UpdateEAB www.esperanto-gb.org ✩ Gisdateˆ A quarterly organ of the Esperanto Association of Britain Kvaronjara organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio ★ No. 53, April–June 2011 N-ro 53, aprilo–junio 2011 ISSN 1741-4679 International communication without discrimination ★ Respect for all cultures Internacia komunikado sen diskriminacio ★ Respekto por ˆiujc kulturoj Trustees’ Annual • Successful Report 2009–10 Twitter campaign The trustees are pleased to present their report with the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 October 2010. A full copy of the report celebrates and financial statements may be obtained from Esperanto House. he Management Commit- their languages and cultures to Zamenhof tee of the Association are be treated equally. Tthe trustees of the charity. Day Those who served from 1 Nov. PUBLIC BENEFIT 2009 to 31 Oct. 2010 were: In setting objectives and plan- (see page 7) John Wells (president), Edmund ning activities the trustees have Grimley Evans (vice-president), given consideration to the David Kelso (hon. secretary), Charity Commission’s general • Prestigˆa Joyce Bunting (hon. treasurer), guidelines on public benefit, and Geoffrey Greatrex, Clare Hunter. in particular to guidance on artikolo David Bisset and Jean Bisset advancing education. EAB does served until 16 May 2010. not exclude anyone for any en israela reason. STAFF AND APPOINTEES Continued overleaf Education & Development Co- revuo ordinator: Angela Tellier. Office (vidu pa©on 11) administrator: Viv O’Dunne. Hon. librarian: Geoffrey King. Webmaster: Bill Walker. Editor of EAB Update: Geoffrey Sutton. Editor of La Brita Esperantisto: Paul Gubbins. Accountant & Independent Examiner: N. Brooks, Kingston Smith, 60 Goswell Road, London, EC1M 7AD. THE OBJECTS OF THE ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION OF BRITAIN (EAB) • The front cover of the new To advance the education of the 24-page colour information public in the international booklet Discover Esperanto. language Esperanto in the It is now available from EAB furtherance of international at 62p. (plus £1.50 p.&p.) for communication without dis- a single copy or for 51p. each crimination, and of the natural (plus £1.50 p.&p.) for three right of all people and peoples, copies or more. EAB-Ìisdate • 1 JARRAPORTO 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 REDAKTORA NOTO SUMMARY OF MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS • Distance learning DURING THE YEAR 2009–10 Uptake of the Elementary …! Dankon, Joyce • Education course is rising and the attractive oyce Bunting, nia kasistino, Springboard in schools progressed mini-series of learning books is Jdecidis lasi la de∆oron de sia slowly but steadily, as planned. proving popular. posteno ekde la venonta ofico- A secondary school joined the The telephone buddy system periodo. Ni ßuldas al Joyce tute pilots, taught by Carolyn Wade, works well. Leaflets were updated. apartan dankegon pro ßia fakscia who has become an enthusiastic There is a small but steady laboremo. Mi scias, ke ßi dediçis Esperantist. uptake for exams. multe da tempo ekster siaj devoj por la financa bonfarto de la asocio. Manchester University has En çi tiu numero aperas opini- undertaken a long-term inde- • Publishing esprimo pri financaj aferoj. Unue, pendent evaluation of the Mini Course, Mini Dictionary and estas grave kompreni diferencojn Springboard project. Their final Mini Grammar were completed inter privata kaj korporacia financ- report is due in November 2011. and made available as a ‘trio’. adoj. Ekzemple, la supozo, ke The International Comenius Mini Course in Welsh (Mini Cwrs) £250 000 estas ‘inundo da mono’, Project (2008–10) came to a was published in time for the estas grava misju©o. Jes ja tio validas successful conclusion in Septem- British Congress in Llandudno. por unuopulo, sed por nacia asocio ber 2010. This involved ex- John Wells’s long-awaited two- tiom da kapitalo estas minimuma. Due, nepras klareco inter changes of pupils in European way dictionary was published by kapitalo kaj spezo. Kapitalo de schools learning Esperanto. Mondial. kvaron-miliono donas rente, ni diru Library packs went to several The complete collection of optimisme, 5%ojn, do £12 500 jare. schools who requested them, the review Fonto was digitised El tio elspezendas por oficista and several talks and presenta- and made available on DVD. salajro kaj çiu cetera farenda∆o, kiel tions were delivered in schools to ekzemple informado! La argumento, sixth-formers. • Promotion and publicity ke oni uzu kapitalon por varbi, estas The Language Show took place senrespondeca, çar el financa vid- • Residential courses over three days in November punkto nova ano enspezigas jare nur 25 pundojn. Se oni deziras fortan Summer Festival & the Jubilee event 2009 at Olympia, London. The asocion, nepras antaü çio starigi