much further as the engineers deem it advis-year from that concern will amount to theas possible into two districts, leaving out able; and following: that portion in the south part which had been Be It Further Resolved-That a copy of Tonsembraced in the port of Alsea.Steps were this resolution be sent by the secretary of theLogs 400,000then taken toward issuing bonds with which commission to the Hon. Charles L. McNaryLumber 60,000to continue the work of improving the harbor and the Hon. Robert IV. Stanfield, our UnitedFuel oil entrance.The first bond issue was for $75,- States senators-and to the Hon. W. C. Haw- 3,750000 on December 1, 1917, after the Secretary ley, the member of Congress from this dis-Logging equipment and supplies. 1,200of War had issued a permit, on August 11, trict." -PORT OF TOLEDO 1917, authorizing the two port commissions -PORT OF NEWPORT Total . 464,950 to enter into contracts for the work contem- PORT OF NEWPORT plated. EXHIBIT "A"-OOTOBER 31, 1923 AND JOINT WORK The work of the two commissions was done "Logs handled in rafts by two boats from The firstmeeting of the Newport Portthroughajointcommitteewhichhas Manary's log dump in Yaquina bay harbor toCommission was held in Newport on May 26,functioned harmoniously and of which Capt. the mill at Toledo, Oreg., a distance of nine1910, following the appointment of the com-Jacobson has been president since its organ- miles, from September 1, 1922, to October 31,missioners by the governor. ization. 1923 (fourteen months), 55,945,099 feet or An attempt had been made to organize one Under this arrangement work on the south 223,780 tons. port district for Yaquina Bay, but a differencejetty was renewed in 1917 and continued Equipment, consisting of locomotives, cars, of opinion arose and the Newport districtwithout government aid until 1919, when the rails, logging trucks, logging engines, campwas first organized, embracing the territorygovernment adopted the project of the survey and commissary supplies, handled on bargesadjacent to the lower bay, three miles northmade in 1916 and appropriated $100,000 for from Toledo, Oreg., to the Manary log dumpand three miles southeast to Yaquina City. it. from February 1, 1922, to October 31, 1923 R.A.Bensall,J.A. Olssen,Edward For the purpose of continuing the work, (21 months), 4,955 tons. Stocker, George King and Thomas Leese, thethe port of Newport issued bonds as did the "Logs handled in rafts by two boats fromappointed commissioners, were present at theport of Toledo, as follows: December 1, 1917 Logging Camp No. 11, located on the Siletzfirst meeting and Mr. Bensall was elected$75,000; January 1, 1918, $90,000; Septem- River about sixteen miles inland to mill atpresident. Mr. Leese secretary. ber 1, 1918, $90,000.On February 1, 1921, Toledo-a distance of 43 miles-via Siletz The personnel of the commission at thethe government took over the project and the river and bay, Pacific Ocean and Yaquinabeginning of this year, 1924, is Capt. 0. F.two ports were given credit for the amounts Harbor, from August 1, 1923, to October 31,Jacobson, president; Frank Priest, vice-presi-of money they had expended, a total of $549,- 1923(threemonths),6,883,424feetordent; C. E. Sheffield, treasurer; Frank Daw-165 and were asked to give the government 27,734 tons. son, secretary, and George Ashcraft. $165,000 in cash, to meet the increased costs "Finished lumber handled on lighters from Capt. Jacobson is a seafaring man and hasof the project which had been caused by the the mill at Toledo, Oreg., to Newport, Oreg.,been president of the commission practicallywar.The port of Newport paid its share of Yaquina harbor, to alongside the the steamerever since his election ten years ago.Forthis money out of a bond issue of October 1, rI-fE ABOVE COMPANION VIEWS SHOW THREE LOCOMOTIVES. LEFT-HAND VIEW-BALDWIN ROD ENGINE NO.1, A 75= TON LOCOMOTIVE AND FOUR TRAINMEN. AT RIGHT-BALDWINSADDLETANK LOCOMOTIVE NO.5, IN THE LEFT BACK= GROUND, AND St-lAY LOCOMOTIVE NO. 3 WITH TRAIN OF LOGS IN RIGHT FOREGROUND Robert Johnson' for movement to San Fran- over twenty years he has piloted the bDat 1920, for $132,000.On July 1, 1921, a bond cisco and Los Angeles, Cal., from June 1,running between Newport and Yaquina Cityissue of $25,000 was made and on January 1, 1923, to October 31, 1923 (five )nonths),daily and now owned by the Newport Navi- 1923, one for $35,000 was issued, with which 10,575,274 feet or 21,151 tons. gation Co., of which he is president. the bond issue of July 1, 1921 was retired. "Fuel oil purchased in San Francisco and C. E. Sheffield is in the real estate busi-The total bond issues of the port district, then Los Angeles, handled on return tripsof theness in