FAHRFAHR TIDINGSTIDINGS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE FOUNDATION APPALOOSA HORSE REGISTRY, INC. VOLUME 11 NO. 3 JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER 2008 1 FAHR OFFICERS REGISTRAR & DIRECTOR TABLE OF CONTENTS PRESIDENT Kathy Conklin FROM THE EDITOR .....................................………..3 836 S. Warner FROM THE PRESIDENT ……………………...…………. 3 John Hess Fremont, MI 49412 FROM THE REGISTRAR….………………………………...4 2778 E2625 Road 231/924-6456 FAHR BUSINESS…………………………….…………...4 Marseilles, IL 61341 [email protected] FINANCIAL STATEMENT .………………………………… 5 815/795-2993 ANNUAL MEETING ………………………………………...6 [email protected] EDITOR & DIRECTOR PROPOSALS …………………………………………….7-8 PROMOTIONAL ………………………………………..9-10 VICE-PRESIDENT (Pro Tem) FAHR STALLION BARN .……………………………12-13 Edna Street Ken Haskins 4415 183rd Avenue SW LETTERS /MEMBER INPUT ...………………………. 14-16 11517 Hubbard Line Road Rochester, WA 98579 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS …………………………… 25 Menahga, MN 56464 360/273-9355 FAHR PROGRAMS ……………………………….. 26-27 218/564-4908 [email protected] BREEDER’S DIRECTORY ..........................…….. 28-33 [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS ………………………………... 34-35 ADVERTISING RATES .....................................….. 36 DIRECTORS FEE SCHEDULE ............................................…… 36 DEPARTMENT HEADS: REGISTRY UPDATE ………………………………………37 REGISTRY TRANSFERS ………………………………… 37 TREASURER Arita Harwood FAHR STALLION DONATION FORM …………………… 38 96845 N. Big Creek Lane FAHR BULLETIN BOARD …..…………………………. 39 Dawn Bates Lakeside, OR 97449-9605 DID YOU KNOW? ..........................................…… 40 5120 N 1100 W 541/759-3231 Middlebury, IN 46540 [email protected] 574/825-1475 ARTICLES: [email protected] A JIGSAW PUZZLE IN TIME Bill Wicklund THE LEGEND OF “THE KID” ……………………….16-22 P.O. Box 301 FINANCIAL SECRETARY & SPIDER K F-1219 …………………………………..23-24 Soper, OK 74759 DIRECTOR 580/345-2487 [email protected] Vicki Grant 5928 E. 169th Street Craig Wells (Pro Tem) Noblesville, IN 46060 2275 E 600 S 317/773-7159 Wolcottville, IN 46795 [email protected] 260/854-2025 [email protected] SECRETARY Tom Leahy Barbara Hayden 8800 Winding Way 8 Chestnut Road Gilmer, Texas 75645 Staunton, VA 24401 903/797-4723 540/851-0267 [email protected] [email protected] ON THE COVER DEFINITION OF A FOUNDATION Artist Sefan Kramar, Amarillo, Texas, calls the painting on APPALOOSA this’s issue’s cover, “Slicker Weather”. Taken from the cover of Appaloosa News, April, 1975. A FOUNDATION APPALOOSA IS AN APPALOOSA THAT CARRIES 75% OR GREATER APPALOOSA BLOOD OR AN APPALOOSA THAT HAS THE ABILITY TO CREATE SUCH AN APPALOOSA. This issue of FAHR TIDINGS may not be reproduced in whole or part without written permission of the Editor. Articles and photographs are welcome and should be sent to FAHR, Inc., P.O. Box 31, Westfield, IN 46074 in C/O the Editor. They will printed if space permits. Opinions expressed in FAHR TIDINGS are of the writer and are not necessarily the opinions of the FOUNDATION APPALOOSA HORSE REGISTRY, INC. http://www.foundationapp.org FFROMROM THETHE EEDITORDITOR FFROMROM THETHE PPRESIDENTRESIDENT Hello everyone, Hi, This summer was full of some I would like to personally very tough decisions for my hus- welcome all the new band and I and our Foundation members and thank those breds. We have always been who have renewed their geared to be a part of the move- memberships with FAHR. ment to create a purebred Appa- Members are the heart of loosa using only Foundation the Foundation Appa- stock. So what to do with your loosa Horse Registry, our Senior Stallion who is four generations pure and your source of leadership. Without them there is no reason program is now producing six generations and on the for existence. New members bring enthusiasm and cusp of producing our first seven. I had thought of all fresh ideas. Younger members ensure the present and the fine mares “Storm” had produced for us and of the future viability of our organization. Renewing members leopard sons we had just sold to Mexico. I have had this help FAHR attain it's goals. Feel they are part of the fine horse for 13 years and couldn’t bare the thought of organization and want to help FAHR grow. Believe in him not being in my barn. In many ways he has been a and support the mission statement and that FAHR is constant and daily re-enforcement that these horses are moving forward. Renewing members want to expand what we want to be producing. We took into considera- their knowledge of the Foundation Appaloosa. Found tion the fact we had not ‘used’ Storm in three years. So that being a member was a fulfilling experience and what do you do with a horse who had done as much for they were appreciated and wanted. You are cordially their