II. QC SUMMARY E.P.A. CASE NO. __i A. Surroaate % Recovery Summary • D, DFTPP Performance Summary B. Reagent BlanK Summary • E. BFB Performance Summary C. Matrix Spike Duplicate/ Recovery Summary 013247 A. Surrogate % Recovery Summary Surrogate compounds are added to each sample prior to extraction and analysis ol Its various fractions, Trie recovery ot surrogates la a measure ol extraction efficiency ol classes ol compounds, II surrogate recoveries are outside acceptance criteria, the logic applied Is described In I-D, Decision Tree Process, 013243 HP WII Bs* li PP-rii iW-^i'^*S?§*^^^S?'?^>?*ni F-i^^.rt-'jti"*.*-*^ i r r i> r r rr i1 ri;,'•*"*i i i* FI»I i« i* J——N Tpf i IA$,1^ vjrf US r >j '•«**! 311 • i ! *«« iM^M ssI'ls ifiq ?»!Sl!»i_ WF K nWte ii «4*v "" •••-•* *g '* M< 4> q sir ** > iiil VS v> ' VI \ in , !l|P / ?«'» ^ r «-, F- 013252 ss SB ' »!•» = ? * Sr a' ~ • i™ K 3 i i i to •* .,=> CTBJ«£i £.IT - ? ?«i* :"B (2 ;,|, I I -:,-;!: I . * :" 1 I 1 o II 3 S 11 x »3i r=n •0•2 (8 IPS m 0132157 C. Matrix Spike Duplicate/Recovery Summary Representative compounds lor each traction are spiked Into allquots ol samples selected lor spiking. The recoveries and precision lor these spiked compounds are calculated and reported on the EPA-deslgnated form, Corrections are made for dilutions and for non- standard sample sizes, An additional column has been added to the iiPA form to Include concentrations ol spike compounds In original, unsplked, samples; these are subtracted Irom the concentrations detected In the spiked samples, Associated samples are listed lor each spiked set ot sample fractions; these represent samples processed with the spiked set, at the frequency of one set for each fraction per case, or at least per 20 samples. II acceptable recoveries or precision are not achieved for spiked samples, the actions taken correspond to those described In I -D, II there Is not sufficient sample remaining to repeat the extraction, other samples may be used, or original data reported, 013260 D. DFTPP Performance Summary Copies of the DFTPP Performance Forms are Included, This form la filled out for the tune generated for each Instrument at the beginning of each 8-hour shift to document that the Instrument has been properlyoallbrated, It la signed by the analyst's supervisor to docu- ment Its review and approval, Since no samples are analyzed until the tuning criteria are met, a form with deviations recorded Is superfluous; therefore, the form entitled Form VII, "Instrument Tune and Performance Summary," Exhibit B, page 28 ot 42 of the contract, la not Included In this report. / I OFTPP F1H CM: ait.: &//o/$v Shift: _ MlM Ion Miun3inci Crlttrli M .nn to M.nn i nf MM m «« tk.B JJML » w im H tiiiif 2;00lof Bits jo.oo io-W.' k. IPbtrettrt g.on to 9.0 iafl aBBiS" ^:iJ»FofiHi2fei2 .13 «3j l7.00;.t«_23JfflS-QtJBBsaJ42_ ' ,nd IfB F"ianMnet Kiium;:.;... crltirl*. - " ' Inltim "*" '•• Riqulrid Obiiryed HI. ,v.-, ..••.,.-oi...... * * • ••• • li-.v.'-r-'T.^"^, ^' • -iSViJfjJjf1 . • • ••____ •- ' ' •„_ ' *—^T'.T.-'^;-HiT...'"' '*''* ".''.iTi«l"-.;,• • '" i•*•"**!