THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Tuesday, November 13, 2012 (87th Session) Volume XI No. 04 (Nos.01-10) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran. .………....…….. 1 2. Questions and Answers …………………………. 2-24 3. Leave of Absence………………………………... 25 4. Presentation of Report of the Standing Committee on Defence and Defence Production……………... 26 5. Privilege Motion Misconduct of I.G. Punjab...................................... 27-28 6. Legislative Business The Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan Bill, 2012………………………………………… 29 7. Point of Order Misappropriation in Senate Housing Society and other Societies…………………….................. 30-36 8. Resolution Felicitation to the Hindu Community of Pakistan on Diwali ……………………………………….. 37-44 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume XI SP.XI(04)/2012 No.04 15 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Tuesday, November 13, 2012 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad, at forty five minutes past four in the evening with Mr. Chairman (Syed Nayyar Hussain Bokhari) in the Chair. ---------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran ‰ ‰ ‰ ª‰ ª ª ‰‰ ‚‚ÂÂş ‰ - ‰ ‰ ‰ ª⁄ª ªªÂ‚ ‚ „ ‚ÂÂ!ª‹ #≈‹ ªč&' ª&‚‚‚ „‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚ ‚ , ‚ ,!(ª)ª'* ª+'' , , . 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We are starting Question Hour and after this we can take up points of order. Normally = d V 7 š = 4important questions 4[6;> 4CK 4fBi; k: 45F L 42X 4C\` 4DDL; b 42 e`4™Piw 4 Question Hour 4˜ ; ;J = and the Government is accountable to the members at @FGhe 4CX 2 e` W = after ˘ D424E• e` žFW 4E ƒ ; 4 in future qœmW 4 2Xthat time. If you start this practice 7 W 7 V V 7 } 4@F;GZ 4_2J 246 9 ¡ B45€ 4C\` 4¤q• 4‡i F k¥ 43C¡ 4@FG¢ 4C v 4N_NjB4 jB4˜8> B2mX 4D£ 4AjB4m Questions Hour } Œª9 = 4˜D; J ~: 4MD¨ 4†E© 43D4C •bX D424; e`windup 4‡¦§;b 42X 4@ FGhe surely we will take up the Question Hour but once we have decided and this is practice, there are hardly three questions. Naek sahib , we have total 7 questions today. 4 questions have been deferred. Whether it has been conveyed to you or not I donãt know about that. Senator Farooq Hamid Naek (Minister for Law and Justice): Thank you sir, I am not aware about that because nobody has informed me about deferment. I am aware of my two questions, this is the reason I came here. } J 7 Ministry of Information and 4 MB2S 4 ]F L B4 :@i7 FGI kaF m 4AD; a;J = = = 45€ 4@FFF> _4Da;> 4AjB43@m Ghe 4AxB2S 4@7 G L 4CK 4Postal Services Division 43C\` 4D£ 4Technology > > 7 ˚@64DFFKFFaK 4D4@64 L K defer 42K 4fB Senator Farooq Hamid Naek: Sir, it should be kept tomorrow. } because the members have put in 4@ F;F>_4AB2; J 46K 4jB4g£ 4•P4NPB4@ G L ±;L 42 K 4fB4AjB7 m = 7 7 and the time is being wasted. The 4@FGhe 4C…8K 4AxB2S 4C X 4f2 ² W B4 hard work 7 4jB4@FGZW 4•P46¡ B4 minister must come and give answers to the questions. 7 = = W 9 = 4pjB4•P46B43f24D;;¡e` a³c 4jB4g4@£FFG Z 4pjB4@ G I 45€ 4CX 64{ K Y´ 4•P45 € 4 the courtesy demands 4C 8³c = } 7 >= G ¨ v 7 G W that is what I 4@_4AB2F;F; J 464jB4•P45K€ 4D4@LU N4C…8 4C K 4f2 SKX 64D4g424fB424Cm > F L £ X jB4 @F Z would submit. 