kaj at Wedgwood Memorial College Association is indebted to tenadi konsiderindan kapitalon. were both successful; so too were volunteers who organised and Unuopulo rajtas elspezi sian ‘Course-You-Can’ and ‘Drond- manned the stand. Visitors could kapitalon por vivteni sin, çar la ido’ (for beginners). take a new free CD A Taste of morto certas. Male, EAB pluvivu ‘Drondo’ and ‘Ni Festivalu’ Esperanto as well as leaflets. The finance sana. Geoffrey Sutton continue to be popular. On all venue and date changed to Earls occasions when EAB had sole Court in October 2010. Espe- • Material for the next issue of use of the college, enough ranto attracted considerable EAB Update should be with the editor no later than 27 May. participants were attracted to public interest, and the volun- • Materialo por la venonta numero cover costs of hiring, which is teers manning the stand received de EAB-Gˆisdate atingu la redaktoron encouraging. Continued opposite plej laste la 27an de majo. EAB-Update / Gˆ isdate is a quarterly organ of the Esperanto Association may be in Esperanto, English, Welsh or Gaelic / Materialo rajtas esti en of Britain / estas kvaronjara organo de Esperanto-Asocio de Britio, la lingvoj internacia, angla, kimra au˘ gaela. Esperanto House / Esperanto-Domo, Station Road, Barlaston, ❏ EAB also publishes the review La Brita Esperantisto, wholly in Stoke-on-Trent ST12 9DE. Esperanto / EAB eldonas ankau˘ la revuon La Brita Esperantisto, tute • Tel. 0845 230 1887 / +44 (0)1782 372141 en Esperanto. • Fax / fakse: on request / lau˘pete ✰ • E-mail / rete: [email protected] ❏ EAB is a registered charity (No. 272676) and an affiliated national • Websites / ttt-pagˆaroj: www.esperanto-gb.org association of the Universal Esperanto Association, which has official www.esperantoeducation.com relations with the United Nations and Unesco / EAB estas legˆe registrita ❏ Membership of EAB costs £25 a year (£20 concession); supporter bonfara asocio kaj aligˆinta landa asocio de Universala Esperanto- or youth member £10 / Membrigˆi en EAB kostas £25 pundojn jare Asocio (Nieuwe Binnenweg 176, NL-3015 Rotterdam, Nederlando. (£20 rabatite); subtenanto au˘ juna membro pagas £10 pundojn. Tel. 00 31 10 436 1044; fax / fakse: 00 31 436 1751; e-mail / retposˆte: ✰ [email protected]; www.uea.org), kiu havas oficialajn rilatojn kun Unuigˆintaj ❏ Material for EAB Update should be sent by e-mail, computer disk Nacioj kaj Unesko. (rtf format, please) or hard copy direct to the editor / Materialon por ✰ EAB-Gˆ isdate oni sendu rete (formaton rtf, mi petas), diske au˘ papere ❏ The views expressed in EAB Update are not necessarily those of the rekte al la redaktoro: Geoffrey Sutton, 7 Clover Road, Aylsham, Norwich Management Committee of EAB / La opinioj esprimitaj en EAB-Gˆ isdate NR11 6JW; e-mail / retposˆte: [email protected]. Material ne nepre estas tiuj de la Administra Komitato de EAB. 2 • EAB Update JARRAPORTO 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 favourable comments about the course of 1926 spoken by International Language. Edmond Privat, can be found in A great number of radio the Sonbanko Esperanta at www. interviews took place during the ipernity.com/home/69959. year, thanks to initiatives by Current and historical infor- Brian Barker and several volun- mation is on the Butler Library teer interviewees. website at biblbut.wordpress. A new print design for calico com. bags was created by Tim Owen. • Constitution of EAB These were distributed to those Amendments and simplifications attending the British Congress in were ratified at the AGM. Llandudno, and may still be purchased. PLANS FOR 2010–11 AND FURTHER In October 2010, https:// • Continue to expand the twitter.com/Esperanto_UK had 218 ‘Research and Development’ followers, but an even greater programme, encouraging class number (currently 448) choose teachers to get more involved in to view the information via our Springboard from the start. Facebook page of the same • Consider a new Comenius MEMBERSHIP name. The site relays news application (education). Life members 23, full members snippets to subscribers. Among • Prepare a new ‘Accelerated’ 328, family members 15, sup- younger members it proved a course. porters 52. Total 418. valuable communication tool for • A book on British minority A few members of venerable arranging meetings, but it is languages – Gaelic, Welsh, age died during the year. New available for everyone to view. Cornish, etc. to be explored. recruits and people rejoining A 24-page colour booklet • Review the Free Postal Course after some years’ absence were titled Malkovru Esperanton was first lesson and colour cover. welcomed. produced by ILEI (Internacia • Prepare a new leaflet about Members and supporters Ligo de Esperantistaj Instruistoj) Esperanto and EAB, combining receive EAB Update
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