THE RISING NEGRO STRUGGLE New Weapons in Freedom Now Arsenal By George Breitman ment. Unemployed struggles are nothing new in our year. By direct action and by mass action, they sought DETROIT — Every genuine mass movement, like history, nor are demonstrations and picket lines. But this to stop construction in order to gain serious attention every revolution, produces new things — new relation­ was an unemployed struggle under the banner of racial to their demands (jobs, admission to the building trade ships, new ways of looking at life, new methods, new equality, and that combination gave it a unique char­ unions, end of discrimination in the apprentice pro­ institutions — or new ways of doing old things. This acter and a new dimension. grams) . article concerns recent developments testifying to the As a young man, I was active in the unemployed I hold that this was something new; that it is an im­ profoundly creative and radical character of the Negro movements of the big depression in the Thirties. We portant addition to the weapons of struggle in the movement for equality. staged marches on Washington, we once occupied the arsenal of the unemployed; and that it w ill be adopted I am not dealing here with new methods and ideas seats of the state legislators in m y native state fo r ten and adapted to their own needs by the big unemployed introduced between 1960 and 1962, about which much days, we picketed City Hall, staged sitdowns in the wel­ movement or movements of white as well as black already has been written, such as the sit-ins, filling of fare offices, struck and shut down WPA projects, etc. workers that will inevitably be created during this the jails, organizing of self-defense, strengthening of But one of the things we did not' do was go to the decade by the onrushing spread of automation. racial consciousness, crystallization of nationalist ideology, factories, mills or construction sites and demand jobs The construction site struggles did not make any spec­ etc. Instead, I confine myself to three developments in “at the point of production.” We went to Congress, state tacular gains. In some places they were able to win a 1963, so recent that their significance has not yet been legislatures and city councils, demanding that they ap­ few jobs and apprenticeships; in others, they succeeded fully discussed and understood. propriate money for cash relief and for public works in shutting down construction but did not get jobs; in The picketing of the construction sites, which began that would provide jobs. But we did not go to the point still others they did not even stop construction. But in Philadelphia last May and spread to several other of production, interpose our bodies and attempt to shut that doesn’t mean they accomplished nothing. Northern cities, represented something definitely new down production unless we were given a certain num­ As much as the Birmingham events, they threw a in this country. ber of jobs. scare into the White House that contributed to the Its content was that of a struggle against unemploy­ That’s what the construction fights were about this (Continued on Page 4) Cubans Nab THE CIA Agents Killer Cop Sparks In Sabotage MILITANT By Fred Halstead Philadelphia Riot Published in the Interests of the Working People NOV. 6 — Every decent Amer­ PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6 — The fered from a spinal deformity, was ican should be outraged at the police killing here of a 24-year-old stopped by patrolman John Touri- fact that the United States gov­ Vol. 27 - No. 40 Monday, Novem ber 11, 1963 Price 10c Negro cripple — apparently while gian, white, and questioned about ernment has responded to the the youth was suffering an epilep­ a watch which had allegedly just hurricane disaster which hit Cuba tic attack — has caused a severe been shoplifted from the Owl- last month by stepping up sabot­ rise in tension in the heart of the Cut-Rate store nearby. The cop age raids against that island. North Philadelphia Negro neigh­ claimed the youth lunged at him Detailed proof that this is in­ borhood. The failure of the “lib­ with a knife. deed the case is contained in a eral” administration of Mayor The cop shot Philyaw in the Bring the GIs remarkable speech delivered by James H. J. Tate to take effective head, literally spilling his brains Cuban Premier Fidel Castro over action against the killer caused on the street. Eyewitnesses, who radio and TV Oct. 31. The speech accumulated frustration in the knew Philyaw, said he was indeed carefully weaves together the black ghetto to break out Oct. 28 holding a pen knife, but that the Back from Vietnam evidence from many sources — in