2 = = 7 V HK G W W } J 7 4[iw P_4 E questions 424CX 8³c 4jB4@F Z 4•P446B4˘C\¡ ` 4]F aœ 4 :@i7 FGI kaF m 4AD; a;J = = 3CœW 4C 8 ³c 424e`entrust 42K 4minister th Senator Farooq Hamid Naek: After the 18 Amendment, it is a responsibility and they should have requested to some other minister to answer on their behalf. Mr. Chairman: Question No. 54, 10 and 13 are deferred for day after tomorrow and the presence of the ministers should be ensured. We move on to questions relating to Law and Justice Division. Sughra Imam sahiba . She is not present. Mrs. Nasreen Jalil sahiba . 7 7 7 G W 7 Y;b 7 X V G R and I would 4DFL jB4@F;Z 4AB2; J 4D £ 4MB2 S 4[i F k¥ ! AD; a;J 4:gFa 4@iF> · 4i kaF Fa 7 = } 4@iF>Fkm• 4¹D:W 4˚C\` 4EN424f2 º e e `F 8 K 4delay 4@F;GI 4OB4NPB4D• 4CX jB4¸ ;K 4AB2; J 4D £ 4OB45€ 4like to know = and I donãt think there is a problem in giving 4@F;Ghe 4s24_2„ e` J 2464 9 m > record the information to the members of the Senate. } 7 } J 7 3˜;J D~ 4]F a > D L 4»PND ¼ 4:@7 FGI ikaF m 4AD; a;J Senator Farooq Hamid Naek: Thank you sir. I think Mrs. Nasreen Jalil is right in putting up this query that why the answer has not come. I have been instructing the NAB authorities to give the reply and they wanted some time. nv I have got no 4C…^8‰F 4¾N464K m> next week or next rota day 2K 4 OB4 AjBm d 7 we will give the answer.4QB4DyX B objection and 7 } 7 3˜; J D~ 4•q|< 4:@7 FGI ikaF mJ 4AD; a;J 7 7 G= 7 K } 7 G 7 G } J 7 7 V R 45€ 4D• 44fP64¤qK • 4@FFI 4˜¦9b 4s 4˜ ; J D ~ 4]F a > D4@ L I ! @F I ikaF m 4AD; a;J 4:•q|< 4i kaF GFa 7 7 } 7 7 = „ G J G W 42008 to 2011 4OD4CmLK 4˜; F8> 4324ie`F k• D4s24@ L K F I4C…8> _4AB2; ;FJ 4D4r£; 4C\ ` 4@Z 4MB2 S 4D y FX B45F L 7 = 7 = } = V G `e G = 4B28v B4NPB4C8v D424CL KX YI D À9 424543@F L F Fa D4C mb X 2464e ` m>tips 42454˘@XF L F he 4CX 2 e ` cases register 42;J 4] L = 7 = ÁGG7U< 7 h= W = v v V G I 3C\` 4AD4E;L 4f2K 4545F L € 4@FFFm 24Cm X R 4fB4AjB4˘@me 4˜‰ D4C I K`8 4AjB44•P3C\ m 4AD4sBP; L 4C B_4@ 3 7 = = = X 7 } J 7 obviously he will 4DUW 4D_F L 4Da;> 4CX 4Law Minister 424C…X ˆ P4:@FGI ikaF m 4AD; a;J respond to that but already there was a request for deferment for next rota day. 7 7 } 7 GZW š 7 GI 7 V GaR and I 4f24DN46e` eh K 4@F 4disagree 4CR 4i; k: 4Nql9 4@4F :]F a> DL 4¦D I b 4»PND ¼ 4i kaF F nœ;W 7 because the data 4C…^8‰F 4čBN24AjB45Ãm € 4D¨424fB4CZ K 7 X 4@FGI 4 had pulled them out = = they requested for time. I am 424DXUW 4_B24ED 9 Ä £ 4 was a little bit longer not trying to defend them that why they have not sent the reply. d 7 on the next rota day, 4QB4DyX B4They should have sent the reply and it would be here. Mr. Chairman: Thank you. Next Question No. 94, Begum Najma Hameed sahiba . @94. *Senator Begum Najma Hameed: Will the Minister for Education and Trainings be pleased to state: (a) the funds provided by the Government to each University in public and private sector from 2008 to 2012; and (b) the criteria laid down for provision of funds to Universities? Sheikh Waqas Akram (Minister for Education and Trainings) : (a) The funds provided by the Government to each public sector universities from 2008 to 2012, are given below:ê (Rs. In Billion) —————————————————————————————— Year Recurring Development Total —————————————————————————————— 2008-09 15.766 16.417 32.183 2009-10 21.500 11.303 32.803 2010-11 29.057 14.064 43.121 2011-12 28.887 09.763 38.650 —————————————————————————————— Total 95.210 51.547 146.757 —————————————————————————————— @ Transferred from the Cabinet Division.
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