Index to Cecidology Up to Vol. 31 (2016) This index has been based on the contents of the papers rather than on their actual titles in order to facilitate the finding of papers on particular subjects. The figures following each entry are the year of publication, the volume and, in brackets, the number of the relevant issue. Aberbargoed Grasslands: report of 2011 field meeting 2012 27 (1) Aberrant Plantains 99 14(2) Acacia species galled by Fungi in India 2014 29(2) Acer gall mites (with illustrations) 2013 28(1) Acer galls: felt galls re-visited 2005 20(2) Acer saccharinum – possibly galled by Dasineura aceris new to Britain 2017 32(1) Acer seed midge 2009 24(1) Aceria anceps new to Ireland 2005 20 (1) Aceria geranii from North Wales 1999 14(2) Aceria heteronyx galling twigs of Norway Maple 2014 29(1) Aceria ilicis (gall mite) galling holm oak flowers in Brittany 1997 12(1) In Ireland 2010 25(1) Aceria mites on sycamore 2005 20(2) Aceria populi galling aspen in Scotland 2000 15(2) Aceria pterocaryae new to the British mite fauna 2008 23(2) Aceria rhodiolae galling roseroot 2013 28(1): 2016 31(1) Aceria rhodiolae in West Sutherland 2014 29(1) Aceria tristriata on Walnut 2007 22(2) Acericecis campestre sp. nov. on Field Maple 2004 19(2) Achillea ptarmica (sneezewort) galled by Macrosiphoniella millefolii 1993 8(2) Acorn galls on red oak 2014 29(1) Acorn stalks: peculiar elongation 2002 17(2) Aculops fuchsiae – a fuchsia-galling mite new to Britain 2008 23 (1) Aculus magnirostris new to Ireland 2005 20 (1) Acumyia acericola – the Acer seed midge 2009 24(1) Adelges galls on Spruce 2014 29(1) African Nematode Gall (Subanguina guizotiae) on the Isle of Wight 2014 29(1) Agapanthus – a new gall midge 2016 31 (1) Agathomyia wankowiczi (Diptera: Platypezidae) galling fungi 1991 6(2): 1994 9(1): 2014 29(1) Agrobacterium tumefasciens: gall induction & host-range 1988 3(2) Alder galled by Taphrina amentorum 1999 14(2), 2001 16(1) Alders galled by Taphrina alni 2010 25(1) Aleppo Galls & Ink 1992 7(1) Algae as gall-causers: at least 6 British species of marine algae cause galls on other seaweeds 1993 8(2) Algae: a checklist of galls on these organisms 2009 24(2) Algae galled by crustaceans 1994 9(1) Algae: a possible fungus gall on Vaucheria 2006 21(2) Amorophora rubi on bramble 1999 14 (1) Andricus aestivalis (the sexual generation of A. lucidus) established in Britain 2002 17(1) Andricus ambiguus in Britain (not A. corruptrix) 2001 16 (1) Andricus ambiguus - the ambiguus/corruptrix controversy continues 2002 17(1) Andricus aries: New to Britain? 1999 14 (1) in North Essex 2002 17(2) in Shropshire 2010 25(1) in The Netherlands 2004 19 (1) recent range expansion in Continental Europe 2001 16(2) sexual generation occurs on Turkey oak 2001 16(2) spreading around London 2000 15(2) 1 Andricus corruptrix on the increase 1997 12(1) in Norfolk 1999 14 (1) in the West Midlands 1998 13 (2) it’s not Andricus corruptrix after all 2001 16 (1) rare or merely rarely seen? 1992 7(1) sticking up for Andricus corruptrix - the corruptrix/ambiguus controversy continues 2002 17(1) Andricus cryptobius possibly new to Britain 2015 30 (2) Andricus curvator on the increase 1998 13(2) Andricus curvator: some unusual examples 2004 19 (1) Adricus gemmeus new to Britain 2009 24(1) Andricus gemmeus – an up-date 2011 26(1) Andricus glandulae (at Leicester) 2011 26(1) Andricus grossulariae agamic gall picture 2003 18 (2) reaches Suffolk 2005 20(2) a form new to UK (agamic galls on catkins) 2008 23(2) Galling Quercus castaneifolia and Q. suber 2013 28(2) Inquilines and Parasitoids 2011 26(1) Population fluctuations in Norfolk 2011 26(1); 2014 29(1) Andricus kollari: Breeding the Sexual & Asexual Generations 1987 2(1) gall distinguished from that of A. lignicola 2001 16(2) galls attacked by aphids 1995 10(2) galls & their occupants - inquilines and parasites 1998 13 (2) prolongation of the agamic stage in NE Scotland 1995 10(1) Mini-marbles 2003 18 (1) 2003 18 (2) Andricus kollari-lignicola-corruptrix - Species or Races? 1987 2(2) Andricus lignicola: Breeding the Sexual & Asexual Generations 1987 2(1) gall distinguished from that of A. kollari 2001 16(2) Andricus lucidus (Hartig) confirmed in Britain, with a list of recorded inquilines & parasitoids 1992 7(1) on Hampstead Heath 2000 15(2) in Regent’s Park 2001 16 (1) Andricus mayri (the asexual generation of A. grossulariae) established in Britain 2002 17(1) Andricus quercuscalicis parasitoids of the sexual & parthenogenetic generations 1988 3(1) in The Netherlands & Belgium 1995 10(1) Inquilines and parasitoids in Northumberland 2005 20 (1): 2006 21 (1) Pammene fasciana (Lep. Tortricidae) as an inquiline in agamic galls 2001 16(2) Parasitoids recorded from the knopper galls of A. quercuscalicis 2003 18 (2) Andricus