1144 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE JANUARY 29 I Also, a bill <H. R. 10687) granting a peJ+Sion to Arthur ·incorporated in it provisions insuring for its Reserve a rea­ Plumley; to the Committee on Pensions. sonable voice in vital decisions affecting policy and adminis­ Also, a bill (H. R. 10688) granting a pension to Mamie tration over the Reserves; a reasonable right of presentation Cartmell; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Budget estimates on Naval Reserve needs to Budget offi­ Also, a bill (H. R. 10689) ·granting back pay to Auguste C. cials without being subjected to curtailments by officials in Loiseau; to the Committee on War Claims. charge of other activities; and reasonable guaranties that Also, a bill (H. R. 10690) for the relief of John H. Gatts; appropriations for the Naval Reserves, after enactment by to the Committee on Claims. Congress, will not be subject to limitation of expenditures Also, a bill CH. R. 10691) for the relief of John B. Canter; in greater proportion than other aetivities; to the Committee to the Committee on Claims. on Naval Affairs. Also, a bill <H. R. 10692) granting a pension to Clara L. 9850. By Mr. DUFFY of New York: Petition of the Societa Dolman; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Riunite Dell, East Side, Rochester, N. Y., and other organi­ Also, a bill CH. R. 10693) granting an increase of pension zations, protesting against proposed changes in the practice to Olive J. Ebert; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of American neutrality during the continuance of the Italo­ Also, a bill (H. R. 10694) for the relief of George L. Stone; Ethiopian conflict; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. to the Committee on Claims. 9851. Also, petition of residents of Rochester, N. Y., re­ Also, a bill <H. R. 10695) for the relief of George Yusko; questing passage of House bill 8739, providing for prohibi­ to the Committee on Military AffairS. tion in the District of Columbia; to the Committee on the Also, a bill <H. R. 10696) granting a pension to Robert District of Columbia. Melvin Palmer; to the Committee on Pensions. 9852. Also, petition of re~idents of Rochester, N. Y., re­ By Mr. KNUTSON: A bill (H. R. 10697) for the relief of questing passage ·of House bill 8739, providing for prohibi­ George Houston; to the Committee on Claims. tion in the District of Columbia; to the Committee on the By Mr. LUDLOW: A bill CH. R. 10698) granting a pension District of Columbia. to Patricia Swan; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 9853. Also, petition of residents of Rochester. N. Y., pro­ By Mr. SOMERS of New York: A bill (H. R. 10699) for testing against American association with the League of the relief of W. D. Gann; the Committee on Claims. to Nations sanction activities; to the Committee on Foreign By Mr. STUBBS: A bill (H. R. 10700) granting a pension Affairs. to Mrs. William M. Weatherford; to the Committee on Pensions. 9854. Also, petition of residents of Rochester, N. Y., mem-. By Mr. THOMAS: A bill (H. R. 10701) granting an in­ hers of Cornelia Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Italy in crease of pension to Sarah A. Coonradt; to the Committee America; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. on Invalid Pensions. 9855. By Mr. KR.AM:ER: Resolution of the Los· Angeles By Mr. TINKHAM: A bill (H. R. 10702) for the relief of County Farm Bureau, relative to legislation to make agricul~ William H. Ames; to the Committee on Claims. tural stabilization a permanent reality, etc.; to the Commit­ Also, a bill <H. R. 10703) for the relief of Henry E. tee on Agriculture. Lambert; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 9856. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the National Guard By Mr. TAYLOR of South Carolina: A bill (H. R. 10704) Association of the State of New York, concerning legislation for the relief of Ellie Youngblood; to the Committee on authorizing an allowance of $35 per month for quarters to Claims. each enlisted man of the United States Army detailed to duty ·BY Mr. WERNER: A bill (H. R. 10705) for the relief of with the National Guard as sergeant-instructor while on such Emoris Wolfer; to the Committee on Claims. duty; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 10706) granting an increase of pension 9857. By Mr. STEFAN: Petitions bearing the signatures of to·. Bazil Claymore <or Clement); to the Committee on 575 citizens of Chambers, O'Neill, and Osmond, Nebr., asking . Pensions. the Congress to enact legislation that will indefinitely extend all existing star-route contracts and increase the compensa­ tion to an equal basis with that of other forms of mail trans­ PETITIONS, ETC. portation; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were Roads. laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: 9858. