Combined Statement OF THE eceipts an is ursements, aances, etc. , o t e nite tates DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30 OFFICE O~ SECR~ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE TREASURT DEPARTMENT. Document No. 2815. Dfefdon og Bookkeeping and Warrants. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, BALANCES, ETC. LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, TRANSMITTING A Combined Statement of the Receipts and Disbursements, Balances, etc. , of the Government During the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1917. TREASURY DEPARTMENT) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY) Washington, D. O. , December 8, 191'1 TO THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. SIR: In compliance with the requirements of section 15 of an act entitled "An act making appropriations for the legislative, "executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fIscal year ending June 30, 1895, and for other purposes, approved July 31, 1894 (28 Stat. , p. 210), I have the honor to transmit herewith a combined state- ment of the receipts and disbursements, balances, etc. , of the Government during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1917. Respectfully, W G. McAnoo, secretary. 3 COMBINED STATEMENT OF THE RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, BALANCES, ETC., OF THE UNITED STATES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1917. (Details of Receipts on pp. 7 to 25, and of Disbursements on pp. 26 to 181.) TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF BOOKKEEPING AND WARRANTS. SIR: I have the honor to submit herewith statements of the receipts and disbursements of the Government during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1917, as fo)lows: Excess of receipts (+), Cisss. Receipts. Disbursements. excess of disburse- ments ( —). Ordinary . $1, 118, 174, 126. 43 $1, 147, 898, 991. 16 -$29, 724, 864. 73 Special disbursements. 918& 880& 315. 00 —918, 880, 315. 00 Panama Canal 6, 150& 668. 59 19, 262, 798. 32 —13, 112) 129. 73. Public debt 2, 428, 017) 799. 61 677, 544& 782. 25 +1& 750, 473, 017. 36 Total 3& 552& 342& 594 63 2& 763) 586& 886 73 +788) 755& 707 90 During the year 2 per cent consols of 1930, amounting to $36)535,500, and 2 per cent Panama Canal bonds, amounting to $9, 430, 400, a total of $45, 965, 900, were exchanged for $22, 993,900 3 per cent conversion bonds and $22, 972, 000 3 per cent one-year Treasury notes, under the provisions of section 18 of the Federal reserve act of December 23, 1913. In the gold-reserve fund there were redemptions of $38, 559, 910 United States notes. As the notes were at once exchanged for gold in the general fund, the reserve was maintained at the sum fixed by law, which, increased by the sum of $2, 979, 025.63 tax on additional circulation under act of May 30, 1908, amounted on June, '30, 1917, to the sum of $152, 979,025. 