EVC 7 Manual 01 Outline 2020 02 27

EVC 7 Manual 01 Outline 2020 02 27

£ 10)1\f-£00917 WI-£ ·,al\ Y�Ef'Z 1fOZOZ 00-00Z00)1-IU903 The 7th generation 0 --ffe.J..[1t�=1�==-t'J=l?}t/�'M':::lc 'c;\-::;,-::?,1t'.,t�,q(f::J cp !:!::(�.=' 0 , 1�?-t>!:J::(¥:.=-J., 1�::J11fco �ti� '�JF-tc.t-1::J-fi'�f,f�J:I:� 0 , 1�?./-)J..Ct'1-::1-r--e�f-;fj..�::J4!!&�.--fl t[{_ 4!!+1-MllJr 0 �- , 1�?./-)J..11*�}::J���J�j..� "fl+J.µ.}21Jr ELECJRON/C VALVE CONJROLLER Instruction anual Product EVC7 Use Boost Controller- Automotive Turbocharged Engine Application Vehicle that operates on a DC 12V negative ground. Part No. 45003-AK013 · A fuel-ignition Correction device (e.g. HKS F-CON etc) is required in order to use this product. • Hose set is required in order to install this product to a vehicle with poppet valve, twin turbo engine, or 4mm hose piping. Remarks Hose set is available separately. ·When you increase the boost, some vehicles will have a fuel cut. When the fuel cut is released, be sure to use the fuel increase device together. H3110HLNO:J 3A1VA :JINOHL:J313 Installation should be performed by a professional. Prior to installation and use, thoroughly read the instruction manual. Retain this instruction manual for later reference. E05121 K00200-00 February, 2020 Ver. 3-1.01 45003-AK0l 3 Introduction E fO)l\f-EOOSI> HKS EVC7 Read this instruction manual prior to installation to ensure safe and correct usage and optimal product performance, The HKS EVC7 enables the adjustment of the boost setting from inside the vehicle. Utilizing a stepping motor, it stimulates boost increase and attains the designated boost value without over-shooting. 'A.q.uno::, Je4:i,o fi.ue LI! pesn eq :i.ou :i.snw +I ·fi.1uo ueder LI! esn JOJ peull!sep S! :i.::inpoJd S!4.l 0 O This product was developed to improve engine output and was designed to be used for rac­ , 1�?./.)tl.,1t'+ 'Hlfi:6J.flt2-i4!!Jf 4,tl.CO'F.f.1-¥�+i�::l�El �l3fi:6J- COt2..�lil::t fl�fii::t8 e I 0 ing in a closed circuit. mproving engine output may affect oil and/or water temperature , 1�?.J.)).'liff::lft�Sf::l �=?:i::l!�l} -� l.�+I .P.}K.lrfl:i:::te and oil pressure. To preserve engine performance, regularly monitor engine conditions be­ 0 , 1�?./.)�l..='CA1:hrt�� 'tl.C04-*(1�}rt=?��4,:gjl�)t'.,L�i:fl:i:::t e fore driving. 0 4-*r,�}rt=?��4-!l[�>t>+�i:CA1=-+co:s� •cp����.µ, 'f1ft::i:,co�1i::t• 0 4-;i.�l!!l:ifi:6J.::11eco]l[�lilco�-L�+r.l!..AZraa 'fl�fii::t• To use this product on public roads, follow the necessary procedures if there are any regula­ 0 4-*'ef,rt'l=-.J.,1:l!r�J)., 1 c..::1���,n'l��• 'f1��=-.J.+1.µ,igr::1i4m!ll1!]1[2r =r tions for a tuned/modified vehicle. ��co�fii* 0 4-*(1Sf).1,¥��[ffi::J�jf�!li1!]i[+I.P.