A Aaron Ago Dagang, 226Nn6, 7 Abang Abu

A Aaron Ago Dagang, 226Nn6, 7 Abang Abu

INDEX A Abang Yusuf Puteh, 35, 85, 102, 106, Aaron Ago Dagang, 226nn6, 7 139, 155 Abang Abu Bakar Abang Mustapha Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, 246 cabinet posts, 119, 147 Abdul Gapur, Datu Patinggi, 265n15 development projects, 145, 147 Abdul Kadir Hassan, Ustaz, 75, 79 PBB and, 99, 126, 134, 149n7, Abdul Kadir Merican, 265n11 160–61 Abdul Mumin, Sultan, 28 Sarawak UMNO and, 160, 165 Abdul Rahman Al-Haj, Tunku WARISAN and, 158, 160 appointments in Sarawak Abang Adi, 205n21 government, 69n18, 76 Abang Ahmad Urai, 129, 135, 149n7 formation of Malaysia and, 12, 33, Abang Bueng Abang Amin, 265n11 75 Abang Draup Abang Zain, Dr, 135, 1970 elections and, 111n8 240, 241, 265n13 Ningkan’s ouster and, 109n1 Abang Haji Ali, 149n7 retirement from PERKIM, 204n14 Abang Haji Narawi Haji Mohd, 122 UMNO presidential contest, Abang Haji Openg Abang Sapiee, Tun, 149n11 69n18, 76 Abdul Rahman Embong, 40, 41, 62, Abang Haji Osman Datuk Amar Haji 69n20, 161 Marzuki, 135 Abdul Rahman Hamzah, 149n7, 156 Abang Han Abang Ahmad, 75 Abdul Rahman Junaidi, Dr, 240 Abang Ikhwan Zaini, 79 Abdul Rahman Yakub Abang Johari Tun Abang Haji Openg appointment as chief minister, 7, cabinet posts, 132, 137, 145, 153, 34, 72, 78, 81, 82, 206, 270 191, 192, 205(nn18, 19) background, 78–79 in PBB leadership contest, 160–61 BN3 portrayal of, 138–39 political rise, 119, 129, 148n4 communists and, 94 as potential successor to Taib, development projects, 245 207–208, 209 electoral defeat, 116, 139 vice-presidency of PBB, 134 founding of BARJASA and PANAS, Abang Kirprawi Haji Mohd Fauzi, 75, 79, 268 Haji, 122 Malay agenda, 85–86 Abang Kuley, 205n21 opposition to, 90–91, 107 Abang Mustapha, Datu Bandar, 75, relations with central state, 83, 165 84–85, 92–93, 95, 113, 118, Abang Yusof Abang Abdul Razak, 240 167 327 12 Dom_Contest.indd 327 9/28/11 1:16:38 PM 328 Index relationship with Taib, 13, 124–25, Abok, Penghulu, 81 271 Abu Samah Mohamad, 258 relationship with Tunku, 76, 80 accommodation, 18, 65, 108, 267, retirement, 100, 106, 114, 206, 220 269 Sarawak DAP and, 91 Adai, B.R., 102 as strongman-politician, 82, Adenan Satem 96–106, 141, 270 in 2006 election, 238 Abdul Razak, Tun, 85, 92, 107, 206 cabinet posts, 137, 153, 191, Abdul Taib Mahmud, Pehin Sri 205(nn18, 19), 225n3, 246 1983 and 1987 elections, 128, 139 in continental shelf issue, 92 accommodative measures, 156–57, in PBB leadership, 132, 134, 135, 170 149n7, 160–61 accumulation of wealth, 119–20 political rise, 225n3 bomohism charge, 129–30 as potential successor to Taib, Bumiputera party and, 79, 80 207–209, 280 continental shelf issue, 92 in Taib’s political strategy, 168 control of Sarawak politics, 163–64, Aeria, Andrew, 10, 11, 12, 14, 120, 166–67, 171, 201–202 203n7 expansion of civil service, 196–201 Affendy Michael, 178 founding of BARJASA and, 75, 268 agricultural sector, 182, 185 Keadilan and, 163 Ahmad Lukman Aba, 240 Malay agenda, 167–68 Ahmad Som, 265n7 Ming Court Affair, 13, 56 Ahmad Zaidi Adruce, Tun, 130 path to chief ministership, 34, 113, Aisah Zainab Mahmud, 114 114 Ajibah Abol, 239 PBB and, 98, 100 Alfred Jabu, 99, 100, 125, 132, 153, personal background, 114–16 204n17, 205(nn18, 19), 208 political