63. In the trust funds, reserved against gold and silver certificates and Treasury notes of 1890, there were $1,872, 966, 000 of certificates issued and $1,514, 913,000 of certificates and Treasury notes of 1890 redeemed, resulting in an increase of $358, 053, 000 in the issues during the year, and an increase in the funds to $2, 063, 390,829 on Jung 30, 1917, exclusive of certificates and notes in the Treasury. The postal revenue receipts amounted to $329, 726, 116.36 and the expenditures therefrom for the Postal Service were $319,889, 904.46, an excess of receipts of $9, 836, 211.90. Respectfully, CHAS H MILI ER Chief of Division of BookLceeping and t1'arrants. Hon. W. G. MOAnoo, Secretary of the Treasmry. RECEIPT S. (The port erst named in the following list is the headquarters for the district. } ports. Districts and ports of collection. Place of deposit. Deposits by RECEIPTB INTO THE GENERA, L FUND. From Ctrsforns: Alaska, district No. 31— Juneau Cordova Eagle. Faubanks. Forty Mile Ketchikan. -------. $10, 891. 18 610, 89L 18 Nome Juneau. .. --. St. Michael. Skagway. Sulzer. Unalsska. Wrangell ' Arizona, district No. 26— Nogales Douglas Nogales. .. -. 25, 310. 86 Lochiel. Douglss. .. 3, 256. 56 Naco. 28, 567. 42 Yuma Buffalo, district No. 9— Buffalo. Black Rock Ferry. Dunkirk. Lackawanna. Lewiston. 089, 795. 68 2, 089, 795. 68 Niagara Falls Buffalo. .. 2, North Buffalo. North Tonawanda. Olcott Youngstown Chicago, district No. 39— Chicago. Chicago. 6) 441, 553. 76 Michigan City, Ind Peoria .. 16, 957. 05 Peoria. New York. .. .. 459. 54 6, 458, 970. 35 Colorado, district No. 47— Denver. Denver. .. 65, 188. 32 65, 188. 32 Connecticut, district No. 6— Bridgeport. Greenwich Hartford Bridgeport 6311 362. 47 807. 09 New Haven Hartford . .. .. 810, ew Haven 72, 630. 00 New London 514, 799. 56 Nor walk. 1, Stamford. Dakota, district No. 34— Pembina. Ambrose Antler Crosby. Hannah. Hansboro. Kermit Mowbray Neche Minneapohs Mtnn 210) 042. 36 Northgate Chicago, Ill. .. 648. 00 Noyes. 210, 690. 36 Portal St. John. Sarles Sherwood So uris. Walhalla Westhope. Duluth and Superior, district No. 36— Duluth, Mann. , and Superior, Wis. Ashland, Wis. Baudette, Minn. Bayfield, Wis. Gunflint Lake, Minn Indus, Minn Duluth, Minn. 724) 139. 62 International Falls, Minn Superior, Wis . 109, 288. 44 Isle Royale, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. 303. 70 Pine Creek, Minn. 833, 731. 76 Ranier, Minn. Two Harbors, Minn. Warroad, Minn. Washburn, Wis. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS, 1917. Beceipts —Continued. Ploce of deposit, Deposits ports, Deposits Districts end ports of collection. by by districts. Prom Customs —Continued. Eagle Pass, district No. 25— Eagle Pass. Eagle Pass. $40& 571. 17 Boquillas. .. Del Rio. 7& 474. 41 Del Rio. $48, 045. Presidio. 58 El Paso, district No, 24— Paso El El Paso. 65& 723. 81 66, 723. 81 Columbus . .. .. Florida, district No. 18— Tampa Apalachicols. Boca Grande. Carr abelle. Cedar Keys Tampa. .. .. 2, 048, 542. 10 Fernandina. .. Fernandina. .. 829. 18 Jacksonville. .. Jacksonville. .. 21, 552. 52 Key West. Key West. 625, 015. 75 Miami. .. .. Pensacola. 15, 002. 17 Pensacola Washington, D. C. 34. 30 Port Inglis. 2, 710, 976. 02 Punta Gorda. St. Andrews. St. Augustine. Tarpon Springs. Galveston, district No. 22— Galveston Texas City. .. 2, 011. 10 Dallas. Galveston. .. 961, 934. 33 Houston. 537. 43 Port Lavaca. Dallas . .. .. 36, Houston. .. 8, 575. 58 San Antonio San Antonio. 33, 296. 87 Texas City 90. 00 Velssco New York, N. Y. 1, 042, 445. 81 Georgia, district No. 17— Savannah. Atlanta. Savannah 18) 082. 02 Brunswick Atlanta. 9, 190. 93 Darien Brunswick. 3, 412. 15 30, 685. 10 Hawaii, district No. 32— Honolulu Hilo. Kahului Honolulu 1, 141, 297. 09 1, 141, 297. 09 Koloa Mahukona. .. Indiana, district No. 40— Indianapolis. Indianapolis 43, 140. 35 Evansville Evansville . 293, 671. 51 336, 811. 