BLUE BADGE TATE SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL www.tate.org.uk 020 7887 8008 (rec. info) Main 7887 8888 www.southwarkcathedral.org.uk GUIDES’ DIARY TATE BRITAIN 020 7367 6734 Permit required for photography 020 7367 6700 Daily: 10.00-18.00. Mon-Sat 0800-1800 (le1730) Sun 1100-1700 (le 1630) To: 6/10: Mike Nelson: The Asset Strippers: Free Grps 10+ special rates depending on whether guided tour required. 11/9-2/2: William Blake: The Artist:£18/£17 Grps : Ad £4.50, Conc £3.50, Ch 1-11 £2.00 Grps 020 7367 6734. SEPTEMBER 2019 24/9-5/1: Mark Leckey: O’Magic Power of Bleakness:£13/£12 Trade: Ad £3.50. Concs £3.00 Ch £1.75 (incl BBTGs – book direct) TATE MODERN Services: Mon-Sat. 0800 (0900 Sat), 0815 HC (0915 Sat), 1230, 1245HC LONDON Sun-Thur: 10.00-18.00; Fri-Sat: 10.00-22.00 1730 Choral Evensong (1600 Sat) – said Mon/Wed To:8/9: Natalia Goncharova:£16/£15 Sun 0845, 0900 HC, 1100 HC, 1500 CHoral Evensong, 1830 ‘At Southwark’ To: 27/10: Takis: £13 Suns. 1st Trad CHoral EucHarist, 2nd Service of LigHt, ART GALLERIES To 5/1: Olafur Eliasson:£18/£17 3rd Wholeness and Healing, 4th Compline/EucHaristic Devotion To:13/9: Magdalena Abkanowicz Organ recital every Mon 1300, music recital everyTues 1515 BARBICAN ART GALLERY Closures: No information available at time of going to press, check website www.barbican.org.uk 020 7638 4141 WHITECHAPEL GALLERY Sun-Wed 10.00-18.00 Thu-Sat 10.00-21.00. www.whitechapelgallery.org 7522 7888 TEMPLE CHURCH The Curve: Sat-Wed: 11.00-20.00 Thurs/Fri: 11.00-21.00 Tue-Sun 11.00-18.00; Thur 11.00-21.00; Adm Free. www.templechurch.com 020 7353 3470 To: 1/9: Lee Krasner: Living Colour: £15/£11 To: 29/9: Artists’ Film International Ad £4 Sen/students £2 Under 18s free. 26/9-16/2: Trevor Paglen: From ”Apple” to ”Anomoly” : Free 5/9-9/9: London Art Book Fair Wed 13.15-13.45 Organ recital (free) Thurs 13.15 HC (said), 25/9- 12/1: Anna Maria Maiolino: Making Love Revolutionary Sunday HC 08.30 (said), Mattins 11.15 (choral) DULWICH PICTURE GALLERY 020 8693 5254 Tu-Sun 10.00-17.00; closed Mon except BH when open 10-17.00 Ad: £8/£7 WESTMINSTER ABBEY To: 29/9: Edward Alleyn’s Gift at DulwicH: 1619-2019:Free www.westminster-abbey.org 020 7222 5152 CHURCHES AND WORSHIP NO PHOTOGRAPHY: CLOSED FOR TOURISM SUNDAYS HAYWARD GALLERY REMEMBER ONLINE TICKETING IS ONLY FOR INDIVIDUAL ENTRY www.southbankcentre.co.uk 020 3879 9555 BEVIS MARKS SYNAGOGUE AND NOT FOR GROUPS. MAX GROUP SIZE 30 11.00-19.00 daily except Tues when gallery closed. Open til 21.00 Thurs www.bevismarks.org.uk 020 7626 1274 Mon-Fri Tickets from Chapter Office 20 Dean’s Yard, Sat North Door To: 8/9: Kiss My Genders:£14/£12.50 Opening Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs 1030-1400, Tues, Fri 1030-1300 Mon-Fri 0930- 1500(le) for groups Sat 0900-1300 (le for gps 1230) To: 6/10: Thabiso Sekgala: A free HENI Project Space exHibition exploring Sun 1030-1230 Admission/Donation £5 adult, £4 concs £2.50 child Last entry for individuals on Weds 1700 (no guiding) home, space etc Closures: Mon 30tH JewisH New Year No groups entry or in Nave area 1200-1300 M-Fri during service Cloisters 08.00-18.00 Chap Hse / Pyx / Museum 10.30-16.00 NATIONAL GALLERY JOHN WESLEY’S CHAPEL College Garden 10.00-18.00 Tues/Wed/Thurs www.nationalgallery.org.uk 020 7747 2885 www.wesleyschapel.org.uk 020 7253 2262 Entry Charges: Ad £23.00 Conc £ 20.00 Ch 6 -16 £10.00. 