>> New HSK 6 Word List MandarinBean.com Access graded listening and reading materials Access HSK sample tests No Chinese Pinyin English 1 挨着 āi zhe next to; close to 2 挨 ái Next to 3 挨打 ái dǎ take a beating; get a thrashing; come under attack 4 安检 ān jiǎn security check 5 罢工 bàgōng Strike 6 罢了 bà le let it pass; that's all; (auxiliary word) 7 白领 bái lǐng white collar; white collar worker 8 百分点 bǎi fēn diǎn percentage point 9 办公 bàn gōng work; handle official business; work in an office 10 办事处 bàn shì chù office; agency 11 办学 bàn xué run a school 12 半决赛 bàn jué sài semifinal 13 傍晚 bàngwǎn Evening 14 保健 bǎo jiàn health protection; health care 15 报刊 bào kān newspapers and periodicals; 1 press 16 报考 bào kǎo register for examination; sign up for an examination 17 抱歉 bàoqiàn feel sorry 18 暴风雨 bào fēng yǔ rainstorm; storm; tempest 19 暴力 bàolì violence 20 暴露 bàolù Expose 21 暴雨 bào yǔ torrential rain; rainstorm; scat 22 爆 bào explode; burst; quick-fry 23 爆发 bàofā burst 24 爆炸 bàozhà blast 25 悲惨 bēicǎn miserable 26 背心 bèi xīn vest; sleeveless garment; sleeveless 27 背着 bèi zhe behind one's back 28 被告 bèigào Defendant 29 奔跑 bēn pǎo run 30 本(代、 běn this; originally 副) 31 本地 běn dì this locality; local; native 32 本期 běn qī current period 2 33 本身 běnshēn itself 34 本土 běn tǔ mainland; one's native country; metropolitan territory 35 本质 běnzhì essence 36 逼 bī compel; force; drive; exert; press on; close; narrow 37 笔试 bǐ shì written examination 38 必将 bì jiāng will certainly; surely will 39 必修 bì xiū obligatory; compulsory; required 40 闭 bì close; shut; obstruct; stop up 41 边缘 biānyuán edge 42 编制 biān zhì authorized strength; work out; draw up; compile 43 扁 biǎn flat 44 变更 biàn gēng change; alter; modify 45 变换 biàn huàn transform; convert; vary; alternate 46 变形 biàn xíng deform; be out of shape; deformation; morph 47 便 biàn then 3 48 便是 biàn shì that's it 49 遍地 biàn dì everywhere; all around 50 表面上 biǎo miàn shàng superficial; ostensible; apparent; apparently 51 病房 bìng fáng ward of a hospital; sickroom 52 病情 bìng qíng state of an illness; patient's condition 53 拨打 bō dǎ dial 54 波动 bō dòng undulate; fluctuate; surge; undulation; fluctuation; wave motion 55 波浪 bōlàng wave 56 播 bō broadcast; spread; seed; sow; move about 57 不便 bú biàn inconvenient; unsuitable; be short of cash 58 不见 bú jiàn not see; not meet 59 不料 búliào Unexpectedly 60 不再 bú zài no longer; no more 61 不至于 bú zhì yú cannot go so far; be unlikely to 62 补考 bǔ kǎo makeup examination 4 63 补课 bǔ kè make up missed lessons 64 补习 bǔ xí take lessons after school or work 65 补助 bǔ zhù subsidy; subsidize; allowance 66 捕 bǔ catch; seize; arrest 67 不成 bù chéng won't do; fail 68 不禁 bùjīn Can not help but 69 不仅仅 bù jǐn jǐn not just; not only; more than 70 不通 bù tōng be blocked up; be impassable; not make sense; be illogical 71 不怎么 bù zěn me not particularly; not very 72 不怎么样 bù zěn me yàng not up to much; very indifferent 73 不值 bù zhí not worth 74 布满 bù mǎn be full of 75 部队 bù duì army; armed forces; troop; unit 76 采纳 cǎinà accept 77 踩 cǎi step on 78 参赛 cān sài take part in match; enter the competition 5 79 参展 cān zhǎn take part in an exhibition; participate in an exhibition 80 餐 cān food; meal; eat 81 残疾 cánjí A disability 82 残疾人 cán