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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ミルスペース 110527- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [What’s New in Virtual Library?] Defense News 1104AeroAme_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg Space Japan Review 110425DN_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg 1103AeroAme_Contens.pdf, Cover.jpg SJR_No.73-s.pdf, Cover.jpg 110418DN_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg 1102AeroAme_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg SJR_No.72-s.pdf, Cover.jpg NASA MSFC MarshallStar AFSPC HighFrontier SJR_No.71-s.pdf, Cover.jpg 110519MarshallStar_Cover.jpg HiFrontier_Vol.7_No.3_AFD-110519-023-s JAXA ISAS News 110512MarshallStar_Cover.jpg .pdf, Cover.jpg 1104ISAS_news_361.pdf, Cover.jpg 110428MarshallStar_Cover.jpg HiFrontier_Vol.7_No.3_AFD-110519-023-s 1103ISAS_news_360.pdf, Cover.jpg AW&ST _Contents.pdf 1102ISAS_news_359.pdf, Cover.jpg 110516AWST_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg Smithsonian Air&Space 1101ISAS_news_358.pdf, Cover.jpg TIROS Space Information Bulletin 1105Air&Space_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg JAXA jaxas 1106TIROS_Space_Info.pdf 1103Air&Space_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg 1105jaxas038.pdf, Cover.jpg 1106TIROS_Space_Info_Cover.pdf, 1101Air&Space_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg 1103jaxas037.pdf, Cover.jpg Cover.jpg 1011Air&Space_Contents.pdf, Cover.jpg 1101jaxas036.pdf, Cover.jpg Milbank Space Business Review InsideGNSS 1012jaxas035.pdf, Cover.jpg 1103_Space_Business_Review.pdf InsideGNSS_1103&04_Contents.pdf, NICT NICT News 1102_Space_Business_Review.pdf Cover.jpg 1104NICT_News_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg Space Invester NASIC AerospaceChina 1103NICT_News_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg 1105spade-investor.pdf AerospaceChina_11spring_Contents.pdf, 1102NICT_News_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg 1104spade-investor.pdf Cover.jpg 1101NICT_News_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg 1103spade-investor.pdf AerospaceChina_10winter_Contents.pdf, 1012NICT_News_Cover.pdf, Cover.jpg AIAA Aerospace America Cover.jpg [謝辞] NICT より NICT News 10.04 号 寄贈、感謝。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 25, 2011 www.irconnect.com/noc/ Northrop Grumman は米空軍から軍事気象衛星の作業開始の公式通達を受ける Northrop Grumman Receives Authorization From U.S. Air Force to Begin Work on Defense Weather Satellite System REDONDO BEACH, Calif., May 25, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- on the spacecraft and sensors that are already in production, Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has received and we continually work closely with the Air Force to pursue authorization and funding to proceed on a Department of efficiencies throughout the program," said Linnie Haynesworth, Defense weather satellite system projected for launch in 2018. vice president and DWSS program director for Northrop The Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS) will leverage the Grumman Aerospace Systems. "Our team is prepared to accomplishments and momentum of the National Polar-orbiting immediately execute a successful and affordable program to Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) program. bring this critical capability to the warfighter." The DWSS is a The company announced it received authorization from the U.S. critical successor to the Defense Meteorological Satellite Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) at Los Program (DMSP), which has been delivering weather data for Angeles Air Force Base, Calif., to transition work from the military use since the mid-1960s. Timely completion of DWSS is NPOESS contract and proceed under the DWSS program. DWSS essential to maintain continuity with the current DMSP satellites will provide enhanced weather information critical to battlefield and establish a backup in the event of a launch or satellite failure operations, and deliver it more quickly to the warfighter than on orbit for the remaining two DMSP satellites. Time-sensitive current systems. "For DWSS, we have defined an effective weather data delivered promptly is critical to military operations program plan that leverages the high level of maturity achieved planning and warfighter and weapons deployment. The DWSS is 1 required to provide reliable, high-fidelity, near real time and land assets. DWSS will also provide information needed to information about weather and environmental conditions around protect space-based assets from solar and other space weather the world to inform aviation, naval, and coastal marine operations conditions.