}Jgr�7jS >tHj2'7,'l '!ll1!]1[1f.l!..-/fl �fii::te 0 , 1�?./.)�l..='CA1:hrt��tl.C04-*'ef,rt,1 ��:E,¥[(;i.­ fl+'Hi=i: 'fJ).,1c..::1��F./.+l�(1::f::l:;>�::./.1l3f�J.����.µ}j2),'l�fii::t}rtg:=�flX 'ft�Sfe 0 , 1�?.f.)).C.!:b�ii$¥F � 'fl��� 4-=?�El �l:lf i:6J.COtl.���- 04,tl.CO'F./.1-¥��rffi::l� El �l3fi:6 J.COt2..lfiifl�fii::t e 0 eThis manual indicates items you need to pay attention to in order to install this product safely 4-*,1).1-¥�B2i::H�(1r.,-}t 0 0 0 and lists precautions to avoid any possible damage and/ or accidents. f1' N,:-1-c , 1�?.J.>¥ :g,Sf::r¥2;Cl:�l!rifi<�<-r.· N;-1-c- �� !ij! 'fliill�4-lf���� 0 ePlease contact your dealer for purchasing consumable parts and lost or missing part. , 1�?./.).fl-Cf�, 1b"JSf tl.*�¥Nl! COJ, r:r, 1 � Sf 'fl );elf.='CO:i:::til '7K��¥{9¥c.\-� �Of ijfe 0 eTo use this product on the public road, follow the necessary procedures if there are any regula­ 4-*'1). '7 ��:lf:r:m�l:,1 =-+*?P./.,1).c.,e::1cp ::.f. tions for a tuned vehicle. � 4-lf!fil::J�*���:f:c.\-�WCOv2¥YCO'iiltc.\- ::./.t'+� '*?P.f.,1). 1 l3f�J,::1����1i::tfl:i:::te eHKS will not be responsible for any damage caused by incorrect use or use after modification and/or dismantling of this product. eThis product was designed for installation and use on a factory vehicle or a vehicle using other 0,1�?.J.)).C.!:b�*�� '¥£-CO�W,::Jg:�bJ'ii! 't2..CO..ffe..*(1:F,l=?��it'+�'Zl1}rt�$¥F�fl�fii::t HKS products. The performance and/or safety cannot be guaranteed if this product is installed 0 4-*(1:F,L=?�'Zll}rt*i*�coii$¥F� 'fl).c.::f::1�� onto inapplicable vehicle. ·r, �}rt�'Zll�4-:!£iifl;k,r,l�,r,l�4,��::J�jf��fm!]i[(1::f::J-&�CO¾ 'flfm!]i[::.J.c.!,b��I □r(.4<= eThis product is applicable for vehicles that operate on DC12V negative ground. 0 -"C'-:f.-+I.P.}K.l[•'ijf�(O�� , 1�?.f.)).C.!,b�*��coii$¥F� 'fl���4-=?�El ���COtl.�� eThe specifications of this product including installation are subject to change without prior notice. 0 �- ,Y.fl-*(1�fl�'Zllf-Y�ii$¥F� 'fl::l���4-��t2..-li'COlffl�!ll1!]1[::.J.+1.µ}Jgr��fii::t eThis manual is subject to revise without prior notice. 0 4-*1CA14-4-f:f�iiwco�f¥1:�f1::1¾0!:f�CA1=-+cow���<�<-r O 4-*'1;khrt2!�CO:EIEJ1f ·t; :i-COWIIEJlf· Wf)fl 'fJ::J':r[!;'Jct l=FICO<�<T O _ffe..tl.�ffi�?&¥).,1Sf::l�!:b�r..-��COtl.-V·-¾"--tt­ flX!:b��� 0 4-*,1).1,¥��[ffl::J�El���COt2..lnJ ''l�CA1�::J}((\fl�CO<�<T 'fl�fii::t 0 4-*1-¥�iihrt-l�-?.��>t>+�-l-"C'� -} l-�CO*=??.f.l'f'if-li'�J�1(.:J-4L ')E!nrtfort:i-•�,:i;rco-1�-?. •cp::p�-,1). 'l �f:f:�-1$-� 0 tr<;:ir.,.f.� 4-**t2..}rt=?�£-Y���co-1�-t:::riJ:E,).c.::f::1:J.-,1tco�,rt��flL�/\3 s>tH 0 \ 1�?.f.)-li'�Sf�:i:::t ::l.f!!!��.='i2'7K4!!+1.P.}K.I[ '::1cp::.f.�.fl-�mJ�::l�lf��ij.�c..,r,l '*?P.f.,1). '7 ��::J����fii::t 0 4-*'1 �.