*• *' •«.;J :taa<mijn~ • • „, ,.*«.--i-. r—-n.. .-.-. I /J IT I -J '!»••"" ".'• v;"' ffffi'»"" i^teffife.-'.*» ^••.». »(,,*;• ••• ••' Revision Date 1/31W, 0( *9 V? mn.l«L*TlLE l»<™i*HT TUNE MB DFTPP m, BfTPP Ion Abundance Crlttrli f Kt1it1»t Uundinee 30,00 to. 60.00 1 of MH ion M \ftt thun 3.Of) 1 of Mil 69 .... .. r*lit1vc ibundinci less, thin 2.00X of MIS 69 •40.00 1 60.00 1 of nut lest thin 1.001 nf mm 1M bite peik. 100 fttrcent 1 60.00 44j(Jt«^o"25Jlia*JrfJWM-*^-^ one? inn BFB HtrTonunct uttuitt; p,rf.r«nc, rnriti «rtrta- and M t. * «M. tt. Mtt '"" toqulnd Otoierved a MttwM^..ii.s.^^.^p:.L^^? ^*^[^Sfl!%"^fflii^ '-±- _ (Coimti « 119 Mn MhriCMw B1.Mutyl Pnthilrti Situritwl RevlslpnO.tel/31/OA, VMM t»»l ' SEMI-VCIATILE USTRUKNT TUNE AND PERFORMANCE CASE HO, ______ COWRACTW Htid 'canouChem CONTRACT HO, 68.QM%2.68-01-6866 LOH LEVEL—————— HEP. LEVEl—— HIW LMIL . ______ SOlL/SEt, / / DRPP File NMC: 2tfVto?JS Cl? Dite BFTPP Kail Ion Aburidihce Criteria t »t1it1« Abundinee SI 30 00 to 60 00 1 nf mitt 1QR 77*7 ,?-*£ .. ' T-,.;. •. .'• ••:•" :••• '>".•;•.••. {,';.'! IfM thin ?.f|n J| of PMS M "'** -£° ••11 C9 itlstlvt ihundincv &.9K ' '. -70 lest thin 2.00X of miss 69 40.00 to 60.00 t of mass 198 •.•5.;.""5«?sr '•"i*i!';T|§7 J«is than LOO* nf IMM 199 —— -^.'^-•••- *•• •- •' -'.^w*1 198 /^ 199 g.on to 9.on i «f M« iflft : -•'•• ^^ •-Z0. W -.; 365 ijniiirjthan i.oox of wyjaa— <! /u£ '"'•. • '" '" r ' *W^"'*43f" ifiSMfc^Z^fe..;^- ' • .^rf»- •• , .vi'ti'- '. ly,:, •vA- 1*4 * ' U? i? .no togs. not of ™« M •••**',/«</y ,,^r (771 ?)3 •prTPP ind'iFi Perfonaince Hiiulti; The DFTPP perforiinea remits mre reviewed and found to be within the specific criteria, mm ei i • Mte D«»1it1flni •'—"'•**•:"-" •»•*.•••":. •-"•"' ''Require..Required Obterved Bite/TW/lnitriment File Humber Conpound 1/1 Abundnnee Abundincc- _-.."•. inmtu ..„.....,—r.~..,. ™r-sr-^irtpr«' -^^Sz-—-Am 1U— X £^£*Hu £ •|y-1 /| A^g leflildlneDetectible Pfet Quo ; ^ Area (Counti) 40 * DirAnthricm • 3^f^^ Dl-fclutyl FDthalite Uturitri Q Yet y QfHo '» Figure In { . )1s»ofmttM 013265 2 Figure In ( , )1i»ofnni H Ofl^r^P r>* 3 Figure 1n t , ) U I of «M *4Z 'r Ivlilon Date • ....._... ._.. fifflJli ga SEHMUUUU IHiilKUntni lum KM CASE HO. _____ CONTRACTOR Htid CcfipuChitn CONTRACT HO. 66-01.6762,68-01-6666 ,«...„.-. HEP. LEVEt HIGH LEVEL MIWSED. JZZZIIIZII OTHER (Specify) DFTPP File tone: Pite; ?.'>V.IV Shin; ft- Anilyst! DFTPP Km Ion AburiJSnce Criteria I Relit lye Abundance SI 30.110 to 60. nn t, nf mtK 19ft fir fas tfiin ''9 nr o ££ nii W Ktiitive ihundance less -than 2.00J of mass 69 '''$'& 40.00 to 60.00 1 of MSS 198 . , ,, IMS than l.OM of niss 19B 198 bin peik, 100 percent 199 _5,00 to 9.00 1 of mi«<i 108 275 40 a »« an n * nt n« IOQ *9 "7 preient but lets MII thin "".«! Miter thtn*4d'.OMi of ' 413 17.00 tO-M.On« of rnisi Uf . ""5l >s ina BFg-TeFtcrMnce neiuitirTTT The DFTPP pcrforiince rttulti were reftexid and found to be within the speclflc-ti ••criteria, inlttm . ,^ . Dite I I 'Deviation!-' ''vf •'' ...Wl,;,.i\, .,.,. Required Obierved mte/Tlnie/lnttruiiient File Htmber Conpound '• 'B/I Abimdinee Abundinct Area (Counts) 40 ng DllTAnthricrn^ • ajr?