SHABBAT, MARCH 7, 2020 - ADAR 11, 5780 PARSHAT TETZAVEH (Pgs. 464 & 1066) SHABBAT ZACHOR TORAH INSIGHTS FROM RABBI ELI BABICH You shall make holy garments for your brother Aaron, for honor and glory (Tetzaveh 28:2). Parshat Tetzaveh describes the eight priestly garments that the high priest wore while serving in the Mishkan/Tabernacle. As the garments were designed in an elegant and royal manner, they granted the high priest both “honor and glory.” Numerous commentaries questioned why such extravagant garments were necessary in a location dedicated to spiritual pursuits. The S’forno suggested that the priestly garments served a double function: (1) the high priest’s adornment of garments of splendor during the Temple service brought honor to the Almighty; and (2) the appearance of the other kohanim in vestments of glory facilitated their role as educators. The priestly garments inspired awe amongst the Israelites, enhancing the respect due to the kohanim. The Sefer HaChinuch, published anonymously in 13th century Spain, noted that the priestly gar- ments were meant to focus the kohanim on their service in the Temple. The adornment of the “royal uniform” served as a constant reminder for the kohanim to focus on their priestly responsibilities and to not be distracted from their holy work. The Malbim of- fered a novel interpretation and suggested that the elegant outer garments served as a sign for the kohanim that just as their out appearance was in beautified coverings, their inner character must be exemplary as well. Outer piety, explained the Malbim, must be matched with inner purity. Often, people outwardly display a heightened religiosity, but in private, they manifest a corrupt and crooked nature. The elegant garments worn by the kohanim were meant to serve as a reminder that their “inner beauty” must correlate with their “outer beauty.” Similarly, The Talmud (Yoma 72) noted that the Ark consisted of a gold outer covering, a wooden middle layer, and an inner gold layer, even though the inside of the Ark was not visible to the public. This arrangement of layers conveyed the message that one’s inner personal self must match one’s outer self which associates and interacts with others. Personal integrity is a value of the Torah, for which we all must strive. MATANOT L’EVYONIM - GIFTS TO THE POOR ON PURIM One of the Mitzvot we are commanded to perform on Purim is distribution of funds to those who are in need. If you’d like assistance in performing this Mitzvah, please contact Rabbi Babich with your pledges at [email protected], as he will be coordinating the distribution of funds to those in need on Purim day. ELI BABICH, RABBI JOSEPH MALOVANY, CANTOR 5 East 62nd Street ● Tel: 212.838.2122 ● www.5as.org Kiddush Sponsorships The Kiddush this Shabbat is kindly sponsored by Basya and Andrew Lowinger in celebration of the completion of the full set of Talmud by the Daf Yomi group at Fifth Avenue Synagogue. The Kiddush this Shabbat is kindly co-sponsored by Lilly and Jacob Gold in honor of Andrew Lowinger and Rabbi Fishelis. GUEST BA’AL TEFILAH LIPA will lead all services this Shabbat. DAF YOMI SIYUM THIS SHABBAT, MARCH 7 Led by distinguished Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Shmuel Fishelis, our Daf Yomi study group participants include: Michael Abrahamson, Michael Alpert, Joel Davidson, Shimmy Deutscher, Rabbi David Eliach, Simon Fischer, Michael Fiskus, Sunny Ganger, Betzalel Gelbtuch, Jacob Gold, Sid Gold, Avraham Goldringer, Jonathan Gross, Mark Grunwald, Robert Hadi, David Hollander, George Klein, Martin Klein, Benjamin Lipman, Andrew Lowinger, Cantor Joseph Malovany, Ari Maryles, Dr. Elizabeth Muss, David Present, Alan Rechtschaffen, Rabbi Dr. Sol Roth, Steve Schneider, Howard Schraub, Martin Schwartz, Abe Shainberg, Mendy Silber, Andrew Silverberg, and Charles Taub. Please join our Daf Yomi Group for a Siyum this Shabbat celebrating the completion of Tractate Brachos. It’s a great opportunity to join our Daf Yomi group as we begin the new Tractate Shabbos this Sunday, March 8. Class meets at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, 7:15 a.m. on Sundays with Rabbi Fishelis, and 8:00 a.m. on Shabbos with Dr. Aryeh Pollack. *New additional daily Daf Yomi class at 5:30 PM starting this Sunday, March 8. Mazal Tov! Mazal Tov to Mindy and Howard Podolsky on the occasion of the wedding of their son Max Podolsky and Amanda Sweetwood. Mazal Tov to the entire Podolsky family. Mazal Tov to Wayne Forman and Dalia Debora on the occasion of their marriage. WEEKLY TUESDAY NIGHT TALMUD CLASS with RESIDENT SCHOLAR RABBI DR. MICHAEL ROSENSWEIG Rabbi Rosensweig’s Talmud class continues on Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 PM at FAS. Rabbi Rosenweig is teaching Tractate Chulin. UPCOMING PROPHETS CLASS with RABBI ELI BABICH Monday, March 16, at 6:00 PM at FAS. Pizza will be provided. Please RSVP to [email protected]. YAHRZEITS March 7 - 