Newport; Fred Dawson is a druggist;were $422,000, deducting the $25,000 issued 'Robert Johnson' in her tanks and deliveredGeorge Ashcraft is in the retail lumber busi-and retired.These soldat 96 to 98 and to the Manary Logging Co. for use as fuel onness and Frank Priest is a retired businessthe money was spent on the improvement of its locomotives and logging engines, fromman. The commission employs D. T. Hardingthe harbor.They are being paid as they June1,1923,toOctober31, 1923 (fiveas deputy treasurer and secretary. come due and the interest is provided for months), 11,743 barrels or 1,843 tons. Late in 1923 the Port Commission pur-annually by taxation. RECAPITULATION chasedabuilding andconsiderabledock Part of the work performed by the ports of Barrels Feet Tons frontage in Newport and now has quartersToledo and Newport consisted in securing an Logs 55,945,099223,780of its own.The rentals from the rest of theeighteen-foot channel approximately 200 feet Logging Equip- building, not occupied by the commission,wide and 250 feet wide on the curves, from ment 4,955 make a profit for the body.The berth ofYaquina City to the bar at the entrance. Logs 6,883,424 27,734 the steamship "Robert Johnson," as she takes THE PORT OF TOLEDO, OREGON Finished Lum- on her cargo, is at the dock of the NewportAND ITS COMMISSIONERS ber 10,575,274 21,151 Port Commission. Fuel Oil 11,743 1,843 For seven years after the organization of The first meeting of the Toledo Port Com- the port district its activities were of purelymission was held in Toledo, Oreg., on May a local character, the money for which was26, 1910, following the appointment of the Total 11,74373,403,797279,463 raised by a small annual tax.Following the commission by the governor.William Smith GROSS TONNAGE edict of the government in 1915 that it waswas president of this first commission, T. F. Tonswilling to co-operate with the port commis-Stewartvice-president, A. T. Peterson Pacific Spruce Corpn 279,463 sion on a 50-50 basis in the improvement oftreasurer, Lee Wade secretary, with W. C. Multnomah Box 74,000 the harbor, the need of an enlarged districtCopeland as the fifth member of the commis- Misc. Freights 15,000 became apparent, as did also the need ofsion. - Lumber from Siletz 5,750 closer co-operation between the two ports; One ofthefirstactions of the Port of Fish 768 and in the fall of 1916 steps were taken toToledo was to bond itself for $50,000 for the form an enlarged district and perfect a jointimprovement of Yaquina River from Toledo Total 374,931 working arrangement. to Yaquina City, as related in that part of "Reports received fioni the Pacific Spruce At a meeting held in Newport Novemberthis story entitled "The Improvement of the Corporation indicate that the tonnage next11, 1916, the county was divided as nearly Yaquina River." 31 The Toledo Port Commission joined with stand exactly what is meant when it is saidsouth Lincoln County, itis safe and proper the Port of Newport in 1916 in an effort tothat, although active logging operations haveto say that the Pacific Spruce Corporation has secure the deepening of the Yaquina bar.been going on in thatterritorysince earlyin its possession todayinclusive of various Coincident with the action of the sister port,in 1922, there is no reason for changing thetracts under optionnot less than 2,000,- the Port of Toledo issued bonds for bar im-totals of the estimated stands in the various000,000 feet of timber of all sorts. provement as follows: woods. "Siletz" Fir Stand Heaviest Known The table which followsindicatesthe Date of Issue Amount quantities of the four principal woods that The Siletz country runs heavier to fir than December 1, 1917 $ 75,000 may be found today on the so-called Blodgettany other timber, as evidenced by all of the January 1, 1918. 90,000 tract of 12,705.94 acres of land, situated inexpert cruises that have been made in that September 1, 1918 90,000 Lincolnterritory; and in the specific statement con- October 1, 1920 130,000 thethreesouthern townshipsof cerning this timber, made below, under the January 1, 1923 35,000County Oregon: sub-headings of "The Timber In the Territory Species Feet of Camp 12" and "The Timber in the Terri- Present Personnel Sitka spruce . 330,000,000tory of Camp 11" it is seen that the fir timber The personnel of the Toledo Port Commis- Douglas fir 265,000,000is much taller than in average tracts through- sion at present is J. W. Parish, president; GuyWestern hemlock 190,000,000 out the country;that the trees range in Roberts, secretary; William Andrews,Western red cedar 15,000,000content from 3,000 to 25,000 feet and that treasurer; Peter Frederick and Dr.
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