Apostolic Succession In Apostolic times, (the period of the Church that took place right after the Ascension/ Pentecost) we see a continuation of the Traditional and Liturgical life of the Church under the leadership and guidance of the Apostles. This continuation established an uninterrupted spiritual authority referred to as ‘Apostolic Succession,’ which means the Apostles initiated a Tradition that was meant to be carried out for generations. So what we have today, the way the Church operates and functions, how she carries out decisions, and most importantly her Liturgical and Sacramental life, are the result of Apostolic Succession. Through Apostolic Succes- the next generation, not just in nects the Sacrament of Ordina- sion, there is a bridge that con- Constantinople, but in all tion to today also applies to all nects us from the 1st century churches throughout the world of the Sacraments. For in- to today. One example of this is established by the Apostles, stance, we know in the New the Sacrament of Ordination. eventually leading to the mod- Testament, Christ establishes For instance, if a priest is or- ern day Church. In the exam- the Eucharist at the Mystical dained under the Patriarchate ple used before, from St. An- Supper. He handed this Tradi- of Constantinople, his ordina- tion to His Apostles in order to tion directly follows the line of be carried out through the gen- St. Andrew the Apostle. How Questioning our faith erations of the faithful to come, so? should never come as and to “do this in remem- After the event of Pentecost, an offense, but to be brance,” of Him. (Luke 22:19). each Apostle was called to a encouraged. It is how The Epistles of the New Testa- different ministry throughout ment by Sts. Paul, Peter, John the world. Amongst the twelve we are able to engage and James, and through the was also St. Andrew, who’s our spiritual life and accounts of Acts of the Apos- calling led him to preach the resolve our inquiries. tles, they show early practices Gospel in an area known as of the Divine Liturgy that take Byzantium (later to be named shape right after Pentecost. Constantinople and eventually drew the Apostle to our current The Apostles and the faithful modern day Istanbul). Upon Ecumenical Patriarch Barthol- celebrated constantly, if not his arrival to Byzantium, he omew numbers 328 bishops everyday. No level of persecu- began to establish a Church that have overseen the See of tion scared them into stopping thus converting many to Constantinople. All of the bish- the worship of the One, Triune Christ. In one of his first acts, ops, priests and deacons or- God. The Liturgy of the Apos- he ordained St. Stachys as its dained under Bartholomew tles, although did not look ex- first bishop, thus establishing each have their ordination line actly like what we experience this ordination line. traced all the way back to St. today, would not be foreign to All throughout the centuries, Andrew thus, Christ Himself. us if we were to be able to bishop after bishop ordained The same bridge that con- Continued on page 3... ••• 1 ••• HOLY TRINITY GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH My Fellow Parishioners, especially our restaurants & ΙΕΡΟΣ ΝΑΟΣ ΑΓΙΑΣ ΤΡΙΑΔΟΣ Fall is now upon us with businesses. May God watch 937 Chase Parkway - Waterbury, CT 06708 its beautiful colors and the over everyone and get us to Phone: 203.754.5189 Fax: 203.759.5622 start of reopening many or- the other side (soon). www.holytrinitywaterbury.org ganizational meetings, Sun- We had some of our Sun- www.facebook.com/holytrinitywaterbury day School and Catechism day School children on Sep- email: [email protected] classes with Fr. Niko. tember 20th enjoy a chat Rev. Fr. Nikolaos Mataragas, Proistamenos Church has remained open with Fr. Niko & Presbytera 708.528.1188. - [email protected] while practicing all state Arete. It was casual and Rev. Deacon W. Demetri Belsito, Ph.D. safety regulations. We have fun. Thank you to those 203.232.0791- [email protected] had a negative status up who attended! Office Manager: Carrie Smernoff until now and pray this I’m honored to pass along Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00am—4:00pm continues. We need your happy news - Toni Coukis & Office is closed on Tuesdays assistance going for- Ramona Lainas both cele- PARISH COUNCIL—Mrs. Margo Ricciardi, Presi- ward...masks are to be worn brated their 90th birthdays dent, Mr. Anthony Rinaldi, Vice Pres., Mr. Nico Ver- and social distancing prac- recently; Stella Condaris’ veris, Secretary, Mrs. Elaine Dibble, Treasurer, Mr. ticed anywhere on church 90th is in September and John Gagas, Asst. Treasurer, Mr. William Broad- property. This includes coming up our own Kathy