Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47300-2 - The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: Volume II: 1520–1870 Edited by E. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen Index More information Index Tables and figures are denoted in bold typeface. This index follows Scandinavian alphabetical order, with æ/ä, ø/ö, å and Þ coming at the end of the alphabet. Á Glæsivöllum (poem), 895 administration. See also chancery, civil service A Norseman’s View of Britain and the British 19th century Norwegian, 968–70 (book), 893 20th century Swedish, 982 Aagesen, Jens, 421 Danish provincial, 117–23, 280, 407–9 Aalborg, Niels Mikkelsen, 400 growth of in 17th century, 384–91 Aarestrup, Emil, 889 growth of in 18th century, 656–67, 1031 Aasen, Ivar, 893, 967 Icelandic, 282 ABC Book, 81 in Greenland, 286–7 Abildgaard, Nicolai, 615 of West Indies, 305 abolitionist movement, 297–8 Adolf Frederik (Swedish king), 644–5 absolutism. See also revolutions Africa, 294–9 administration under, 385, 790–1 Aftonbladet (newspaper), 792, 899, 987, 990 and Iceland politics, 1001–2 Afzelius, Arvid, 897 and natural law, 377–84 Age of Aristocratic Rule, 346 and nobility, 343–69 Age of Liberty as consequence of processes under way, and end of Absolutism, 1033–6 358, 368–9 and pietism, 551 Danish Kongelov law, 654–6 and political parties, 605 educational laws in, 847–8 constitutional monarchy in, 641–7 February Revolution (1848) fall, 803 education in, 574 fiscal developments, 340–2, 1029 music, 630 inclusive nature of, 914–15 social mobility during, 530, 532, 534, 537, 543 landholding in, 333, 539–40 Agenda ecclestiastica in Castro Svetico (1631), nobility demographics, 345 415 noblemen resistance to the king, 272–5, 283, Agricola, Mikael, 80–2, 86, 614, 901, 1014 357–8 agriculture reforms in, 1031 17th century Denmark, 178–82, 196–7 social mobility during, 531 18th century Denmark-Norway, 457–74, Academy of Art (Denmark), 607, 615, 876–8, 458, 463, 467, 470, 472–3 882 18th century Scandinavia, 652–4 Academy of Sorø, 427, 594, 862 18th century Sweden-Finland, 473, 474–85, Act of Religion (1655), 431 476, 481–2 Adam Homo (epic poem), 890 19th century revolution, 705–7 Adelcrantz, Carl Fredrik, 616 and food supply, 161–3 Adlersparre, Georg, 650 and size of families, 171–2 1117 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47300-2 - The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: Volume II: 1520–1870 Edited by E. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen Index More information Index agriculture (cont.) Arason, Jón, 57–9, 1013 associations, 797 archaeology (Finnish), 939 crop failure during Great Northern War, architecture 334, 823 19th century, 870–81 enclosure movement, 707–11 castles and fortification, 1019 forestry as part of, 728–30 during Enlightenment, 605–8, 616 role of livestock, 725–8 Europeanisation of Scandinavian, 373–4 Ahvenanmaa (Åland Islands), Finland, 668, realism in, 883–5 792–3, 941 Reformation, 1015 Akers engineering works, 762 royal court, 591–3 Aladdin (play), 887 Arcimboldus, Angelus, 20 Albrecht of Mecklenburg (Swedish king), 101 Arctic Albrecht V of Brandenburg, 415 lack of formal organisation in, 801–2 Albrici, Vincenzo, 626, 628 whaling in, 285 alchemy Ariosti, Attilio, 630 during Protestant Reformation, 415 aristocracy. See noblemen during Reformation, 94–5, 97 Ármann á Alþingi (journal), 998 alcohol abuse, 838 Armfelt, Gustav Mauritz, 871 Alexander