22 Abril 2021 Digital Edition Fallout of a Climate Disaster Las Consecuencias de una Catástrofe Climática 8 Photo/Foto: ©Wallice J. de la Vega SUPPORT INDEPENDENT MEDIA Table of Contents TABLA DE CONTENIDOS 22 Abril 2021 Volume No. XXXI Issue 23 3 WE CAN’T STOP HERE 4 MIGRANT CHILDREN ‘DUMPED’ TO THEIR DESTINY 4 MENORES MIGRANTES ‘BOTADOS’ A SU SUERTE 5 PROTECT CARE WORKERS—YOU’LL NEED US SOMEDAY Chris M. Fresquez President / CEO - Publisher 5 WE MUST NOW COLLECTIVELY SPEAK UP FOR ALL OF US Toni C. Fresquez Editor 6 THE RISE OF THE BORDER AND SURVEILLANCE INDUSTRY Juan Carlos Uribe Translator / Web Services 6 LET'S CELEBRATE ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM Raya Tkachenko 6 CELEBREMOS EL ACTIVISMO AMBIENTAL Layout/Production 7 4 THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT THE J&J COVID VACCINE PAUSE 7 CUATRO RESPUESTAS SOBRE EL FRENO A LA VACUNA CONTRA COVID DE J&J THE WEEKLY ISSUE / El Semanario Mailing Address: 8 A TALE OF TWO CLIMATE MIGRANTS P.O. Box 460428, Glendale CO 80246 Colorado: 9 HISTORIA DE DOS EMIGRANTES CLIMÁTICOS 8400 East Crescent Parkway Greenwood Village CO 80111 10 STUDENTS EXPRESS THEIR CULTURE IN ‘VIVIENDO AQUÍ’ EXHIBIT New Mexico: 500 Marquette Ave. NW, 10 LOS ESTUDIANTES EXPRESAN SU CULTURA EN LA EXPOSICIÓN 'VIVIENDO Albuquerque NM 87102 AQUÍ' 11 CROW SUPPORTS DIGNITY FOR DETAINED IMMIGRANTS ACT 11 CONNECT FOR HEALTH COLORADO OFFERS MORE SAVINGS TO COLORADANS 800-886-4054 303-672-0800 11 CONNECT FOR HEALTH COLORADO OFRECE MÁS AHORROS 720-368-5387 Fax 12 NEW MÉXICO WORKING FAMILIES ENDORSE STANSBURY 12 LAS FAMILIAS TRABAJADORAS DE NUEVO MÉXICO APOYAN A STANSBURY ADVERTISING Display: 13 STATE LAWMAKERS BOOST EFFORTS TO EXPAND BROADBAND [email protected] Classifieds: 14 BIDEN CLIMATE PLAN TO INCLUDE ROADS, JOBS, CLEAN ENERGY [email protected] 14 BARRAGÁN BILL TO SUPPORT HEALTH DISPARITIES PASSES THE HOUSE 15 IMMIGRANT YOUTH RALLY AT ICE OFFICE IN FLORIDA NEWS & INFORMATION [email protected] 15 WORKERS, UNIONS CALLS FOR CRACKDOWN ON TAX, WAGE FRAUD 16 NATION DEMANDS ACCOUNTABILITY IN SHOOTING OF 13-YEAR-OLD WEBSITE https://www.elsemanario.us The views expressed in our commentary section are the author’s own and not necessarily those of The Weekly Issue/El Semanario. Copyright 2020 THE WEEKLY ISSUE / El Semanario, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3 22 Abril 2021 Commentary/Commentario We Can’t Stop Here President Joe Biden for you. You weren’t there. You have appointed the leadership at that’s what I just discussed with the “ It’s a trauma on top of didn’t know any of the people. But the Justice Department that I have, Floyd family. the fear so many People Editor’s Note: The following are it was difficult, especially for the that is fully committed to restoring The guilty verdict does not of Color live with every remarks by President Biden on witnesses who had to relive that trust between law enforcement bring back George. But through the day when they go to sleep the April 20, verdict in the Der- day. and the community they are sworn family’s pain, they are finding pur- at night and pray for the ek Chauvin trial for the death of It’s a trauma on top of the fear to serve and protect. I have com- pose so George’s -- George’s leg- safety of themselves and George Floyd: so many People of Color live with plete confidence in the Attorney acy will not be just about his death, their loved ones. oday, a jury in Minnesota every day when they go to sleep General, General Garland’s leader- but about what we must do in his found former Minneapolis at night and pray for the safety of ship and commitment. memory. T Police Officer Derek Chau- themselves and their loved ones. I have also nominated two key I also spoke to Gianna -- vin guilty on all counts in the mur- Again -- as we saw in this trial, Justice Department nominees -- George’s young daughter, again. to hold her hand. I said, “Dad- der of George Floyd last May. from the fellow police officers who Vanita Gupta and Kristen Clarke -- When I met her last year -- I’ve dy’s looking down on you. He’s so It was a murder in the full light testified -- most men and women who are eminently qualified, highly said this before -- at George’s fu- proud.” She said to me then -- I’ll of day, and it ripped the blinders who wear the badge respected lawyers who have spent neral, I told her how brave I thought off for the whole world to see the serve their communities honor- their entire careers fighting to ad- she was. And I, sort of, knelt down See Biden on page 15 systemic racism the Vice President ably. vance racial