okf"kZd izfrosnu Annual Report 2015-16 HkkÑvuqi&jk"Vªh; ikni vkuqOakf'kd Laklk/u C;wjks (Hkkjrh; Ñf"k vuqLak/ku ifj"kn) iwlk ifjlj] ubZ fnYyh&110 012 ICAR-NATIONAL BUREAU OF PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012 Supervision and Guidance : Dr KC Bansal, Director Dr SC Dubey, Director (Acting) and Chairman, Publication Committee Compiled and Edited by : Dr Kavita Gupta, Principal Scientist Dr Anjali Kak, Principal Scientist Dr Vandana Tyagi, Principal Scientist Dr MK Rana, Principal Scientist Dr TV Prasad, Senior Scientist Dr K Pradheep, Senior Scientist Citation : Anonymous (2016). Annual Report of the ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources 2015-16, NBPGR, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India, 195 + x p. This report includes unprocessed or semi-processed data, which would form the basis of scientific papers in due course. The material contained in the report therefore may not be made use of without the written permission of the Director, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi except for quoting it for scientific reference. Published by the Director, ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110 012, and Printed at Alpha Printographics (India), New Delhi-110 028. Tel.: 9999039940, 9811199620 CONTENTS Preface v Acronyms and Abbreviations vii-x dk;Zdkjh lkjka'k 1-6 Executive Summary 7-13 Introduction 14-18 1 Division of Plant Exploration and Germplasm Collection 19-27 2 Germplasm Exchange Unit 28-33 3 Division of Plant Quarantine 34-49 4 Division of Germplasm Evaluation 50-59 5 Division of Genomic Resources 60-71 6 Division of Germplasm Conservation 72-77 7 Tissue Culture and Cryopreservation Unit 78-82 8 PGR Policy Planning Unit 83-85 9 Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit 86-89 NBPGR Regional Stations/Base Centres 10 Regional Station, Akola 90-93 11 Regional Station, Bhowali 94-100 12 Base Centre, Cuttack 101-107 13 Regional Station, Hyderabad 108-113 14 Regional Station, Jodhpur 114-117 15 Base Centre, Ranchi 118-121 16 Regional Station, Shillong 122-125 17 Regional Station, Shimla 126-130 18 Regional Station, Srinagar 131-134 19 Regional Station, Thrissur 135-140 20 Trainings and Capacity Building 141-146 21 General Information 147-186 21.1 Institute Management Committee (IMC) 147 21.2 Research Advisory Committee (RAC) 147 21.3 Institute Research Council (IRC) 147 21.4 Institute Joint Staff Council (IJSC) 148 21.5 Prioritization Monitoring and Evaluation (PME) Cell 148 21.6 Personnel 150 21.7 Staff Reservations 157 21.8 Staff Transferred/ Retired/ New Appointments 157 21.9 Awards/ Honours/ Prizes 158 20.10 Deputations Abroad 160 21.11 Library and Documentation Services 161 21.12 Germplasm Field Days Organized 162 21.13 PGR Awareness and Biodiversity Fairs 163 21.14 Participation of Staff in Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences/ Workshops 166 21.15 Publications 169 21.16 Intellectual Property and Technology Management 185 21.17 Participation in International Comparative/ Proficiency Testings for Quality Assurance 186 and Global Harmonization 21.18 Distinguished Visitors 186 Annexure I : Meteorological Data of Regional Stations 187 Annexure II : RFD Documents for ICAR-NBPGR (2014-15) 188-195 PREFACE It gives me immense pleasure to place before you the Annual Report (2015-16) of the ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), a nodal organization mandated with planning, execution and coordination of all activities concerned with germplasm collection, introduction, quarantine, evaluation, conservation and documentation at national level. Since its establishment in 1976, ICAR-NBPGR has played a vital role in the management and utilization of plant genetic resources (PGR) for crop improvement. Taking into consideration the various suggestions of the Research Advisory Committee, Germplasm Advisory Committees and Workshops of All India Coordinated Research Networks (AICRN) on various crop groups, plant explorations were undertaken to collect trait-specific germplasm and wild relatives of crop plants, which constituted >50% of the total collections made during the year 2015. In addition, trait specific germplasm with improved nutritional quality, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, and transgenic material for research was also introduced from abroad and made available to the researchers after quarantine clearance. During the period, 9,473 accessions of various agri-horticultural crops comprising cereals, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, potential crops, and medicinal and aromatic plants were grown at New Delhi for characterization, evaluation (including biotic and abiotic stresses), regeneration and multiplication. In addition, under NICRA project, a reference set of 348 wheat accessions for terminal heat