Every issue online and blog posts about everything and nothing. Check us out online: fupaper.wordpress.com Fan mail? Hate mail? “ Favorite Thanksgiving Food” Write to us! Editor-in-Chief Sean “Spaghetti” Kelly the paper c/o Offi ce of Student Leadership Executive Editors and Community Development Mickie “Candy Corn (shit’s 50% off by November)” Meinhardt Fordham University Lauren “Turkey Skin” Duca Bronx, NY 10458 [email protected] News Editors http://groups.google.com/group/fordhampaper Marisa “D-Coke and Mini Muffi ns” Caroll John “Hot Beef Sundae” O’Neill the paper is a product solely of the students. No part of the publication may be reproduced without written consent of the editors. the paper is produced us- Arts Editors ing Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, and the incredibly hard Liz “Ketchup Packets” O’Malley work of the people to the right. Photos are mostly “borrowed” from Internet sites Andrew “Whatever is Stuck in Beard” Craig like: www.google.com, www.imdb.com, www.nambla.org, www.rollingstone.com, www.cnn.com, and occasionally taken by us with an old Polaroid we found in the attic. Sorry mom, subscriptions are not available. Ad rates are unreasonable – don’t Earwax Editor ask. Open staff meetings are held Tuesdays at 8PM at various locations in the Mc- Connor “Cold Beef Sundae” O’Brien Ginley Center. Articles and letters to the editor may be submitted via e-mail to [email protected], or scrawled incoherently with crayons on the inside Comix Editor of a Keystone Light 30-rack. Submissions are always considered, usually printed, Elena “Supermarker Smoked Gouda” Lightbourn and occasionally used to make origami rhinoceroses. If you do not wish your letter to the editor to be published, just say so. We do not advocate wussitude; all letters must be signed. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Copy Staff We will, however, work with the writer and see that content is as true to the writer’s Peter “Mystery Shots” Lacerenza original as possible. We publish this rag ten times a year (fi ve per semester). Gibson “(Dry) Spaghetti” Merrick So why not come down and write for us? We are a constantly evolving publica- C. Sarah “French’s Fried Onions” Strafford tion, and have been since 1972. And we try our best to second guess mainstream Suzette “Assorted Pickles“ Dorrielan opinion and buck the system, even if there is no call to do so. But hey, writing isn’t Will “Raw Green Beans” Speros for everyone. Try reading a good book like Goops and How to Be Them: A Manual Aly “Tofurkey” Kravitz of Manners for Polite Infants, by Gelet Burgess. You might just learn something. our aim Contributors Jenn Schwartz, Shea’s, Eamon Stewart, Jake Kenny, Patrick the paper exists as Fordham University’s journal of news, analysis, comment, and review. We are an entirely student run publication, and have been since 1972. O’Murray, Quiz Hat, Tim Leuke, Will Yates, Wayne Michaels Our aim is to print compelling articles written by students in their own voice and Alana Hollbrook, Street Style, Mystery Shots, Ramen, not Mur- from their own perspective. Yes, this means we allow things like cussin’, and sto- ray’s Cheese, Matthew Freeze, Alexander Jordan, Tom Gardinier, ries of substance-induced debauchery. But it also means we publish articles that ex- Harley Dibbs, Umai, amine issues on Fordham’s campus and in the world from a critical perspective. We are not brown-nosers, nor a newspaper of record. We are a bunch of rapscallions who get together fi ve times a semester to put out a rag that makes people laugh, cry, get pissed, and—we hope—makes people think. If you don’t like it, shut your pie hole (or come write for us)! editorials comixarts features Foordham football... is that a Suphero Dean Rogers returns in this thing? Don’t even ask. Fordham Street Style!!! issue: November 16, 2011 the paper page 3 in the feminist organization Permanent Wave, wrote in an email on November 11, “Penn State is a national tragedy, “WE’RE HERE TO RIOT” but it’s also just the tip of the iceberg. Penn State riots for JoPa and, in turn, validates rape culture Last month, Joe Peters, an Olympic gymnastics coach resigned after al- By Marisa Carroll about our football team?!” in their spirits. Across the board, sales in town legations emerged that he sexually headlines. According to the grand jury tank following a Lions loss. A losing abused over 12 female gymnasts. Ever NEWS CO-EDITOR report, Sandusky sexually assaulted season (or, perhaps worse, bad press) November 5, thirty-year Penn State heard of him? Didn’t think so.” eight boys in the Penn State locker risks decreasing university enrollment Football defensive coordinator Jerry Not all Penn State students are as room. The case report is heartbreak- and increasing