5yrs & under free Daily 10.00-18.00 Fri to 2100. [NB staff training Mon to 11.00 limited accesss] Chapel Mon-Sat 1000-1600 House and Museum Mon-Sat 1000-1600 Fam 1 Ad 1 Ch £23.00 (includes Audio Guide) Each additional child £9 To: 29/9: Bartolome Bermejo: Master of the SpanisH Renaissance:Free No formal charge, donations requested. Grps: Ad £20.00, Concs £16.00 Child 6+ £8.00 Groups must be booked in advance even if only for short visit. Verger Tours 90 mins £5.00 M-Sat 10.30 / 11.00 / 14.00 / 14.30 [Sat am only] NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY Services: Sun 0945 (exc 1st Sun of month) & 1100 Tues Recitals 1245-1315 Audio Tours: Eng, Fr, Ger, It, Sp, Jap, Russ, Mand, Polish, Portug, Hung. www.npg.org.uk 020 7306 0055 Wed Holy Comm 1245-1315 in Foundery Chapel. Thurs Service 1245-1315 Services: Mon-Fr 0730 Matins, 0800 + 1230 HC, 1700 Evensong (said Wed) Daily:10.00-18.00; FrIday:10.00-21.00 Sat 0800 HC, 0900 Matins, 1500 Choral Evensong ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL To: 20/10: BP Portrait Award 2019: Free Sun 0800 HC, 1000 Matins, 1115 Sung Eucharist, 1500 Choral To: 15/9 (Wolfson and Lerner Galleries): Cindy SHerman:£20/£17 www.stpauls.co.uk 020 7236 4128 Evensong, 1745 Org. OBE an Recital, 1830 Evening Service Recorded info: 020 7246 8348. St Margaret’s Sun 1100 Eucharist QUEEN’S GALLERY www.royalcollection.org.uk 020 7766 7301 Mon-Sat 0830-1600(le), Galls. 0930-1615, rec. last grp entry 1530 Daily 10.00-17.30 Ad £20 Sen/Stu £17.50 Ch age 6-17 £8.50 Fam. (2+3) £48.50 (1+3) £34 Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries To: 13/10: Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing: £13.50/£12.20/£10.80 Group Rates 10+ Ad £17.00 Sen/St. £15.00, Ch £7.20 Entry is by timed ticket (15 min intervals), available only with Abbey entry Super Tours usually available 1045, 1115, 1300, 1330, 1400 free ROYAL ACADEMY ticket. Adult £5, child u16 free. No student or senior concessions. Multimedia Hand Held Guides included with admission charge: NO free admission for BBTGs, no guiding or admission for BBTGs with clients Daily 10-18.00 Fri to 22.00 www.royalacademy.org.uk 020 7300 8000 Eng, Fr, Ger, It, Sp, Port, Rus, Polish, Korean, Jap & Man. Also BSL. Tickets available online and also on the door. To: 29/9: Felix Vallotton: Painter of Disquiet:£14 Group Guiding System available at no extra charge. To: 27/10: Helene ScHjerfbeck:£12 Services: M-Sat 0730 Matins, 0800 and 1230 HC Events/closures: 21/9-3/12: Antony Gormley: work