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of residents of Ma­ 9845. By Mr. BARRY: Petition of the National Guard As­ haska County, Iowa, urging strict and mandatory neutrality sociation of the State of New York, recommending that the legislation; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Congress enact legislation authorizing an allowance of $35 9859. Also, petition of sundry citizens of the Fifth Congres­ per month for quarters to each enlisted man of the United sional District of Iowa, urging legislation to prohibit rebates States Army detailed to duty with the National Guard as to chain stores; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign sergeant-instructor while on such duty; to the Committee Commerce. on Military Affairs. 9846. By Mr. COLLINS: Petition signed by 46 patrons of star route 75176 from Nipton, Calif., to Nelson, Nev., praying HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for an extension of all existing star-route contracts, with an WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1936 increase in compensation thereon to an equal basis with that for other forms of mail transportation; to the Commit­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tee on the Post Office and Post Roads. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., 9847. By Mr. CROWTHER: Petition from the Halean offered the following prayer: Chamber of Commerce, New York City; to the Committee Heavenly Father, we rejolce that the things which gladden, on Foreign Affairs. enrich, and perfect life are Thy gifts; Thou, 0 Lord, art the 9848. By Mr. DELANEY: Petition of the National Guard supreme Giver and the source of all our blessings. We pray Association of the State of New York, recommending that that our thoughts and affections may be centered on Thee, legislation be enacted authorizing an allowance of $35 per forgetting not Thy benefits. Through Thee we have the month for quarters to each enlisted, man of the United States eternal faithfulness and love which constitute the essential Army detailed to duty with the National Guard as sergeant­ glory and the well-being of human life; help us to walk in instructor while on such duty; that such payments and also Thy wisdom with grateful hearts. Forgive our faults and any payments heretofore made for rental of quarters for such temper, which often lessen our influence and mar the force noncommissioned officers shall be considered a.s an allow­ and beauty of the finer qualities of character. Take unto ance to the individual; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Thy care our Speaker and all other Members of the Congress; 9849. Also, petition of the National Guard Association of give them health and strength in the accomplishment and the State of New York. resolving the Naval Reserve law have fulfillment of .their high calling. Now the God of hope fill - 1936 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 1145: you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound that Patrick Henry expressed in the Virginia House ol in hope and in the power of the Holy Spirit. In the name Delegates. That they preferred death to a denial of liberty. of our Savi or. Amen. I do not want. to be charged with making a statement to the The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and newspapers that I would not make ·on the :floor of this approved. House if I had the opportunity and was in order. That is PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE why I asked for time to make this statement. The papers carried this story, and I have been subjected Mr. PLUMLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to to criticism because, I have been told, I was showing bad address the House for 2 minutes. taste to rise in a democracy and register my right of protest The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the as a Member of this House. I think it borders on a question gentleman from Vermont? of privilege, but I do not care to raise that question. I There was no objection. want the RECORD to show that I protest against the action Mr. PLUMLEY. Mr. Speaker, this 29th day of JanuarY' of this House in paying a $50,000 tribute to the memory 1936 is the ninety-third anniversary of the birth of our mar­ of King George of England. That is what it cost the tax­ tyred President, William McKinley. payers-the expense of running the House for 1 day. I speak of him in no partisan spirit, for he and his accom­ I have nothing against King George personally. May God plishments belorig to all people of al~ parties and to the ages. have mercy on his soul. But I despise the symbol which he In these days of hustle, bustle, and confusion, when we represented, just as our forefathers despised that symbol in are so intent upon those matters which pertain to the mate­ the days of the American Revolution.
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