Initial Environmental Examination______________ July 2010 IND: Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Investment Program- Karauli Solid Waste Management Prepared by Local Self Government Department for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 15 September 2011) Currency unit – Rupee (INR) INR1.00 = $0.02098 $1.00 = INR 47.65 ABBREVIATIONS ADB — Asian Development Bank BOQ — bill of quantity CBO — community-based organization CFE — Consent for Establishment CFO — Consent for Operation CGWB — Central Ground Water Board CLC — City Level Committees CLIP — City Level Investment Plan CWR — clear water reservoirs DSC — Design and Supervision Consultants EAC — Expert Appraisal Committee EARF — Environmental Assessment Resettlement Framework EIA — Environmental Impact Assessment EMP — Environmental Management Plan EMS — Environmental Monitoring Specialist EPA — Environmental Protection Agency GLR — ground level reservoir GRC — Grievance Redress Committee H&S — Health & Safety IEE — Initial Environmental Examination IPIU — Investment Program Implementation Unit IPMC — Investment Program Management Consultants IPMU — Investment Program Project Management Unit ITI — industrial training institutes JNNURM — Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission LSGD — Local Self Government Department MFF — multitranche financing facility MLD — million liters per day MOEF — National Ministry of Environment and Forests NAAQS — National Ambient Air Quality Standards NGO — nongovernmental organization NRRP — National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy NRW — non-revenue water O&M — operation and maintenance OHSA — Occupational Health & Safety Administration OHSR — overhead storage reservoirs OMC — Operations and Maintenance Contractors PHED — Public Health Engineering Department PIU — Project Implementation Unit PMU — Project Management Unit RMB - Rajsamand Municipal Board ROW — right of way RPCB — Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board RUIDP — Rajasthan Urban Infrastructure Development Project RUSDIP — Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Investment Programme SEIAA — State Environment Impact Assessment Authority SPS — Safeguard Policy Statement STP — sewage treatment plant TDS — total dissolved solids TOR — terms of reference UIDSSMT — Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns ULB — urban local body USEPA — United States Environmental Protection Agency WTP — water treatment plant WEIGHTS AND MEASURES lakh – 100 thousand = 100,000 crore – 100 lakhs = 10,000,000 µg/m3 – micrograms per cubic meter km – kilometer lpd – liters per day m – meter mg/l – milligrams per liter mm – millimeter ppm – parts per million NOTES (i) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. (ii) ―INR‖ and ―Rs‖ refer to Indian rupees This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Purpose of the report 1 B. Extent of the IEE study 1 II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 3 A. Type, Category and Need 3 B. Location, Size and Implementation Schedule 3 C. Description of the Sub-project 4 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 9 A. Physical Resources 9 B. Ecological Resources 18 C. Economic Development 19 D. Social and Cultural Resources 25 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION: LOCATION AND DESIGN 26 V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION: INFRASTRUCTURE 26 CONSTRUCTION 26 A. Screening out areas of no significant impact 26 B. Landfill and Internal Road 27 C. Storage Bins 30 VI. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 33 A. Screening out areas of no significant impact 33 B. Operation and maintenance of the improved waste management system 33 C. Greenhouse gas emission and control 34 D. Environmental impacts and benefits of the operating system 34 VII. INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 36 A. Summary of environmental impacts and mitigation measures 36 B. Institutional arrangements for project implementation 36 C. Environmental Monitoring Plan 43 D. Environmental management and monitoring cost 46 VIII. PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 47 A. Project stakeholders 47 B. Consultation and disclosure to date 47 C. Future consultation and disclosure 48 D. Grievance Redress Mechanism 49 IX. FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 50 A. Findings 50 B. Recommendations 52 X. CONCLUSIONS 53 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Introduction and Regulatory Framework: Rajasthan Urban Sector Development Investment Program (RUSDIP) is intended to optimize social and economic development in 15 selected towns in the State, particularly district headquarters and towns with significant tourism potential. RUSDIP Phase II to be implemented over a seven year period beginning in 2008, and will be funded by a loan via the Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) of the ADB. RUSDIP will improve infrastructure through the design and implementation of a series of subprojects, each providing improvements in a particular sector (water supply, sewerage, drainage, road, solid waste etc) in one town. 2. The impacts of subprojects prepared according to ADB Environment Policy (2002, 2009) and Indian National Law. Projects are screened for their expected environmental impacts and are assigned to Category A, B, C and F1. RUSDIP has been classified by ADB as environmental assessment category B (some negative impacts but less significant than category A). The only type of infrastructure provided by the RUSDIP that is specified in the EIA Notification (2006) of Govt. Of India is solid waste management, where Environmental Clearance (EC) is required for all Common Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities. EC is thus required for the solid waste management sub-project and this is subject to Environmental Examination. This is the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report for the Karauli solid waste management sector. It discusses the generic environmental impacts and mitigation measures relating to the location, design, construction and operation of physical works proposed under this subproject. 3. Project Description: The sub-project is located in Karauli, the headquarters town of Karauli district, in the South-Eastern Boader of Rajasthan. The main component of the sub- project is the construction of engineered sanitary landfill on 4.62 ha land. New approach and internal road and boundary wall along the landfill site are also considered as a part of development of landfill site. The project site is located in the village near Dhani Ram Ka Pura on Masalpur Road 6 km from Nagar Palika. In addition to landfill site procurement of garbage containers, waste transportation vehicles and equipments are considered within the package. 4. Description of Environment: Karauli is located between 260 30‘ N and 260 49‘ N Latitude and 760 30‘ E and 770 26‘ E Longitudes with average elevation of town is approximately 275 metres above M.S.L. Karauli town is surrounded by River in three sides. In the north-east side River Bhadrabati and In South-west side River Barkhera surrounded the town. Karauli town lies in low damage risk zone II. The area is less prone to earthquakes as it is located on relatively stable geological plains based on evaluation of the available earthquake zone information. Karauli is essentially a hilly area surrounded on three sides on plans and one side by the Chambal River. The Mountain Arabali‘s eastern series consists of quartz, Mica, gneiss and Migmatites etc., whereas, the rock of Great Vindhyan series, mainly in Kaimul, Riwa and Bhander, consists largely of sand stone, lime stone and slate. Soil of the region falls within rainfall zone of 500- 700 mm. The soil is generally alluvial in nature which prone to water logging. The region has a generally arid climate. The average rain fall of the district is 68.92 cm. The district has only approximately of 35 rainy days on average in a year. The range of temperature is high with maximum reaching up to 490C and Minimum recorded as low as 20C. There are no data on ambient air quality of Karauli town, which is not subject to monitoring by the Rajasthan Pollution Control Board (RPCB) as there are no major industries. The nearest station is located at Alwar (154 km from Karauli). Traffic is the only significant pollutant in Karauli, so levels of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen are likely to be well within the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). On an average 60-70 50% of the district area (mostly south and eastern part of the district) covered with consolidated fissured formation with some patches of hilly area. Water quality from existing tube wells, especially around the city centre, has deteriorated significantly with a total dissolved solids having increased from 850 ppm to 2,535 ppm thereby rendering water unsuitable for human consumption. The results also indicate higher concentration of nitrate (10 percent samples) and iron (30 percent samples) than recommended levels prescribed by the Indian standards on drinking water. It is therefore recommended that as far as possible existing tube wells should be abandoned. There is no forest area nearby the sub-project site. No endangered flora and
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