(後略) http://www.irconnect.com/noc/press/pages/news_releases.html?d=222904 - - - - - - - - - 関連- - - - - - - - - - - Wed, 25 May, 2011 www.spacenews.com/military/ By Turner Brinton Northrop は新しい軍事気象衛星に関して$429M の契約変更をつかむ Northrop Nabs $429M Contract Mod for New Defense Weather Sats Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Air Force and NASA. The Air Force since then has been working to assemble a new weather satellite program to replace its legacy Defense Meteorological Satellite Program spacecraft, the final two of which have yet to be launched. Northrop Grumman will develop a new platform for the DWSS spacecraft and serve as the overall integrator. The first DWSS satellite is planned for launch in 2018. The satellites will carry two instruments developed for NPOESS — the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Raytheon technicians working on the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer and the Space Environmental Monitoring sensor — and a Suite (VIIRS) prior to undergoing thermal vacuum testing. Credit: to-be-determined microwave sensor. “ For DWSS, we have Raytheon photo defined an effective program plan that leverages the high level of WASHINGTON — Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems of Los maturity achieved on the spacecraft and sensors that are Angeles was awarded a $429.9 million contract modification to already in production, and we continually work closely with the allow it to begin working toward new military requirements for the Air Force to pursue efficiencies throughout the program,” Linnie Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS), the U.S. Air Force Haynesworth, Northrop Grumman’s DWSS vice president announced May 24. Northrop Grumman was the prime contractor program director said in a May 25 press release. “Our team is for the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental prepared to immediately execute a successful and affordable Satellite System (NPOESS) that was being designed to provide program to bring this critical capability to the warfighter.” both military and civilian weather information. The White House Northrop Grumman also retained a small oversight role in the dismantled the program in 2010, citing the ineffectiveness of a Joint Polar Satellite System, the NPOESS program’s civilian tri-agency management structure comprising the National spinoff being managed by NASA with funding from NOAA. http://www.spacenews.com/military/110525-ng-contract-mod-defense-weather-sats.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2011 年 5 月 26 日 11 時 29 分 読売新聞 アメリカ版はやぶさ、2016年打上げ 【ワシントン=山田哲朗】NASAは25日、日本の小惑星探査機「は やぶさ」のように小惑星から試料を採取する探査機「OSIRIS―REx」 を2016年に打上げると発表。行先は「1999RQ36」と呼ばれるミニ サイズ小惑星で、4年かけて20年に接近、ロボットアームを伸ばし、小 惑星地表から試料50グラム以上を採取する。試料はカプセルに収納 し、23年に米ユタ州に落とし回収する。NASAは金星探査など科学 的探査計画3候補の中からこの小惑星探査を選んだ。 2 NASAの小惑星探査機のイメージ図=NASA提供 http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/science/news/20110526-OYT1T00371.htm - - - - - - - - - - 同報- - - - - - - - - Wed, 25 May, 2011 www.spacenews.com/civil/ By Brian Berger NASA は 2016 年に小惑星にサンプル・リターン・ミッションを打上げ予定 NASA to Launch Sample-Return Mission to Asteroid in 2016 http://www.spacenews.com/civil/110525-nasa-launch-sample-return-mission-asteroid-2016.html Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 4:30 PM blog.al.com/space-news/ By Lee Roop, The Huntsville Times NASA は小惑星のサンプルをすくうロボット・アームつき衛星を打上げ計画 NASA will launch satellite with robot arm to scoop asteroid samples http://blog.al.com/space-news/2011/05/nasa_will_launch_satellite_wit.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 25 – 2011 www.sorae.jp/ NASA、新型有人宇宙船「MPCV」計画を発表 同時に中止され、製造元のロッキード・マーティン社も開発を凍結する ように、各下請け企業に手紙を出していた。MPCV は 4 人乗り有人宇 宙船で、大型ロケットによって打上げ、21 日間のミッションをこなすことが できる。また、居住モジュールと共に打上げれば、月や火星、小惑星ま での飛行もできる。大気圏再突入と帰還はオリオン有人宇宙船と同じ 方式を採用し、太平洋に着水。打上げと帰還の安全性はスペースシ ャトルよりも 10 倍も高い。MPCV はオリオン有人宇宙船の設計を元に、 ロ社が改造を進めており、既にデンバーの施設で試験が行われている。 写真=NASA 初の有人打上げについては、ロ社は 2016 年以降だと説明、NASA は NASA は 5 月 24 日、次世代有人宇宙船「多目的有人宇宙船 開発費用や期間などは明言せず。 (MPCV=Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle)」開発計画を正式発表。 NASA はこれまでオリオン有人宇宙船の開発を進めてきたが、同宇宙 船はオバマ政権が2010年2月、「コンステレーション計画」を打切ったと ■NASA Announces Key Decision For Next Deep Space Transportation System http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2011/may/HQ_11-164_MPCV_Decision.html http://www.sorae.jp/030614/4396.html - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [同報] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2011.5.25 11:32 sankei.jp.msn.com/science/ 4人乗りで火星へ NASAがシャトル後継の新宇宙船を発表 MPCVのイメージ(奥左の機体)(NASA提供・共同) NASA が公表した4人乗りカプセル型の新宇宙船 MPCV(AP) 【ワシントン=犬塚陽介】スペースシャトルを引継ぐのは4人乗り宇宙カ 「多目的有人宇宙船」(MPCV)で、米ロッキード・マーチンが開発。 プセル。NASAは24日、今年で最後の打上げとなるスペースシャトル 月探査を目的に開発が進められていた宇宙船「オリオン」の設計を元 退役後、米の有人宇宙開発を担い、火星や小惑星などの探査を行 にしたもので4人乗り。スペースシャトルに比べ、10倍安全性が高いと う新宇宙船の概要を発表。宇宙飛行士輸送に特化したカプセル型の いう。オバマ米大統領は2030年代半ばまでに火星軌道に飛行士を 3 送込む計画を推進しており、MPCV実用化は、この計画の第1段階 ス」飛行で引退。NASAは今後、MPCVを宇宙に送出す大型打上 となる。CNNによると、米デンバーにあるロッキード・マーチンの施設です げロケットの開発も進めていく。 でに、飛行実験が進んでいる。スペースシャトルは、7月の「アトランティ http://sankei.jp.msn.com/science/news/110525/scn11052511370001-n1.htm - - - - - - - - - -関連 - - - - - - - - - - - Tue, 24 May, 2011 www.spacenews.com/civil/ By Brian Berger アップデート: ロッキードはオライオンの契約の下で MPCV を製造する UPDATED: Lockheed Will Build MPCV under Orion Contract This story was updated at 4:46 p.m. EDT WASHINGTON — NASA said May 24 that the Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPCV) it has been ordered by Congress to build to send humans into deep space
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