jí rén handicapped; disabled person 83 残酷 cánkù cruel 84 惨 cǎn miserable; wretched; tragic; cruel; badly 85 仓库 cāngkù Warehouse 86 藏 cáng hide; conceal; store; lay by 87 操纵 cāozòng control 88 厕所 cèsuǒ Toilet 89 侧 cè side; incline; lean 90 测定 cè dìng determine; determination; measurement 91 策划 cèhuà plan; hatch; plot 92 策略 cèlüè tactic; policy 93 层面 céng miàn level 94 差异 chā yì difference; divergence; discrepancy; diversity 95 查出 chá chū trace; find out; discover; find 6 out 96 查看 chá kàn look over; examine; check 97 拆迁 chāi qiān demolition; relocation 98 产量 chǎn liàng output; yield; volume of production 99 昌盛 chāngshèng Prosperity 100 长短 cháng duǎn short and long; length; accident; extent 101 长假 cháng jià long holiday; long leave 102 长久 cháng jiǔ for a long time; muchly 103 长跑 cháng pǎo long-distance race; long distance run 104 长远 cháng yuǎn long-term; long-range; enduring; chronic 105 常规 cháng guī conventional; common; routine 106 常年 cháng nián perennial; year in year out; average year 107 厂商 chǎng shāng manufacturer; firm; factory owner 108 场地 chǎng dì space; place; site 109 场馆 chǎng guǎn venue; stadium 7 110 场景 chǎng jǐng scene 111 畅通 chàngtōng unimpeded; unblocked 112 超 chāo exceed; surpass; overtake; go beyond 113 超出 chāo chū overstep; go beyond; exceed 114 炒 chǎo fry 115 炒股 chǎo gǔ invest in stocks 116 炒作 chǎo zuò hype 117 车号 chē hào car number; wagon number 118 车牌 chē pái licence plate; plate number 119 车展 chē zhǎn auto show; car exhibition 120 撤离 chè lí withdraw; leave; evacuate 121 撤销 chèxiāo repeal; retract 122 撑 chēng prop; support; push with a pole; keep up; unfurl; brace; stay 123 成(量) chéng (measure word) 124 成分 chéngfèn component 125 成品 chéng pǐn end product; finish product 126 承诺 chéngnuò Promise 127 城区 chéng qū the city proper; urban area; city subdivision 8 128 城乡 chéng xiāng urban and rural; city and countryside 129 城镇 chéng zhèn town; city 130 持有 chí yǒu hold; possess 131 冲击 chōngjī To attack 132 重建 chóng jiàn rebuild; reconstruct; reestablish; rehabilitate; reconstruction 133 重组 chóng zǔ reorganization; regroup 134 崇拜 chóngbài worship 135 宠物 chǒngwù Pet 136 冲 chōng punching 137 出场 chū chǎng come on the stage; enter the arena 138 出动 chū dòng dispatch; start off; call out 139 出访 chū fǎng visit a foreign country 140 出路 chūlù way out 141 出面 chū miàn come forward; appear personally 142 出名 chū míng famous; well-known 143 出入 chū rù come in and go out; discrepancy; divergence 9 144 出事 chū shì meet with a mishap; have an accident 145 出台 chū tái introduced; be published 146 出行 chū xíng travel; trip; getting around 147 初等 chū děng elementary; primary; rudimentary 148 除 chú except 149 厨师 chú shī chef; cook 150 储存 chǔcún Storage 151 处处 chù chù everywhere; in all respects 152 处长 chù zhǎng the head of a department; section chief 153 传出 chuán chū efferent; come out; come through 154 传媒 chuán méi media 155 传输 chuán shū transmission; transport 156 传言 chuán yán hearsay; rumour; pass on a message 157 船员 chuán yuán crew; crewman; waterman 158 船长 chuán zhǎng captain; skipper 159 船只 chuán zhī ship; vessel; craft 160 串 chuàn strand, cluster 10 161 窗口 chuāng kǒu window; wicket 162 创办 chuàng bàn establish; found 163 创建 chuàng jiàn found; establish; creation 164 创意 