86 Iowa, district No. 44— Des Moines. Des Moines 11& 517. 82 Dubuque Dubuque 5, 235. 88 Sioux City Sioux City. 1, 853. 45 18, 607. 15 Kentucky, district No. 42— Louisville. Paducah. Louisville. 89, 444. 99 89, 444 99 Laredo, district No. 23— Laredo. Brownsville. Corpus Christi. Hidalgo. Laredo . 60, 457. 55 Rio Grande City. Brownsville . 4, 862. 32 Roms. 65, 319.87 Santa Maria Maine snd New Hampshire , district No. 1— Portland Bangor. Baring Bath Belfast . Boothbay. Bridgewater Calais. .. Castine. Cutler. Eastport Ellsworth. Fort Fsirfleld. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS& 1917. Resents —Continued. Districts and ports of collection. Place of deposit Deposits by ports. Deposits by district. Aosrt Cttstoms —Continued. Maine and New Hampshire, district No. 7— Continued. Fort Kent. .. Houlton. sport. ' Jone Portland . .. .. $326& 451. 09 Ikmestone. Bangor. 8, 887'. 80, Lowelltown. Boston, Mass. 2, 000. 00 Lubec Portsmouth, N. H 650. 55 Machias. $337& 989. 44 Madawaska. Mars Hill. Millbridge. Monticello. Moose River Mount Desert Ferry. Portsmouth, N. H Robbinston. Rockland Rockport. St. Luce. South West Harbor. Stonington and Deer Isle Van Bursa. .. .. Vanceboro. Vinalhaven. Maryland, district No. 13— Baltimore, Md. Alexandria, Va. .. .. Baltimore. 1, 745, 214. 12 Annapolis, Md Washington, D. C 88, 812. 96 Crisfield, Md New York, N. Y. 560. 91 Washington D. C. 1, 834, 587. 99 Massachusttes, district No. 4— Boston Barnstable. Fall River. Gloucester. Boston. .. 8, 389, 187. 05 Holyoke. New York, N. Y. 780. 88 New Bedford Gloucester. 2, 033. 14 Plymouth New Bedford. .. 1&642. 83 Provincetown Salem 42. 38 Salem. Springfield . 152, 158. 63 Springfield . Worcester 16, 706. 75 Vineyard Haven. 8, 562, 546. 66 Worcester. Michigan, district No. 38— Detroit. Alpena Bay City Charlevoix. Cheboygan Detour. Escanaba Frankfort Glad stone. Grand Haven. Grand Rapids. Houghton Lake Linden Detroit. .. .. .. 1, 902, 126. 85 Ludington. Bay City. .. .. .. .. 611. 99 Grand Rapids. 72& 304. 45 Mackinaw. .. '.. Manistee. Port Huron. .. .. 166, 690. 81 Manistique. .. Saginaw. .. .. 47 416. 20 Marine City. Sault Ste Marie 24, 128. 47 Marquette. 2, 170, 278. 77 Marysville. Munising. Musk egon. P etoskey. Port Huron. St. Clair. St. Ignace. St. Joseph. Saginaw. Sault Ste. Marie. Minnesota, district 35— No. St. Paul. .. 228, 547. 66 St. Paul and Minneapolis. Minneapolis. .. .. 547, 941. 81 New York, N. Y. .. 303. 70 776, 793. 17 10 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS& 191?& Receipts —Continued. Distdcts end ports of collection. - Ploce of deposit. Dep f@ br perte. Deposits br dist„cn Prom Customs —Continued. Mobile, district No. 19— Mobile, Ala. Biloxi, Miss. Mobile. .. .. $178, 529. 67 Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham . 3, 102. 06 Gulfport, Miss. Gulfport, Miss 4, 436. 88 Scranton, Miss. $186, 068. 61 Montana and Idaho, district No. 33— Great Falls, Mont . Bsnff, Moat Bsylor, Moat. .. .. Eastport, Idaho. Gateway, Mont. Great Falls, Mont. Hsvre, Mont. .. 55, 889. 36 55, 889. 36 Peskan, Idaho. Plentywood, Mont Porthill, Idaho. Sweetgrase, Mont. New Orleaas, district No. 20— New Orleans. New Orleans. Morgan .. .. 9, 129, SOS. 51 City and Calcasieu Pass. New Vickeburg, Miss. York, N. Y. 2, 216. 25 New York, district No. 10— . 9, 132, 024. 76 New York, N. Y New York, N. Y 154, 229, 252, 55 Albany, N.
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