I (Russian Tsar) army and war, 670 in militarisation of Scandinavia, 269–78 annexation of Finland, 650, 668 in Norway, 400, 406 Gustavian constitution for Finland, 650, Sweden creating national, 327 688–9, 936 Sweden, mortality, 328 independence of, 789 Árnason, Jón, 895 Old Finland annexation, 941–3 Arndt, Johann, 408 Alexander II (Russian tsar) Arndt. John, 414 education, 847, 864 Arnold, Gottfried, 546 liberalism of, 805, 916 Arne (drama), 894 loyalty to, 942–3 Arnt, Johan, 408 Allgemeine nordische Geschichte (book), 574 Arppe, Nils, 758 Almqvist, Carl Jonas Love, 801, 830, 899–900 Arrebo, Anders, 614 Almuevennen (newspaper), 797 art Alvsson, Knut, 35 classicism in, 881–3 Alþingi, 58, 998–1005 Finnish, 943 American War of Independence, 292, 303, 307 Reformation, 610–15, 1015 Amorina. Den förryckta frökens levnadslopp och artisans. See craftsmen bedrifter (book), 899 Arwidsson, Adolf Ivar, 792, 901 Amtmandens Døtre (novel), 893 Asbjørnsen, Peter Christen, 892 Anckarsvärd, Carl Henrik, 911, 984 Asia colonies, 287–94 Andersen, Hans Christian, 889–90, 929 Asiatic Company, 289–93 Anderson, Benedict, 946 Asker, Bjorn, 368 Anderson, Jens, 19 Aslaksen, Cort, 95, 413 Andersson, Gudrun, 526 associations Andreae, Laurentius, 25, 62–3, 65, 67–8, 70 19th century, 687–8 Andrews, Lancelot, 98 after the February Revolution, 802–8 Angermannus, Abraham, 78 and public opinion, 790 Anglo-Dutch wars, 219, 241–4 landless peasant, 735–6 animals, 473, 756 rapid growth of, 925 Anjala Letter of Confederacy, 649 astrology, 94–5 Anna of Mecklenburg, 54, 99 Astronomia Danica (book), 94 Anthelius, Zacharias, 432 astronomy, 93–4 Apollo (periodical), 637 Atlantica (book), 595, 614 Apologia nobilitatis danicæ (book), 380 Atterbom, Per, 898 1118 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47300-2 - The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: Volume II: 1520–1870 Edited by E. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen Index More information Index Augsburg Confession Beck, David, 611 and Lutheranism, 99 Becker, Reinhold von, 901 in Denmark, 494, 573, 600 Beckstedt, Ditlev, 629 in Sweden, 70, 75–6 Beckstedt, Jost Heinrich, 629 restrictions in, 415 begging August of Saxony, 54, 99, 264 Enlightenment problem, 574–7 Augustana Synod, 827 Reformation right to, 208–9 Aurora-seura (Aurora Sällskapet, musical Bell, Andrew, 853, 869 society), 637 Bellarmin, Robert, 422 Auroraförbundet (society), 897–8 Bellman, Carl Michael, 618, 636 Australian emigration, 825 Bentham, Jeremy, 690 autocracy Beowulf (poem), 888 18th century administration, 659–64 Berch, Anders, 571 Aveelen, Anna Maria van den, 558 Berg, Andreas, 629–30 Åbo Morgonblad (newspaper), 792 Berg, Frants, 56 Bergman, Torbern, 571 Bacchanterna eller Fanatismen (drama), 899 Berlin, Johan Daniel, 629 Baird, Robert, 795 Bernadotte, Jean Baptiste. See Karl XIV Johan Balders død (Danish opera), 635 Bernardi, Bartolomeo, 628, 631 ballet, 625 Bernstorff, Johann Hartwig Ernst von, 607 Baltic and Guinea Company, 297 Bertouch, Georg von, 630 Baltic economy Besson, Gaspard, 627 16th century, 176 Beurreus, Dionysius, 70–1, 415 demographics, 415 Bibelns lära om Kristus (book), 900 internationalism of, 213–28, 370 Bible Napoleonic Wars, 678–9 and Finnish sense of identity, 934 Netherlands and English trade in, 229–45 Finnish, 81, 84 struggle for supremacy in, 246–67, 407–15, in evangelical humanism, 28 590, 1012, 1030–1 in Sweden, 70, 75 Sweden expansion in, 186–91 Bible