This is the twentieth anni- versary of Bobby Bare s first hit. It was “The All-American Boy,” and though the name on the label read Bill Parsons, the man who did the singing was Bare. After a long series of “straight” hits like “Detroit City” and “500 Miles (Away From Home)’ Bobby Bare fell in with Shel Silverstein and began having hits in the lighthearted, funky, narra- tive style that Bare originally in- vented on “The All-American Boy.” Last year Bare scored big with “The Winner.” This year he’s delivered a totally winning album... his first on Columbia... including the single “Too Many Nights Alone.” Listen to the new single and album and we think you’ll agree that the future looks Bare. “Bare*.’ KC 35314 Including the single “Too Many Nights Alone? The new Bobby Bare on Columbia Records and Tapes. "Columbia!’ ^ are trademarks of CBS Inc. © 1978 CBS Inc. VOLUME XXXIX — NUMBER 46 — April 1, 1378 THE INTERNATIONAL MUSIC RECORD WEEKLY G4SHBCK GEORGE ALBERT President and Publisher EDITORIAL MEL ALBERT General Manager Back To The Basics DAVE FULTON Clive Davis’ keynote address at the recent NARM we cannot afford for the human element to be miss- Editor In Chief convention contained a number of controversial ing.” J, B. CARMICLE statements that still have the industry buzzing. During the convention the president of a major General Manager, East Coast However, to dwell only on the controversies is a mis- record company told Cash Box that he didn’t have to East Coast Editorial take because the crux of Davis’ speech concerned spend millions of dollars to purchase a major artist KEN TERRY. East Coast Editor CHARLES PAIKERT something more urgent — a genuine crisis that because he had enough confidence in himself and MARK MEHLER LEO SACKS threatens the creative nature of the music industry. his staff to develop his own superstars. “If I didn’t Here’s how the Arista Records president put it: have this kind of belief in myself and my staff,” he West Coast Editorial ALAN SUTTON, West Coast Editor “A crisis is upon us and the warning signals are all said, “then I wouldn’t deserve to be in the position LEWIS RANDY I’m in.” JEFF CROSSAN around us. In a single word, our problem is bigness CARITA SPENCER is . Records are ordered less often by instinct, more This the outlook that should prevail at the top PETER HARTZ JOEY BERLIN frequently by computer. The product that gets radio corporate level. Computers are incapable of replac- RAY TERRACE exposure is decided upon by music research firms ing the brain, the ear, our instinct or any emotions. Research or a variety of other computerized research. The We are an industry of individuals working with one MARK ALDERMAN KEN KIRKWOOD modern statistical approach is gaining precedence of the most creative art forms in the world. We SCOTT ANDERSON over human creativity . What happens is the com- should be proud of it and work as hard as we can to BILL FEASTER L.EN CHODOSH puter, the inventory number, the common denomi- perpetuate the universal art form known as record- STEVE HULEN HARALD TAUBENREUTHER nator takes over the heart, the beat, the rhythm, the ed music. melody, and the music stops. We are in the arts and Me! Albert Coin Machine Chicago CAMILLE COMPASIO, Manager Art Director LINDSAY BOLYARD Circulation EWS HIGHLIGHT THERESA