/ ^ DI-H-lutyl fhthilate Saturated QVes ^JjHo '» Figure In { . ) It S of MIS 69 JE^Si.,,,,. ' ' 013263 2 Figure In (<*, } Is I of MIS •? 3F1«ur,1n( , )1,|of«,.M2 E. BFB Performance Summary Copies at the BFB Performance Forma are Included, This form Is filled out for the tune generated for each Instrument at the beginning ol each 8-hour shift to document that the Instrument has been properly calibrated, It Is signed by the analyst's supervisor to docu- ment Ita review and approval, Since no samples are analyzed until the tuning criteria are met, a form with deviations recorded Is superfluous; therefore, the form entitled Form VII, "InatrumentTWe anil" Performance Summary," Exhibit B, page 28 of 42 of the contract, la not Included in tfila report. 013267 IW.R54 VOLATILE INSTRUMENT TUNE AND PERFQRHJNCE CASE NO. ______ CONTRACTOR Head CompuChem . .CONTRACT NO. 66-01-6762,6B-01-68fS LOH LEVEL —— MED. LEVEL —— HIGH LEVEL """ HATER " ~""" S01L/SED. ' ' OTHER (Specify) , , BFB File Ntme: ____________ Date: _aUlm Shift: • ft KnalyTt: BFB Hiss Ion Abundance Criteria % Relative Abundance IS. 00 to AO.Oa* of mass, 95 : 75 30.00 to 60.00 X of mass 95 • . r- •.«' : • *. •• ,h,. base peak. Jfl0.oercent'"1*v "'• ws*i**1' 96' 5.00..to-a.OO~X-of ma'ss 95 . .. less than-hOO % of mass 95 .... ..- 174 greater-tharSO.OO S of mass 95 1-75 5.0(rto-9700-T of mass 174 grea.tec-tban-.95. 00 X, but less *thafi 101,00 t; of tnass':'i7r: :-:" rS'.dO to.g.QOl-of mass 176 .12 )2 iyBJ'ecfoniianceJBtui.ti; The .BFtiper-formnce results were reviewed and fowd^kf; be Mitfilrfl'he specified was ^rtttertii——— . Date Deviations ••-, Required Observed •- ——PiteyTlme/ln5trum_ent File Number Compound 'n/z Abundance Abundance '•'*'• Date ' 1 Value 'in ( . ) 1s * of 'iuss'174 '!::'1^1'?'.^:?'!1 •'' 2Vi1ue1n( , ) 1s % of Mass 176 w "^ Qt3963 ,3Va!ue1n( . )^1s % of mass 174 FORM Vll ". '£".'". PEH VOLATILE INSTRUMENT TUNE AND PERFORMANCE CASE NO. ______ CONTRACTOR Mead CompuChem CONTRACT NO. 68-01-6762.68-01-6866 LOW LEVEL —— MED. LEVEL " ' ——" HIGH LEVEL HATER _______ SOIL/SED. ' OTHER (Specify) '" ' / / , BFB File Name: Pft.fr'fraoVl/*_____ Date: »/6/*Y Shift: A ffijaTyst: BFB Hasi Ion Abun'Uari'co Criteria t Relative Abundance S. 00-tOh'4fliOai.Vof mass 95 30.00 to 60.00 % of mass 95 '•"'... -95- loo 95 5ltlese (••"•••tlR'c.iitiw"'s then r.'OO'' 't •' o•••f .mas ' •r^H1'-"^s 95 . • •'•• • . 174 grea1er'tfi«"ri~50.00 % of mass 95 ^JKSBlSl'VuVt-bf muss 174 erthair95.rQO X, but less .. 177 "s'!oi»4»4.0a-»-o' f mass 176 ( 7 .02.12 •••+••;•,>••• '«" i»Ut;. The BFB~perfdrnance results were reviewed and found to btMlthln the specified :cr1terta;—r^?.., . initials \" Date Deviations Required Observed 'Pate/Time/Instrument File Number Compound n/i Abundance Abundance 'ate omnents: ...; 013^63 2Vaiue1n( , ) h » of mass 176 , 3V,lue1nf. kki • VOLATILE. INSTRUMENT TUNE MID PERFORMANCE CASE NO. CONTRACTOR Mead CcmuChem CONTRACT NO. 68-01-6762 ,68-01-686 LOW IEVEL \S> MED.
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