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Smarter. u.s. n u t r a.. Within the 40,000 square feet of the brand spankin' new U.S. Nutra supercritical extract plant, adjectives rule. They rule our technology, they rule our lab, our products, our personnel, and even our lunchroom conversation. And we like it that way. You see we're on a mission. A mission to become the world leader in extract design through cutting-edge technology and pharmaceutical science. We're well on our way. And we're not stopping until we get there. We are currently the largest vertically-integrated saw palmetto producer in the world - growing, harvesting and extracting 100% in Florida. We have also created a wide range of all-natural C02 extracted botanicals for a variety of applications. Please contact a rep to learn more. About our superior astaxanthin complex Zanthine, about our proprietary USPius Saw Palmetto extract, and about our ultra-high pressure supercritical C02 extraction plant. The most sophisticated new facility on this great, big, beautiful, blue planet. Call us anytime. We love to talk extracts. 1.877.729.7256. www.USNutra.com CE RTI F IED ORGAN IC. CE RT IFIED KOSHER. U.S. Nutraceuticals. LLC 2751 Nutra Lane Eust1s. FL 32726 ©2003 U.S. Nutra. All nghts reserved. USPius Saw Palmeno and Zanth1n'" are trademarks of U.S. Nutra. Individuals, organizations, and companies who share our vision support our goals through membership. The American Botanical Council Invites You to e r-------------------------~ Yes, I want to join ABC o1n Pl ease detach application and mail to: American Botanical Council, P.O. Box 144345, Austin, TX 787 14-4345 or join online at www. herbalgram .org To join, please fill out this form or call us at 1-800-373-7105 x 119 0 Individual - $50 or fill out an application online at www.herbalgram.org 0 Academic- $ 100 0 Professional - $150 0 Organization - $250 Membership Leve Is Please add $20 for addresses ourside rile U.S. (Add $20 postage ror international delivery ror above levels.) Individual - $50 Academic- $100 0 Corporate and Sponsor levels. (ContaCl Wayne Silverma n, PhD 512/926-4900, exr. 120. ) Subscription to our highly All Individual membership benefits, acclaimed journal HerbaiGram plus Payment instructions Access to members-only • Online access to HerbCiip Online 0 Charge credit card (Visa or MC only) # __________________________ information on ou r website, critical reviews www.herbalgram.org • Complimentary CD, Herbal exp. dare: ____________ • HerbaiGram archives Medicine: Expanded Commis­ (Please include rhe 3-digir number following rhe account# on signature line on back of card.) • Complete German sion E Monographs ($39 value) Commission E Monographs • S100 discount on Ethnobotanical • Herbal Medicine: Expanded Tours with Health Quest Travel 0 Send in vo ice w rhe address below Commission E Monographs Professional - $1 SO 0 Check enclosed • Botanical Booklets All Academic membership benefits, 0 Do nor so li cit or share my co ntact info • Herb Reference Guide plus: 0 Please se nd me email alerts • Common Herbs Pamphlet • 50% discount on first order of • Free 1/2 hour research session ABC publications from our Herbal name with our education department Education Catalog • 40% discount on additional • S150 discount on Ethnobotani­ research from our education cal Tours with HealthQuest Travel co mpany department • Membership certificate • One complimentary book, Organization - $250 profession/ririe Echinacea: the Immune Herb All Professional membership benefits, by C. Hobbs plus: phone fax • 5% discount on publications • 1 additional subscription to from our Herbal Education our highly acclaimed journal address Catalog HerbaiGram $50 discount on Ethnobotanical • 3 user logins to members-only Tou rs with HealthQuest Travel information on our website, • Membership card www.herbalgram.org city stare/province zip/ postal code Corporate and Sponsorship country Small to large organizations can receive additional benefits, including the bi-weekly HerbCiip service, and also extend their support to ABC's mission through Corporate or Sponsor level membership. To learn more, please contact Wayne Silverman, PhD, at email [email protected], or 1/800-373-71 OS x 120. Advisory Board Each issue of Herba/Gram is peer reviewed by members of our Advisory Board and other qualified experts before publication. dear Cindy K. Angerhofer, Ph .D. Paul Alan Cox, Ph .D. Pharmacognosist and herbal Director, National Tropical Botanical research consultant, Kennebunk, Garden, Kauai, Hawaii reader Maine lyle E. Craker, Ph .D. John Thor Arnason, Ph .D. Professor, Department of Plant and }\. BC