TORTOSA Manager PUBLICATION OFFICES NEW YORK 119 West 57th. N.Y.. N.Y. 10019 • Phone: (212) 586-2640 20th NARM Convention stresses need for industry-wide Cable Address: Cash Box N.Y. Telex: 666123 cooperation. CALIFORNIA 6363 Sunset Blvd. (Suite 930) • WCI music market survey dispels myths about record buyers. Hollywood, Ca. 90028 Phone: (213) 464-8241 • NASHVILLE BMI and colleges reach licensing agreement. JIM SHARP TIM WILLIAMS BOB CAMPBELL • MCA Records announces mid-line price album series. MELISSA ELLIOTT 37203 21 Music Circle East. Nashville, Tenn. • Phone: (615) 244-2898 Polydor president Fred Haayen discusses his new role. CHICAGO CAMILLE COMPASIO 29 E. Madison St.. Chicago, III. 60602 Phone: (312) 346-7272 WASHINGTON, D.C. JOANNE OSTROW TOP POP DEBUTS 4201 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, 20016 D C. ” 65 1 ENGLAND — ROB THORNl SINGLES YOU’RE THE ONE WANT — Olivia Newton-John/John Travolta — RSO 97 Uxbridge Rd., London W.12 Phone: 01-749-6724 ARGENTINA — MIGUEL SMIRNOFF 63 CHAMPAGNE JAM — Atlanta Rhythm Section — Polydor Belgrano 3252. Piso 4 "B" ALBUMS Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone: 89-6796 BRAZIL - H. GANDELMAN Av. Rio Branco, 156 Sala 627 Rio de Janeiro RJ Phone: 231-3231 POP SINGLE POP ALBUM CANADA - KIRK LaPOINTE NUMBER 56 Brown's Line SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER Toronto, Ontario. Canada M8W 359 NIGHT FEVER Phone: (416) 251-1283 Bee Gees — RSO Bee Gees & Various Artists HOLLAND — PAUL ACKET RSO P.O. Box 11621 (Prinsessegracht 3), The Hague Phone: (70) 624621 , Telex: 33083 ITALY — GABRIELE G. ABBATE SINGLE R&B ALBUM Milano V.le Andrea 10 R&B 20124, Doria, ’ BELGIUM — ETIENNE SMET Postbus 56. B-2700 Sint-Niklaas ONES Phone: (03) 76-54-39 FLASH LIGHT WEEKEND IN L.A. AUSTRALIA - PETER SMITH Parliament — Casablanca George Benson — WB 6 Murillo Crt., Doncaster Victoria, Australia 3108 Phone: 848-7878 JAPAN — Adv. Mgr., SACHIO SAITO 1-1 1-2-Chome Shinbashi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo COUNTRY SINGLE COUNTRY ALBUM Phone: 504-1651 Editorial Mgr., FUMIYO TACHIBANA 1-1 1-2-Chome Shinbashi, Minato-Ku, Tokyo WILLIE Phone: 504-1651 READY FOR THE TIMES WAYLON & FRANCE — CLAUDE EM MONNET TO GET BETTER Waylon and Willie — RCA 262 bis Rue des Pyrenees Crystal Gayle — UA Paris, France 75020 Phone: 797-4261 WEST GERMANY — GERHARD AUGUSTIN Karolinenstr . 3 JAZZ GOSPEL 8000 Munich 22 Phone: 294761 . 288203 WEEKEND IN L.A. LIVE AT CARNEGIE HALL SUBSCRIPTION RATES $70 per year anywhere in the U.S.A. Published weekly by CASH BOX. 1 19 West George Benson — WB James Cleveland — Savoy 57th St.. New York. N.Y. 10019. Printed in the U.S.A. Second class postage paid at New Yerk, N Y . and ad- ditional mailing offices. Crystal Gayle Copyright ©1978 by the Cash Box Publishing Co.. Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright under Universal Copyright Convention. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to CASH BOX. 119 West 57th St.. New York. N.Y. 10019. April 1. 