violent form — the destruction youth’s muscles began contracting including contradictory dispatches of white-owned stores and proper­ in an epileptic seizure when the An Editorial by U.S. news agencies, statements ty in the neighborhood. Also con­ cop approached and he simply by U.S. government spokesmen, tributing to the explosive frustra­ couldn’t drop the knife. One eye­ No civilized person concerned and equipped U.S. troops. confessions of captured CIA tion was the failure of the Phila­ witness said he told the police­ with social progress w ill mourn Embarrassed before the world agents, and so on, and presents delphia NAACP leadership to take man that he would take the knife the end of the Diem tyranny in by the Buddhist revolt, Kennedy the whole story before the world, serious measures in behalf of the away from Philyaw. South Vietnam. But the military dumped Diem not so much be­ for all to check and countercheck. victimized Negro community and' Roland Townsend, 40, w ho knew junta that has replaced it w ill not cause he was a tyrant as that he None of Castro’s allegations its failure to seriously oppose the Philyaw was an epileptic, said he bring any improvement for the had become an unreliable one, have been refuted by U.S. govern­ attempt of the city administration told the policeman what was hap­ oppressed people of that country. unable to control his own op­ ment spokesmen, and President to whitewash the killing. pening and begged him not to John F. Kennedy refused to an­ It begins as a regime of lies. pressed people. The figureheads A united front of militant Ne­ shoot. Another Negro, Edward swer a question about them at his It told the world that Diem and have changed, but the aim of the gro groups has been formed, how­ Martin, stepped between Philyaw press conference Oct. 31. Castro’s his secret police chief brother, Washington masters remains the ever, in an attempt to give effec­ and the cop just as the cop fired. key charges have actually been Ngo Dinh Nhu, had committed same — hold on to that piece of tive form to the justified rage of Martin, 39, was wounded in the confirmed by subsequent stories suicide. Even the Kennedy admin­ real estate. the residents of the area and to hand by the same bullet that in the U.S. press. istration, which supports the The American people should de­ seek an indictment of the killer. killed Philyaw. The allegedly Much of the speech, deals with junta, admits that they were mand an end to U.S. intervention The killing occured Saturday stolen watch was not found. a raid carried out against the killed. in a war that has nothing to do night, Oct. 26, about 7 p.m. near As the story spread around the with “democracy.” Let the Viet­ western tip of Pinar del Rio 18th Street and Susquehanna Ave. The new regime, in another neighborhood a crowd of some 700 namese people decide their future Province the night of Oct. 21, just transparent lie, denies that the in the heart of the North Phila­ persons gathered by 9 p.m. A trash for themselves. Bring the GI’s 11 days after the hurricane left delphia Negro neighborhood. The can was thrown through the win­ U.S. was involved in the coup. home! (Continued on Page 5) youth, Willie Philyaw, who suf­ dow of the Owl Cut-Rate store Yet Washington has been seeking for months to persuade military and seven persons were arrested on “disorderly conduct” charges officers to put an end to Diem’s rule. It had even made public before the crowd dispersed. statements indicating it would sup­ The daily newspapers which port a military coup. appeared the next day gave only the cop’s story, withholding the The new regime does not rep­ (Continued on Page 2) resent the mass of the people any more than Diem’s did. Practically all the top figures in the new gov­ ernment held high positions under ACLU Offers to Aid Diem. Like Diem and family, they are a gang of military and po­ Muslims Fired By U.S. litical careerists who served the French colonial rulers as puppets The American Civil Lib­ and switched their allegiance to erties Union has offered le­ the new U.S. masters when the gal assistance to 12 Muslims French were driven out. Gen. recently fired from federal Duong Van Minh, “leader” of the jobs for reportedly stating coup, for example, was such a they would support Islam in favorite of the French that they a hypothetical war against made him the first Vietnamese to the U.S. A Civil Service be trained in a military academy Commission spokesman said in France. Later the U.S. sent him to the Command and General they were fired on the basis Staff School in Fort Leavenworth, of “mental reservations” they Kansas.
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