PARISH MAGAZINE October / November 2015 ^ !tn 11^ vWOTT. i •r i •? %•?!»'•'••• yr»', "When you go home, tell them of us and say,for yourtomorrow, we gave our today." Kohima Epitaph 1 www.sobertonchurch.org.ukwww.n0wtownchurch.org.uk SERVICES at St. Peter's. Soberton and Holy Trinity. Newtown. DAILY SERyiCES: Tuesday to Friday: 9.00 Morning Prayer at St.Peter's SUNDAY SERyiCES: Please refer to the inside pages VICAR : Rey. Sandra Beayis, Tel. 01489 877400 The Vicarage, Webbs Green , Soberton, S032 3PY e-mail: [email protected] Day off - Monday OFFICE HOUR FOR WEDDING & BAPTISM ENQUIRIES Wednesday evenings 6-7 pm Please contact Rev Sandra Beavis before attending - 01489 877400 or [email protected] Licensed Lav Mr.Norman Chapman, Meadow Cottage, West Street, Soberton Minister fReadert 01489 877378 e-mail: [email protected] Our Lady Queen of the Apostles. Roman Catholic Church. St. Martin's Street,Bishop's Waltham, S032 IDN. Canon Alan Griffiths (frgriffiths@,portsmouthdiocese.org.uk'> O2380 273882 6.00 pm. Saturday (First Mass ofSunday) 9.30 am. Simday There are Sunday evening services in Winchester and in Fareham. For further information contact Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 The Methodist Circuit. Services in the area as follows:- Shirrell Heath 10.30am & 6.00 pm Waltham Chase 10.30 am Bishops Waltham 10.30 am Swanmore 10.30 am & 6.00 pm Hambledon 11.00 am &, 6.00 pm MAGAZINE. Editors: Penny Rowlinson 01489 877830 Chairman: Perrv Abbott 02392 632338 Rev. Sandra Beavis 01489 877400 Advertising: Anthony McEwen 01489 877448 Treasurer: John Rowlinson 01489 877830 Circulation: Pete Woodacre 01489 877768 Secretary: Annie Jacob 01329 832480 Typesetting of advertisements: Solent Design Studio Front cover design: Jonty Sherwiil - www.sherwiiidesian.com - 01329 835555 Dear Friends Remembering and anticipation are the key themes for November, as you will see in the Church calendar. On the 1^^ of November at the service of All Souls at St Peter's we will be remembering and thanking God for thosewe have loved who have died. This is a very special service when the names ofour loved onesare read out and weare able to light a candle forthem and receive a pieceof Rosemary herb,the symbol of love and remembrance, to take home. The Remembrance Sunday Service, when we remember and honour all those who have sacrificed themselves to secure and protect our freedom, will be held at Holy Trinity this year. During the Service the names of those who gave their lives from our villages during the first and second worldwars and more recent conflicts will be read out. Although parking ifor this Service should not be a problem. Ifyou have any concerns please ring the church office on 01489 877400. Atthe end of Novemberwe beginthe four week period of Adventwhen we anticipate and prepare ourselves to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas Day. So on the SO**^ of November, we will mark it inthe usual waywith our Advent Carol Service at HolyTrinity, accompanied by the Meon Valley Band. Ialways look forward to preparing for this Service, part of which is lighting hundreds of candles and lamps that give Holy Trinity such a gorgeous Advent glow. We are so blessed to have so many talented instrumentalists who join us on this evening and Iwould like to thank them ahead of the event. Fra Wells has said that he and Sue will be in charge of the mulled wine as usual and Trevor will be making the mince pies, and Gingerbread men for the children. Norman will be making hot chocolate for the children too and not just powder sort but real Hot Chocolate drink made with real Chocolate. I might have some tool 11 Thinking of evening services I draw your attention to the Taize Service at Holy Trinity on the of October at 6.00. This style of worship comes from the Taize community in France and is proving to be very meaningful and popular throughout the diocese. Ifyou haven't been to a Taize Service before, do consider coming. Earlyin September Iattended the annual Diocesan Conference. As usual it was good to catch up with other clergy that Idon't get a chance to see very often and to listen to some excellent speakers. One of the speakers was Loretta Minghella, chief executive of Christian Aid. She spoke so movingly of how she connects her Christian faith with the charity's work on the front line and of all the support that was being given to those fleeing from war torn areas of our world. She summed up her thinking by saying, "Some callthem refugees, some call them migrants. Icall them mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, sisters and brothers". With every blessing in Christ Jesus Rev'd Sandra 11 Holy Trinity Newtown Sunday 29^^ Nov - 6pm Advent Carols by Candlelight Accompanied by the Meon Valley Band Followed by mulled wine and mince pies. Hot chocolate and gingerbread men for the children. ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SERVICES-2015 ST PETER'S - SOBERTON AND HOLY TRINITY - NEWTOWN Sunday 29^" Nov 1800 Advent Sunday - Advent Carols Holy Trinity Sunday 20'" 1000 Service of Nine Lessons & Carols St Peter's Thursday 24'" 1800 Children's Candlelight & Nativity St Peter s Christmas Eve 2330 Midnight Communion St Peter s Friday 25'" 0800 (BCP) Service Christmas Day 0930 Parish Communion with Carols Holy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion with Carols St Peter s Sunday 27'" No Benefice Services .V<«M * ocromit 2015 * Saturday 3'^^ 1000 MVGC Plant Sale Droxford '# <i^V Sunday 4th 0800 Holy Communlon(BCP) St Peter's 18"^ after Trinity 1000 Joint Benefice Family Service Holy Trinity Monday 5"^ 1430 Infant School Harvest Festival Holy Trinity Tuesday 6'*^ 0930 -12noon Coffee & Croissants Church Rooms 51 Wednesday T''^ 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms <»^L» Wednesday 7^^ 2000 Wives' Group The Bowery 1230 Lunch Club Church Rooms * -.®L' Sunday11^'' 800 Holy Communion (BOP) St Peter's 19"^ after Trinity 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Matins St Peter's X 1800 Taize Service Holy Trinity Tuesday 13*^^ 1200 MV Carers Lunch The Forge Wednesday 14**^ 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Thursday 15*" 1930 MV Garden Club Droxford * 31 Friday 16*" 1230 Friends of St. Peter's lunch Church Rooms Saturday 17*^ 1400 Jumble Sale Rookesbury Sunday 18*'' 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's 20*" after Trinity 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion & Rocs St Peter's i: Tuesday 20*" 0930-12noon Coffee & Croissants Church Rooms Wednesday 21st 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Thursday 22"'' 1900 Film Club Church Rooms Sunday 25*" 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's Last after Trinity 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion St Peter's 5t Tuesday 27*" 1400 MV Carers AGM & Music Therapy Paterson Centre i: Wednesday 28*" 1800-19.00 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms it 9fCn^9mE<R 2015 Sunday 1®* 0800 Holy Communion (BOP) St Peter's All Saints 1000 Joint Benefice Famiiy Service St Peter's itAll Souls 1800 Service for Ail Souls St Peter's i: itSunday 1®' 1500 Film Club Church Rooms Tuesday 3"^^ 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Rooms Wednesday 4"^ 18.00-19.00 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Wednesday 4"^ 1930 MVGarden Club AGM & Quiz Droxford i: Friday 6'^ 1230 Lunch Club Church Rooms itFriday 6"' 2000 Wives' Group Glebe House i: Sunday 8**" 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's it S"' before Advent 1050 Remembrance Day Service Holy Trinity Monday 9"^ 1900 Royal British Legion AGM Droxford itTuesday 10"^ 1200 MV Carers Lunch The Forge i Wednesday 11'^ 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Friday 13'h 1930 3Ps Quiz Evening SVH Sunday IS*** 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's i 4"^ before Advent 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity 1100 Parish Communion & Rocs St Peter's itMonday 16*" 18.00 MAGAZINE COPY DEADLINE * Tuesday 17*" 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Rooms Tuesday 17*" 1330 MV Carers Outing Peterson Centre * Wednesday 18'" 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms Thursday 19*" 1930 MV Garden Club Meon Hall Saturday 21®' 12.00 Plougman's Lunch & Fair Rookesbury i: * Sunday 22"" 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's Christ the King 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity * 1100 Parish Communion St Peter's Tuesday 24th 1400 MV Flower Club Christmas Fayre Meon Hall Wednesday 25'" 1800-1900 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms * Thursday 26*" 1930 Beauty and the Beast SVH * Friday 27'" 1930 Beauty and the Beast SVH itSaturday 28*" 1400 Beauty and the Beast SVH Saturday 28'" 1930 Beauty and the Beast SVH itSunday 29'" 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's * 1St Sunday of Adventi000 Joint Benefice Famiiy Service St Peter's it 1800 Advent Carols Holy Trinity * (DfECEOmE^ 2015 Wednesday 2"" 2000 Wives Group i: Rookesbury Friday 4'" 1930 The Three Belles Rookesbury itSaturday 5'" Friends of St. Peter's Coffee Morning Church Rooms Sunday 6th 0800 Holy Communion(BCP) St Peter's it2"" Sunday of Adventi000 Joint Benefice Famiiy Service Holy Trinity * Tuesday 8'" 0930 Coffee & Croissants Church Rooms Wednesday 9'" 1800-19.00 Office Hour Wedding/Baptism enquiries Church Rooms t Friday 11'" 1230 Christmas Lunch Club Church Rooms * * Sunday13'" 0800 Holy Communion (BCP) St Peter's 3"* Sunday of Advent 0930 Parish Communion Holy Trinity it 1100 Matins St Peter's Baptisms Rory Evans Wilson on 2"^ August 2015 at Newtown Frances Grace Felix on September 2015 at Soberton Rosanna Lourdes Carter on September 2015 at Soberton Sebastian Rudyard Robert Carter on 6"^ September 2015 at Soberton Ella Louise Jenkins on September 2015 at Newtown Tallulah Tracy Jacqueline Vine on 27'^'^ September 2015 at Soberton Burial ofAshes Keith Davies on 28'^'^ August 2015 at Soberton Pamela Mary Phillimore on 3'^^ September 2015 at Soberton Royal British Legion - Droxford & District (Please note that non members are welcome to attend our meetings which manage to draw some most Interesting speakers.
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