human owner as Storm had done… In my case I invited to attend the Foundation Appaloosa Horse Reg- did what I thought was best for the horse. I gelded him. istry, Inc. 10th Annual Membership Meeting October Now Storm can roam the pastures free for the first time 18th 2008 at The Farmstead Inn Shipshewana, Indi- since he became a yearling. He can be a horse who ana. Social hour from 1 PM to 2 PM. Meeting to start at gets ridden occasionally and loved daily. He has done 2 P.M. The Farmstead Inn is located in the heart of everything we have ever asked of him and never has a Amish Country where the staff is very friendly from the day passed that we regretted having purchased him front desk, to housekeeping and to the complimentary from the late Alice Pratt. Now we will rely on his daugh- breakfast. The hotel is always spotless & cozy. Fuel ters and grand-get to carry on his beautiful, loving dis- and rising food prices and the global credit crunch position and enjoy him as much as we did when he was mean many of us are now feeling the strain more than a stallion, only now he will be a great riding horse. usual-but to much stress is bad for your health and It’s that time of year again, and I am looking forward to happiness. Be kind to yourself give yourself a break seeing some old friends and some new faces. Of and take time out to unwind. What is important to re- course, I’m referring to the FAHR Annual Meeting. My member is that no matter how smart, strong, efficient, husband and I make a mini-vacation out of the trip and and tireless you may be, everyone needs to take a try to visit some of the farms in the mid-west. It’s great break at some point in the game to re-energize. Escap- to spend time with people who share your interests and ing the grind of the office, even for a few days or a support your efforts. weekend may not be easy but it is possible I hope many of you are considering attending the meet- and necessary. The weekend getaway need not be ing this year. Several items on the agenda could use elaborate. Something as simple as driving a few hours the infusion of some new ideas and a different view or out of town to enjoy some nice scenery, a approach. I encourage as many FAHR members as quiet environment and fresh air so book yourself a hotel possibly can attend to make the effort to come to this room and attend the FAHR Annual General Member- years meeting. Don’t forget to bring pictures of your ship Meeting in Shipshewana, Indiana on October horses and hopefully pedigrees as well. They are 18th 2008. On behalf of everyone involved with the greedily passed around among the members attending Foundation Appaloosa Horse Registry, the meeting. I want to thank you for the support you have given To Also as summer comes to a end it’s time to prepare for FAHR not only in 2008 but all the past years as well. next years breeding season. Once again the October, Please join us as we ride the Foundation November, December issue of the FAHR Tidings will Appaloosa and go FAHR in our world. I really would include a Stallion Directory. Don’t miss out on this op- like to see you at this years annual meeting. Too often portunity to advertise your farm and/or stallion. The we forget horses are supposed to be the fun part of our Stallion Directory also will be posted to the FAHR web- life. page for the entire year. Great exposure for a nominal Your FAHR President. fee. John Hess Hope to see you at the meeting…. Eddie Street/Editor, FAHR Tidings 3 FROM THE REGISTRAR FAHR BUSINESS FAHR HAS A NEW FAHR 2ND ADDITION ADDRESS STUD BOOK As the registry of horses has sur- Please send all future corre- passed the 800 mark, work on the spondence to: next issue of the FAHR STUD BOOK has begun. Many times the pictures we send in Foundation Appaloosa Horse as breeders to register our horses Registry, Inc. do not show our horses off to their Hi Everyone, P.O. Box 1134 best advantage. If this is true in your case, maybe Middlebury, IN. 46540. Fall is upon us. I hope everyone you would like to consider taking a new picture for the upcoming Stud had a successful foaling and ********************************* breeding season, and I hope that Book. you have been able to get out and ! 2009 Membership Dues ! Remember this horse is repre- enjoy your horses. senting your farm and breeding program. Don’t you want to make A friendly reminder goes out to the best impression you possibly I have been riding Jasper as much all members to remember that can for yourself and for FAHR? as time will allow, plus doing our FAHR Membership Dues for Another point to consider is if you Competitive Mounted Orienteering, 2009 are due on or before Janu- have not already registered your which I will be writing an article on ary 31, 2009.
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