"List of illustrations" in "The first 350 years of the Harvard University Library: Description of an exhibition" The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters Citation Carpenter, Kenneth E. 1986. "List of illustrations" in "The first 350 years of the Harvard University Library: Description of an exhibition". Harvard Library Bulletin XXXIV (1), Winter 1986: 209-216. Citable link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:42674282 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of- use#LAA List of Illustrations Page-3. Title p.1.gcofDownanle, Johni Tiu.'CJir;~rfrm rYarfi1rc (Landoni 1633/34). I loughton Library: JH78P. Page 4. Old Collcgc-1 north clcv~tion; a twcnticlh-rcntury c:onjccllu-11restoration dr;.nvjng. University Archives~ HUV 2038N. Page 5, a hwc. Fron l W a 1ton. Clarence E. Th c T/Jrec• limufr-:dJ h Aml i [Jt'fJ'i1r}'of ilu· Han rard Colfrgr Libmry (C~mbridg:t.:,M;is::;., Harvard Collcg;cLihnuy, 1939), p. 5. Pag{' 5, bclow. Sccond~fl.oo r pi an of O] d Co 1l cgc; a t\vcn tin h~ccn tury conj c-ctura 1 rest or a- ti on dri wing. Uni vcr.sity Archive): U A l.15 .25pf. Page- 6. Second-floor plan of Ne,v College; a t\Yenticth-century reconstrL1ction. Uniw~r~ity Archive~: U A I. 15. 25pf. Par;e 7. Nc::w College: :l c.lctail frotn th~ Rurgi~-Price vii::,.vof 1726. lJnivc:nity Arr.hives: HUV 2038. Page 9. Title page of the 1723 catalog. University Archj\'cs.: U A 1II, 50.15 .30. Page 11. These docun1ents, along \\'1th Franklin's covering letter, are in the Ho11ghto11 L1bury: ™sAnl 1310. P:igt- 13. An Aa01ml c!_{tlu: Fire al I-lan 111nl-Cc,1Jcgr-{1764). Houghton Library. Page 15. Page 2 of J version of A Ust of the Dooks belonging to the btc Jibrary ofJ-farvard College that were in [he Hands of the O\Tersecrsi Governors & stude1Hs of the Coll~gc & es rap 1 c.ltl1t" fl:1,nes. Uni \~ersit y Ardlives: U A ll I. 50.27 .64 VT. Page 16. List of Subscribc-n to tht rund to repair thi:-- loss covered by the fire .. p. 1 of 3 . .Endon;ed title: Lis~ of Benefactors to the- library 1765. University Archives: U A rll.50.27 .64. 2VT. Page 17. Ca1neos of Thon1as Hollis. JI] and Thomas llrJnd 1-1ollis:,and a hook ll1at I-loHl5 had bo11nd. }-lnu~hton Lihrary _ Piao10: Vlilli~rn Mercer. Page 18. The Librar)' in l-larv.c1rdHall, abuut J7S-0~ a nvcnticth-c:cntury restoration. Unl- versity Archi"''cs: HUV 31. Page 19i '1b(w·c. Vir11.tof tlir CoUrgcj, aJ Cmnbridge, hJ(lssatlwsrrts~cngra vcd by Sarnud Mi!l and puhlisbrd ~n the J\f1.11:md1m;ett:rAfogflzine, July? 1792. University Arch1vc~- P~ge 19? bcfow. Secnnc.Jfloor plan ofl -farv~:rd l-laH?dra\vn by dll Sirniticrc . Original in the Colonlal Sodctr of M~ssachusctts. Copy in the Univ-crsilr Archives: HUV 2168.10. Page 21. f\.1anuscript alphabetical catalogi 1765-1767, referred to in the records: as the.: General Catalogue or Greac: Catalogue. University Archives: UA IILS0.15.31 VT. Page 22. \1anuscript alphahc-ticai c-a.tal()gTkno·wn as the Ma ylic.::wCatalogue. University A -rchivcs: U A IH.50.15. 32VT. Page 23. Manusnipt catalog of tracts. University Archives: U A lll. 50.15 .36VT. Page.s 24-25. Manu.~cript alphabetical catalog~ kriO'l.\'n as tl•t Ac.lams Catalogue.:. Unlvc:rsity Archives: UA UL50. l5.33 VT. Page 29. One of fnur lists of prohjbited books in a fo!dcr {1r undatc:d H5-tsof vilrious sorts. Univcr!,ity Archivi:-s: U A lIL 50.28. l 0.5. Page 31. Page 15 of Calalogrf5 libronrm iJ1 vrbliotlrcwCantavrigicns1· scf cctiu-j frcquemlore-rJi iu tHi rm H i1n •.ardi ira t Jt 11r. qnj grndi, haemla11 r.r i i 11 art ibJ1s tw-1 rdmn .SJmt d(I•rn ! i. (Bos tot• iac: N av. Ang.; Typi5 Ede.~& Gill, M, lJCC 1 LXXI II}. University Archives: UA lll.50. 15.34 VT. Pag~ 33. Volmnc.: of the c:h;uging record~ for ovcr~ct-rs, tuHHS, and nthf.:rs~ 1773-1782t fmJ l page. University Arr.hives: U A l1L 50.15.60VT. Page 35. The liu1npl1rey Barrett housc 1 ,vhich stood at the corn~r of Mont1 n1e-ntand Lang. It w~s torn down 111urno. Concord Free Public Library~ Pag~ 37. Cataletgw;RihliorJu:mt Haw.atdianat Ctm!abrigiae(Nu\'-Anglorurn Bo~tuniac, Typis ThonHIS ct Joh.annh,; f-kct, MDCCXC). University Archives: l-IUf 523.6. 