told The sentative Sam Shroff. USGA before the actual election. I want­ Distribution Manager Ryan La Riviere The national passenger rail­ Triangle. “This body is the rec­ must obtain quorum first to ed this to happen to make for a road service is looking for a ognized representative organiza­ appoint someone as acting smoother transition to the new developer for the estimated $115 tion for undergraduates at speaker. Shroff told The Triangle structure.” million project on the four acres Drexel. Not reaching quorum that he would be interested in the Originally, the USGA was staff Writtrs above Amtrak’s rail yards. means that the representative position. aiming to hold the referendum Taria Avery, Peter T. Buckley, Rishi Chadha, “The site now, we think, is voice of the students is not “The reason that people are before the elections, but because Kathleen Didinger, Nick DIFranco, attractive enough so it is going to speaking for the students.” resigning from USGA is because time is lacking, USGA decided to Babita Kuruvilla, Sean Murphy, Alice Salfiti, Andrew Scullion, Ashish Talati develop interest,” Amtrak USGA Comptroller Riz they are tired of putting in the combine the referendum and the spokesman Rick Remington Shavelle said that the recent lack time and nothing happening,” elections. Goldstein said he Columnists said. of quorum was “almost expect­ Shroff said. agreed with USGA’s decision, Michael Busier, Chris Puzak Proposals to build a 66-acre ed.” She explained that of the 11 Last term, USGA sent out let­ since it allows the voters more Photographars office park or a baseball stadium USGA legislative officers, one is ters to its inactive officers urging time to be aware of the proposed Michael Lawless in the area have circulated since on co-op in California and three them to either resign or show up structural changes in the student Cartoonists the early 1980s. have classes on Monday night. for meetings. As of Feb. 3, seven government constitution. Don Haring, Jr., Youssef Elbahtimy, Jason Under the current plan, the Officers who are unavailable to of those officers confirmed their USGA Chief Justice Jason Jensen, Milbourne T. Monkey, Daniel Rosas railroad would give air rights attend the 7:00 p.m. weekly resignations, and nine more were DiRosa is working on the new Contributing Editors above the tracks to a developer. meetings are allowed to send getting a second notice. structure. He recently inherited Gene McMurray (Comics) Amtrak also plans to ask alternates. However, Shavelle “I don’t harbor ill will or bad the task from Junior Class Contributing Staff Congress for $50 million to build said, “Most officers have prob­ feelings towards [the absent offi­ Representative Sarah Holtz, who Carlo SantonI (Distribution) a 1,000-space garage and to lems finding representatives or cers],” said Shavelle.
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