; TRANSACTIONS OK THK NORFOLK AND NORWICH VOL. III. 187D — 80 to 1883—84. |torfoieb PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. 1884. CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. Barnard A. M., 424, 567 Barrett C. G., 683 Bennett Aetiiue, 379, 568, 633 Bidwell Edward, 526 Bi dwell AV. H., 212 Bridgman J. B., 367 Christy R. M., 588 Coeder 0., 155 DuPoet J. M., 194, 200 Edwards James, 266, 700 Feilden H. AV., 201 Geldabt H. D., 38, 268, 354, 425, 532, 719 Gurney J. H., 422 Gurney J. H., Jun., 170, 270, 424, 511, 517, 565 566, 581, 597 Habmer F. AV., 71 Harmer S. F., 604 IIarting J. E., 79 II arvi e-Brown J. A., 47 IIeddle M. F., 61 Kitton F., 754 Linton E. F., 561 Lowe John, 677 Newton Alfred, 34 Newton E. T., 654 Norgate Frank, 68, 351, 383 Power F. D., 345 r Preston A. AA ., 505, 646 Plowright C. B., 152, 266, 730 Quinton John, Jun., 140 Reid Clement, 503, 601, 631, 789 Southwell T., 1, 95, 149, 178, 228, 369, 415, 419, 474, 475, 482, 539 564, 610, 644, 657 Stevenson II., 99, 120, 125, 326, 373, 392, 467, 542, 771 Utcher H. M., 569 AA'alsingham Lord, 313 AVheeler F. D., 28, 262 AVoodward H. B., 36, 279, 318, 439, 525, 637, 789 Young J., 519 // ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SUBJECTS. Amber in Norfolk, 601 Fauna and Flora of Norfolk— Ampelis garrulus, 326 Part IX. Hymenoptera, 367 American Bison, 17 „ X. Marine Algae, 532 Atlantic Right- whale, 228 „ I. Mammalia, 657 „ IX. Fishes, 677 Balsena biscayensis, 228 „ V. Lepidoptera, 683 Bearded Tit in Confinement, 519 „ VIII. Hemiptera, 700 Bird Life of the Shiant Islands, 47 „ VI. Flowering Plants and Birds, Migration of, 133, 138, 170 Ferns, 719 Blackbird and Thrush Interbreeding, „ III. Fungi, 730 588 „ VII. Diatomaceac, 754 Blytli Edward, Memoir of, 38 Fens and Fenfolk, 610 Boletus sulphureus, 15 L Fen Bill Hall, 623 Bluethroated Warbler, 346, 597 Ferns in Norfolk, 719 Botanical Notes, 561 Fishes of Norfolk, 677 Bottlenose Whale, 476 Flowering Plants in Norfolk, 719 Brackenridge Rev. G. W., 426 Forest-bed Vertebrata, 654 Buzzards, Abundance of, 555 Franz-Josef Land, Natural History of, 201 Calendar of William Whitear, 231, Fungi near Mattishall, 200 235 Fungi in Norfolk, 730 Carex trinervis, 635 Fungoid Diseases of Cereals, 194 Carrion Crow, Nesting Habits of, 68 Caspian Tern, 565 Gallinula chloropas, 581 Characese, 379 Gare-fowl, 23 Chara tomentosa, 568 Gastrodes abietis, 265 Chara obtusa, 268 Geaster coliformis, 266 Chitons from Cromer, 789 Geology of Corton, 71 Corton, Geology of, 71 Geology of the Shiant Islands, 61 Cresswell F. J., 426 Grey Seal in Norfolk, 415 Cromer Forest-bed, 631 Grey Seal on Breydon, 564 Crows’ Parliament, 429 Cuckow, 526 Harrier, 573 Hawking near Yarmouth, 34 Darkness and Eyes, €04 Hawking in Norfolk, 79 Deal-fish in Norfolk, 95 Helvella infula, 151 Delphinus albirostris, 149 Herring Fishery, 369, 539, 644 Domestic Animals in Norfolk, 663 Hobby, Nesting of, 351 Dusky Shearwater, 467 Hemiptera in Norfolk, 700 Diatomaceao in Norfolk, 754 1 lymenoptera in Norfolk, 367 Hyperoodon rostratus, 476 Earthquakes in Norfolk, 637 Edible Frog, 676b Interbreeding of Blackbird and Egret, Little, 565 Thrush, 588 Emys lutaria, 36 Entomological Notes, 262, 383 