the WINTER/SPRING 2017 AMERICAN Volume 51, No. 1 PSYCHOANALYST Quarterly Magazine of The American Psychoanalytic Association The Fierce Urgency of Now: An Appeal INSIDE to Organized Psychoanalysis to Take THIS ISSUE a Strong Stand on Race Dorothy Evans Holmes The first words of the title of this arti- by formulating, adopting and promulgat- cle were spoken by the Reverend Doctor ing a firm position on “the race issue.” In Conversations on Martin Luther King, Jr. in his “Letter our Association and in many others, this Psychoanalysis and Race: from the Birmingham Jail” (April 16, issue continues to be manifested in rac- Part Three: 1963), his “I Have a Dream” speech ism, in which one racial group claims (August 28, 1963), and in his protests of superiority and targets other racial and The Fierce Urgency of Now the Vietnam war. His 1967 quote presents ethnic groups as inferior, thereby justify- his prescient words in a fuller context. ing inhumane treatment of the “othered” Dorothy Holmes races. The inhumane treatment includes We are now faced with the fact ongoing institutional racism and discrimi- Race and Racism in that tomorrow is today. We are nation, mass incarceration of blacks, espe- confronted with the fierce Psychoanalytic Thought cially men, and indiscriminate shootings urgency of now. In this unfolding Beverly Stoute and killings of blacks. This issue and the conundrum of life and history, two preceding TAP issues trace the history there is such a thing as being too Multicultural Competence and institutionalization of racist practices late. This is no time for apathy or in society and relate how theory, supervi- to Radical Openness complacency. This is a time for sion and practice as taught in psychoana- vigorous and positive action. Anton Hart lytic educational and training centers are I am calling on national and interna- tainted by racism. tional psychoanalytic organizations, such Scholarly publications are now fre- Teaching a as the American Psychoanalytic Associa- quently published that address the various Critical Perspective tion, Division 39 of the American Psycho- ways our psyches are damaged by racism, logical Association and the International both of the perpetrators and those on the Ellen Rees Psychoanalytical Association—guided by receiving end (e.g., Salman Akhtar, 2012; our field’s liberating principles and values Katie Gentile, 2013; Pratyusha Tummala- and as an obligation and duty—to act now Narra, 2013; and I, 2006, 2016, have Psychoanalysis and addressed this subject). There are also Psychotherapy Research Dorothy Evans Holmes, Ph.D., some positive larger institutional efforts to Robert Galatzer-Levy professor emeritus, former director of include race in psychoanalytic curricula, clinical training of the Professional Psy.D. such as the new initiative within the Program, George Washington University; American Psychoanalytic Association that Annual Meeting awards small grants to psychoanalytic cen- training and supervising analyst emeritus, J u n e 9 –11 Baltimore Washington Institute for ters to develop required curriculum offer- Psychoanalysis; training and supervising ings that address race. Up to now, however, Marianna Adler analyst, the Psychoanalytic Education the organizing bodies in psychoanalysis, Center of the Carolinas. Continued on page 8 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST • Volume 51, No. 1 • Winter/Spring 2017 1 CONTENTS: Winter/Spring 2017 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION President: Harriet Wolfe President-Elect: Lee Jaffe Strong Beginnings Harriet Wolfe 3 Secretary: Ralph E. Fishkin Treasurer: William A. Myerson Executive Director: Dean K. Stein 4 Award Winners from the 2017 National Meeting APsaA Elections THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST 4 Magazine of the American Psychoanalytic Association I ssues in Psychoanalytic Education: Editor 5 Douglas A. Chavis Teaching a Critical Perspective on Psychoanalytic Knowledge Special Section Editor Ellen Rees Michael Slevin Luba Kessler, Issues in Psychoanalytic Education Editor Psychoanalytic Education Editor Luba Kessler Choice of Standards: A Manual for Candidates Book Review Editors 7 Arlene Kramer Richards and Arnold Richards Dwarakanath Rao and Dionne Powell Science Editor Robert Galatzer-Levy Film Editor SPECIAL SECTION Bruce H. Sklarew Conversations on Psychoanalysis and Race Issues in Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis Editor Leon Hoffman Conversations on Psychoanalysis and Race: Part Three 8 Editorial Board Michael Slevin and Beverly J. Stoute, Co-Editors Introduction Phillip Freeman, Robert Galatzer-Levy, Jane Hall, Leon Hoffman, Luba Kessler, Peter Loewenberg, 8 The Fierce Urgency of Now: Judith Logue, Julie Jaffee Nagel, An Appeal to Organized Psychoanalysis Arnold Richards, Michael Slevin, Dean K. Stein, ex officio to