San Francisco FOGHQ UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO VOLUME 87 NUMBER 23 WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1991 TWO USF STUDENTS KILLED IN CRASH KIMBERLY KAUER News Editor Early Sunday morning, April 28 at 5 a.m.,an 18-whecl truck wentout of control STUDENTS RESPOND on Interstate 40, ten miles east of Flagstaff, Arizona, crossed a median and struck TO DEATHS three oncoming cars, killing USF students Dean Durbrow, 20, and Jennifer Pizer, In memory of Jennifer, 21. Durbrow was driving a Honda, with Words cannot explain my disbelief. Pizer and other USF students Christina I will not dwell on that. I would just Haney, 21, and Tania Carlone, 20. like lo say that those of us whose According to the Arizona Highway hearts you touched will long remem­ Patrol Bureau of the Arizona Department ber you. The sassy little girl who of Public Safety, Pizer was thrown from could piss us all off when she wanted the back seat of the car into the truck to will be truly missed. So will the before being run over by a Ford Mustang 1 ittle girl who could change a bad day also involved in the accident. into a new one with one of her beautiful When thc truck crosses the dirt-filled smiles. Nothing can replace what you median, it picked up dust and dirt, which gave, but we will remember the things may have camouflaged the truck's you did give us. Take care. headlights from oncoming traffic. "All of the people who survived said Love. they saw a big cloud of dust and, all of a Octavia sudden, they were in it and they hit • Jennifer Pizer (left) and Dean Durbrow lives' were tragically cut short something," Sergeant Rod Wigman of the Arizona Highway Patrol told a reporter rority for the past two years and was co- of abused children." An open letter to Jen. from the Palos Verdes News. chair of the Greek Council along with "My sister was a very strong person," The cause of the loss of control of the Steve Kirsh. Eric Pizer said. "She had a goal in life and Dear Jen, truck has not been determined, and no "Jen loved kids, she wanted to have a she went out and sought it. All she ever Well babe, I don't think I need lo citations have been issued. Neither the big family," Kate Mitchell, Delta Zeta wanted to do was help people." say what I feel to you, but as long as driver of thc truck, Jerry Ritz, 43, of president said. "She was very sensitive, In memorial to Pizer, the ASUSF Sen­ you know I loved you and will love Indiana, nor his passenger were injured in emotional and caring. She wanted every­ ate voted unanimously at their Friday, you, your memory will live within the crash. one to like her." May 3 meeting to have thc name of the me and all of our lives you touched. Both Durbrow and Pizer died at the Working was Pizer's only acting expe­ ASUSF Leadership Award changed to I'll need to find someone else to scene from massive injuries. Haney and rience at USF. During high school, she the Jennifer Pizer Leadership Award. tease and horse around with in class, Carlone were both injured and hospital­ had parts in Arsenic and Old Lace and Special grief counseling services arc but I will never find a friend to know ized. Haney suffered spleen and back Guys and Dolls. • being provided to students and staff mc as you did. All 1 can say is I'm injuries. Carlone suffered back injuries. In an interview with a Palos Verdes through Campus Ministry and the Health shaken by your loss. I will miss you News reporter, Pizer's brother Eric said and Counseling Cenier. A memorial was The four, who were each actively in­ and what you meant to me. You were lhat his sister "intended to become a law­ held yesterday at 12:45 p.m. in St. Ignatius volved with College Players, were re­ my first friend at USF; I didn't want yer and fight for the rights and protection Church for both Durbrow and Pizer. turning from an audition in New Mexico you to be the first to leave me. God and were on their way back to San Fran­ bless. cisco at the time of the accident. Durbrow came to USF as a freshman in HUMANITIES BUILDING PROPOSED 1988 from Connecticut He had attended Love always, KIMBERLY KAUER Jim prep schools and entered USF with a 4.0 News Editor grade point average. He immediately au­ ditioned and won a part in the production A plan for a Arts/Humanities building not have a building," Mullin said, "yet, of Ten Little Indians. After that he ap­ is currently being created by Arts and the mission of USF and the cornerstone To our lifetime friend, peared in Sweet Charity, Time of Your Sciences Dean Stanley Nel, according to of Jesuit teaching is dedication