has seen lots of activi ty in the past few months, with good news Professor of Biology, Department of Soil Sciences, University of Biology, University of Ottawa, Massachusetts, Amherst rl.and , of co urse, bad. First, so me of the good. Newsweek (circulation over 2 1 million) Ontario, Canada Edward M. Croom, Jr., Ph.D. Dennis V. C. Awang , Ph.D., Scie ntific and Regulatory Affairs picked up on our cover story on Rhodiola rosea in HerbalGram 56 with F.CI.C. Manager, lndena USA East, Inc., a one-page article in their February 3 edition, summarizing its benefits MediPiant Natural Products Paramus, New Jersey and market potential (" Herbal Stress Buster?"). We had about eight Consulting Services, White Rock, B.C., Wade Davis, Ph.D. interviews and emails wi th reporter Anne Underwood. Unfortunately, Canada Author, ethnobotanist, mention of HerbalGram and ABC were cut for space reasons, but she Manuel F. Balandrin, R.Ph., Washington, D.C. quoted us saying rhodiola has many of the Ph.D. Steven Dentali, Ph.D. elements of bei ng the nex t herbal "s uperstar" - Research Scientist, NPS Vice President of Scientific and good safety record, compelling benefits, and a Pharmaceuticals, Salt Lake City, Utah Technical Affairs, American Herb al growing body of scientific informati on. Frankly, Bruce Barrett, M.D., Ph.D. Products Association, Silver Spring, we do not like to promote herbs as "s uperstars," Assistant Professor of Family Maryland preferring steady, sustainable growth based on Medicine, University of Wisconsin­ Hardy Eshbaugh, Ph.D reasonable scientific evidence instead of faddish Madison Medical School Professor of Botany & Assistant spikes, but you never know what a reporter is Marilyn Barrett, Ph.D. Curator, Willard Sherman Turrell going to quote from more than an hour of Pharmacognosy Consulting Service, Herbarium, Miami University, combined interviews! T hanks, Anne, for the San Carlos, California Oxford, Ohio accurate, positive report, and thanks also to Bradley C. Bennett, Ph.D. Ad riane Fugh-Berman, M.D. "medici ne hunter" C hris Kilham who first sugges ted the story ro Associate Professor of Biology, Florida Au th or, Assistant Clinical Professor, International University, Miami George Washington University Newsweek. Some more good news: Last fall Family Circle, available at thousands Joseph M. Betz, Ph.D. School of Medicine, Washington, DC of supermarket checkout stands (circulation: 21 million), ran a two­ Director of the Dietary Supplements Joe Graedon, M.S. Methods and Reference Materials Author, syndicated columnist, radio page piece "Herbal Remedies that Really Work!" based primaril y on Program, Office of Dietary host, Durham, North Carolina material from our forthcoming book, The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. Supplements, National Institutesof Mary Hardy, M.D. The message pres umably attempts to counter recent misleading media Health, Bethesda, Maryland Director, Cedars-Si nai Integrative headlines that doubt the benefits of some leading herbs (see below). Peggy Brevoort Medicine Medical Group, Los Now some bad news. In this column, we have ex pressed concerns Co-founder and former CEO of East Angeles, California that many media stori es are biased against herbs, citing recent reports Earth Herb; former President, Christopher Hobbs, LAc., AHG on trials on St. John's wort and ginkgo, plus a highly biased and erro­ American Herbal Products Herbalist, botanist, licensed neous article in a recent Wall Street journal, as examples. Association; Seattle, Washington acupuncturist, Davis, Cal ifornia Now there's more evidence to support this. On December 9, ABC Francis Brinker, N.D. David Hoffmann, B.Sc., issued a press release on the Cochrane Coll aboration's recent review of Lead Instructor on Botanical M.N.I.M.H 33 controlled clinical trials on gi nkgo for rreatmem of dementia in Medicine for Associate Fellows, Medical herbalist, Santa Rosa, older ad ults, which may be fo und on our website Program for Integrative Medicine, California <www.herbalgram.org>. Cochrane concluded that these trials showed University of Arizona, Tucson Maurice M.lwu, Ph.D. "promising evidence" that ginkgo was safe and effective in treating Donald J. Brown, N.D. Bioresources Development an d certain cognitive disorders associated with aging. Previously, much of Director, Natural Products Research Conservation Program, Senior Consultants, Seattle, Washington the mainstream media (mis)reported that "Ginkgo does n't improve Research Associate at the Division of memory" based on th e Solomon srudy published in and highly Thomas J.S.
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