bridge, Mr. Richard Pecka, Mr. Brian Peterson, Mrs. Church as we know, but al- Harlmaon will be 100 in Oc- Cassie Skabardonis, Atty. George Tzepos, Mr. Alex so meetings, classes, etc. tober! Feel free to call and Velezis, Mr. Paul Velezis We can only control our ac- congratulate them! MINISTRIES SUNDAY SCHOOL—Mrs. Janet Gagas tions here - not in your per- Philoptochos will be hav- ALTAR BOYS—Mr. Nico Ververis, sonal life. Thank you in ad- ing a Greek Pastry Grab & Dr. Eugene Constantinou vance for assisting to keep Go Sale on Saturday, No- CHANTER— everyone as safe as possi- vember 21st - the Saturday CHOIR—Mrs. Athena Barchini ble. before Thanksgiving! Save YOUTH CHOIR—Mrs. Janet Gagas Our next GYRO Day is the date on your calendar - PHILOPTOCHOS—Mrs. Barbara Tzepos Saturday, October 3rd from more info will be forthcom- LEVENTIA— 11am-7pm. We start the ing. MOMMY & ME— day earlier to prepare and This is still a very tense ATHLETICS - Mr. Alex Boutsioulis, Athletic Direc- stay after to clean up. and frightening time, 7 tor - 203.271.2929 Please call Barbara Sorosiak months later for all of us. BASKETBALL PROGRAM - Farm, Youth & JV Di- at 203.232.6353 or Carrie Please, if you know anyone visions: Coaches Tom Morikis & George N. Tzepos; at 203.754.5189 to relay who needs assistance in Varsity Division: Coaches Jim Koulouris & Tom any hours you may have to any way, contact me Morikis; Senior Division: Coach Jay Harlamon (Team give that Friday or Satur- through my cell or email. A); Coach George Stambouloglou (Team B) day. We need lots of hands May you all stay healthy & GIRLS VOLLEYBALL (8-18yrs) - Coaches Mr. Mi- and it’s not for 4 days! If safe. chael Rickenbach, Mr. Mark Dibble you’re unable to work and HOPE & JOY (5-11) - Mrs. Sofia Swaby & wish to offer a monetary do- “Watch, stand fast in the Mrs. Claire Tsetsos nation to cover the cost of a faith, be brave, be strong. GOYA (12-18) - Miss Roula Tzepos food product, that would Let all that you do be done GREEK DANCE - Mrs. Cassie Skabardonis also be greatly appreciated. with love.” 1 Corinthians GREEK SCHOOL - Mr. Pantelis Tinios, Principal - Pass the information 16:13-14 860.274.1704 through email, Facebook, ORGANIZATIONS word of mouth, or any other Sincerely, AHEPA - Mr. Paul Velezis form of communication. Margo (Mary) Ricciardi Daughters of Penelope - Mrs. Gina Kotsaftis Thank you to all of you Paideia - Mr. Pantelis Tinios who have lit candles every Eptahorian Society - Mr. John week and continue to give CONTACT: Gakidis your envelopes. As we all Margo Ricciardi Sons of Pericles - Mr. Nico Ververis know personally, Covid has Parish Council President Pan-Macedonian Society - Mrs. not been kind to anyone, [email protected] or Nicki Gagas ••• 2 ••• 203.206.1746 Continued from page 1… hand?” “Why do we have Icono- gy, Apostolic Succession, the observe how 1st century Chris- graphy?” “Where do the vest- Holy Scriptures, Councils, writ- tians worshipped. As we ments of the priest come ings of the Fathers, and the learned in our previous issue of from?” or, “Where does every- Sacraments. Each of these The Spirit, the outline of the thing that we do come from?” were cared for through each Liturgy was the same, but de- Questioning our faith should generation so delicately and veloped through time with the never come as an offense, but with entire lives, so that we can Grace of the Holy Spirit. to be encouraged. It is how we behold it in our lives today. We are able to engage our spiritual were entrusted with a living ✵ ✵ ✵ life and resolve our inquiries. and breathing Church, and the Although our questions may responsibility is ours to partici- The persecution of Chris- not get answered, or we may pate in this life. Because we tians in the first three centu- not hear an answer that we know that the truth neither ries were some of the darkest changes with time nor grows moments that the Church en- We were entrusted old. dured. At the same time, they Divine Traditions, just like are also the brightest mo- with a living and then, preserve our lives today ments, for it led to the growth breathing Church, like fresh fruit, it does not de- of the faith, the spreading of and the cay them. The Orthodox the Gospel, and the careful and Church is also not a science or honest care of her Traditions. like, we do always remember art that can constantly be In this era, we see a further de- that the Traditions of the Or- modified with human rationale. velopment of Liturgical and Ec- thodox Church develop as the Our Church originates from clesiastical Tradition take fold. work of God, Who is both in- God, so we can't begin to com- The Sacred Tradition through corruptible and never- prehend it.
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