rise, 80, 116–19 Ali, Datu Patinggi, 27 presidency of PERKIM, 204n14 Ali Mahmud, 209 Rahman Yakub and, 108, 124–25, Ali Rustam, 281 271 Alli Kawi, 91, 106, 122 relations with central state, 35, 130, Ambrose Blikau, 135, 137, 149n7 157, 167, 202, 207, 210, 219 Ambrose Gramong, 122 repressive measures, 154–56, 170 Andrew Jipam Nayok, 264n6 retirement, 160, 207–209, 224 Angkalom Latib, Penghulu, 257 see also development politics Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia Abdul Wahab Aziz, 139 (ABIM), 163, 204n16 Abdullah Badawi, Tun, 202, 208, 210, Angkatan Nahdatul Islam Bersatu 211, 215, 278, 280 (BINA), 86, 204n16 Abdullah Mohamed Nor, 149n7 Angkatan Perpaduan Ummah (APU), ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam 157 Malaysia), 163, 204n16 Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM), Abit Angkin, Penghulu, 257 151n13 12 Dom_Contest.indd 328 9/28/11 1:16:38 PM Index 329 Annuar Razak, Haji, 135 demands on chief minister, 83, 167, Anwar Ibrahim, 14, 162, 163, 168, 270 218, 222, 249, 281 in elections, 2, 3, 127, 162 Arab Sharifs, 61, 110n2 history in Sarawak, 1 Arin, Penghulu, 257 political dominance, 152, 167 Awang Alak Betatar, 25 Sarawak’s importance to, 281 Awang Asmadi Awang Ahmad, vote-buying, 14, 173 265n10 see also SBN (Sarawak Barisan Awang Hipni, 117 Nasional) Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, 161, 168, BARJASA (Parti Barisan Anak Jati 196, 279 Sarawak), 6, 56, 72, 75–76, 77, Aziz Hussein, 151n13, 168 115, 154, 268 Baru Bian, 176 Bayang, Pengarah, 99 B Benedict Bujang, 135 Baharuddin Mokhsen, 240 Ben Jomel, 265n11 Bahasa Malaysia, 68n17, 84, 167 BERJASA (Barisan Jamaah Islamiah Se Bahteri, Sultan, 25 Malaysia), 157 Baidi Saini, 261 Berma, Madeline, 185, 235 Baitul-Mal, 190 BERSATU, 128, 239, 265n12 Baitul-Mal and Wakaf Board, 191 Beting Maru battle, 28, 67n9 Bajau, 187 Bidayuh National Association, 58 Bako Bidayuhs demographics, 229, 232 development projects aimed at, 143 development politics and, 242 household income, 185, 187 employment structure, 233, 243, non-Muslim bumiputera, 20n4 264n2 parliamentary and negeri seats, 19n3 income levels, 236 PBB and, 96 pemancha, 256 in Samarahan division, 198 satisfaction with government, 252 in southwest Sarawak, 232 Balan Lejau, Penghulu, 257 term for headman, 259 Balia Munir, Haji, 132 Billy Abit Joo, 226n6 Bampfylde, C.A., 3–4, 66n3 BINA (Angkatan Nahdatul Islam Bank Utama, 225n1 Bersatu), 86, 204n16 Banyang, Pengarah, 257 Bintulu incident, 124–25 Baring-Gould, S., 3–4 Bisamah, 99 Barisan Alternatif, 162 Bisaya, 259 Barisan Jamaah Islamiah Se Malaysia blogs, political, 222 (BERJASA), 157 BN, see Barisan Nasional (BN) Barisan Nasional (BN) BN Plus, 122–23, 126, 127, 128 challenges from other parties, BN3, 138–39, 158, 159 157–58, 275–82 Bolhassan Kambar, 202n3 component parties, 88–89 Bong Kee Chok, 94 12 Dom_Contest.indd 329 9/28/11 1:16:39 PM 330 Index Borneo Post, 221 merger with PESAKA, 9, 89, 92, Borneo Research Institute (BRIMAS), 98 227n10 in Sarawak Alliance, 81, 111n9 Brereton, William, 28, 67n10 in southwest Sarawak, 237–38, 239, Bringing the State Back In, 16 256 British Military Administration Sulaiman Daud and, 148n3 (BMA), 32–33 see also PBB (Parti Pesaka British North Borneo Company, 30, Bumiputera Bersatu) 