from His 45-year career:First & final 2 Tue-Sat 1700 Choral Evensong, Mon 1700 Evening prayer (said) Sat 7th 1st Saturday of winter season (Gp entry 0900-1230) weeks: £22; all other dates: Mon-Tues: £18; We-Thurs: £20; Fri-Sun: £22 Sun. 0800 HC, 1130 Sung Eucharist, 1515 Choral Evensong, Tues 10th Closed all day for BB groups 1645 Organ Recital, 1800 Evening Service Thanksgiving service for Lord Ashdown SERPENTINE GALLERY Sat 7tH OBE CHapel closed 1000-1200 & 1300-1500 www.serpentinegallery.org.uk 020 7402 6075 Ambulatory closed 1045-1200 & 1345-1500 REMEMBER NO GROUP ENTRY BETWEEN 12.00 - 13.00 MON-FRIDAY + Serpentine Sackler Gallery, Tues-Sun : 10.00-18.00 ; Sat 14tH OBE CHapel closed 0930-1200 & 1300-1500 AND GROUPS MUST BE CLEAR OF THE NAVE BY 12.00 closed Mondays except Bank Holidays Ambulatory closed 1345-1500 To: 20/10: LucHita Hurtado (Sackler Gallery) Tues 17tH OBE Chapel & Wellington CHamber closed 1000-1200 To: 8/9: FaitH Ringgold (Serpentine gallery) Ambulatory closed 1045 – 1200 Memorial Service in OBE WESTMINSTER CATHEDRALwww.westminstercathedral.org.uk To: 6/10: Serpentine Pavilion 2019: Japanese ArcHitect Junya IsHigami Wed 25tH CatHedral opens 1015 Staff Meeting 020 7798 9055 Daily 0700-1900, closes 1730 on BHs Sat 28tH OBE CHapel closed 1030-1200 & 1300-1500 No formal charges, but Cathedral’s own tours £2.50 pp 020 7798 9055 SOMERSET HOUSE www.somerset-house.org.uk 020 7845 4600 Ambulatory closed 1345-1500 Courtauld Gallery closed for 2 years for redevelopment Embankment Galls:M, Tu, Sa, Su: 10.00-18.00; W, Th, Fri: 11.00-20.00 Bank To: 8/9: Kaleidoscope: Immigration and Modern Britain (Terrace Rooms):Free MUSEUMS & MONUMENTS QUEEN ELIZABETH OLYMPIC PARK [CONT.] IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM 020 7416 5000 www.iwm.org.uk ArcelorMittal Orbit Slide + Skyline Views http://www.arcelmittalorbit.com 10.00-18.00 (Le 17.30) Adm Free. BRITISH LIBRARY www.bl.uk 020 7412 7332 Weekdays 11-16.00 (le 15.30); Weekends/school holidays 10-18, le 17.30 Free: every Sat and Sun - Object Conversations. Ad £16.50, Ch £10.50 (min 1.3m/8yrs old for slide) Conc £13.50, Fam £52 Mon-Thu 09.30-20:00. Fri 09:30-18:00. Sat 09:30-17:00 Sun/BH 11:00-17:00. To 5/1/20 Art in Exile : the evacuation of art during 2nd WW and Discount for grps 15+: 0333 800 8099 / email: [email protected] All reading rooms closed on Sundays and Bank Holidays. « What Remains », part of the « culture under attack » season. Free Park boat tours 12-4 daily on the hour from Aquatics pontoon: For Tours see website or phone 01937 546546 Free until 29/9/19- Robert Capa : D Day in 35 mm Ad £9, < 16 £5, Fam £22 08451162012 To 9/9 Leonardo Da Vinci’s Notebooks: a mind in motion Ad £7.00, cH £4.00 To 8/12 D’Oyly Carte: Staging Gilbert and Sullivan. Free. SCIENCE MUSEUM www.sciencemuseum.org.uk 020 7942 4000 KENSINGTON PALACE 020 3166 6000 www.hrp.org.uk Daily 10.00-18.00 (le 17.15).
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