90.2. 209 Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXIV, Number 1 (Winter 1986, A Special Issue) Pages 38-39. Facing pages froin an interleaved copy of the catalog of 1790. Univers1ty Arch1,.0 t:"s~UA HL.SO_15.39VT, copy B_ Page 41. 0 vcrsccrs Vi.siting Co1n111ittcc..·Report, dated 9 July 1799. UnJvcrsitr Arch1'i.·cs: U A J11.50.10. 4 VT. Page 43. Shapleigh bookpfate, in Library book-pbtes, 1764--l 866. University Archives: UA HJ.50_15.20. Pagl' 45. Endorsed ti~tc: List of books added to the Libntry during the year ending August 1807. Jnbox! Additions to the Libral'y 1778-18S8. Univrrsity Ard)ives: UA JIL50.15. 70.2. Page 46. The record of the rt"adcng of Creslunan Eben R. Oorr jn 1814-15. University A rchiv~s: UA (charging record for 1814-13). Pa g c:-4 7. Page 11 of Cata/ ogHt· of Bo o.l~1 JViz rd1 ~, 111 }' Be Ta ~·tnJ·vm t l1r Lib rmy f.'tf Jla r11nrd U11r1icrsil}' fir }\fewln·rs of lh£" Fn:.r;lmumClass (C.ambridgi::\ Printed for the Univer-~ity, 1814). Uni\'Cr~ity A n:hiv(,.':5:HUF 52.l 14. Page 49. This c-011yof Kirkland rs appcai w.1s sent to J\1iss [Catht:rim: .tv1arfa]Scdg,,Tkk'' in Stockbridge-. l)niver.sity Archi vcs: U A IIL 50.15.139. Page 51. Danf H,·dl. La,v School Arr Co1kction. Page 52, "bo1rc.A us tin J-fo]l Reading Roon1 in 1902. Law School Art Collection. Page 52, llclow. Langdell lfall ReJding H.oon1. Law School Art CoHection. Page S5. brad Thorndik~ kttcr to John T. J{ irklandT 17 Junr.: 1818. Uni \:ersity Archives: UA Ht50_28.18. Page 57. George Ticknor in 1828. rro1n [Hi]]jardl Gc:orgc S.] L~/ri l~cttcrs.· mul Joumals,. of George 'J"ic~1 1wr (Uo.ston and N cw York! Houghton l\1iffiin Co., 1909), vol. 1. PJges 5~-59. Arcessi011s book for 1834-1841. Uni1.-•ersity Ar-chives: UA Irl.50.15. 70.6. Page 6 L A1u.Jrews Norltm. University Arrhiii.:es: I-IUP. P.agt-6] _ Josc;pl~ G. Cug!-i\vdl_Librnri:::in is offi~:c, Widener Library_ Page 61. Ch3rk!i rolsam. Unil-·cr~ity Archives: HUP. P.:igc61. Thaddeus W'illian1Harris. U11i,TcrsityA rchivcs; HUP. Page 63. Map Co]l~cdon, l>uscy Librat·y. The note on p. 62 is on the verso of the-n1ap. t>age65. Tllon1as Nuttall. UnivrrsEty Archives: HUP. Page 6~. Catalogus BilJl1othccae ln~titutionis J-Iistoriac Natura.Ji~ l\1ass.achuse,,ensis;, sub n1a.nu et <:ur5 professori~- Univc-rsity Ard1i .....·cs: UA 111_50.28. 26_ Page 69. Rt-gulnthmJnmumirig tfu- UH' ~rOu Public Li{mny rJj l-larPar(1[IitiPc-rsity, 1839. U11ivcrsity Archivc.s: HUF 523.6. 73. Page 7 L A page from 'U'illiarn Cros.well1s rbssified r1talog. Univers:ity Ardli-vc-s: UA 111_so_ 1s_42_ 2. Page 72_ Sarnpk tray nf ec.1rds frnn1 thc: Harri~ -eat:.log (Ckcro - C..ht)~plu~ one- cant Uuivcr:sity Archi·i.rc.s:UA [ll. 50.15.44.SPF. Page 75. Gore HalL University Archives: f-JUV 48_ PJge 76. Gore Hall \Vith the additioti of 1877. Unlversity Archi•:es: H UV 48. Page 77. Gore Hall 1s self-supporting stacks laid bare by the drn1olition ere\\'. Uraiversity Archi\'cs.: r-IUV 48_ Page 78_ rntcrior of Gore H.all bcfor{' it wa~ su bdividtd_ University Archives: 1-1UV 48_ Page 79, abo1il'"_ Gc>rc Hall Heading Tloon1 about 1902_ P,1gc 79, {JdClw.Dc1ivery Room in 1912. Phocos: J.'ach Brothers. University A rchi,T(,.•s: 1-IUV 48p[ Pag(" SL Subscription book rc-rorJing donors to the Donation Fund of 1842. University Ard1t \'L:S: UA 11L28. 41.2_ Page 83. Ic1stitutc of 1770 charging record for 1849-52. University Archives: HUD 3461.750.5. Page S5, (ibi:wr. H.1f\' 3rd Co11cgc Treas u rcr ls Jou rna!, 1777-1785, on the d csk of T-rc:is u rcr Ebenezer Storer. University Archi ,·es: U A ] .50.15. 56VT. Photo: Wil]iin1 lv1crccr. Page 85, hdou•. University ArchhTe.s~\Vornen Prod L1cingRecords in Lehman H.11l,1949- 50. N c,vs Offire PrlOlO, no, 2534. Page 86. John Langdon Slbley in 1857. University Archives: 1-IUP. 210 Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXXIV, Number 1 (Winter 1986, A Special Issue) P;.igc Si. Sibky\ cin::1,.1laror l 856. Univr;rsity Ard1ive~~ H 523.6-7J_ Page-88.
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