A GUIDE TO THE DIALECT OF THE NORTH EAST OF SCOTLAND DIV YE Hello! INTRODUCTION 02 THE BASICS 04 KEN ONY PEOPLE 12 SMALL TALK 14 SOCIALISING 18 EATING & DRINKING 20 DORIC? THE WEATHER 22 CLOTHING 24 Do you know any Doric? ANATOMY 26 ACTIONS 29 ANIMALS 30 FURTHER STUDY 32 DORIC DICTIONARY 01 FAR ABOOTS DIV THE’ SPIK IT? INTRODUCTION In which areas is it spoken? FIT’S THIS AA ABOOT EN? What’s this all about then? Doric is a Scottish dialect spoken in the North East of Scotland around Aberdeen city and shire. The term ‘Doric’ is thought to come from the Greek for ‘rural’ or ‘rustic’ perhaps due to its strong associations with the farming and fishing communities of the region. There is an extensive body of literature, poetry, ballads and songs from the North East. In the Disney animation ‘Brave’, a character speaks Doric and there’s a running joke that nobody can understand him. The voice actor was Kevin McKidd, a native of Elgin. Although Doric is the traditional dialect of the North East, don’t worry, we do all speak English! DORIC DICTIONARY 03 THE BASICS So FOO DIV YE SPIK I’ DORIC? So how do you speak Doric? AYE YES Doric words can differ from There are also many variations town to town. If you’re from on the spellings of the words, Peterhead, you might refer due to differences of localised to a seagull as a ‘pyool’ but pronunciation and phonetics. AYE, AYE! HELLO! in Aberdeen, the same bird The word ‘Pyool’ for instance would be known as a ‘scurry’. could also be written as ‘pule’, And in Buckie it’s a ‘gow’. ‘pool’ or ‘pyewel’ depending on which town you are from. NAE NO PETERHEAD SEAGULL PYOOL I DA KEN I DON’T KNOW IT’S No NAE BITHER trouble DO YOU DIV yE KEN? KNOW? SCURRY ABERDEEN CITY SEAGULL DORIC DICTIONARY 05 USING THE ‘F’ WORD Try switching ‘wh’ with ‘f’ Basic phonology ‘Wh’ at the beginning Far ye gaan? Far div ye bide? Where? of words is often Where are FAR Where do you stay? realised as an ‘f’. you going? FAR? Fit’s at? Fit like? What’s that? FIT (What like?) How are you? What? Fan ye aff? Fan div ye yoke? FIT? When are FAN When do you you going? start work? When? FAN? Foo mony? Foo’s yer doos? How many? FOO (How are your doves/pigeons?) How are you? How? Fa’s at? Fa’s roond is it? FOO? Who is that? FA Whose turn is it to buy the drinks? FIT WYE? Who? Fit wye nae? Fit wye’s at noo? Why? FA? Why not? FIT WYE Why is that now? DORIC DICTIONARY 07 COLOURS NUMBERS MONY A MICKLE THREE SeiVEN REID Red MAAKS A MUCKLE Many small amounts TWA together becomes a large amount YALLA Yellow SAX Een: One Blue I’ll hae at een, cheers BLAE FOWER I’ll have that one, thanks EEN Twa: Two White Twa craws sat upon a wa FITE Two crows sat upon a wall Fower: Four FIVE BLAIK Black Atween fleers een an fower Between floors one and four eleeven Hillock: Lots Broon Brown At’s a fair hillock o’ chips ECHT NINE TWAL/ That’s a lot of chips TEN dizzen Foo muckle? How much? Silver SILLER Foo muckle is at? How much is that? Gaudy/showy Bourachie: A group/huddle SKYRIE A bourachie o’ bairns A bunch of kids DORIC DICTIONARY 09 OPPOSITES DIRECTIONS MUCKLE Big Small SMA UP Up Down DOON GYE BIG Large Little WEE GING IN Go in Go out GING OOT aa All None NEEN OWER Over Above ABEEN AAWYE Everywhere Nowhere NAEWYE AROON Around About ABOOT aathin Everything Nothing NITHIN AHEID Ahead Behind AHIN AABODY Everyone Nobody NAEBODY AFORE Before After AIFTER DORIC DICTIONARY 11 PEOPLE MANNIE WIFIE TOONSER TEUCHTER Man Woman Lives in the city A rural dweller Check at At wifie Fraser’s mannie’s fisog! a richt blether Clype: To tell tales Look at that That Fraser Dinna clype te mannie Broon man’s face! woman talks a lot LAD Don’t tell tales to Mr Brown Boyfriend Footer: Messing about Quit footerin aboot! BLON Stop messing about! LOON QUINE Girlfriend Boy/son Girl/daughter Grippy: Miserley Far’s the loon Fit a bonny He’s affa grippy wi his sillar i’day? wee quine Blaa: boast He’s very miserly with Where is your What a pretty He’s ayeways blaain his money son today? little girl aboot his new car He’s always boasting Swaak: Agile about his new car He’s a swaak loon He’s an agile boy Crabbit: Bad tempered GEETS BAIRNS He’s affa crabbit i’day Swick: To cheat Children Children He’s really grumpy today He’ min, stop swickin in! Hey, stop jumping