='f.=?}rt(1�::J� '*?P.f.,1J.ff, 1�Sf�L�/\3 S>tH 'fillCO � 45003-AK013 =ICA>:l�l l £ I0>IV-E00SI> Product Introduction ecompact Design Its compact designed display and Valve Unit enable a versatile installation into the vehicle interior and 0 the engine compartment. �.f!!1(ZJ- <4-:\:: 0 eWide Boost Range 4::t*HhC;t:::j":::?�J.1(-□--1< The boost level can be controlled from baseline boost to 300kPa (43.0PSI). Q c� (lU!Od 0C+ a,an1e/\ IOJ+UOO a/\1e/\m¾�--l�-t=-::1::t::t co,1 �' )..1�lfi}�J'.'..t.•��2«c=-1- esimple Boost Setting 1=?111f:�C.l(O�'(f:f::I::;>�� 4((:Y �C.lCO½ID�]l[fF.J.::t½IDgt@J<�<-r::;>½ .�}1(-.Jr.,□� Just directly input the desired boost value to modes A, B and C, and let EVC7 control the boost. �IB!wtt:r.•�• 0 Function �.f!!1(ZJ- <4-:\:: eReturn Once EVC7 is turned off, the boost level returns to the baseline value. For some vehicles, the boost may 0 ;l. .f!! f/::j>� Q'./_f$;l. � � �\ ::j>4/W)1QQ!:j ;l. .f!! f/ J. � } � J. ::t � 1 ' � ��} become lower than the the stock settings after EVC7 is off. O ��1f}tCOtl.::t9f ~l J.tl.�!1.f!!}r/�[1�H�--�::.J.:lQ'.1::1�]1[ '(1 ::f'::J::;>��J. q:y �½�),�]![ escramble Function Q1.f$((:Y½�J,�]l[e With the scramble function, the boost can be increased by a designated value above the set boost 0 �.f!!1(ZJ- <4-:\:: value. The increase in boost is obtained while pressing button(D of the display or the optional external 0 4:=t scramble switch (using the provided harness). O The time span of the boost increase after the release of the botton can also be set. �tl.}r/=?��4- ZI.f$t1.::tgt @J.'a�, 1::;>wdJooo·i r 'tl.�I!!��}r/���co t1.::ts~r J.tl.�.f!:!.}r/ eauadrupleBoost Mode Settings � llli![J!IH� -t=.=+:1Q1::1�g,@J<�<I'(1 ::r::1::;> � 4-q:y�½�J,¥Wfl =+::t½IDgt@J<�<I A, B, C and D Mode are the 4 user specified preset boost level selections. Each mode can be used for Q1.f$((:Y½�J,gt@J<�<I• a different purpose or situation. 0 �.f!!1(ZJ- <4-:\:: ewarning Function 0 4tl.�¥.f!!}r/ If the boost exceeds the user selectable warning value, EVC7 notifies the user with an audiable beep and visible warning display. Simultaneously, it lowers the boost to the baseline boost value or a user llli!MH�--�=+:1Q1::Jl/001(-.Jt.•□�'(1::f'::J::;>��J.[t:Y�½IDC0- +1-<ZJ-<E���1(-.Jt.•□� preset point. This function prevents damage to the engine and/or the turbine from excessive boost. Q1 q:.f$ y ½�), 1(-.Jr., □ �. eThrottle Position Input 0 4-tl.�lfCO(Al::.J.�4-lT!fil� With the throttle position sensor signal input, boost characteristics can be tuned in relation to throttle 0 ��:fCO<�<I�¼J.!-1$�::f'::l°M:r�CO--l�-J:'fl�� J.::tJ-J��--1�--�(0�+U!Od��::I percentage.

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