13, 2020; Adar 11 - 17, 5780 MARCH/ADAR 7 11 Dr. Renata Frankel, Mother 11 15 Mr. Edward Sugar, Father 7 11 Mr. Daniel Stein, Father 11 15 Mr. Marc Goldman, Mother 8 12 Mrs. Evelyn Hootnick, Father 11 15 Mrs. Lucia Smigel, Father 8 12 Mr. Jonathan Berland, Grandfather 12 16 Mr. Jeffrey Justin, Father 8 12 Mrs. Hannah Frankel, Step-Father 12 16 Mr. Jacob Plitman, Relative 9 13 Mrs. Shirley Feder, Husband 12 16 Ms. Sherry Bloom, Husband 9 13 Mr. Avi Spodek, Grandmother 12 16 Mr. Jacques Blinbaum, Grandfather 9 13 Mr. Edward Sugar, Step-Father 12 16 Ms. Linda Bernell, Grandfather 9 13 Mr. Evan Schwartzberg, Grandfather 12 16 Mrs. Helaine Barnett, Father 9 13 Mr. Milton Goodstein, Brother 13 17 Mr. Avi Spodek, Father 10 14 Mr. Martin Zimet, Mother 13 17 Mrs. Jane Rabhan, Mother 11 15 Cantor Joseph Malovany, Mother 13 17 Mrs. Anne Fridman, Mother FOR ERUV STATUS: Call 212-838-2122 x 5. For questions or comments about the Eruv please contact Rabbi Tauber at Mechon L’Hoyroa: (845) 659-8777. CONDOLENCE It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Barbara K. Lipman, mother of Gustave K. Lipman (Karen), Joshua S Lipman (Joanna) and M Benjamin Lipman (Lea), as well as five grandchildren (Adam, Allegra, Clara, Victoria and Ilana). The Memorial Service will take place on Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 2:30 pm at Temple Emanu-El (Fifth Avenue at East 65th Street, New York, New York) and will be streamed at www.emanuelnyc.org/broadcast. In light of the current health situation, should you be feeling at all unwell, the family requests that you extend condolences by card or phone. Shiva will be observed in New York at the Lipman residence: 781 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. • Saturday (March 7): Visitors are welcome between 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm. • Sunday (March 8): Visitors are welcome immediately following the memorial service until 5:30 pm and between 6:30 pm and 9:00 pm. Mincha/Ma’ariv is at 6:45 pm at the Lipman Residence: 781 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. • Monday (March 9): Visitors are welcome between 10:30 am and 12:00 pm and between 2:00 pm and 5:30 pm due to Purim. • Thursday (March 12): Shacharit is at 7:30 am at the Lipman Residence: 781 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Highlights from Shabbat Across America dinner held on February 28, with special guests Rabbi Yaakov Asher and Vanina Sinclair. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Eden Willow Kalmanowicz, 2 Asher Silber, 4 Lev Efune, 5 FIFTH AVENUE SYNAGOGUE CHEVRA KADISHA ANNUAL SEUDAH BREAKFAST SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 2020 - 9:10 AM Featuring Guest Speaker: RABBI DR. J. DAVID BLEICH “DNA and The Chevra Kadisha” The Chevra Kadisha of Fifth Avenue Synagogue invites you to its annual Seudah Breakfast, celebrating the Chesed and dedicated work of our Men’s & Women’s Chevra Kadisha volunteers, and commemorating the Yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu. Breakfast is complimentary but please RSVP to [email protected] or call (212) 838-2122. Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich has been the Rabbi at Yorkville Synagogue in Manhattan for over 45 years. Rabbi Bleich, an authority on Jewish law and ethics, including Jewish medical ethics, is Rosh Yeshivah (Professor of Talmud) at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. He is also Rosh Kollel, Kollel le-Hora'ah, the Director of its Postgraduate Institute for Jurisprudence and Family Law. At Yeshiva University, he holds the Herbert and Florence Tenzer Chair in Jewish Law and Ethics, and he is a Professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. Rabbi Bleich was ordained at Mesivta Torah Vodaath, and advanced ordination (Yadin Yadin) from Rabbis Moshe Feinstein and Mendel Zaks. He also did graduate Talmudic studies at Beth Medrash Elyon in Monsey, N.Y. and attended the Kollel Kodshim of Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim of Radun. His most recent book is The Philosophical Quest: Of Philosophy, Ethics, Law and Halakhah. Rabbi Bleich is married to Dr. Judith Bleich, a historian of 19th-century European Jewry. FIRST NIGHT PASSOVER SEDER AT FAS HOSTED BY: RABBI ELI & LISA BABICH PLEASE JOIN US FOR A SPECTACULAR SEDER DINNER EXPERIENCE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! COMMUNAL SINGING LED BY : THE HALPERT FAMILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2020 FIFTH AVENUE SYNAGOGUE 5 EAST 62ND ST, NY, NY 10065 MINCHA AT 7:20 PM SEDER AT 8:00 PM MEMBERS: $125 ADULT, $75 CHILD NON-MEMBERS: $145 ADULT, $75 CHILD RSVP: 212-838-2122, www.5as.org, or email [email protected] THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS DONORS - 5780 ANNUAL CAMPAIGN Our Sages teach us that charity serves as a source of blessing both for good health and prosperity.
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