tolerance has been grown under late sown conditions for identification of donors. Under CRP on Agro-biodiversity Component I, a total of 59,043 accessions were distributed for regeneration, characterization and evaluation; while under Component II, a total of 5,964 accessions comprising rice (1,000), wheat (1,483), finger millet (1,000), rapeseed mustard (1,000), chickpea (736) and okra (745), were evaluated at AICRP centres/hotspots for agronomic traits, biotic and abiotic stresses. A total of 11,581 new accessions of germplasm including varieties to be notified and released and trait-specific registered germplasm of various crops were received for long-term conservation in the National Genebank. In addition, 1,900 accessions belonging to fruit crops, bulb and tuber crops, medicinal, aromatic and rare/endangered plants, spices, plantation and industrial crops, and others were conserved as in vitro cultures. Significant progress was made in the development of protocols for cultivar identification in crops of national importance using molecular techniques like STMS, AFLP and ISSR markers. Varieties of different crops were fingerprinted and included in the database on DNA fingerprinting. Four M.Sc. and one Ph.D. student were awarded degrees in PGR from Post Graduate School, IARI, New Delhi during the year. I take this opportunity to place on record my sincere thanks and gratitude to Dr T Mohapatra, the Hon’ble Secretary, DARE and Director General, ICAR, and Dr S Ayyappan, Former Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR, Dr JS Sandhu, DDG (Crop Science) and Dr JS Chauhan, ADG (Seed), ICAR for their continued guidance, encouragement and support in fulfilling the mandate of ICAR-NBPGR. Special thanks are due to Dr KC Bansal, Former Director, ICAR-NBPGR for steering the Bureau through the year under his dynamic and vibrant leadership. I thank the HoDs, Officers-in-charge, all the scientists, technical, administrative and audit, and supporting staff of NBPGR for their teamwork, efficiency and dedication. Sincere efforts of Drs Kavita Gupta, Anjali Kak, Vandana Tyagi, Mukesh Rana, TV Prasad and K Pradheep in compilation and editing the report are appreciated. June 22, 2016 SC Dubey New Delhi Director (Acting) PREFACE v vi ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABD Augmented Block Design ABS Access and Benefit-Sharing AICRP All India Coordinated Research Project AKMU Agricultural Knowledge Management Unit APAARI Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions AVRDC Asian Vegetable Research and Developement Center BAP Blood Agar Plates BCH Biosafety Clearing House BRNS Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences BSMV Barley stripe mosaic virus BWC Biological Weapon Convention CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CCI Chlorophyll Content Index CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CGRFA Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture ChiVMV Chilli veinal mottle virus CIARI Central Island Agricultural Research Institute CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center CITH Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture CLRV Cherry leaf roll virus CRP-AB Consortium Research Project on Agrobiodiversity CSIR Council of Scientific and Industrial Research CTCRI Central Tuber Crops Research Institute CWRs Crop Wild Relatives DACFW Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers' Welfare DAI Days After Inoculation DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education DBT Department of Biotechnology DIHAR Defence Institute of High Altitude Research DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid DPPQS Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine and Storage DST Department of Science and Technology DWB Dry Weight Basis EC Exotic Collection EDCT Ethylene Dichloride-Carbon Tetrachloride ACRONYMS vii FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FB Fruit Borer FGB Field Genebank FMS Financial Management System FSB Fruit and Shoot Borer GBPIHED G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development GCLV Garlic common latent virus GFLV Grapevine fan leaf virus GHU Germplasm Handling Unit GPA Global Plan of Action HPV High Plains Virus HSI Heat Susceptibility Index HWT Hot Water Treatment IARI Indian Agricultural Research Institute IBSC Institute Biosafety Committee IC Indigenous Collection ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics ICRV Indian citrus ringspot virus IERP Integrated Eco-Development Research Programme IIHR Indian Institute of Horticultural Research IIPR Indian Institute of Pulses Research IJSC Institute Joint Staff Council IPGRI International Plant Genetic Resources Institute IRRI International Rice Research Institute ITC International Transit Centre
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