'\o A7f^ ^ ^)jQ The Notre Dame SCHOLASTIC 15 Cts. a Copy April 15 $3.00 the Year 19 3 2 Better Vision and More Comfort Thru Better Glasses O. A. Clark's RESTAURANT 104-106 N. Michigan St. • Glasses South Bend's Oldest and Most Properly styled and properly prescribed to give better Reliable Eating House. vision and more comfort by competent specialists. (Exclusive for those particular people who are interested in good eye-care.) Catering to NOTRE DAME MEN LEMONTREE for over thiiiy years. OPTOMETRISTS 222% So. Mich. St. 102 W. Wash. St. Old established Optometrists who merit your For a real man's meal drop in any time. confidence. Broken lenses dtcplicated promptly and aeeurateb/ WE HAVE NO KEY Hello Men! MEN Save on your Easter Shoes Smith 5 Factofy Cafeteria CanreDations n I E. Jefferson Blvd. Shetland Bldg. $3, $4, S5 OXFORDS $2.00 ^he Favorite Eating Place Fine black and brown Oxfords that were intended to retail from $3 to 95 now on sale for only $2. These of Notre Dame Men shoes were sold to Gilbert's for cash at a tranendous loss to the manofaetiirer. Tbty were canceUed because of late delivery. Most any style and leather a man wonld want. All sizes in tfie lot, hot not in some styles. The place that makes you glad you're hungiy GIL-BRO*S 330 S. Michigan St. "Hello, Hawaii" Bringing Hawaii within speaking distance Australia, Bermuda, Samoa, and Hawaii is of the United States is one of the latest daily routine. Today more than 31,000,000 achievements of the Bell System in its pro­ telephones can be reached — approximately gram of telephone service extension. 92% of all the telephones in the world! Five years ago the United States had tele­ Making the telephone practically world­ phone connection only with Canada, Cuba, wide in reach promotes understanding be­ and the Mexican border. Since then, Bell tween nations. It has far reaching effects com­ engineers have so developed radio telephony mercially and politically. That's what puts that handling calls to Europe, South America, the thrill into such Bell System pioneering. BELL SYSTEM A NATION-WIDE SYSTEM OF INTER-CONNECTING TELEPHONES Two The Scholastic Lake Resion » » » What Misht Be a Delightful, Sylvian Lovers Lane—But Isn't! April 15, 1932 Three THE SCHOLASTIC is pub- Entered as seeomd-drnm UAed v*ddii «A the Vniven- matter at Notre Dam*, U^ itw of Notre Dame. Manw- The Notre Dame Scholastic diana. Aeeeptanoe for mm^ eeripU may he addressed to ing at speeitU rate of poetmgtk THE SCHOLASTIC, Publi- Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Section lioa, October S, 1917. eatvms Office, Main Building. authorized June tS, 1918. FOUNDED 186 NEIL C. HURLEY Editor-in-Chief HENRY B. ASMAN Managing Editor WILLIAM W. CORR Departmental Editor Associate Editors Department Editors Features Staff GRANGER WEIL WrATO,,;.,, T«TI»TOr^>T TH ^ r,J-^ LESLIE RADDATZ MYRON CRAWFORD JAMES GARMODY The Week WALTER JOHNSON Features Editor xrj i<AuuAx^ min,«« K^DM.MMt;KJKU HARRY BURCHELL WILLIAM KENNEDY News staff JOHN PICK College Parade STEPHEN HAAVXHURST TIGHE WOODS EDMUND STEPHAN News Editor JOHN CONLEY Campus Clubs EDWARD J. O'BRIEN BRYAN DEGNAN PATRICK CORCORAN. Assistant JiTewa Editor JOHN RYAN Music and Drama ROY SCHOLZ LOUIS HRTJBY MITCHEL TACKLEY. .Assistant News Editor JQSEPH LOPKER Staff .Artist WALTER KENNEDY ROBERT DILLON Business Staff BERNARD COUSINO WILLIAM DREUX Sports Staff , , „ . ^. LARRY DUNDA MICHAEL WIEDL JAMES S. KEARNS Sports Editor t^^l^J^f^t^"' T-.V r^"^^ M'^ JOHN McELLIGOTT RAY WATERS „„„..„ „.T..™ ^l^^^R^J^-^^'ZT^^^"- T. EDWARD CAREY IRVING B. HALPER FRED BAUER. JR. Advertising Manager PAUL FOLEY PAUL HOST JOSEPH MORPER ROBT.FITZSIMMONS. .4ss'M<lccrttsinffilfflr. Desk Editors ^ ,,„„ ^^^,^ „^,„ ,,^^^ tiTTTec,T:.T TXTO JOHN P. HESS JOSEPH SIMON JAMES PICK EDW. VAN HUISSELING ATT>ITO-I. cnrrn^xr TTAT>T>v u.^or^-nTAW GEORGE DUQUETTE LLOYD TESKE J- ALBERT SMITH HARRY McGOWAN J. DON SULLIVAN WILLIAM FLYNN JOSEPH KURTH JOHN F. STOECKLEY. ..-Graduate Jtfonaflor VOLUME LXVII. APRIL 15, 1932 NUMBER 21. SUMMARY COMING EVENTS NEWS FRIDAY, April 15—Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Wisconsin, Cartier Field, 3:30 p. m.—Tennis, Notre Dame vs. In­ Political activity lax on the campus as Spring pri­ diana State Teachers, Notre Dame Courts, 3:30 p. m.— maries schedule is announced 5 Dance, Engineers' Formal, K. of C. Ballroom, 9:00 p. E. J. O'Brien asks for Louis Brennen's "Poisoner in m.—SCHOLASTIC staff meetings: editorial board. Publica­ Motley" in a letter from London 7 tions o ce, 6:30 p. m.; news and sports staffs. Publica­ tions office, 7:00 p. m.