Протокол Биокультурного Сообщества | Сохранение Архара BIOCULTURAL COMMUNITY PROTOCOL conservation of argali in Tajikistan UNDP-GEF Project “Strengthening human resources, legal frameworks, and institutional capacities to implement the Nagoya Protocol” Conservation of argali | Biocultural Community Protocol A herd of young argali Murgab, GBAO 1 Biocultural Community Protocol | Conservation of argali ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS GR GENETIC RESOURCES CBD CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY NP NAGOI PROTOCOL ABS ACCESS TO BENEFIT SHARING AGRBS ACCESS TO GENETIC RESOURCES AND BENEFIT SHARING FAO INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS FAO IT FAO INTERNATIONAL TREATY AGB AGROBIODIVERSITY PIC PRIOR INFORMED CONSENT MAT MUTUALLY AGREED TERMS CITES CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA IN THREAT OF EXTINCTION MTA MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENTS IPR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 2 Conservation of argali | Biocultural Community Protocol CONTENTS OVERVIEW ......................................................... 5 THIS PROTOCOL: .................................................... 5 OUR COMMUNITY .................................................. 6 BIO-CULTURAL VALUES OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY ..................................................... 7 PRESERVING ARKHARS, WE MAINTAIN THE BALANCE OF ECOSYSTEMS ............................ 10 PRELIMINARY KNOWLEDGE OF CONSENT AND BENEFITS ........................................................... 14 PRESERVATION AND RATIONAL USE ARE A PRIORITY OF OUR COMMUNITY ..................... 17 HOW HUNTING PROTECTS THE POPULATION ............... 18 PROBLEMS OF OUR TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND RELATED GENETIC RESOURCES .............. 23 BIOTECHNICAL ACTIONS FOR CONSERVATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES ................................ 25 OUR RIGHTS UNDER THE LAWS AND POLICIES OF THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN ................... 28 CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES OF WILD FAUNA AND FLORA» (CITES) ................................................ 30 BONN CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF MIGRATORY SPECIES OF ANIMALS .......... 30 CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY ... 31 RED BOOK OF TAJIKISTAN .............................. 31 RECEPTION OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN THE LEGAL FIELD ACCORDING TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEGISLATION ............... 33 CONCLUSION .................................................. 34 SCHEMATIC MAP OF GBAO (ARGALI HABITAT) ......................................................................... 38 Symbolic pointer Ltd. "Murghab" 3 Biocultural Community Protocol | Conservation of argali Hunter talks about hunting traditions, Khorog 4 Conservation of argali | Biocultural Community Protocol Horns of wild ungulates in the museums of a local resident, Khorog OVERVIEW This protocol: The Biocultural Community Protocol are generation, which is represented by various local community statements about the genetic resources communities of hunters in Tajikistan, who are they manage, about their traditional knowledge engaged in the conservation and rational use of the used to manage genetic resources, and their role in wild fauna of Tajikistan, such as the Marco Polo biodiversity conservation. The protocol is the result sheep (Arkhar) (Ovis ammon polii) Blyth), horned of a facilitated process in which communities learn goat (Markhur) (Capra falconeri), Bukhara mountain about their rights to their resources within the sheep (Urial) (Ovis vignei), Siberian ibex (Capra existing national and international legal framework sibirica), snow leopard (Uncia uncia), brown bear and reflect on the importance of traditional (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus) and other knowledge as a basis for livelihood and aspiration representatives of the wild fauna included in the for the future transfer of their knowledge. Red Book of Tajikistan and other states for the Biocultural Community Protocols are purpose of protection and conservation. described as “a tool that promotes cultural decision- This protocol sets out our role, rights and making and participatory processes within obligations in the conservation of the country's wild communities to assert the rights to their governed fauna, in particular, mountain ungulates like the lands and traditional knowledge”. Marco Polo Arkhar ram in the remote highlands of Expresses our vision of bio-cultural values the country. and knowledge of our ancestors and the current 5 Biocultural Community Protocol | Conservation of argali Our community We are the Association of Hunters of skills related to local traditional knowledge of wild Tajikistan, which unites 18 hunting collectives from