Vol. 32, No. 8 www.arlingtondemocrats.org August 2007 We don’t have a tractor pull—but O’Leary letter condemned By a 40-7 tally, ACDC has “condemned” a let- cratic campaigns in Arlington.” we still have a ter sent out late in the primary campaign by Trea- In a series of bullet paragraphs, the resolution great County fair! surer Frank O’Leary and also dropped him from all then ruled that O’Leary would be excluded from all party campaign literature and events in this fall’s Joint Campaign materials, such as the Messenger, election campaign. distributed to all county households in September The resolution approved at the July ACDC to tout the Democratic ticket, and the sample bal- meeting specifically cited a reference in the O’Leary lot, distributed in October to identify those with campaign letter stating that his opponent, Bob party backing. The resolution also ruled that James, an African-American, was supported by O’Leary and his campaign be excluded from all “minority churches” in the county. That was one of party events during the fall campaign and not pro- several elements in the letter that prompted criti- vided access to any ACDC campaign resources, to cism from many Democrats. include the ACDC website. The resolution denounced the “tactics, tone and The resolution stated that ACDC “has a respon- content” of the letter as having “no place in Demo- continued on page four And the Democratic Booth at the fair is Fall campaign about to kick in how we kick off the The Arlington County Fair—August 16-19— One of every year’s favorite events—the Chili Fall Campaign followed by the Chili Cookoff on Labor Day, Sep- Cookoff—will once again be held at Lyon Park If you can blow up a tember 3, will kick off this year’s Joint Campaign. Community Center, honchoed this year by Bree ACDC’s booth at the County Fair, held at the Raum and Jody Olson. Dust off your chili recipes balloon, you can staff Thomas Jefferson Community Center, will be or- and stock up on chili beans and hot sauce, all to the booth. Call Chris ganized and set up by the Arlington Young Demo- raise money for the Democratic cause! King at 703-350-7691 crats. Volunteers are needed to talk with The 2007 Arlington Joint Campaign team is Arlingtonians about the candidates and the 21/51 already geared up for election season. Half the to take a shift. effort to win a majority in the state legislature, to Democratic candidates in the county face opponents make sure there is a steady supply of those kid-fa- on the November ballot. vorite balloons, meet other active Dems, and have The three Joint Campaign co-chairs have di- a great time. To take a shift please look for the vided their responsibilities. Ed Fendley is in charge signup sheet at the August ACDC meeting or con- of targeting, coordinating walking efforts, and fi- tact Chris King at 703-350-7691 or nance. Budget, communications, and serving as li- [email protected]. continued on page six Don’t hold Campaign practices under study In the wake of the June primary for treasurer— paign process. As part of the code of conduct, the your a campaign many in Arlington viewed as a low point commission is to examine what, if any, guidelines breath to in campaign practices—ACDC Chairman Peter could address “negative campaigning.” Rousselot has appointed an 18-member Electoral The broad goal of the commission is to find turn Virginia blue! Practices Commission to review how Arlington ways to protect—even enhance—Arlington’s tradi- VOLUNTEER! Democrats should campaign. tion of thoughtful and respectful political discourse. The co-chairs are County Board Member Bar- The other members of the commission are See Page Eight bara Favola and Christian Dorsey, a candidate in Judy Beck, David Bell, Ellen Bozman, Adam 21/51 refers to the fact that we need 21 the 2002 and 2003 County Board caucuses. Ebbin, Felix Herrera, Voncille Hines, Krysta seats in the State Senate and 51 in the The commission was assigned two core mis- Jones, Alfonso Lopez, Maureen Markham, James House of Delegates for majorities—a pickup sions: to develop a code of conduct for Democratic Martin, Warren Nelson, Jody Olson, Bob Platt, of four in the Senate and 10 in the House. candidates; and to examine ACDC’s role in the cam- Antonia Scatton, Eric Wolf and Rousselot. ACDC Voice, August 2007, Page 2 Report from Chairman Peter Rousselot Levin-Reed amendment defines Dem Party As this column went to press, the Demo- deployment this year will add incentives for because the risks of “staying the course” are crats in Congress had just sought an up-or- the Iraqis to make the hard compromises nec- infinitely greater. Republicans