—Debate, Notre Dame vs. Purdue, Monogram men frolic in their annual "Absurdities" Law auditorium, 8": 00 p. m.—Lecture, Dr. James J. show in Washington hall 7 Walsh, Washington hall, 8:00 p. m. Mayor Ray T. Miller, Notre Dame graduate, ad­ dresses the Cleveland club 8 SATURDAY, April 16—Baseball, Notre Dame vs. Chi­ The Juggler leads the mid-west in THE SCHOLASTIC cago, at Chicago.—Golf, Notre Dame vs. Valparaiso, directed College Comix poll : 12 Burke Memorial course.—Monogram Absurdities, Wash­ ington hall, 8:15 p. m. Ball modernistic, new feature on the engineers' so­ cial calendar, held at the K. of C. ballroom tonight— 17 SUNDAY, April 17—Masses, Sacred Heart Church, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00 a. m.—Baseball, Notre Dame vs. FEATURES South Bend Boosters, Cartier Field, 3:00 p. m. Charles Weiss used to slip passes through the fence MONDAY, April 18—French Club meeting, Main Build­ to friends—and then turned usher; A Man About ing, 6:30 p. m.—^Universal Notre Dame Night. the Campus 14 William Karl, studying aviation in Germany, begins TUESDAY, April 19—Concert orchestra practice. Music a series of articles for THE SCHOLASTIC 16 hall, 6:30 p. m.—Scribblers' meeting, Howard 'rec,' 6:30 p. m.—Educational Coirfgaternity meeting. Law build­ SPORTS ing, 8:00 p. m.—Pre-Law^ Club Concert, Law auditor­ ium, 8:00 p. m. Varsity golf team faces Valparaiso tomorrow in season's opener 20 WEDNESDAY, April 20—Economics Seminar, Law build­ Palt and Mannix to hurl as baseball team meets ing, 8:00 p. m. Wisconsin and Chicago 21 THURSDAY, April 21—Spectators' meeting. Law build­ Nick Lukats to report for tennis squad; expected to ing, 8:00 p. m,—^Wranglers' meeting. Law building, 6:30 bolster team considerably : 22 p. m.—^New Jersey Club meeting. Law building, 7:45 p. Lyons wins two titles; baseball season opens; AU- m.—Cleveland Club meeting, Walsh hall, 7:00 p. m.— • Interhall cage teams picked 29 Russian Cossack chorus, Washington hall, 8:C0 p. m. Four The Scholastic By James Carmody INEMEMBERING the ovations accorded to L. VERY year the Absurdities turns out at least popular heroes of our daj'^, some of the first one good skit. It is not to their discredit that floor Sorinites welcomed home in regal style it often is creditable by reason of the fact that yesterday Len Donoghue, who recently found outsiders act it; after all, the monogram men time enough and money enough to go down­ got their letters for athletics and not for his­ town and have some appendicitis. The hall in trionics. What we are getting at is the fact front of his room was carpeted; there was a that Johnny Perone's and Herb Giorgio's little wall of gray formed by the juxtaposition of a take-off on Eugene O'Neill, provided that it is few army blankets; and between baskets of brushed up a bit and the tempo quickened, is faded lilies were signs of welcome. In spite of worthier of much bigger time than the ama­ the fact that Len violated tradition by not teurish Absurdities. And we fear it is a little riding up esconced on the back of a touring car, too far in advance of some of the more or less eveiyone was highly pleased, including Len, rustic wits of our acquaintance. To the disre­ who, without much urging, displayed the re­ gard of the anti-Peronists, we like him and the sults of the doctor's handiwork. We walked kind of stuff he puts out; the question as to past the door just as Len was finishing his story. whether he is original or not does not bother "Well, mister," he was saying, "when they us, so long as he is funny—and he is that. We grabbed this tape and pulled, the skin just haven't seen for a long time anything as clever came right with it." Personally, we thought as John's sticking his head through the curtain A^rroivsmith was much more exciting. to announce that the second act would be played to kill time until the scenery for the first act V arrived. We would suggest (with a superior smirk) that you read O'Neill's "Electra" to w,E want to nominate for oblivion two em- appreciate this stuff. brj'^o bridge builders who are connected with A • the activities of the Engineers' Formal, which, to you and you, is touched with the modernistic LONG time ago the prominent cigarette spirit. The first of these lads is the one who, manufacturers had representatives on the cam­ with some five or six years of mechanical draw­ pus who were entitled to go so far as to give ing, put out that monstrous sign which hangs away packs and even cartons of smokes. Until in the Main building. It is, if we may use the a few days ago you even got a can of pipe pack­ word, lousy.
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