1978 Weeks Weeks Weeks On On On 3 18 Chart 3/25 3/18 Chart 3/18 Chart NIGHT FEVER IMAGINARY LOVER 67 (THEME FROM) CLOSE BEE GEES iRSO 889) WB 1 4 9 ATLANTA RHYTHM SECTION (Polydor 14459) CPP 46 56 5 ENCOUNTERS CAN’T SMILE WITHOUT JOHN WILLIAMS (Arista 0300) CPP 52 35 15 DISCO INFERNO 68 SITTING IN YOU THE TRAMMPS (Atlantic 3389) CPP 42 50 8 LIMBO BARRY MANILOW lArista 0305) WB 5 11 9 DON BROWN (First American 102) WB 81 4 LAY DOWN SALLY I’M GONNA TAKE CARE OF 69 THAT’S YOUR SECRET ERIC CLAPTON i RSO 886) WB 4 5 14 EVERYTHING SEA LEVEL (Capricorn CPS-0287) WB 78 88 5 STAYIN’ ALIVE RUBICON (20th TC-2362) CPP 43 51 7 70 DON’T COST YOU BEE GEES (RSO 885) WB 3 4 17 JUST THE WAY YOU ARE BILLY JOEL (Columbia 3-10646) AB/B 29 24 21 NOTHING EMOTION ASHFORD & SIMPSON SAMANTHA SANG (Private Slock 45-178) WB 2 2 21 WONDERFUL WORLD (Warner Bros. 8519) CPP 74 82 ART GARFUNKEL WITH JAMES TAYLOR S 71 THUNDER ISLAND PAUL SIMON (Columbia 3-10676) CPP 30 15 11 WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS JAY FERGUSON (Asylum 45444) WB 6 10 16 FANTASY QUEEN (Elektra E-45441) CPP 47 37 1 72 GO CRAZY EARTH. WIND S FIRE (Columbia 3-10688) ALM 45 52 6 BOMBS AWAY PAUL DAVIS (Bang B-733) WB 7 8 28 BOB WEIR (Arista 0315) WB 80 - JACK AND JILL THE WAY YOU DO THE 73 DANCE WITH ME RAYDIO (Arista 02831 CPP 10 12 15 THINGS YOU DO PETER BROWN (Drive/TK 6269) CPP 82 90 RITA COOLIDGE (ASM 2004) CPP 31 18 11 IF 1 CAN’T HAVE YOU 74 READY FOR THE TIMES TO YVONNE ELLIMAN (RSO 884) WB 11 14 9 LOVE IS LIKE OXYGEN BETTER SWEET (Capitol 4549) WB 50 60 6 GET DUST IN THE WIND CRYSTAL GAYLE (UA 1136) B-3 79 85 KANSAS (Kirshner ZS8-4274) WB 12 13 10 IT’S YOU THAT I NEED ENCHANTMENT (Roadshow/UA 19370) CPP 36 39 9 75 DANCE, DANCE, DANCE SOMETIMES WHEN WE —. CHIC (Atlantic 3435) WB 53 36 SWEET, SWEET SMILE FEEL TOUCH THE CARPENTERS (ASM 2008) ALM 48 53 9 76 MAKE YOU LOVE DAN HILL (20th Century 2355) WB 6 6 18 AGAIN PEG WET WILLIE (Epic 8-50528) - - FALLING STEELY DAN (ABC 12320) CPP 35 34 18 LeBLANC & CARR (Big Tree 16100) CPP 13 11 24 77 DO YOU BELIEVEIN MAGIC HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SHAUN CASSIDY (Warner Bros. 8533) CPP 86 - ALWAYS AND FOREVER LITTLE RIVER BAND (Capitol 4524) WB 41 22 16 HEATWAVE (Epic 8-50490) ALM 15 17 15 DON’T LET 78 I LOVE MY MUSIC RUNNING ON EMPTY MAMAS YOUR WILD CHERRY (Epic 8-50500) 83 87 JACKSON BROWNE (Asylum E-45460) WB 20 23 8 BABIES GROW UP TO BE 79 TWO OUT OF THREE AIN’T EBONY EYES COWBOYS BAD BOB WELCH (Capitol 4543) CPP 17 20 10 WAYLON JENNINGS S WILLIE NELSON MEAT LOAF (Cleve. Inti. /Epic 8- (RCA PB 11198) CPP 44 47 8 GOOD-BYE GIRL 50513) BEL/MCA 85 - DAVID GATES (Elektra 45450) WB 18 19 17 WITH A LITTLE LUCK I WILL BE YOUR) SHADOW WINGS (Capitol 4559) B-3 64 2 OUR LOVE N THE STREET NATALIE COLE (Capitol 4059) CH 19 21 11 LET’S ALL CHANT ALLAN CLARKE (Atlantic 3459) ALM 89 - THE MICHAEL ZAGER BAND THANK YOU FOR BEING A 81 EVERY KINDA PEOPLE (Private Stock 184) CPP 54 63 7 - FRIEND TWO DOORS DOWN ROBERT PALMER (Island 100) WB 90 ANDREW GOLD (Asylum E-45456) CPP 25 30 8 82 YOUR LOVE IS SO GOOD DOLLY PARTON (RCA JH-11240) CPP 60 75 6 FOR ME FLASHLIGHT THIS TIME I’M IN IT FOR PARLIAMENT (Casablanca NB 909) ALM 21 29 8 DIANA ROSS (Motown 1436F) CPP 87 92 LOVE 83 WHEEL IN THE SKY BEFORE MY HEART FINDS PLAYER CPP 4 (RSO 890) 61 73 JOURNEY (Columbia 3-10700) - - OUT ROCKET RIDE GENE COTTON (Ariola 7675) CH 22 25 12 84 YOU’LL LOVE AGAIN KISS (Casablanca NB 915) ALM 59 64 5 HOTEL (Mercury 73979) ALM 84 89 LADY LOVE MORE THAN A WOMAN 85 KINGS AND QUEENS LOU RAWLS (Phila.
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