Take a Strong Stand on Race Dorothy Evans Holmes Manuscript and Production Editors Michael and Helene Wolff, 10 Race and Racism in Psychoanalytic Thought: Technology Management Communications The Ghosts in Our Nursery Beverly J. Stoute The American Psychoanalyst is published quar- terly. Subscriptions are provided automatically to members of The American Psychoanalytic Asso- From Multicultural Competence to Radical Openness: ciation. For non-members, domestic and Cana- 12 dian subscription rates are $36 for individuals A Psychoanalytic Engagement of Otherness Anton Hart and $80 for institutions. Outside the U.S. and Canada, rates are $56 for individuals and $100 for institutions. To subscribe to The American Psy- 14 S cience and Psychoanalysis: Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy choanalyst, visit https://www.apsa.org/product/ Research or the Flight of the Dodo Robert M. Galatzer-Levy american-psychoanalyst-domestic-and-canadian- individuals, or write TAP Subscriptions, The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East 49th Street, New York, New York 10017; call 21 APsaA 106th Annual Meeting in Austin 212-752-0450 x18 or e-mail [email protected]. June 9–11, 2017 Marianna Adler Copyright © 2017 The American Psychoanalytic Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a 23 B ook Review: How Ideology Can Infuse retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by Psychoanalytic Thinking Nathan Szajnberg any means without the written permission of The American Psychoanalytic Association, 309 East Arlene Kramer Richards and Arnold Richards, Book Review Editors 49th Street, New York, New York 10017. ISSN 1052-7958 25 F ilm: Birdman and His Mother Herbert H. Stein Bruce H. Sklarew, Film Editor The American Psychoanalytic Association does not hold itself responsible for statements made in The American Psychoanalyst by contributors or advertisers. Unless otherwise stated, material in The American Psychoanalyst does not reflect Correspondence and letters to the editor should be sent to TAP editor, the endorsement, official attitude, or position of The American Psychoanalytic Association or The Doug Chavis, at [email protected]. American Psychoanalyst. 2 THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYST • Volume 51, No. 1 • Winter/Spring 2017 FROM THE PRESIDENT Strong Beginnings context and reflect their specific training and academic goals. Institute and center Harriet Wolfe training programs may choose to join the American Association for Psychoanalytic The Waldorf Astoria as we knew it will h e a d , A l a n Education (AAPE), which will mandate have closed by the time you receive this Sugarman, and the current BOPS standards. APsaA stan- issue of TAP, but the memories of the 2017 associate head, dards can be maintained locally without National Meeting remain fresh. It was a Britt-Marie mandatory oversight and the DPE will very good meeting, dominated by a range Schiller, plus actively consult to institutes regarding of strong feelings, an excellent scientific the chair of the best practices. To the extent it is useful program and substantial progress in gov- DPE Task Force Harriet Wolfe and desired, the DPE leadership, the ernance. The meeting occurred in the that conceptu- elected officers and former BOPS leaders context of the Inauguration and the Wom- alized the department, Erik Gann. In plan to consult to APsaA training pro- en’s Marches. Many members took early their presentation of the future of psy- grams regarding their transition to greater trains to Washington for the main march choanalytic education in APsaA, Alan local responsibility for maintaining and January 21, others left the Waldorf to join and Britt-Marie envisioned an inclusive, continuing the growth of excellence and the march in New York City. In settings rigorous, creative approach to analytic diversity in psychoanalytic training. ranging from Executive Council, to the training. The DPE’s mission, vision and The new energy in several aspects of symposium on “The Scientific Standing of organizational structure is posted on the APsaA’s mission is reflected in the work of Psychoanalysis,” to the ceremony induct- APsaA website under http://www.apsa. all seven APsaA departments. In the area ing Honorary Members, we gave serious org/content/resources-january-2017. of psychoanalytic research, for example, consideration to what we face as citizens How APsaA standards will be defined Mark Solms, the new head of our Science and how we must participate. and how training will differ when Department, gave a Presidential Sympo- On the level of the APsaA meeting BOPS sunsets: Within APsaA, the Execu- sium on “The Scientific Standing of Psy- itself, there were sad goodbyes to familiar tive Council will set educational policy choanalysis.” He presented
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