Society, 807 Baltic War (1655-60), 240 Biblical Prayer Book, 81 banking. See also credit Biblicists, 28 beginning of, 757–8, 760–1, 969 bicameral legislature savings, 794 and liberalism, 912, 952–3, 955, 978–9 bankruptcy (Danish), 952 in Sweden, 911–12, 1032 Banks, Joseph, 992–6 Bielke, Hogenskild, 375 Baptist church, 820, 821, 827 Bille, Esge, 56 Barfod, Frederik, 929 Binck, Jacob, 610 Bargum, Henning Frederik, 297 Birger Jarl och Mechthild (opera), 633 Barlow, William, 98 Bishop Hill (Swedish colony), 818–19 Baro, Peter, 98 bishops (Catholic) baroque architecture, 611, 616 exclusion from council of the realm, 35, barter (African), 295–6 347, 1012 Bartholin, Caspar, 92, 414–15 imprisonment by Christian III, 45, 108 Bartholin, Hans, 548 in Finland, 79–83 Bartholin, Thomas, 92 Bismarck, Otto von, 915, 956 Basedow, Johann Bernhard, 567, 572–3 Bjerregaard, Henrik, 891 Basilikon doron (essay), 87 Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne, 892–4 Bastholm, Christian, 585 Björn, Andreas, 529, 541 Battle of the Nations. See Napoleonic Wars Björnram, Andreas, 83 Battus, Levinus, 94 Black Death, 135, 282 Bayle Pierre, 580 Blanche, August, 900, 990 Beaulieu, Antoine de, 625 Blicher, Steen, 889 1119 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-47300-2 - The Cambridge History of Scandinavia: Volume II: 1520–1870 Edited by E. I. Kouri and Jens E. Olesen Index More information Index Bloch, Marc, 706 Brug, Kvaerner, 762 Block, Johannes, 80 Brumel, Antoine, 620 Blom, Frederik, 879 budgets. See economy Blommorna (poems), 898 Bugenhagen, Johannes, 46, 50–1, 65, 90, 1012 Bluhme, Johannes Bartholomaeus, 548, 553, Bugge, Sophus, 892 555–6, 562 buildings. See architecture boatswain recruitment, 328, 333, 337 bullocks. See oxen Bohemian Brethren (religious movement), bureaucracy. See administration 434 Bureus, Johannes, 415, 612 Bodin, Jean, 375 burghers. See also merchants Bogbinder, Ambrosius, 48 after absolutism, 382–3, 910 bokmål (language), 892 and control of trade, 106, 215–16, 349 Bólu, Hjálmar Jónsson frá, 895 and Kalmar Union collapse, 102 Bondevennernes Selskab (association), 797 and peasant uprisings, 35, 37 Bonocini, Giovanni, 630 elite developed from, 343, 388, 659, 1036 Book of Concord, 55, 74–5 heavy taxation of, 332, 352 books importing from Germany, 223–4 and emigration to America, 813 majority of Reformation population, 193 in Reformation, 1013 status of, 527, 529, 910 spread of in Enlightenment, 1033 Burke, Edmund, 907 Borchgrevinck, Melchior, 621 Burke, Peter, 541, 644 Bornemann, Henrik, 548 burn-beating Boström, Christopher, 868 and households, 445 Bothvidi, Johannes, 415 and size of families, 172 Bourdon, Sébastien, 611 Finnish, 144–5 bourgeoisie. See also middle class of forested lands, 142, 729 19th century Scandinavian, 834–41 Buxtehude, Dietrich, 627 and parliamentary representation, 917–24 Bäck, Kalle, 717 and political debate in Norway, 912–13 Böhme, Jacob, 415 and Swedish voluntary associations, 987–8 desiring rule of law, 924–7 Calvinism Reformation, 201 in Finland, 84 transition from feudal estate to, 773–86 in Sweden, 71–2, 77 Boy, Willem, 610 Campe, Joachim Heinrich, 567 Brage og Idum (journal), 929 Canada Brahe, Per, 387, 408, 415 emigration to, 815–16, 825 Brahe, Tycho, 93–6, 99 timber from, 743 Brand (drama), 894 canals, 752–3, 761, 879 Brandenburg, 243, 259, 261–2, 301 Capion, Etienne, 629 Brant, Per, 633 capitalism.
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