:i.n C: C: p"/ 1'" .i. (;.:J h t:. (c:) J. ""), ~::~ ./ (::.~ ~/ ~:::; ./ i";! C~ C) ~n rn Lt n .i C i:':\ t: ..i { :' r'! ~:::, J. rOoI C (:'j () t·~J F: E~ 1< 0anuary ~O, ~087, Eastern Edition SECTION: ADWEEK DIARY HEADLINE: Ad Club Fetes ·Ti·'){·:·::, J.c)(:)k c::tf ·c.ne:·:' nc)t,\!,,- ~"'.]-:::'{~:::. lie: If-:':'i:":'~r'~" '1 'fl"'fE':' ,·:·:·\C:JE·:·:,r"IC·/ ()'"j' t~(~{·::·: ('"sC)L.tj·~· ,.... !{.;.:.{::::. '.. ~:::;C::~~·... :H" 'r'!""~{,:·:·:, event was Tuesday's Advert~sing Club of New YorK luncheon at the Essex House ency executives Stone Roberts and Lynn bloraano provided an inside look at t:, I"'; E·:' ~: ,':':'i, rn r! ,':':\ .1 {J r"j!! i;:'" J"'; d rr C) dE':: 1 C: E:". r' c! 1 (.:~} t:. T J. f:,:' {.. \! J. n 'f i'"' C) rn -t-:. !'''i {.:.:.:, i.... E'/'f t:. C: Ct ,':':\ ':::;. t. t:. () (~:! .'.\. \/ t·:·:::, !"', {.:.:.:, I' C) t." ..! r"i thanks to SSC&B and Noxell .-". , .......... .' . ..... ....:1 i :::;;::)\...<":,:':,< while appearing in the ads is Hnne Burr. loaay she'- Anne Burr Rob?rts (wlfe of ::::; t:. C) r"~ {.:.::; , t:. c::: 1::) {.:.::: ~.::,:, >~ i:':'~ c:: t ) " GRAPHIC: Picture', Leslip Winthrop, Ad LluD president, Bi61 Weithas worldwide chairman/ceo of SSC&B, Peter Troup, vp/marketing at Noxell and Spencer F' ], E;'i. \/ C)t,! k C) ~:::., ::::~~:~C::: S,; E{ L.t n ~:::;" C !"-;{':':'(.• i t' .. rn i:':'tr"'j ./ c: E·:' C):I C c·:·:' ]. {.:.:.:, I:::: I'" ,':':\ t. (,:.:! -:':':'{ c:} i f':'?r': t: .. / i:':'{ {;.:J (':·:'n c:: :~.' !'" E·:' :l. E:'~ t... j. C:):·"r '::::.)"1 J, F' c:,·r 4 (: 2, Noxell's Peter Troup and SSL&S's Spen~er Picture 3, Christine \/ F' ~l Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos; Picture 4, Executive vp Sto~e Roberts. preslaen~ Frank DeVito and worldwlde chairman/ceo Sill Weithas of SSC&B share a lauqh wlth a former For more information contact the Archives Center at [email protected] or 202-633-3270 .I .....j''',\.t I Page M.R.C. 8 ADWEEK Special Report August 3, 1987 I MARKETER'S REPORT CARD 1987 "I , I i I I up of 5,000 raisin growers and 21 pack­ slump and franchisees are getting anx­ amon~ top-level management is virtually ers. Bitterness abounds in California ious. The chain lost $4.9 million in 1986 nonexist~nt, and the newly appointed se­ 'I and $6.8 million during the first quarter nior vice president for marketing, Peter I among agencies convinced commodity boards are more interested in political in­ of 1987 alone. In late spring 160 employ­ Troup, is an SSC&B veteran. fighting than advertising. And many ees were laid off because of the losses. Although the "Clean Makeup" cam­ farmers, ranchers and growers have What magic ,Backer Spielvogel Bates paign has aired for many years, E. Lynn soured on agencies, believing ad people Worldwide can work for Wendy's isn't Giordano, executive creative director on are not interested in their problems. clear. Its "Taste the Difference" cam­ the account at SSC&B, insists it's always The key to the successful relationship paign for former client Arby's is said to a fresh challenge to come up with anew is that CALRAB doesn't see FCB as "the . be so well-liked that the chain is keeping execution. "I love having-that success as outside advertising agency," says Bob it regardless of who its new agency is. a background to build upon," says Gior­ Phinney, director of advertising and pro­ But it's doubtful BSBW has the creative dano. "One of the greatest things about motions, but as a marketing partner. magic to solve all of Wendy's problems. Noxell is they believe in advertising." WENDY'S, NOXELL XEROX This is the bad stuff Faith in advertising Bringing out the discord In times of crisis, there's no shortage of '~ny agency that has ever had a cosmetic Stuck in the middle with no place to go­ finger-pointing at the corporate ,level,. account has yearned at least once for a that's how agency executives say it feels and Wendy's, based in Dublin, Ohio, is crack at the Noxell Corporation. But the to work for Xerox Corp. Agencies say not immune. To wit: Wendy's and its re- Baltimore-based family-run company that, in internal conflicts between the volvingdoor of ad agencies over the last won't budge. It has b~lt its reputation Stamford, Conn.-based corporate division year, culminating with the choice of among agencies the same way that it has and the Roche~ter, N.Y.