Because this S a free Country" Stuff only goes So far. VISA ^^90C .1^?^- you wattt to be OVlM U.S.A. Inc 19<P* contents RKPOK I KR • VOI.UMK 75 • NUMHKR 11 features 8 sports stuff the week A that was 26 on the street departments 4 editorial 8 sports 4 mail box 12 hot spots 7 the news 26 on the street cover Rzromit MAGAZINE publuhed wccUy during the mdemk year by ttudcnti at the Rochetter Inititute of Technology, One Lomb Memorial Drive, Rocheiter, New York, 14623. Editorial and production facilitie* are located in Room A-426 of the Student Alumni Union, Voice/TTY (716)475-2212. Subacnptimii: 17.00 per quartcr.Thc opinioni ezprtaaed in RZEOrTEE do not neceaaanly reflect tboae of the Irahtutt. RTT doea Christine Ramage & not generally review or approve of the contentt of RZPORTEX and doea not accept reaponaibUity for mattert contained in REEOKTTIL Lettera may be lubmitted to the RZEORTER in peraon, or through RIT e-tnail, aend lettera toiRZEOnriL Lettera muat be typed and double apaccd. Pleaae limit Lauren B. McFalls (inset) letten to 250 words. REPOtTER reaervea the right to edit for libel and clarity. No letten will be printed unleaa aigncd and accompanied by a phone number. All letten rccieved arc properly of REPORTER MAGAZINE. REPORTER takca pnde in ita membcnhip m the Aaaociated CoUegute Preaa and Amencan Crvil Libertiea Union, copyright 1993 REPORTER MAGAZINE. All righta rcaeivcd. No portion of thia magazine may be reproduced without pnor written permiaaion from REPORTER. APRIL 8, 1994 3 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF mail box Gary R. Peters future with the TVs and Residence Life. T\T/^ -l— 1" O Residence Life has been nothing but cooperative when discussing all of this. In " 3 n ^ "K* ^ ^ fact, we are pursuing a proposal to have the H department handle all physical aspects asso- MANAGING EDITOR I'D TO RESPOND TO the recent article cover- dated with the TVs, while RHA finances it. Christine Koenig ing body piercing. To all those considering I did not attempt to "bash" the department, EXECUTIVE EDITOR having themselves pierced, please do not and I don't believe I did. I think the only Kathleen M. Cole have it done at The Wild Side. From reading aggressive aspect of that piece was the photo- the article and talking to people who have graph and headline. OmcE MANAGER been there, it is evident that these people If anything, however, part of the title did HoUy Wilcox don't know what they're doing. Firstly, there sum up the nature of what I was saying, ART DIRECTORS was no mention of any sanitary necessities Even though RHA will fund the set-up of Robert N. Wescott • Josh Klenert such as an autoclave or biohazard disposal. TVs, whose responsibility is it? Should TVs Second, the article stated that the establish- be provided by the Institute? Right now, over DESIGNERS Michael J. O'Boyle, ment had performed several piercings that $7,000 of student activities fees (provided by Nate Arnone, are considered dangerous and unacceptable RIT students) goes to this endeavor, and if by the piercing community at large (neck, RHA was not responsible, this money could PRODUCTION MANAGER arms, "love-handles"). Also, piercings are go to other services to benefit residence halls Maria Rosoni never done standing up, and it is VERY students, ASSOCIATE EDITORS unprofessional for anyone to laugh when VictorM. Cardoso Aimee Zakrewslci, SPORTS someone yells in response to pain. Last, I Director of Communications, Kerstin Gunter, CULTURE have been pierced five times and have never Residence Hal/s Association Victor Cardoso, NEWS had a warm ringing in my ear and I have Brandy Davis, FEATURES never passed out; these are not certainties. COPY EDITOR If you would like to adorn yourself in this eZ^'~ ~Tl '\C1'\~~\ Jamie McLean manner, please take the time to research it kJ ULO first and find a true professional who can do " D ^ " /-n. WRITERS it correctly. (True piercers NEVER use U'ULTKZ Mark Natale, JefF Gambles Matt McNamara, Krissy Bush guns.) I WOULD LIKE TO make a few comments on Clarissa Cummings, Emma S. J. Walker Jake Fahy the issue of RIT suspending the Reserve Victor Cardosa, Alfred Penn Officers Training Corps on the basis that the Kelly Bombard, Bryant Grahm program seems to be in conflict with the Sean Aryai, Aileen Pagan "T-i "1 d 1~ \~ Institute's policy against sexual orientation PRODUCTION STAFF L-W based discrimination. Both sides of the issue Matt Southard, Natcha Van Gelder, '~\T )\'3yt very good arguments in support of their Trisha Kagey ^-^C^-^^y • • • different viewpoints. Proponents of ROTC I'M WRITING TO CLARIFY the article I approach the issue from the basis of prag- ILLUSTRATORS Eklward M.X. Cox, Larry Conrow, authored in the 3/18 issue of REPORTER. matics while foes of the program come from Jeremy