chuàng yì creativity 165 此处 cǐ chù here; this place 166 此次 cǐ cì this time 167 此前 cǐ qián before 168 此事 cǐ shì this matter 169 此致 cǐ zhì regards; sincerely; with the best wishes 170 次数 cì shù frequency; number of times 171 从不 cóng bù never; never ever 172 从没 cóng méi never; never did 173 醋 cù vinegar 174 村庄 cūn zhuāng village; hamlet 175 错过 cuò guò miss; let slip 176 搭 dā to match, to take 177 搭档 dādàng partner 178 搭配 dāpèi arrange; match 179 打动 dǎ dòng move; touch 180 打断 dǎ duàn break; interrupt; fracture 181 打发 dǎ fa send; dispatch; dismiss 11 182 打官司 dǎguānsi To engage in a lawsuit 183 打牌 dǎ pái play cards; play mah-jong 184 打印机 dǎ yìn jī printer 185 打造 dǎ zào build; make; creation 186 大道 dà dào main road; avenue 187 大街 dà jiē avenue; street; main street 188 大力 dà lì energetic; energetically; vigorously 189 大米 dà mǐ rice 190 大批 dà pī large quantity; a smart of; legion 191 大赛 dà sài contest 192 大师 dà shī great master; grandmaster; master 193 大使 dà shǐ ambassador; envoy 194 待会儿 dāi huìr after a while; later 195 担忧 dān yōu worry; be anxious; trepidation 196 单打 dān dǎ singles 197 诞生 dànshēng Be born 198 党 dǎng party 199 当 dāng When 12 200 当成 dāng chéng regard; treat as; take 201 当天 dāng tiān that day 202 当作 dàng zuò regard as; treat as 203 档 dàng pigeonhole; files; archives; crosspiece; grade 204 档案 dàng'àn archives 205 岛 dǎo island 206 到期 dào qī mature; expire; become due; maturity 207 盗版 dào bǎn piracy; illegal copy 208 道教 dào jiào Taoism 209 道歉 dàoqiàn apologize 210 低头 dī tóu head down; lower one's head; submit 211 低温 dī wēn Low temperature; hypothermia; microtherm 212 滴 dī drop 213 抵达 dǐdá Arrive 214 抵抗 dǐkàng resistance 215 地板 dì bǎn floor 216 地名 dì míng place name 217 地下室 dì xià shì basement; cellar 13 218 电车 diàn chē tram; tramcar; streetcar; trolleybus; trolley 219 电动 diàn dòng motor-driven; power-driven; electric 220 电力 diàn lì electricity; electric power 221 电器 diàn qì electric appliance; electrical equipment 222 吊 diào crane 223 调研 diào yán research; investigation 224 跌 diē fall 225 定价 dìng jià fix a price; set price; fixed price; pricing 226 定时 dìng shí timing; definite time 227 定位 dìng wèi locate; location; positioning; registration 228 动画 dòng huà cartoon; animation 229 斗争 dòuzhēng Struggle 230 都市 dū shì metropolis; city 231 毒品 dúpǐn narcotics 232 赌 dǔ gamble; bet 233 赌博 dǔbó gambling 234 渡 dù cross; ferry; tide over; ferry 14 across; crossing 235 端 duān end 236 端午节 uānwǔjié The Dragon Boat Festival 237 短片 duǎn piàn short film 238 队伍 duìwu Ranks 239 对抗 duìkàng Combat 240 对外 duì wài foreign; external 241 蹲 dūn squat 242 多半 duō bàn most; the greater part; chiefly; probably 243 多方面 duō fāng miàn multifaceted; in many aspects; many-sided 244 多媒体 duō méi tǐ multimedia 245 夺 duó seize; snatch; rob; contend for; deprive; decide 246 夺取 duó qǔ seize; wrest; strive for; snatch; taking 247 恩人 ēn rén benefactor 248 儿科 ér kē pediatrics; pediatric department 249 发病 fā bìng onset; morbidity; pathogenesis; outbreak; fall 15 ill 250 发电 fā diàn generate electricity; power generation 251 发放 fā fàng provide; grant; extend; give out; issue 252 发怒 fā nù get angry; fly into a rage; flare up; huff 253 发起 fā qǐ initiate;
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