-based products Backer Spielvogel Bates Worldwide earli- built up a loyal consumer following: con­ division, it's the advertising agency that's er this summer. Wendy's-perhaps best sistency. Noxell has used SSC&B:Lintas often the victim. known in ad circles for axing Clara Peller WorJdwide for more than 40 years, and it "Tl)ey were almost internal enemies," at the' zenith of the popularity of has been at the William Esty Company says one former agency executive who "Where's the Beef'-has yet to land on for 22 years. It has also built incredible worked on the account. "And, for an its feet from an advertising perspective. brand awareness for its Cover Girl line by agency, it puts them in a position of being After DFS Dorland introduced the Big using the same theme ("the clean make­ a referee without a whistle." I One of the Classic hamburger with the "This Is the up") for more than 20 years. problems, he says, is that if a campaign Good Stuff' campaign earlier this year, "When you've been with a client as was perceived to be the idel;\ of the prod­ Dick Rich Inc., the agency that brought long as we have, you don't have to play ucts division, the corporate people didn't us "Hot 'n' Juicy" in the '70s, took 'P0r- games," says Stone Roberts, executive like it, and vice versa. "The a~ency was land's place. The one-man shop re-cut vice president at Noxell's primary agen­ quite often in a no-win situation," he some old spots until it released its first cy, SSC&B:Lintas Worldwide. "You can adds. "There were large numbers of peo­ (and only) big campaign, "Give a Litpe get down to the business of producing ple who could say no, and very few people Nibble,"" in March. ' good advertising." who would say yes .... You had an enor­ "Nibble" dropped the chain from 6th It's also great to have a client like Nox- inQus amount of roadblocks." to 16th in Video Storyboard Tests' rank- - ell in your corner when other clients are The development of factions at Xerox, ings and precipitated political fighting, cutting back on spending and taking their sources say, hurts the advertising. jWith within the corporate ranks, causing Wil~ ' . media-buying responsibilities in-house. the corporate division bent on proqioting liam Welter, executive vice president! 'i ' Last year, industry sources say, Noxell a brand image, the product division re­ marketing, to resign unexpectedly: He spent about $90 million on cosmetics, portedly favors ads that promote product was replaced by Charles Rath, formerly 'food products, etc. It also launched a new features. "Quite often, they were seen as of Dorland. Rath reportedly put out inqui- ,!cosmetic line, Clarion, backed with $15 incompatible," a source says. , ries to other agencies before all the re- ! million in spending, and it will put anoth­ "As far as I'm concerned, we have a turns were in on "Nibble." er $12 to $15 million behind an extension good relationship with both Marschalk Wendy's might have been pushed into of its Cover Girl makeup line this fall. and Bates," says Michael E.G. Kirby, di­ such hasty decision-making because its Noxell also has never suffered from the rector of corporate advertising and pro­ financial numbers have continued to revolving-door syndrome. The turnover motion in Stamford. The new campaign For more information contact the Archives Center at [email protected] or 202-633-3270 = Page 34 ADWEEK December 11, 1989 Grey and Lintas Rise and Fall on N ell Decision BILLINGS BILLINGS YEAR 1988 % OF WON LOST/RESIGNED TO DATE BILLINGS CHANGE YEAR TO DATE' YEAR TO DATE' +/(-) YEAR TO DATE' AGENCY (000,000) (000,000) (000,000) . (000,000) +/(-) CHANGES NOY. 1 • NOY. 30 1. Foote, Cone & 294.5 37.5 257.0 1,522.3 16.6 Won: $7 mil. Tombstone Pizza. Belding (1) 2. Saatchi & Saatchi 263.5 57.5 206.0 1,740.1 11.8 Won: $50 mil. Helene Curtis' Degree Advertising (3) antiperspirant and deodorant. Lost: $4 mil. Los Cabos Tourism Board. 3. D'Arcy Masius 184.8 17.0 167.8 1,652.0 10.2 No activity last month. Benton & Bowles (2) 4. J. Walter Thompson 178.8 16.6 162.2 1,617.0 10.0 Won: $11 mil.** Goodyear Tire & (4) Rubber Co. (consumer advertising); $2.3 mil.t 20th Century Fox. Lost: $2.3 mil. Six Flags Over Georgia. 5. Grey Advertising (8) 118.0 14.3 103.7 1,520.0 6.8 Won: $45 mil. Noxell's Cover Girl cosmetics; $5 mil. Quaker State (regional advertising); $1 mil. U.S. Coast Guard (recruitment). 6. Bozell (7) 134.5 51.5 83.0 1,090.0 7.6 Won: $6 mil. Glaxo; $4 mil. Six Flags Great Adventure. Lost: $2 mil. Russell Athletic. 7. Chiat/Day/Mojo (6) 141.5 61.0 80.5 480.0 16.8 No activity last month. 8. Young & Rubicam 112.0 33.5 78.5 1,848.1 4.2 Lost: $11 mil.
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