Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Provincial Department of Agriculture of Kampong Speu 6 Plan of Action For Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture in Kampong Speu Province 2014-2018 Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Provincial Department of Agriculture of Kampong Speu 6 Plan of Action For Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture in Kampong Speu Province 2014-2018 DECEMBER 2013 ឯកសារន េះ ត្រូវបា ផលិរន ើង នត្ោមជ ំ ួយហិរញ្ញ វរុថពីអគនាយកដ្ឋា ន ណៈកមមោរសហម អ៍ ឺរបុ សត្ាប់ជ ំ ួយម ុសសធម ៌ ិងកិច្ចោរ家រជ សុីវលិ ិងនត្ោមជ ំ ួយបនច្ចកនេសពីអងគោរនសបៀង ិងកសិកមម ន សហត្បᾶᾶរិត្បចកំ មុពᾶ។ 殶ល់េសស ៈទងំ ឡាយកុនងអរថបេន េះ ម ិ ត្រូវបា ឆុ្េះបញ្ច ំងពីេសស ៈ របស់សហម អ៍ ឺរបុ ិង ឬ អងគោរនសបៀង ិងកសិកមមន សហត្បᾶᾶរិន ើយ។ 殶ល់ោរផលិរឯកសារន េះ នដ្ឋយផ្ផនក ឬទងំ មូល សត្ាបោ់ របនងើក ោរយល់ដឹង ោរកសាងផ្ផ ោរ ិង នោលបំណងម ិ ផ្សែងរកត្បាក់ច្ំណូលនានាត្រូវបា អ ុញ្ញរ នដ្ឋយត្ោ ់ផ្រផ់ល់ ូវោរេេួលសាគល់ត្បភព ពរ័ ា៌ ។ 殶ល់ោរផលិរឯកសារន េះ កុនងនោលបំណងផ្សែងរកត្បាកច្់ ំនណញ ត្រូវបា ហាមឃារ ់ នដ្ឋយម ិ បា សុំោរអ ុញ្ញ រិពីអនកផលិរ។ This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection and with technical assistance of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The views expressed herein should not be taken, in any way, to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission and or FAO. Reproduction of any part of this publication for education, DRR awareness, and any other non- profit purpose is authorized without prior permission from the publisher, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction for resale or other commercial purpose is prohibited without prior written permission from the publisher. Foreword Agricultural production and livelihoods, particularly of the majority of smallholder farmers in Kampong Speu are recurrently affected by a variety of natural hazards. Smallholder farmers in Cambodia are particularly vulnerable, due to high exposure to hazards, the use of agricultural practices such as mono-cropping under rain fed conditions, and the low yield produced. The high hazard exposure combined with low production levels threaten the livelihood security of thousands of smallholder farmers; damages and losses of assets and lives occur regularly, particularly during and after disasters.. The Provincial Department of Agriculture of Kampong Speu (PDA) is committed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and dependent farming communities, and to enhance the institutional capacities of service providers and communities to reduce damages and losses, and to lessen sufferings. During 2013 the PDA coordinated and facilitated the development of a Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture in Kampong Speu province for the period 2014-2018. This Plan of Action for DRR in Agriculture is designed as a practical roadmap to include key aspects of disaster risk reduction (DRR) into the sustainable development agenda of agriculture, especially for crop production and livestock production. The plan will contribute to realize the national level Plan of Action on DRR of the General Directorate of Agriculture 2014-2018, the National Strategic Development Plan 2014-2018 and the political program of the Royal Government of Cambodia especially the Rectangular Strategy Phase 3. This plan was developed with the facilitation and coordination of technical offices of PDA, relevant Provincial Departments, the Provincial Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM), and other NGOs. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has provided technical assistance with financial support from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DIPECHO). SOY PANHA Director, Provincial Department of Agriculture of Kampong Speu i Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture of Kampong Speu Acknowledgement The Plan of Action to strengthen capacities for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector was prepared on the basis of a participatory consultation process with key DRR stakeholders, including PDoWRAM, Provincial Departments, PCDM, and Development Partners. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Cambodia facilitated the plan’s development process under the project “Enhancing capacities for disaster risk reduction in agriculture in Cambodia and the Philippines”, with financial support from the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DIPECHO). My special thanks are due to Mr. Tieng Hilyna, Mr. Chin Erng, Ms. Chea Dany, and Mr. Chea Hokly for the organization and provision of facilitation support during consultative meetings and brainstorming sessions and technical review workshops and for the technical inputs, review and proof-reading of the plan. Chief, deputy chief of technical offices, all chiefs/deputy chiefs of the District offices of Agriculture of PDA, representatives of Provincial Departments and development partners are acknowledged for their technical inputs for this POA. My sincere thanks go to Dr. Stephan Baas for his overall technical guidance and the facilitation of one of the consultative multistakeholder workshops. Mr. Loek Sothea is acknowledged for his role as technical advisor of FAO for the preparation, overall technical review, and compilation of this Plan of Action. Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture of Kampong Speu ii Executive Summary Kampong Speu province has increasingly been exposed to disasters, in particular to droughts, flood, pest and diseases, and storms. These disastrous events cause damages to and losses of lives, properties, infrastructure, and livelihoods; they impede and set back the development efforts, and divert development funds. Millions of dollars are spent to save lives and rehabilitate people’s livelihoods. To better prepare for these impacts, the Provincial Department of Agriculture in technical collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Cambodia facilitated the development of a five-year Plan of Action (POA) for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture. Financial support was provided by the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (DIPECHO). This Plan of Action was designed as practical guidance document and roadmap to support key aspects of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in agriculture, especially crop and livestock production, and to better include them into the sustainable development agenda,. The plan seeks the synergy of resources and efforts to holistically address disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in the sector. It is divided into 4 Chapters. The first chapter, the introduction, describes the geographical situation of the province, the needs for the sectoral plan of action, its scope, guiding principles, and the planning process. The second chapter discussed the key hazards that potentially affect the agriculture sector, and the policy frameworks on DRR that shape this Plan. The third chapter outlines the goal, mission, anticipated outcomes, indicators, and the priority areas for action. The last chapter suggests institutional mechanisms for the implementation of the plan, and the key actors to be involved in proactive DRR and CCA. There are several annexes, including the detailed activity planning matrix for 2014-2018, a list of priority actions for 2014-2018, underlying definitions, and the list of contributors to the POA. The Priorities for Action proposed in this plan are organized along 5 inter-linked areas, which correspond closely to the Hyogo Framework for action: namely (i) strengthening institutional and technical capacities for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in agriculture; (ii) enhancing early warning systems; (iii) improving knowledge management, awareness raising and education on disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation; (iv) reducing underlying vulnerabilities by improving technical options in agriculture; and (v) strengthening preparedness capacities for effective emergency response and rehabilitation and integrating of disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation interventions. iii Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture of Kampong Speu Acronyms Agromet Agro-meteorology BPH Brown Plant Hopper CBDRR Community-based disaster risk reduction CBO Community-based organizations CCA Climate Change Adaptation CCDM Commune Committee for Disaster Management CEDAC Cambodian Center for Study and Development DAHP Department of Animal Health and Productions DIPECHO European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection DOA District office of Agriculture DRR Disaster Risk Reduction EWS Early Warning System FFS Farmer Field School GDA General Directorate of Agriculture GPO Good Practice Option HFA Hyogo Framework for Action MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries MoWRAM Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology NCDM National Committee for Disaster Management NGO Non-Governmental Organization PCDM Provincial Committee for Disaster Management PDA Provincial Department of Agriculture PDoWRAM Provincial Department of Water Resources and Meteorology POA Plan of Action SC Steering Committee SNAP Strategic National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Reduction TG Task Group TWG Technical Working Group Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture of Kampong Speu iv Content Page Foreword i Acknowledgement ii Executive Summary iii Acronyms iv Content v 1 Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Background
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