seminationis at Leicester 2011 26(1) Andricus sieboldi life cycle 2015 30(1) Andricus spp: their effect on structure & longevity of oak catkins 1997 12(1) Andricus spp: identification of sexual generation galls on Turkey oak 2000 15(2) Andricus spp invading Britain - a call for data 2001 16 (1) Angelica galled by the aphid Cavariella konoi 1994 9(1) Antirrhinum: the effect of its rust gall (Puccinia antirrhinii) on cultivation 1993 8(1) Aphelonyx cerricola : one of our newcomers 2005 20(2) parasitoids reared from its galls 2002 17(2) Aphid Galls: & hover-flies 1987 2(2): 1989 4(1) Checklist of aphids causing galls in Britain 2004 19(2) & ladybirds 1987 2(1) Aphid Galls in Ireland 1997 12(1) natural history & what makes them attractive for study? 1996 11(1) on Lombardy poplar 1997 12(2) induced by Tetraneura species in Britain and France 2003 18(1) on Walnut 1998 13(2) with reference to the problems of definition 1994 9(2) Aphid galls of Currants 2013 28(2) Aphids & their Galls: a general introduction 1994 9(1) Aphids feeding on galls of Andricus kollari 1995 10(2) Aphids on aspen leaves 2002 17(2) 2 Aphids associated with the galls of other insects 2008 23 (1) Aquilegia Flower Bud Gall Midge 2011 26(1) Argyresthia retinella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae): a gall-causer on birch 1992 7(2) Artacris macrorhynchus galls on a horticultural form, ‘Brilliantissimum’, of sycamore 1995 10(1) the distribution of galls on sycamore leaves 1995 10(1) Arthrocnodax species (Cecidomiidae) As Predators in Galls of Eriophyid Mites 2014 29(2) Ascidia on Philadelphus 1995 10(1) Ash: an unusual root growth 1988 3(2) domatia for mites? 1994 9(2) As Others See Us 2016 31(1) Aspen galled by Aceria populi in Scotland 2000 15(2) Aspen leaves galled by the aphid Chaitophorus tremulae 2002 17(2) Asphondylia pilosa (Cecidomyiidae) on broom (Cytisus scoparius) in Europe and N. America 2002 17(2) Aulacidea follioti (Cynipidae) new to Britain 1994 9(2): 1999 14 (1) Bacteria altering reproduction in Gall Wasps 2000 15(1) Bagnall, Richard Siddoway (1884-1962): his contribution to Cecidology 1993 8(2) Baizongia pistaciae & other galls in Southern France 1990 5(2) Bayeriola salicariae: new British records on purple loosestrife 2007 22 (1) Bedeguar Gall: notes on fluctuations in abundance 1994 9(1) Bonanza 2016 31(1) Insect populations in individual galls 1999 14 (1) It’s a Small World, full of Surprises 2008 23(1) Keys to insects occurring in bedeguar galls 2002 17(1) Project started by the Insect and Invertebrate Group 2001 16(2) Project: Progress to Date 2005 20(2) Project: Some Practical Tips 2003 18(1) Project: Tying it up 2008 23(2) Bedstraws galled by the midge Schizomyia galiorum in Cornwall 2012 27 (1) Beech oranges: galling of southern beeches by the fungus Cyttaria gunnii 2011 26(2) Beta vulgaris galled by Peronospora farinosa f. sp. betae 2007 22 (2) Betula gall midges 1989 4(2) Biblical Cecidology: some biblical references to galls 1988 3(2) Binomials Applied to British Plant Galls 2014 29(1) Biorhiza pallida: some thoughts on fluctuations in abundance 1996 11(2) How many mothers does it take to make an oak apple? 2001 16(1) Birch Galls Caused by Mites 1989 4(3): 2007 22 (1) Bird Cherry galled by Taphrina padi in Scotland 1995 10(2) galled by Taphrina padi in Suffolk 2002 17(2) Birds (Woodpeckers) Exploiting Fungal Galls in India 2014 29(2) Bird’s-foot trefoil galled by the fungus Physoderma potteri 2012 27 (1) Blackthorn galled by the fungus Taphrina pruni 1993 8(2): 2002 17(2) Black Currant galled by the aphid Hyperomyzus lactucae 1994 9(2) Bladder Galls of Vasates quadripedes (Eriophyidae) on silver maple (Acer saccharinum) 2002 17(1): 2002 17(2) Blennocampa galls on wild rose 1988 3(1) Bloodwood Apples 2008 23(2) Book Reviews Choix de zoocécidies de la Belgique 2015 30 (2) Leaf Mines and Leaf Miners (György Csóka) 2003 18 (2) Plant Problems (Stefan Buczacki) 2004 19 (1) Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Gall-inducing Arthropods 2005 20(2) Gall Midges of Germany (Skuhrava et al) 2015 30(1) Guide des Galles de France et d’Europe (Dauphin) 2014 29(1) Vegetative Key to the British Flora (Poland & Clement) 2009 24(2) Veldgids Plantengallen (A Field Guide to Plant Galls) (R.J. Koops) In Dutch. 2014 29(1) Bowthorpe Oak and its galls 2005 20(2) BPGS Constitution 2007 22 (1) Brachyneurina peniophorae (Cecidomyiidae) on fungi 1992 7(2) 3 Bracken galled by Paltodora cytisella (Lep. Gelechiidae) 2000 15(2) Breeding Gall-causers 1989 4(1): 1989 4(2) Broad-leaved Pepperwort - inflorescence galled by Aceria drabae 1991 6(1): 1992 7(1) Broom galled by the mite Eriophyes genistae 1994 9(1) Broom galled by the gall midge Asphondylia pilosa in Europe and N.
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