Lepidoptera in Norfolk, 28, 683, 692 Ergot, 152, 268 Lithoglyphus from Weybourn Crag Erithaca suecica, 597 503 Extinction of Species, 178 Lobelia urens, 424 Extinction of Natural Races, 9 Lombardy Poplar, 354 1 Vll Mammalia of Norfolk, G57 Presidential Address, 1879—80, 1 Marine Algae, 532 „ „ 1880—81, 155 Meteorological Observations, 140, „ „ 1881—82, 269 505, 646 „ ., 1882—83, 425 Memoir of Edward Blyth, 38 „ „ 1883—84, 569 Migration of Birds at St. Leonards, Pullinus griseus, 474 170 Puflinus obscurus, 467 Migration of Plants, 162 Migrants near Cromer, 135, 138 ltuff. Nesting of, 423 Migratory Waders, 136, 557 Mildew, 194 Sabine’s Gull, 373 Mineralogy of the Shiant Islands, Scenery of Norfolk, 439 61 Seals in the Ouse, 422 Moorhen, Hairy variety of, 581 Seals and the Seal Fishery, 482 Mus alexandrinus, 419 Sheppard Rev. R., Letter by, 386 Shiant Islands, 47, 61 Naiadaeoae, 379 Skuas in Norfolk, 99 Names derived from those of Animals, Sooty Shearwater, 474 212 Sparassis crispa, 267 Nightingale, 386 Springs and Spas of Norfolk, 318, Norfolk Amber, 601 525, 789 Norfolk Names, 212 Subsidences in Norfolk, Gil Symbiosis, 432 Ononis repens, 633 Ornithological Notes, 1878, 120 Tenginalm’s Owl, 424 „ „ 1879, 125 Tern, 674 „ „ 1880, 392 Tortricidm at Merton, 313 „ „ 1881, 542 „ „ 1882, 771 Vertebrata of Forest-bed Series, 65 4 Ornithological Notes from Cloy 1880- 1881, 345 Wagtail, "White, 578 Ornithological Notes from North Waxwing, Plumage of, 32 -3 Norfolk, 1882—1883, 511 Whitear Rev. W, Extracts from Ornithological Notes from Scotland, Calendar, 231 1883, 5i7 White-beaked Dolphin, 149, 421 Ornithology of Norfolk, 27 Wild-fowl, 121, 131, 575 "Woodward Dr. S. P., Memoir of, 279, Permanence of Plant Life, 160 424 Plants new to Norfolk, 633 Woodward Dr. S. P., Published Poisoning by Agaricus pballoides, Papers of, 308 152 "Wild Cat, 676a Potentilla norvegica, 567 Pomatorhine Skua, 99 Xema Sabinii, 373 Lists of Oflicers and Members, Statements of Accounts, and Catalogues of Putt! icat ions received, to be bound at the end of Volume. TRANSACTIONS OF TIIE itnrfiill'. & .ilnl'iriT'lt NATURALISTS' SOCIETY; PRESENTED TO THE MEMBERS FOR 1879—80 . VOL. III.— Part i. NORWICH: PRINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. — The Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists’ Society has for its objects : 1. The Practical study of Natural Science. 2. The protection, by its influence with landowners and others, of indigenous species requiring protection, and the circulation of information which may dispel prejudices leading to their destruction. 3. The discouragement of the practice of destroying the rarer species of birds that occasionally visit the County, and of exterminating rare plants in their native localities. 1. The record of facts and traditions connected with the habits, distribution, and former abundance or otherwise of animals and plants which have become extinct in the County; and the use of all legitimate means to prevent the extermination of existing species, more especially those known to be diminishing in numbers. 5. The publication of Papers on Natural History, contributed to the Society, especially such as relate to the County of Norfolk. 