31 bumiputeras, 19n4, 52–53, 68n17, 92, Brooke, Brooke, 66n7 96, 185–86, 188 Brooke, Charles, 28, 29, 31, 66n7, see also Muslim bumiputera 67(nn11, 12), 230 Buntal, 232, 236, 242, 252, 256, 259 Brooke, James, 26, 27, 28, 29, 66n4, 110n5, 231, 265n15 C Brooke, Vyner, 15, 32, 33, 68n13 Celestine Ujang, Datuk, 100, 143, Brooke rulers 146, 153, 205n19 cession of Sarawak to British, 5, Center and Periphery, 17 15, 33 central state see Malaysia Constitution under, 32 Chalecki, Laila, 115, 120, 149n5 efforts against “piracy”, 67n8 Chan, Anisa Abdullah, 115 post of Mufti, 191 Chan, George, Dr, 115, 129, 132, relations with Malays, 5, 6, 8–9, 153, 205(nn18, 19), 208, 61, 231 216–17, 227n8 reliance on community chiefs, 262, Chan Seng Kai, 176 265n15 Chan Siaw Hee, 107 Sarawak historiography and, 3–4, Chazan, Naomi, 55 66n3 Chen Yiew Zean, 265n10 Brunei, 33 Chia Chin Shin, 129 Brunei Sultanate, 22, 25, 29, 61, Chin Fah Kui, Peter, 217 66n6, 67n8, 73–74, 110n2 Chin, J., 8, 10, 12, 14, 163 Buddhism, 20n4 Chinese community Bujang, Tuanku Haji, 79 associations, 59 Bujang Amin, Tua Kampung, 257 during colonial period, 40 Bujang Jalli Man, 256 conversions to Islam, 86 Bujang Mohamed Nor, Tan Sri, 85 exclusion from bumiputera status, Bujang Sapawi, 156 19n4 Bujang Sum Drahim Haji, Penghulu, formation of Malaysia and, 34 256 during Japanese occupation, 5 Bujang Ulis, 133, 134, 149n7 Land Bill and, 117 Bukit Begunan 1996 election, 14, 178 Malay and Muslim bumiputera Bumiputera (party) attitudes to, 75, 196 decline of MNU and, 56 in Malaysian economy, 53, 185 formation, 6, 79–80, 115 in new divisions, 198, 199 12 Dom_Contest.indd 330 9/28/11 1:16:39 PM Index 331 parliamentary and negeri seats, in 1983 election crisis, 149n9 19n3, 152 in PBDS leadership crisis, 213, 214, as perceived by bumiputera, 218 215 perception of Taib, 116 timber concessions, 102 political history, 10 DAP (Democratic Action Party), 157 poverty rates, 187 see also Sarawak Democratic Action Rahman Yakub and, 90, 136 Party (DAP) in southwest Sarawak, 230–31, 232, Darul Arqam, 204n16 264n2 Datu system, 25–26, 65n2, 74, 110n2 Taib and, 227n8 Daud Abdul Rahman, 191 term for headman, 259 Dayak Co-operative Society, 58 traditional divisions, 165 Dayaks Chinese Politics in Sarawak, 10 associations, 58–59 Chong Chien Jen, 215, 276 attitude to cession, 33 Chong Hon Nyan, 124 BRIMAS and, 227n10 Chong Kim Mook, 237–38, 264n6 DAP and, 152 Chong Kiun Kong, 129, 132, 146, development politics and, 188–89 147, 153 fragmentation of political elites, 217 Chong Siew Siang, 111n12 during Japanese occupation, 32 Christianity, 3, 20n4 leaders’ show of unity, 98–99 Chua, Ernest, 227n9 in Ming Court Affair, 13, 136 Clement Eddy, 227n9 Muslim converts, 189 CMS Group, 115, 119–20, 149n5, PANAS and, 75 209 patron-client relations, 61, 78 Cobbold Commission, 34 PBB and, 98, 100, 123 Communal Associations of the PBDS and, 122, 139, 159, 183 Indigenous Communities of PESAKA and, 76 Sarawak, 15 relations with Brookes, 4 communists, 94 SNAP and, 76, 123 Cooke, Fadzillah Majid, 102 SUPP and, 123 Cramb, R.A., 183 weakening of influence, 9–10, 123, Crookshank, Arthur, 28 170–71, 219 Crouch, Harold, 36, 69n20, 268–69 see also Ibans Demak Jaya Industrial Park, 230,

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