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Title of Tnesis/~issertation: Linguistic- Chancre by Rule Garali7lti'nn and Radical Vowel A1 ternat ions, Author : f / e / '(signature) (date) Name: Paul Gil bert McFetri dge Degree: Master of Arts Title of Thesis: LingOistic Change by Rule Generalization as Illustrated by Portuguese Nasalization - - Vowel A1 ternat ions . Chai man: Ross Saunders Thomas A. Perry , Edward Finegan External Examiner Associate Professor Depa'rtment of Linguistics University of Southern California Date approved : 3l @Wt" ", In the theory of phonoloa fondlated by J, Foley, it is, maintained that !lphonologicai change is not caused by the < addition of rules to a gramnar, but by the repetition or modif ication of rules already existing in the languagew. o ole^, , "The Latip origin of Romance rules". ) It is !maintained tha.t . ,,/ \ -- - --- linguistic chance, change inprocesses operatingin the - -- language, occurs in three ways; generalization of application to * I 5. include more elements, generalization of environment, and -- - - - repe- pfureeSses.~rconcept- XrIlnguis tic change is t applied to the analysis of two aspects of Portuguese phonology: nasalization and radical vowel a1,ternations. Chapter I presents a brief outline of the conception of linguistic change as generalization of rules which exist in the language. It is demonstrated that denial of the traditional -- +-- - - -- -- -- - synchronic/diachronic distinction permits analyses which simultaneously explain data traditionally classified as synchronic as well as the linguistic change from historically earlier stages of the language by reference to the same set of - - - 1) - processes and principles, I * In Chapter 11, nasal diphthongs and the retention of preconsonantal nasals are examined. The latter is theoretically preconsonantaloef fare. Tt is nrvu- d retention is only apparent, the result of generalization of - -- Latin vocalization which causes a glide to remain after nasal effacempt. This glide either fqrms a nasal diphthong withuthe preceding vowel or,consonantalizes before a stop. This is further related to the vocalization of -1 and the palatalization of -s. 1 a - - -- In Chapter 3, the radical vowel aTternations of the t-----. Portuguese verb are examined. Analyses by Williams and Harris, which propose rules of assfmilat ion, are considered, but F because it uses morphologically sensitive-and language particular rules. It iB argued that the alternations are caused by the generalization of Latin contraction. c he contract ion of .-' - dissimilar vowels causes weakening of the radical vowel in proportion to tJre strength required for contraction. ~vidence from Old Portuguese is ad,duced in support of this claim., It is concluded that Portuguese rules are the result of continuing linguistic change generalizing Latin rules. TABLE OF CONTENTS Approval .............................................,........ii Abstract ....................................................... a I. Introduction :.,..............................l 11. Nasalization ...............................,.9 Summary ............................................25 . - - - 111. Radical Vowel Alternations in the - - - Portuguese Verb ....................................28 , Sumnafl ............................................55 . t Bibliography ..............,..'..........................:.....65 - 1 a f - I. Znt roduct ion Wrfting in 1906, Meillet argued that linguistic change is , -I neither a&aberr?tion nor a collectipn of arbitrary unrelated * -. .- f events,, but a, continuing coherent pfoce*ss.' He maintained that -- 4 ' i_ k explanation .of &his must refer to universal "t imeless,-'linguistic laws".. i * It - -- I 13~-UC~e%ontinlti6-~~&volut is= -- -- Lnguistiqu=, et cette continuit6 r&v&lela - constance des causes qui dgterminent les i modalit& du changement. -"---- Les changements linguistiques ne prennent leur sens que si l'on consid6re tout l'ensemble du # diiveloppement dont ils font. partie; un &me changement a une signification absolutkment differente suivant le proces dont il relave, et il n'est jamafs lggitime d'essayer d'expliquer un d6tail en dehors de la -- -- ;- -- - - - -- --- consid6ration du syst&me g6n6ral de la langue oh il apparait. D;?S lors la nCcessit6 stimposer%e chercher 2 formuler les lois suivant lesquelles sont susceptibles de s'opsrer les changements linguistiques. On determinera alnsi, -non plus ' Y des lois historiques,. telles que sont les <<lois ph6n6tWiques>>ou les formules analogiques qui emplissent les manuels actuels de linguistique, mais des lois gsnlrales qui ne valent par pour une seul moment du d6veloppement d'une langue, qui au contraire '-, sont de tous les temps; qui ne s70nt pas ., , limit+es une langue donnse, qui au contraire - --- - -- - -- - - - - --- rt sr6tendent egalement a toutes les langue~.Et, k qu'on le remarque, ce ne seront ni des lois ioloeques nf des lois psycniques, mais . Since de Saussure, .it has been generally assumed that the , study of linguistic change and the study of a particular synchronic stage on a language are separate fields of inquiry. Ontological and methodological priority has been placed on m synchrony and diachrony has becdme the coAPpariaon of synchronic continuing trends in language, their explanation, nor the - discovery of universal phonological. processes. The - --- --- - - ----- - - -- - synchronic/diachronic distinction legitimizes the ahlysis of a
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