J3.19 TRANSFER OF FSL’S AWIPS TECHNOLOGY TO THE CENTRAL WEATHER BUREAU OF TAIWAN Fanthune Moeng* NOAA Research–Forecast Systems Laboratory Boulder, Colorado Mark Cheng Central Weather Bureau Taipei, Taiwan 1. INTRODUCTION 2. PROTOTYPE WORKSTATIONS BEFORE AWIPS The Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) has been in the technology transfer business since In the pioneering days of PROFS, a methodol- 1980, when it was called the Program for Regional ogy was established for developing and integrating Observing and Forecasting Services (PROFS). capabilities with operational potential into an ex- Over the last two decades, FSL has achieved an perimental weather forecasting system. During extraordinary record of accomplishments and sup- development of the PROFS system, FSL estab- port in the development and implementation of the lished a design approach that has been successful: National Weather Service (NWS) Advanced build systems, discover their strengths and weak- Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) nesses, and rebuild–iterating toward a truly opera- and other systems. tional interactive system (MacDonald 1985). Running the prototypes in the operational environ- FSL’s technology transfer does not stop at the ments brought a faster understanding of the types U.S. borders, but is spread to foreign countries in of systems needed for weather service organiza- need of advanced weather information systems. tions. For example, the DARE (Denver AWIPS FSL’s longest standing cooperative project is the Risk Reduction and Requirement Evaluation) sys- Joint Forecast Systems Project with the Central tem was tested at the Denver weather office Weather Bureau (CWB) of Taiwan. Since 1990, (Bullock and Walts 1991) until it was replaced in FSL and CWB have gone through many phases of 1996 with the AWIPS-like WFO-Advanced proto- weather system development, and both organiza- type (MacDonald and Wakefield 1996). tions have learned much about information sys- tems, data assimilation and modeling, high- The WFO-Advanced prototype workstation be- performance computing, and observing systems. came the AWIPS workstation prototype not only because it was designed to provide forecasters This paper discusses the development and im- with a single source of atmospheric data on high- plementation of CWB’s current forecast work- resolution displays but also because it could easily station, the Weather Integration and Nowcasting be adapted to run at any NWS site. Before it was System (WINS), beginning with an overview of officially commissioned as the AWIPS work- the FSL activities leading to AWIPS and the im- station prototype, the WFO-Advanced system un- plementation of WINS. derwent major software and hardware changes to accommodate evolving advances in technology ________________________________________ (Grote and Biere 1998, Biere 1998, Kelly 1997). *Corresponding author address: Fanthune This system is a complicated real-time interactive Moeng, NOAA/FSL, R/FS7, 325 Broadway, information system (not a black box) for local Boulder, CO 80305, [email protected] forecast office use. The dynamic AWIPS work- station prototype system evolves over time to in- Based on FSL’s PC-based forecast workstation clude new requirements and incorporation of new system, CWB completed the first-generation technology. WINS workstation during the first three years of the cooperative project. The workstation provided CWB’s meteorological data sources, geo- many advanced graphics and image manipulation graphical scales, numerical weather prediction capabilities that are available on the DARE sys- models, and communication systems are much tem. The system is configured with a 486-PC and different from FSL’s. The CWB headquarters and a special graphics board run on a Unix operating local weather stations also specify different re- system; it became available in May 1992 to sup- quirements related to forecast functions and re- port the Post-TAMEX (Taiwan Area Mesoscale sponsibilities. The FSL-CWB joint project estab- Experiment) forecast exercise. It was the first time lishes necessary communication and training that CWB forecasters could view observations and mechanisms in order to customize the CWB sys- many other weather information integrated in a tem to the many special needs of Taiwan. Indeed, graphic workstation. The daily volume of all data the major challenge for the CWB project has been sets was about 1 GB and over 3 GB for display- to customize the WFO-Advanced prototype work- able products. The data sets were comprised of station system into CWB’s operational environ- satellite, radar, lightning, mesonet, synoptic obser- ment, to keep evolving with the ongoing AWIPS vations and model forecasts. The first-generation workstation development, and to take advantage WINS-I was completely