Sniatclcj "RHA vs. Residence Life: Whose responsi- the direction of Institute principles and bility is it Anyway?" was meant to be pre- ideals. RIT is caught between its moral prin- DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY sented as an opinion piece, but, unfortunate- ciples and the practicalities of the situation, Erik Mathy ly, did not turn out that way. While signing I feel that in this case principles must it as Victor Cardoso, Director of come before practicalities. RIT, as an institu- PHOTO EDITOR Victoria Arocho Communications of RHA, I meant to show tion of higher education, stands on the moral the reader that, as director of the organiza- high ground in this society. For RIT to PHOTOGRAPHERS tion, my perspective was biased. I did not ignore its general ideological principles Julie Henderson, Max Schulte seek Residence Life's response in any form, whenever they interfere with what is prag- Amy Wood, Rick Cindair Aris Ekronomopoulos and 1 quoted colleagues to illustrate how matic at that time does not say much of RIT RHA members view the TV situation. as an educational institution. RIT needs to Distribution Staff However, 1 did not seek to speak for the carefully look at the rationale behind the Jeff Jakobowski, Matt Sievenpiper organization, nor did 1 intend it to be pre- ROTC program and ask itself if ROTC sup- sented with a confrontational headline and ports and upholds conflict with that promise ADVISOR Dr. Elaine Spaull photograph. as well as in conflict with the general ideal of 1 am on a committee discussing RHA's this educational institution then ROTC 4 REPORTERVOL.75NO.il country and its social contract with the peo• ple (equality and non-discrimination) or what was pragmatic at that time. They knew if they overturned the separate but equal doc• trine that it would cause massive problems in the logistics of carrying out the ruling and in how it would be enforced. It even initially split the court along the two sides of the issue. In the end the court spoke with one voice and basically affirmed the doctrine: "fait iustitia ruat caelum" or "let justice be done though the heavens fall." Through that decision the Supreme Court sent the message to both the domestic and international communities that the United States government stands by its Show promises to its citizens. 1 strongly believe your parents that it is time for RIT to send a message to you really have a both our communities and our government that programs not conforming to its stan• head on your shoulders. dards, principles, and promises of this educa• Senior Portrait Sittings tional institution will not be endorsed or Schedule sitting time at supported. the SAU Information Desk willbeheldApriilB- Alan R. Bruce NOWiil Aprii 22 from 10am-8pm Printing—1st year MONDAYS Editor's Note UNDERGROUND T.V. We at REPORTER would like to take time UVELOaLAOS FOR BROAOaST to send a special thanks to all of the people WITH UGTV that helped us create DISTORTER/SLIME this STARTING APRIL 11TH year. Without their help, it would not have THE DOOR PRWEDS TO BENEFIT THE BAND. DOORS OPEN 9PMi been possible and we thank them. SHOWTIMESfHi BE 9:30 11PM WEEKLY! iANS» POETS •LIVE TALENT Dr. Elaine Spaull APR. 6 - VIE BONEDIPPERS D N E $ DAYS The T&E Pre-Press Department APR. IjNLjABEZ STONE THE EARLY THE SHOW lEPL Computer Lab APR. 20 - l^NDERHOUSE LIVE LOCAL BANDS 9:30 -] 1PM Frank Ritter Ice Arena LIFE (WITR NITE) FRIDAY EARLY SHOWS Barschell Computer Lab WITH DJ J.GIPPE Time Magazine APR. 1 - HERDOWN 2 FORI WELL DRINKS TO MIONITE SAU Information Desk APR. 8 • E OF PAIN SI.SO SHEA'S ALL NITE WITR APR. 15 - ZOZOSE THURSDAYS Dr. Linda Kuk APR. 22 - K. ULTRA A IN BETWEEN AND AFTER REPORTER Advisory Board APR. 29 - SAfA OPEN BAR Student Government 10PM-IIPM &I2-1PM and President Simone. ZEI ADMITS HTRON 18 YEARS OF AGE '+ $1.50 GENNY LITE BOHLES IN BETWEEN!! OR OLDER WITH PROPER 11^. FRIDAYS Thank you. 171 ST. PAUL STREET ^ ALTERNATIVE BEiJ^GENERATION ROCH^TER, NY DJ'SARTMi^^ J.GIPPE 716. h2. 1 600 • SLSOSHfi^AlUjlTE $ATU RDlYS CYBIRHIPPY EVOLihiOH Gary Peters TRANa* AMBIENT TECHNO •fRUi Editor In Chief WITHDJ'SARTMAN&J. GIPPEv^ SI.SOROLUNGROaS $1,50 SHEA'S UNTIL MIDNITE BRING THIS AD FOR REDUCED ADMISSION. (EXCEPT THURSDAYS AND SPECIAL EVENTS) ATTENTION JUNIORS AND SENIORS INTERESTED IN We care. FULL-TIME, INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE STUDY! LOYOLA COLLEGE IS MARYLAND OFFERS THE: We listen. MASTER OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS We explain. I Twoycar. full-lime, day program covering. • Business • l-anguage (intermediate skills required) • Area Studies (Asia and Western Europe) We educate. I L-anguage Tracks • Chinese • German • French -Japanese We're private.
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