to liberal Life, Odd Couple, Night ofthe Iguana, and Arts and Sciences Representative, Kevin arts." As the flame of Delta Zeta burns in the latest College Player's production. Mullin. The proposed building is estimated to forever, Working. The current idea is to tear down Cam­ cost approximately $18 million and will so does the love we share with you. According to friends, Durbrow was not pion Hall and put the building in its place, be one ofthe items presented in the capital Your love and friendship touched jusl an incredible actor, but a great friend. as well as making the new building expand campaign, which is scheduled to begin each one ofusinsomany ways. "Dean was always there, when ever towards St. Ignatius Church. next fall. The purpose of a capital cam­ If we ever needed a friend to turn to, you needed him, he was there for you," The proposed building will include an paign is to raise money for a specific you were there. friend Lynn Randall said. "He wrote po­ auditorium/theater; music rooms; spe­ project. The goal of the campaign is to You lifted our spirits, etry, was a romantic and was respectful of cialized and general classrooms, featur­ raise S100 million. According to Mullin, with your witty way about you. people. He led a very simple life, he was ing modern technological teaching de­ since the money is coming from the Your words of kindness touched the a very common man...before rehearsal vices; a centralized media area, for the campaign, no tuition dollars will be going world around you. we knew he was at the Grog and afterwards Foghorn, KDNS and KUSF; and labo­ towards the building. Your song and laughter will ring in we knew he would be at O'Keefe's. It's a ratories needed for thc media department Currently, a feasibility study is under­ our hearts forever. real loss, now you realize how much you (editing rooms etc.). There wil 1 also be an way. According to Mullin,questions, such could have still learned from him. He jusl underground link between the building as "can thc money be raised" need to be In loving memory of our Delta Zeta wanted to be an actor and I thi nk we could and Gleeson Library. All Arts faculty answered before they go any further with sister, Jennifer Pizer. safely say that he was." will have their offices in the building. thc plans. Pizer was a member of Delta Zeta so- 'The Arts is the only college that does NEWS Council Appoints 1991-92 Media Heads K1MBKRI.Y KAUER News Editor The USF Media Council voted on Friday, April 26 to "I'm excited for the upcoming year," Ferry said, "the radio world. I'm extremely excited about being General select students to till the positions of Foghorn Editor-in- Foghorn has successfully moved into the realm of desktop Manager. Next year should prove to be the biggest in KDNS Chief, Ignatian Editor-in-Chief, and KDNS General Man­ publishing, our main focus will be relining thc content to history." ger for the 1991-92 academic year. No one ran for thc provide a high quality newspaper lor the USFcommunity." Recently ASUSF allotted KDNS with enough funding to position of Don Yearbook Editor, dicrcfore the position will Kevin Mullin, current KDNS program director, ran un­ purchase a new mixer console lor their studio. remain open. opposed for thc position ol General Manager. "This will drastically improve our programming and Steve Ferry, current Foghorn Managing Edilor, was named "Wc are looking IO strengthen our training program and Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper. He ran against freshman improve our signal on campus," Mullin said. "We are doing Continued on page four Katie Hume and Amy Andersen, who ran as co-editors. our besl to prepare students lor work in the professional 1STt ** ***w-1*> a\\s\V^a\ iSSaL iWJLv — f \ J 1 -* • (L-R) Kevin Mullin, Linda Phillips and Steve Ferry will head KDNS, Thc Ignauan, and the Foghorn, respectively, for thc 1991-1992 academic year. FOGHORS<WI r riwst I ts 11 N STAFF SELECTED SYNOPSES OF STUDENT NEWS FROM AROUND THE WORLD "JOURNALISM IS LITERATURE IN A HURRY" matchmaker, and seven points if the person who organized lhe party. "Everybody Office Barricaded By Angry Stu­ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Bruno Norman dents they date is in thc class. So far, thc policy has had dozens of interviews, and they MANAGING EDITOR Sieve Ferry Thc president of the University of Ver­ of receiving academic credit for dating still don't have jobs." PRODUCTION CHIEF William Row mont had his office seized by approxi­ has not been questioned.
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