like John down vote on the Levin-Reed amendment on essary to bring their country together and se- Warner are pursuing a policy designed to pro- U.S. policy in Iraq. Recognizing they didn’t cure it. They need to do that job themselves vide cover for George Bush and the Republi- have 51 votes to defeat this amendment, the and our amendment is one way to prod them can Party at the expense of American lives, Republicans threatened to filibuster it because to make that commitment and stick to it.” money and national security. The debate and the Democrats didn’t have 60 votes to cut off Although he has some reservations about vote on Levin-Reed has exposed these mo- debate and force an up-or-down vote. it not going far enough, Senator Jim Webb tives in very stark terms. The failure of so-called “moderate” Re- supported Levin-Reed. Webb noted: “The John Warner and George Bush are do- publicans like John Warner of Virginia to sup- strength of this amendment is that it mandates ing all that they can to raise money to keep port Levin-Reed underscores the right wing a turn-around in our current operational the Republicans in control of the Virginia leg- extremism of Republicans nationally and in policy. It would be wrong to call the ‘surge’ a islature. The Republicans in Washington and Virginia, and demonstrates why we should be strategy.… [The surge] is simply one more in Richmond are tied together by ideology, working at every electoral level—local, state, a long line of operational experiments that money and a tight web of special interest sup- and national—to elect more Democrats and have kept our military forces in the middle of port. If you oppose the stands that John oust the Republicans from leadership. a problem that, in the end, will only be re- Warner and George Bush are taking on Levin- In introducing the amendment, Senator solved by the Iraqis themselves.” Reed and on the Iraq war, rest assured there Carl Levin (D-MI) stated: “Our current open- There is no point in waiting until Sep- is something you can do—even though you ended policy is counterproductive and unsus- tember or October or January for further personally cannot vote on Levin-Reed. You tainable. The Administration’s policy of ‘we’ll progress reports on the so-called surge be- can join Tim Kaine, Jim Webb, Mary Marga- be there for as long as Iraq needs us’ will re- cause the surge cannot succeed without a po- ret Whipple, Brian Moran and other Demo- sult in Iraqis depending on us longer. Three litical solution in Iraq, and only the Iraqis can cratic leaders here in Virginia to help reclaim and a half years into the conflict, we should achieve a political solution. Moreover, the risk Democratic majorities in the Virginia Senate tell the Iraqis that the American security blan- that the Iraqis will fail to achieve a political and House of Delegates. ket is not permanent. Beginning a phased re- solution is a risk we simply have to assume As I urged last month, please support our ACDC 21/51 Committee’s activities to re- claim Democratic majorities in the Virginia legislature. The URL for our 21/51 Commit- tee is www.2151virginia.org . Volunteer sign- up can be done via email or you can contact Mary Detweiler at either 703-400-1025 or [email protected]. Sign up and you choose how and where you’d like to help. Also, check out the newly-launched “Com- munity News” online newsletter for updates on 21/51 activities. Campaign training offered to all Dems in Richmond Published monthly by the Interested in learning more about how Arlington County Democratic Committee to campaign? 2009 North 14th Street, Suite #612, Arlington, VA 22201 The Democratic Party of Virginia Tel: (703) 528-8588 Fax: (703) 528-2321 (DPVA) will hold a one-day, statewide http://www.arlingtondemocrats.org grassroots training session in Richmond Sat- Chair: Peter Rousselot —703-276-1584 (o), [email protected] urday, August 11. The fee is just $10—and Editor-in-Chief: Barbara van Voorst —703-522-6294 (h), [email protected] that includes lunch. For more information Deputy Editor: Warren L. Nelson —703-243-7867 (h), [email protected] contact [email protected]. Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the ACDC The session begins at 9 a.m. and will be unless expressly approved by an appropriate Committee Resolution held in the Comfort Inn Conference Center at Copyright ©2007, ACDC, All Rights Reserved 3200 West Broad Street in Richmond. ACDC Voice, August 2007, Page 3 Next Monthly Meeting—All Dems Invited Bumper Sticker Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 7 p.m.
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