animals GRs and accepted a law in accordance with among representatives of public organizations, Article 8 (j) of the Convention on Biological Diversity hunting collectives, guides, representatives of that respects, preserves and maintains the tourism organizations and representatives of the knowledge and practices of our local communities, local community and stakeholder groups of the reflecting traditional lifestyles, that are relevant for Republic of Tajikistan. Our activities are mainly the conservation and sustainable use of biological focused on the mountainous areas of the Gorno- diversity. Badakhshan Autonomous Region, in particular, in Tajikistan, as a party to the Nagoya Protocol, the Eastern Pamirs, where unique representatives of in accordance with the provisions of domestic law wild fauna live, in particular argali (Marco Polo and laws, we are confident that access to traditional sheep). The main activities of the established knowledge associated with genetic resources is collectives are aimed at preserving and increasing carried out with Prior Informed Consent (PIC) or the the number of argali by carrying out targeted approval of local communities where Equal Mutually biotechnical measures, protecting its ecosystems Agreed Terms (Equal Agreement) are established. In and improving its habitat, preventing poaching and accordance with the requirement of the Protocol, the organizing regulated hunting in accordance with the requirements in accordance with the provisions of law of the Republic of Tajikistan. domestic law are met. Thanks to our knowledge, skills and Regarding the traditional knowledge experience related to the conservation of wild fauna associated with GR animals, most of this knowledge and traditional hunting, our community and the is accumulated in several communities and is association of hunters in Tajikistan have increased presented in several stories and books by local the number of argali to 28 thousand heads. writers, which describe our knowledge about Today argali is our "symbol of hunting" and traditional hunting and attitudes towards wildlife. hunting collectives engaged in the protection and Thanks to the government, a number of laws preservation of wild animals are most interested in have now been adopted to regulate the rational use its integrity and growth. of biodiversity, and most importantly, the Our traditional knowledge (TK) and conservation of unique species in their natural associated genetic resources (GRs) are an integral habitat, where local communities engaged in part of our life and we, as part of the large community traditional lifestyles and associated GRs are largely of the country, we are grateful to the Government of concentrated. the country for the recognition of our knowledge and 6 Conservation of argali | Biocultural Community Protocol Argali in the border area BIO-CULTURAL VALUES OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY Here, at an altitude of about four thousand walking, you can still feel like you're on top of the meters, it is very difficult to carry out nature world. conservation and restoration work. Representatives Most importantly, in this area there is a great of the local community and employees of one of the chance to meet the legendary and revered ram hunting collectives in Murghab, which provide Marco Polo or Argali. This huge creature, whose hunting services to foreign tourists climbing horns often reach a meter or more, was almost thousands of kilometers into the highlands in order destroyed as a result of hunting in other countries, to hunt rare artiodactyl animals for a lot of money and but here, on the Murghab plateau, it thrives in the get a trophy specimen of a ram or argali Marco Polo, wild. The chance to see such an animal in its natural are preparing for the hunting season carefully. habitat is already a sufficient reason to drive this road Murghab comes from the ancient Persian to extreme heights. word for flat land or river, and thanks to this The hunting season in Tajikistan begins in combination of pasture and water, even today we autumn and lasts until mid-winter. In the spring and can see the nomadic Kyrgyz here grazing their herds summer, hunting is prohibited, as at this time the here in the summer months. You can stop at their animals produce offspring. We as representatives of yurts, sit with them and have a cup of yak milk or the local community, together with colleagues, are share a mutton kebab. Most visitors to Murghab pass preparing for the upcoming season. “When the through it, traveling along the famous Pamir season starts, usually hunters come from the USA, Highway, the second highest international highway Europe, Russia and other countries. Among them in the world. The road rises to a breathtaking 4,655m there are even those who come for several seasons at the Ak-Baital Pass, so even if you don't like in a row to get trophies". 7 Biocultural
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