University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 4-12-1990 Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 57, April 12, 1990 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 22 No. 57, April 12, 1990" (1990). Central Florida Future. 990. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/990 NEWSCLIPS' ............ ~:. 3 OPINION ., ................ .-. 8 COMICS .; .................... 9 :, CLASSIFIED ............. 10 :· SPORTS ................ : .. 12 Future • Volume 22, Numb~r 57 University of Central Florida/Orlando Thursday· April 12, 1990 Student dies after beating Kick to head causes coma, death by Jamie Carte fore he knew what happened, and Lauren Curtis the man kicked Austin. The NEWS EDITORS first blow to the chest knocked • Austin to the ground. Before A UCF student died Sun­ he had a chance to stand, a day, two days after suffering a second blow, above his left eye, kick in the head outside a local caused him to hit his head pool hall. against a concrete curb. Wayne Stephen Austin, a After the first kick, Austin's 23-year-old junior finance friends tried to stop the attack, major, spent two days in a but were halted by two men coma following who were with an attack shortly the attacker. All after midnight three men ran last Thursday. from the scene. Austin, known While Austin to his friends as lay unconscious, Steve, was ka­ his friends rate-kicked twice chased the men outside of of Hot down Alafaya Mike Pohl!CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Shots Billiards & Trail, but ROBO POGO Games, a pool couldn't catch Members of the UCF Robotics Club watch a robot maneuver around an obstacle course at the Na­ hall near cam­ them. tional Robotics Competition which took place at the UCF Student Center. pus. The attack Austin, a came with no hemophiliac, warning, a wit­ Steve Austin was taken to ness said. Orlando General According to the witness, Hospital and later transferred ~ecal fee increased for parking Austin and three friends were to Florida Hospital for imme­ leaving the pool ha1l when a diate brain surgery. He had by Rick Baker Students and faculty seem unhappy, but man waiting in line to get in suffered a massive brain hem­ CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE supportive of the fee increase. Chris Brain, a shouted, "I'm gonna' kick your orrhage. biology major, said, "We cannot expect im­ ass." After surgery, Austin went Next year's proposed price increase for stu­ proved parking without paying for it." The witness, an 11-year dent parking decals will raise the current fee Ina Carpenter manager of the parking and companion of Austin, said be- see A TT ACK page 6 from $18 to $30. traffic division of the police department, said, "I All categories of parking will be affected, am in support of the increase. We need it if we from the student lots to the reserved spots. are ever going to have improved parking on According to a memorandum sent out by Vice campus." President of Administration and Finance John The memorandum states that the proposed Bolte to the president's advisory staff, "The fee fees are higher than the fees recommended by increases are significant but the parking prob­ the University Traffic and Parking committee. lems faced by students, faculty and staff during The proposed fees are higher because they will the past year have also been significant and not only create more parking spots, but they parking in unpaved and unimproved areas will also help start a fund for the construction of continues to be an inconvenience of major magnitude." see p ARKING FEE page 4 Amphitheater in Bufman's hands Covered Seat· by Melissa Stoker Bufman will sponsor a ing: 6,000 seats CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE variety of plays and con­ under cover with certs in the amphitheater, open sides. An amphitheater is on said Dr. John Bolte, vice UCFs agenda if Zev Bufman president of administration pursues his interest in build­ and finance. Some pro­ ing one. grams will resemble those Bufman, owner of Zev seen at.the Bob Carr Audito­ Bufman Sports, presented rium, because Bufman has UCF with a plan of how the sponsored many programs amphitheater would be set up there, Bolte added. Turf Seating: Room in the northeast section of This amphitheater for about 14,000 more campus if it is indeed built. , would allow those types of people on a grass The plan includes 6,000 performances to be local­ embankment. There's . seats under cover, with all ized, Altman said. 500 feet between the sides open. There will be room "It will be a lot nicer than stage to the edge of for an additional 14,000 people going downtown for a lot of this grass. on the grass area in back of the people," Altman saim.J sing seats, UCF President Steven au~ Altman said. see THEATER page 4 . ........ - ~ WAYNE .DENSCH, ·1·Nc. ~ - - as1 ·-71 oo ~- · UCF REP. "' RICK' . ERICKSON: 425-7005' • • • • f I ~ ' ' ' ' f • e ' I I " • I I • ' I • • IP •.' f t • • I • I 0 0 • .- f I ' f • • • • 1 ' I ! , , ' The Central Florida Future April 12, 1990 3 Criminal complaint filed against Schmidt by Tom Kopacz noon. The process may take as long as nine months, STAFF REPORTER UCF Police Sgt. Tom Gorbas said Schmidt refused according to Gorbas. to answer questions until he could talk to his attor­ The incident is the latest in a series of setbacks for Student Government Business Manager Mel ney. · Schmidt. Rogers, who is black, also filed a complaint Rogers filed a criminal complaint against student Gorbas emphasized that Schmidt was neither against Schmidt Feb. 16 with the UCF Affirmative body President Fred Schmidt in late March. arrested nor formally charged with a crime. Action Office. Rogers said Schmidt called him "boy" Rogers filed the complaint, charging Schmidt with Rogers and former senate secretary Phyllis Tay­ just after taking the memo and assaulting him. He petit theft and battery, in relation to a Feb. 16 lor, who witnessed the incident, were interviewed by said that name demeaned him as a black man. incident in the SG offices. Gorbas. UCF Affirmative Action Director Janet Balanoff Rogers said Schmidt took 'a memo off his desk "The basics of the crime were there," Gorbas said, upheld the complaint against Schmidt. without permission and grabbed his arm. so he filed paperwork on the case with the Orange Until rece~tly, Schmidt was also working under Rogers refused to comment when contacted Thurs­ County State Attorney's Office. threat of. impeachment in relation to the Feb. 16 day afternoon. Gorbas said the State Attorney's Office will now incident. The charges were recently dropped due to a Jt- Schmidt did not return phone calls Monday after- determine if the case is worth prosecuting. procedural problem. • Ar·my ROTC wins fourth place in regional contest by Jenni Offenburger COPY EDITOR A nine-man team of cadettes representing the UCF Army ROTC Fighting Knights Battalion placed fourth at the annual Warrior Region Ranger Chal­ lenge Championship April 6-8 at Ft. Riley (Kan.). • The team, headed by Capt. Juan B. Soto, was one point a way from ranking in the top three in the region in its first year of competition. The top three teams are from Texas Christian, Texas A&M and Emporia State (Kan.), respectively. "We were competing against well-established tra­ ditional powers of the south," Lt. Col. Daniel J. Conn said. "These programs have been in existence for many years." The region includes midwestem and southern states and Puerto Rico. UCFis the top-ranked team in Florida and in their brigade, which includes Florida, Ckorgia and Puerto Rico. According to Conn, a first year team such as UCF's is "not expected to place or win anything, and placing first and second in four [of eight) events is unheard of." Michael Laughlin/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE UCF placed first in the rifle marksmanship event GOOD MORNING SAIGON and second in the ten-kilometer forced march with Don Hooper (middle) was first in line with his friends Steve Clifton (right) and Craig Berke to buy tickets at the rack (65 pounds of gear), the orienteering competi- Kiosk for the upcoming Billy Joel concert. Fans fined up at 9 p.m. Friday to get tickets at 1O a.m. Saturday. see ROTC page 4 • WORSHIP SERVICE • FOREIGN STUDENTS •FACULTY LEAVE form a variety of tasks. • TUITIONS INCREASE United Campus Ministries Host families for 35 Scandi­ Eligible faculty members The event is part of SAE's (CPS)-Two-year college stu­ is sponsoring a Good Friday navian high school students may apply for paid educational 1990 Student Design Competi­ dents paid an average of six worship service Friday at are needed for five weeks this leave, especially to work to­ tion that gives students a percent more tuition in 1989- noon. The service will be held summer. wards a bachelor's, master's or chance to learn about engi­ 90 than they did in 1988-89, in the student organizations The students, ages 14-18, Ph.D. neering through hands-on but their schools' spending on lounge. have had at least five years of Female, African-American experience.
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