CITY OF DEL RIO , TEXAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION MEETING Del Rio International Airport - Terminal Building 1104 W. 10th St. Del Rio, TX 78840 November 13, 2013 6:00 P.M. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the International Airport Commission on any issue. The Airport Commission may not discuss any presented issue, nor take any action on any issue. A sign-up sheet is available for citizens who wish to address the Airport Commission. Please limit remarks to five minutes. Topics of operational concerns shall be directed to the Airport Manager. Comments should not personally attack other speakers, Commissioners or staff. 4. INFORMATION ITEMS (NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN) 5. CONSENT AGENDA (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) This is a procedure to help facilitate the meeting with a CONSENT AGENDA. One motion will approve all action items, noted as consent. These are routine matters which are repeated on the agenda. Approval means they will be implemented as recommended. Prior to acting on the consent agenda, any Commissioner may have a consent item withdrawn from this portion of the agenda so that it may be discussed prior to action. a. International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes 09.25.13 6. STATUS REPORT (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. DRT Air Service Development - Status Report on DRT Air Service Development b. Fuel Flow Fees - Status Report on Fuel Flow Fees c. Car Rental Revenue - Status Report on Car Rental Revenue d. Passenger Facility Charges - Status Report on Passenger Facility Charges e. FAA Grant 3-48-0066-015-2013 - Status Report on FAA Grant 3-48-0066-015-2013 Projects Reconstruct North Apron, Construct Taxilane GA 3, Phase 1 (Design) Air Cargo/Corporate/GA Apron Lighting, Phase 1 (Design), Phase 2 (Construct) f. SCASD Grant - Status Report on Small Community Air Service Development Grant g. Fed Ex - Status Report on going efforts to establish a new Fed Ex freight fowarding facility h. Master Plan Update - Status Report on the Master Plan Update i. Professional Services Contract Assignment GRW Engineers, Inc. 7. OTHER BUSINESS (ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THESE MATTERS) a. Discuss and Possible Action on rescheduling the regular IAC Meeting December 25, 2013 b. Non Commercial Lease Agreement Hangar A-4 - Discuss and Recommend c. Non Commercial Lease Agreement Hangar B-5 - Discuss and Recommend d. CBP Lease Agreements - Discuss and Recommend e. Discussions and Possible Actions on International Airport Commission Development of Policies and Procedures 8. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Discussions and information on IAC liabilities as it relates to Texas Open Meetings Act - City Attorney Suzanne West 9. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING 10. ADJOURNMENT *NOTE: The Commission reserves the right to retire into executive session concerning any of the items listed on this Agenda, whenever it is considered necessary and legally justified under the Open Meetings Act. I, Susan Corp, City Secretary, hereby certify that the above agenda was posted on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and on the bulletin board immediately outside the Municipal Building on or before 6:00 p.m. on the 8th day of November 2013. ________________________________ Susan Corp, City Secretary International Airport Commission 5. a. Meeting Date: 11/13/2013 Submitted By: Billie Jo Grafton, Engineering Department Information Subject International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes 09.25.13 Attachments International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes 09.25.13 International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes Airport Terminal Building – City of Del Rio, Texas 1104 West 10th St. Del Rio, Texas 78840 Wednesday September 25, 2013 – 6:00 P.M. ************************************************************************ 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:14 p.m. by Commissioner Nunley standing in for Chairperson Taylor. Chairperson Taylor arrived at this time and requested for Commissioner Nunley to continue to preside over the meeting. 2. Roll Call Present: Absent: Sandy Sanders Wayne Casson Susan Taylor Rodger Paxton Lew Nunley David Martinez Danny Gallaher A quorum was declared. Others in Attendance: Airport Manager - Billie Jo Grafton, City Engineer Bob Parker, City Attorney Susanne West, Airport Clerk - Claudia Chavarria, Pico Aviation – Anthony Kusenberger, Dean Davis, Janet Davis, GRW- Chuck Willis, Airport Tenants-Bill White, Rudy Rodriguez, Peggy Rodriguez, Dan Osteen, Rev Ehlers, Dale Johnson, Rio Grande Aviation - Tomas Mitchell. 3. Citizen’s comments Five Citizens signed up to make comments. Mr. Bill White, Dean Davis, Thomas Mitchell, Anthony Kusenberger (deferred his time to Dean Davis), James O’Steen. Citizens comments occurred from 6:19 p.m. until approximately 6:38 p.m. No action was taken. 