unemployment in the Sandusky was arrested on 40 counts of loudly supportive of JoPa as the rioters, ing. Sandusky rapes, someone sees, town. Of course, it also risks Paterno’s sexual abuse of a child. By November but more subtle offenses are also pres- they report the crime to their higher-up own incredible salary and lifestyle. For 9, legendary head coach Joe Paterno ent on campus. By rallying for JoPa and in the university’s chain of command, JoPa, Penn State offi cials, and even and other university offi cials, including calling themselves victims (victims of and Sandusky—facing no legal action, child welfare services, cost-benefi t the president, were fi red for not saying bad press or maligned reputations, a still a glorifi ed Penn State employee— analyses fell in favor of protecting Penn enough—for protecting Sandusky and, privileged complaint compared to sex- rapes again. Even when the allegations State Football over creating a safe en- in turn, enabling his crimes. ual exploitation of at-risk youth), they are reported to child welfare or other vironment for Penn students, staff, and This story really makes you want to contribute to silencing other sexual as- government agencies, nothing is done. anyone else who ventured into State riot, right? In defense of the victims, sault survivors, particularly those who perhaps. In response to Penn State’s were abused by powerful, well-respect- (the coaches’, the administrators’) What? This isn’t a rally against ed fi gures. Even actions taken to show cowardly keeping quiet and letting the rallies against rape? solidarity with the victims, like last chain of command prevent “controver- weekend’s “blue-out” in which tens of sy,” all while keeping Sandusky on the thousands wore Penn State gear, are payroll. shallow attempts at best. Wouldn’t For around a thousand Penn State rallying for a better sexual assault re- students on November 9, the reason to porting protocol be more effective than riot was another “injustice:” Penn fi r- wearing a sweatshirt that, likely, is trig- ing Paterno, whom the universe keeps gering for Sandusky’s victims? While reminding me is the winningest coach students are not responsible for the in Penn State history, for his role in the crimes, their pledging support to Penn cover-up. No slacktivism here, folks. does not fi ght injustice; instead, it privi- Full on drunk, belligerent rioting, Euro- leges Penn students’ pride over even pean soccer hooligan style. Throwing their own safety (some of the highest rocks at police and trying to fl ip cars rates of sexual assult occur on college Sandusky was fi nally charged because College, PA. while waving “We <3 JoPa” signs made campuses) and further contributes to a a high school principal—unfettered by Sandusky—whom former-Senator with leftover materials from Rush culture that condones rape. the atmosphere at Penn—called the Rick Santorum nominated for a “Con- Week. “Of course we’re going to riot,” Without the riots, Penn State would police in 2008. gressional Angels in Adoption” award one student, Paul Howard, told the New have a tremendous amount of healing That this process continued for so in 2002—found his victims through his York Times. “What do they expect when to do. In their wake, however, the at- long is disturbing, but also disturbingly charity, The Second Mile. The grand they tell us at 10 o’clock that they fi red mosphere is even more dangerous for common. From abuse within the home jury wrote, “Through The Second Mile, our football coach?” No mention of the survivors of sexual assault. Admirably, to scandals on Capitol Hill, sexual as- Sandusky had access to hundreds victims or the horrifying nature of the 11,000 students attended a candle- sault depends on the powerful—sena- of boys, many of whom were vulner- case. Just football and pride. The Onion light vigil for the victims last week, and tors, coaches, fellow students, and able due to their social situation,” a satirical newspaper best captured the anti-rape campus groups are organiz- even victims’ friends and families—pro- particularly illustrative and revolting insanity with their article titled “Sports ing around the issues. These are good tecting the perpetrator and, in doing so, note about systems of abuse. Sexual Media Asks Molestation Victims What starts. Hopefully, the school can com- shielding themselves from guilt. Foot- assault is not just gendered violence, This Means For Joe Paterno’s Legacy.” mit to real change. For now, though, ball is religion in State College, PA (ac- but is also traditionally linked to eco- I wondered if the students got their they will continue to worship at JoPa’s cordingly, Penn’s case closely echoes nomic injustice and exploitation.
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