Digital Commons @ George Fox University David Rawson Collection on the Rwandan Genocide Archives and Museum 11-21-1995 Rwanda's MDR Party Repudiates Faustin Twagiramungu the Democratic Republic Movement Party Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/rawson_rwanda (TH) 07. 28. ' 1:14 I 0; DtJ I'U, 1 40UU"'"+Uv"' ,,...,_," Faustin TWAGIRAMUNGU RWANDA (Phonetic: twahgearahMUHNgoo) Prime Minister (since 19 July 1994) Addressed as: Mr. Prime Minister Twagiramungu was bom in Cyangugu in 'Faustin Twagiramungu, a Hutu, heads a five­ southwestern Rwanda in 1946. He holds a degree party coalition government that was formed by the in business administration from the University of Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) Ottawa, a BA in international relations from after it defeated the forces of the interim McGill University, and a MA from the University government formed after the death of former of Quebec. Twagiramungu worked for the President (1973-94) Juvenal Habyarimana, government's transportation parastatal for several according to press reports. Twagiramungu, who years before forming his own transportation leads a faction of the Democratic Republican company in the 1980s. After Habyarimana Movement (MDR), had been designated Prime legalized independent political parties in 1991, Minister of a transition government to be formed Twagiramungu founded the MDR. as part of the Arusha Accord--an agreement between the Habyarimana regime and its Twagiramungu is the son-in-law of opponents, which was signed in August 1993 but independent Rwanda's first President (1962-73), never implemented. Publicly supportive of ethnic Gregoire Kayibanda, who was overthrown by reconciliation, Twagiramungu was forced to flee in Habyarimana. The Prime Minister speaks French Apri11994 after Habyarimana's death sparked and English in addition to his native renewed ethnic and political violence, according to Kinyarwandan. press reports. He returned to Kigali in early July 1994. 22 July 1994 6 N.J. 'r'1:l6 001 WAI~tt.IQTON, g.C:. Lll • , ••.••• , . • . 1 I) ••. ....... - ------ (11 RELEASED IN FULL AMBA&&AOE DE LA AEPUBLIOUE RWANDAifiE 171 .. NEW HA .. I'S~tllt AVENUE. N.W. VifABMING1'0H. D.C. aooo. c;oa• a•a·a•ea n, UISO" IIWAW UM 'All 1110. c;o:a1 a*a ... e.w Et\CSIMILH TJ.ANSMITIAL SHHE:f nArn-rJ.ov ~ taC PLEASE DBUVER TO:-~-i-'!!!C--~~S[.k:!.-.L. __ ---~~-···--~~~ ~~-- ·-------- FROM;¥-~-'--- @ NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET)--·-----~-------·-- IF YOU 00 NOT RECEIVE ALL THE. PAGES TRANSMriTED, PLEASE CALL (202) 232-2882 AND ASK FOR--------~---------------- COMMENTS: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW ,AUTHORITY: JOHN L MILLS DATE/CASE ID: 03 NOV 2008 200103014 UNCLASSIFIED ·'i -··,. ., .. - •• .,_..r' .-, ..._.IL..I'4-V"""' J _4. •1.'-\J -·-~-! .. :.:· -· -;.::1 J.:;;J: ~-y- Ml~FET .~ . • RELEASED IN FULL OJ:MOCRATIC REPUBLIC MOUVENIENT PARTV (MDR) SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT we. membel's of the political committee and o"ther level$ of authorities of the MDR Patty: After analytsing the dectariftlons by Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU Faustfn In BruxeUs&, Belgium inGiting r~fugee& not to return to their country; In LaHaye. Natheflend, ittlvgstlng th~t the government for which he was tne Prtma Minlter killed 300.000 people: in Montreal, Canada, stating that the present government ls worse than HABYARtMANA's regime, and fn New York, W&&hington, where he appealed to tnt International ComrnunltY to stop glvlng eld to the rwandeae government for the reason that he was dismissed as Prime Minister: . Having noted that Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU F:austin has demonstrated nfs greed of power for selfish motives and interest~ vvith contempt far national interst for 'he population es a whole: ~aving realised that Mr. TWAGIRAIVIUNGU Faust in has e avsternatlc ~im of discradlting tke rwendese government of wl'\ich the MOll patty Is mandated to lead by acting against the governrnent fundamental principles and programmes for .the national unity; Having understood that in his discradltlng declaratiQns ageinst the present government, Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU ~austin Is using his former title as Prime Minister of Rwanda and a:s rhe currrent president of t~e MOR party; lt'l comformlty to the fact that the MOR pertv Is within the current rwandese government and was Intrusted Its leadershiPi We hereby announce to the rwanelese people and tO the International Community the following: 1. The MDR party has never asked Mr. TWAGI~AMUNGU Faustin to go wondering arrouna places and make such aeclaretions. Consequentty. all his speeches are from his own opinion beceuse the MOR party never Q8Ve hirn any form of related mandate. 2. All members of the MOFt party and all rwandese people should not pay anv attention to what Mr. TRWAGIRAMUNGU Fau&tin is publicising because his oeclarations are aimed at misleading people, perpetrating hatred among the rwandes.e people and bringing misundefstanding between the government ot Rwanda al")d the •nternational Cornmuntty. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF STATE REVIEW AUTHORITY: JOHN L MILLS D~TE/CASE ID: 03 NOV 2008 200103014 " UNCLASSIFIED TO: 2 3. Tl'le rwandese refugees must reulise that when Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU Fau~tln incites them not to return home It It only tor hta selflah political jnterest&. Thus, his propaganda Is similar to the one used by so called govemment o' "ABATABAZI• lthe genocidal government) who led them in e bottomless pit. 4. The lntern~:~tianal Community should not listen to false declarations of Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU Feustin. Instead. the tnternatinal Community should continue to support and help the rwandese government of the national unity In its undertaken programme of bringing home refugees. of rehabilitating and reconstructing a country which has been devasteted by last year genocide and massacres. 5. Given that Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU Faustin is determined to oppose to the current rwandese government of which the MDA pertv takes part and that the MOA party waa inducted to lead 1:he same government; thiS is enough evidence thet Mr. TWAGIRAMUNGU Faustln is in contradiction with the fundamente~l principles end objectil6es of tha same political parw. · Henceforth, We nave decided from now that Mr. TWAGIAAMUNGU Faustin is no longer the president of the MOR perty be it at the national or prefectural levels. .~ pJ ~· ,,, I) i11.' i"i. I Ct J.~t.: c:.. 'J, At:: ·-<. \ ."' ,.,.. (t; • 6t.~ t. £ cl • t --~ .J_f ../14e i4.; ·- /~i ~· '· ." -1:i ~I,. I" • - I .. I .. (., ... UNCLASSIFIED .
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