the queue! Fit a hillock Foo mony bairns Claik: Gossip o’ geets are in i’ playgrun? Funcy a fly cup and a claik? Sook: Sycophant What a lot How many kids are Fancy a sneaky cup of tea She’s a richt sook of children in the playground? and a gossip? She’s a right flatterer DORIC DICTIONARY 13 SMALL TALK Aye, aye fit like Nae bad Mary – en Jim? Are ye nae chavin awa. They’re aa fine, cheers. FIT I DINNA spikin? Foo’s the wife an geets? Fit aboot yersel? Hello, how are you Jim? I’m not too bad Mary – Are you not speaking? doing okay. They’re all fine, How’s the wife and kids? thanks. What about you? KEN IS NAE I’m fair-tricket! Oh fit fine! Dod’s just booked us a At Dod’s a fine wee holiday so we’re chiel ye ken! awa tae Tenerife! Fan ye gaan awa? WURTH I’m delighted! George has How lovely! George is just booked a short holiday, a nice fellow you know! so we’re off to Tenerife! When are you going away? KENNIN. I’ morn’s morn – Aye, nae bithir. I am very knowledgeable I’m nae packed so I’ll Well hae a rare time and a know-it-all. need tae ging hame an mind an pack an maak a stairt. yer dookers! Tomorrow morning – I’m No problem. Well have a not packed so I’ll need to great time and remember go home and make a start. your swimming costume! DORIC DICTIONARY 15 TIME POSITIVE EMOTIONS NEGATIVE EMOTIONS ONYTIME I’DAy Bosie: hug Scunnered: fed up Neep: turnip WOULD BE NICE Gie’s a bosie! I’m affa scunnered Yer a neep Give me a hug! I’m really fed up You are an idiot I’day: today Fash: trouble Greetin: crying Gype: fool Dinna fash yersel Fit ye greetin fur? Fit a gype Right Don’t trouble yourself Why are you crying? What a fool now THE NOO Tricket: Delighted Wheesht: quiet Glaikit: senseless, stupid I’m fair-tricket Hud yer wheesht! At loon’s a bit glaikit I’m delighted Be quiet! That boy is a bit stupid FIT YE DEEIN THIS Gawaaah!: Get away! Spikin: speaking Bile: boil AIFTERNEEN? Gawaaah! Yer kiddin! Are ye nae spikin? Awa an bile yer heid! Get away! You’re kidding me! Are you not speaking to me? Go away! Aifterneen: afternoon Bonny: beautiful Weel: well Mingin: not pleasant Sheena is affa bonny Am nae weel At baps are mingin Next Sheena is very pretty I’m not feeling well Those rolls are not pleasant week NEXT WIK Fine: good Forfauchan: exhausted Feart: scared Affa fine butteries I’m affa forfauchan! Dinna be feart Very tasty pastries I’m really exhausted! Don’t be scared SEE YE THE Rare: great Puggled: tired Coorse: nasty It’s bin a rare nicht oot I’m fair puggled the day She’s a coorse besom* MORN’S MORN It’s been a great night out I’m really tired today She’s a nasty woman (*a besom is also a broomstick) Tomorrow morning DORIC DICTIONARY 17 SOCIALISING Come awa’ ben Ye wintin’ a Ye gaan oot? AYE, FAR AND FAN the hoose fly an’ a piece? INTAE TOON? WILL I SEE YE? Welcome, come through Would you like a cup of tea Are you heading out this Yes, where and when will and something to eat? evening? Into the city centre? we meet? TAAK A PEW/ SO FIT HIV SIT YERSEL DOON FUNCY A DUNCE/ NO YER AARICHT YE BIN UP TAE? ARE YE DUNCIN? I’M WABBIT! Take a seat/sit down So what have you been up to? Would you like to dance? No thanks, I’m exhausted! AN FOOS YER AN FAR YE BIDIN MA ‘N’ DA? FIT YE I’ll HAE A PINT. THE NOO? HAEIN? CHEERS MIN! And how are your mother And where are you living at and father? the moment? What are having to drink? I’ll have a pint. Good health! DORIC DICTIONARY 19 Fine: tasty DORIC IDIOMs EATING & DRINKING Affa fine butteries Very tasty pastries NEEPS & TATTIES Sappy: juicy Turnips and potatoes Is peach is affa sappy SCOOF IT! This peach is really juicy A FLY CUP Drink up! AM NAE AS GREEN AS A cup of tea Aet: feed AM CUBBIGE LOOKIN A CAPPIE At wiz a gweed aet Ice-cream That was a nice meal SPEEN Spoon cone I’m not as green as I am cabbage looking... BUTTERY Gads: yuk I’m not as stupid as I look Gads min! OR ROWIE Yuk! A flat breakfast HINGIN pastry Bowfin’: disgusting It’s a sare fecht INGINS At soup’s bowfin’ Hanging That soup is disgusting fir half a loaf Clootie: cloth onions SPROOTS Sprouts Gee at worktop a Mingin’: horrible dicht wi a clootie At pie’s mingin’ Give that worktop GALSHIKS That pie is horrible It’s a sore fight for a half loaf..
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