4. Airport Manager Comments No Comments were made. 9. Executive Session a. Texas Open Meetings Act – Discussions on Texas Open Meetings Act – Executive Session – City Attorney Suzanne West Page 1 of 3 Motion - Chairman Nunley proposed a motion to bring Ms. West forward at this time, Commissioner Sanders seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously. Ms. West introduced herself and brief discussions occurred prior to retiring to executive session at 6:54 p.m. and returning at 7:42 p.m. No Action was taken. 5. Informational Item None 6. Consent Agenda a. International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes 08.28.13 b. Public Workshop Meeting Minutes 09.07.13 Motion: Commissioner Sanders made a motion to approve the August 28, 2013 International Airport Commission Meeting Minutes and the September 7, 2013 Public Workshop meeting minutes, Commissioner Gallaher offered a second, the minutes were passed by unanimous vote. 7. Status Report SCASD Grant Commissioner Sanders questioned if we had received notice yet, Ms. Grafton said we have not received any notice as of today No Action was taken FedEx Commissioner Sanders asked the status of Fed Ex. Ms. Grafton said FedEx is in the process of requesting the additional funding necessary to complete the facility. Additional discussions occurred about the type of facility Fed Ex is looking at for DRT operations. It was clarified they are looking at a customer intake facility along with freight sorting. Current operations are 2 caravans per day except during Christmas they operate 3 per day for a period of time. No Action was taken 8. Other Business a. Del Rio International Master Plan 2013 – Discuss and Act – Recommend Adoption of the Del Rio International Airport Master Plan 2013 Some of the Commissioners conveyed that they were not comfortable at this point to recommend the adoption of the Master Plan and needed further time to review and consider. Further discussions occurred about the assumptions of having air service. Clarification that the master plan is a plan which contains goals, all or some may be selected as the situation warrants and the City wishes. It was also clarified that the Master Plan is supposed to be updated every five years. Page 2 of 3 Discussions also occurred about the level of general aviation support and the possibilities that further compromises may need to be considered. Details on the timeline along with the processes required if changes were going to be recommended were discussed. Motion: Commissioner Gallaher made a motion to table the Master Plan until the next meeting Commissioner Martinez second the motion. – the motion passed by unanimous vote. 10. Schedule Next Meeting Motion: Commissioner Paxton made a motion to conduct a special meeting on October 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. a second was offered by Commissioner Martinez. Commissioner Nunley acknowledged the motion and second and clarified that this would also qualify as the October meeting. The motion passed by unanimous vote. The Commissioners requested that not only the Master Plan be on the agenda for that night but also include discussions on the IAC policies and procedures. Adjournment Motion: Commissioner Nunley made a motion to adjourn with Commissioner Martinez offering a second. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:12 p.m. by unanimous vote. ______________________________ ________________________________ Claudia Chavarria, Lewis Nunley, Airport Clerk Commissioner Page 3 of 3 International Airport Commission 6. a. Meeting Date: 11/13/2013 Submitted By: Billie Jo Grafton, Engineering Department Information Subject DRT Air Service Development - Status Report on DRT Air Service Development Attachments DRT Air Service Development - Status Report on DRT Air Service Development DRT Air Service Development Airline The City of Del Rio received notification on September 27th that it was awarded the Department of Transportation Small Community Air Service Development Program Grant. Staff notified the airline of the award to which they responded “Congratulations!!!” The airline reported that their Network Planners had received the information however the airline has limited resources (aircraft/personnel) at this time which would require the need to discontinue or reduce non-performing routes prior to be able to begin new service elsewhere. It is important to note that our consultants the Boyd Group reported that it takes 6 months to get to this point which it has and upwards of 6 months to begin service which it may. One other variable is the merger which could potentially slow the progress. Next Steps Network Planners evaluate resources (aircraft/personnel) Network Planners evaluate current route performances
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