equity and justice. just referred to -- the systemic rac- But those few who fail to meet Vanita and Kristen have the ex- ism that is a stain our nation’s soul; that standard must be held ac- perience and the skill necessary to the knee on the neck of justice for countable. And they were today; advance our administration’s pri- Black Americans; the profound one was. No one should be above orities to root out unconstitutional fear and trauma, the pain, the ex- the law. And today’s verdict sends policing and reform our criminal haustion that Black and Brown that message. But it is not enough. justice system, and they deserve Americans experience every sin- We can’t stop here. to be confirmed. gle day. In order to deliver real change We also need Congress to act. The murder of George Floyd and reform, we can and we must George Floyd was murdered al- launched a summer of protest we do more to reduce the likelihood most a year ago. There’s meaning- hadn’t seen since the Civil Rights that tragedies like this will ever ful police reform legislation in his era in the ‘60s -- protests that uni- happen and occur again; to en- name. You just heard the Vice Pres- fied people of every race and gen- sure that Black and Brown people ident speak of it. She helped write eration in peace and with purpose or anyone -- so they don’t fear the it. Legislation to tackle systemic to say, "Enough. Enough. Enough of interactions with law enforcement, misconduct in police departments, the senseless killings." that they don’t have to wake up to restore trust between law en- Today’s verdict is a step for- knowing that they can lose their forcement and the people that are ward. I just spoke with the Gover- very life in the course of just liv- entrusted to serve and protect. But nor of Minnesota, who thanked me ing their life. They don’t have to it shouldn’t take a whole year to get for the close work with his team. worry about whether their sons or this done. And I also just spoke with daughters will come home after a In my conversations with the George Floyd’s family again -- a grocery store run or just walking Floyd family -- and I spoke with remarkable family of extraordi- down the street or driving their car them again today -- I assured them nary courage. Nothing can ever or playing in the park or just sleep- that we’re going to continue to bring their brother, their father ing at home. fight for the passage of the George back. But this can be a giant step And this takes acknowledg- Floyd Justice in Policing Act so we forward in the march toward jus- ing and confronting, head on, sys- can -- I can sign it into law as quick- tice in América. temic racism and the racial dis- ly as possible. And there’s more to Let’s also be clear that such a parities that exist in policing and in do. verdict is also much too rare. For so our criminal justice system more Finally, it’s the work we do every many people, it seems like it took broadly. day to change hearts and minds as a unique and extraordinary con- You know, state and local gov- well as laws and policies -- that’s vergence of factors: a brave young ernment and law enforcement the work we have to do. Only then woman with a smartphone cam- needs to step up, but so does the will full justice and full equality be era; a crowd that was traumatized federal government. That’s why I delivered to all Americans. And -- traumatized witnesses; a mur- der that lasts almost 10 minutes in broad daylight for, ultimately, the whole world to see; officers stand- ing up and testifying against a fel- low officer instead of just closing ranks, which should be commend- ed; a jury who heard the evidence, carried out their civic duty in the midst of an extraordinary moment, under extraordinary pressure. For so many, it feels like it took all of that for the judicial system to deliver just basic accountability. We saw how traumatic and ex- hausting just watching the trial was for so many people. Think about it, those of you who are listening -- think about how traumatic it was 22 Abril 2021 4 Commentary/Commentario Migrant Children ‘Dumped’ to Their Destiny David Torres They—these migrant children ing reality, when it becomes known that the media has converted now that the number of human beings hrust to the epicenter of into “the news”—form part of an 19 years old or younger who do not one of the most incandes- “ unstoppable human displacement live in their nations of origin today, How difficult a particular Tcent political battles in the family situation must over decades.
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