6. The facilitating a friendly intercourse between local Naturalists, by means of Meetings for the reading and discussion of papers and for the exhibition of specimens, supplemented by Field-meetings and Excursions, with a view to extend the study of Natural Science on a sound and systematic basis. TRANSACTIONS OF THK NORFOLK & NORWICH NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY. 1 : TRANSACTIONS OF Till: H aiTo.lk anti Ttofwich SOCIETY Presented to the Members for - 1879 80 . r \ 0L. III. — Part i. |T o r tv* 1 1j PKINTED BY FLETCHER AND SON. 1880. UoitfoUt and Norwich Naturalists' ^ocietir. OFFICERS FOR 1879-80. PRESIDENT. MR. T. SOUTHWELL, F.Z.S. EX-PRESIDENT. MR. F. W. HARMER, F.G.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF LEICESTER, K.G. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF KIMBERLEY LORI) WALSINGHAM MICHAEL BEVERLEY, M.D. SIR F. G. M. BOILEAU, Babt. FREDERIC KITTON, Hon. F.R.M.S. SHI WILLOUGHBY JONES, Babt. HERBERT D. GELDART SIR HENRY STRACEY, Babt. JOHN B. BRIDGMAN W. A. TYSSEN AMHERST, M.P. T. G. BAYFIELD. HENRY STEVENSON, F.L.S. TREASURER. MR. H. D. GELDART. HON. SECRETARY. MR. F. D. WHEELER. COMMITTEE. MR, S. W. UTTING, Ciiairma.v. MR. II. D. KING MR. F. D. WHEELER MR. G. H. ASKER MR. JAMES REEVE MR. F. DIX MR. M. P. SQUIRRELL MR. H. B. WOODWARD, F.G.S. DR. ROCHE JOURNAL COMMITTEE. PROFESSOR NEWTON MR. M. P. SQUIRRELL MR. JAMES REEVE MR. II. B. WOODWARD MR. B. E. FLETCHER AUDITOR. MR. W. II. BIDWELL. LIST OF MEMBERS, 1879-80. Cordeaux John, Great Coles, Ulceby Alien J. Corder 0. Amherst W. A. T.,M.P F.Z.S., Y.P. Corder W. S. Bidlinalon Hall Cremcr T. W., Beeston Hall T. E., Amyot F.R.C.S., Biss Cresswell F. J., Lynn Asker G. II., Ingworlh Cresswell Georgo, Lynn B Crosfiold J. Backhouse, Reigate Bailey Rev. J., M.A., Stoke Holy Cross Crosse T. W. Balls J. E. Crowfoot W. M., Beccles Barber E. II., Thorpe Crowley P., Waddon House, Croydon Barclay II. G., Thorpe Cupiss Francis, Biss Barnard Miss A. D. Barrett C. Ct. , lion. Mem., Pembroke, South ] Vales Davie Rev. C. R. Ferguson, M.A., Barnes Miss, Thorpe Yelverton Barwell IJ. G. Day Miss, Old Lakenharn Bayfield T. G., V.P. Dix Francis Bedingfeld E., Bedinofdd Dowell Rev. E. W., Bunion Rectory Bedingfeld Henry, 14'Dorchcder Place, Dowson E. T., Geldcston Blandford Square, London Dresser II. E., F.Z.S., G Tcnlcrd.cn Bedingfeld Lieut. James, R.N.. Street, London, IF. Bedingfeld DuPort Rev. J. M., M.A., MattishaU Boll Francis E. Beverley M., M.D., Y.P. Bidwell E., 158 Queen Victoria Street, Bade Peter, M.D. London Eaton G. C. Bidwell W. II. Edwards J. Birkbeck W., Thorpe F. Blake II., Bracondale Farn A. B., The Bartons, Hartford Bloomfield Bov. E. N., M.A., Guest- Farror J. D. ling Rectory, Hastings Boardman Field C. A., Slock Orchard Crescent, E. London Boileau Sir F. G. M., Bart., Y.P., Field E. Kcttcriwjh'sri Hall Fitch R., F.G.S., F.S.A. Boileau Licut-Col., Stanfield Hall Fitch Mi's. R. Bond Frederick, F.Z.S., Fairfield Fletcher B. E. A venue, Staines Bond W. Foottit IV. F., Newark Foster Mrs. Charles, Thorpe BraikcnridgoBcv. G.W., M.A., F.L.S. Frcrc Rev. 11. T., M.A., Burslon Win Ash, Brislinglon, Bristol Rectory Bream C.
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