replaced by the second of new capabilities. generation WINS-II by the end of 1999. FSL does not deliver turn-key systems to CWB The WINS-II workstation is based on the WFO- (or any other organization), but works with visit- Advanced workstation and its prototype became ing scientists on identifying critical components of available at the beginning of 1997 at the CWB the system and answering specific technique ques- Forecast Center for further development evalua- tions. To meet the challenges of system customi- tion. CWB is now getting ready to adopt AWIPS zation, FSL established an exchange visiting sci- build 5.0. Figure 1 shows the WINS-II system entist program, as part of the long-term technology components and data sets. The WINS-II system transfer relationship with CWB. Valuable re- components include: Communication Gate Way to sources involving training and experimental sys- interface non-TCP/IP data sources, Central Prod- tem development are provided to the visitors. uct Generation Server to process and integrate Over the 10-year period from 1990–2000, CWB weather information, Display Server to support invested about 24 full-time staff (10 of which Display Workstations accessing all products and stayed at FSL from 6 months to a year) to the task updating product inventories, Product Service of customizing its advanced forecast systems. server to disseminate all products to remote sites, Significant efforts involved replacing the whole and Display Workstations for forecasters to query AWIPS data ingest system with CWB’s acquisi- all kinds of weather information interactively. The tion system, and defining local data, products, and meteorological data sets for WINS-II include con- menu configuration. Other efforts involved devel- ventional observations reports (including synop, oping CWB’s own depictables, case archive and temp, buoy, ship, and METAR), Taiwan local review mechanism, remote site dissemination sup- mesoscale observations (including 300+ rain- port, and other functions. FSL also trains CWB gauge, 36+ automatic meteorological stations, and forecasters onsite (at CWB) to ensure that all users lightning), numerical models (including ECMWF, fully understand the functional and meteorological NCEP/AVN, NCEP/MRF, JMA/Global, uses of this powerful system. JMA/Regional, CWB/GFS, CWB/RFS, CWB/NFS, CWB/EFS), satellite data (GMS), ra- 3. WINS AT THE CENTRAL WEATHER dar (including 2 conventional radars, 2 Dopplers, BUREAU 1 NEXRAD, and 2 Gemtromix Doppers); and other products from CGM graphics and raster im- ages. The volume of all data sets is now about 4 4. FUTURE WORK ON WINS AND OTHER GB per day. DEVELOPMENTS WINS-II will continue to enhance its data col- NOVELL data sources DECNet data sources lecting and weather information displaying capa- Mesonet Communication WINS Gate Way Lighting Rain guage(W) remote site bilities, such as generic time-space cross section in Radar(KAO/HWA/NCU) Radar(CCK/CKS) University, TCP/IP CAA, EPA, volume browser, time height cross section for ar- military product Service server bitrarily choosing a sounding station, time-series Central TCPIP Product generation data sources server comparison between model and observation sta- Satellite(Hi reso) tion, and GIS background map display capabilities GTS Case archive NWP Rain guage(E) in order to add another dimension to the weather Radar(GIR) Data archive Satellite(low reso) data viewing capability. CDF(JMA/FAX) Display Server X.25 Display data source WorkDsitsaptliaoyn WorkDsitsaptliaoyn NEXRAD(WuFn) CWB is about to begin a new phase of weather Workstation product file system developments in Very Short-Range Display weather Analysis and Forecast (VSRAF) in 2002. The major objective of this activity is to improve Fig. 1. WINS Data Flow Diagram CWB’s very short-range weather forecasts through local model development, severe weather Figure 2 shows a snapshot of the WINS-II dis- monitoring and warning capability enhancement, play workstation. The main pane at the right-hand and quantitative precipitation estimates. Other side shows the echo and velocity composite of the new developments are also under consideration for Wu-Fan-Shan WSR-88D radar station displayed future AWIPS evolution, such as 3D display capa- in Extend-Taiwan scale. The four small panes on bility, PC-Linux system, and other new informa- the left, from the top are a GMS IR1 color- tion system technologies. enhanced satellite image displayed in Asia scale, a Taiwan topographical height image displayed in 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS Extend-Taiwan scale, a surface observations com- posite with 500-mb analysis and observations dis- The Weather Forecast Center at the CWB today played in East-Asia scale, and a Skew-t plot of a is very different
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