© by PSP Volume 18 – No 11a. 2009 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin WATER POLLUTION IN THE SOUTHERN COASTAL REGION OF THE BLACK SEA Ahmet Altin1, Ismail Hakkı Özölçer2 and Yılmaz Yildirim1 1 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, 67100 Zonguldak, Turkey 2 Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 67100 Zonguldak, Turkey ABSTRACT shipping, mineral exploitation, dumping of toxic wastes, discharge of domestic wastes from coastal cities and pol- In this study, water pollutions of the Black Sea in the lutants carried by rivers [2]. Turkish costal region, particularly in the Zonguldak region, located in the western part of Turkey (southern part of the Unregulated and unplanned freshwater withdrawal for Black Sea), were investigated. Zonguldak province is a irrigation purposes, hydro and thermal-power generation, highly populated and industrialized region with two iron the use of coastal areas for several types of construction and steel factories, coal mining and a coal-powered energy and uncontrolled solid waste deposition fields, and the plant. In this study; physical, chemical and bacteriological many untreated domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes pollution of water, wastewater and surface water were con- (solids or liquids) discharged into the rivers that eventu- ducted. The domestic and industrial wastewater discharges ally drain into the Black Sea causing all detrimental ef- into 7 important surface water streams were investigated, fects on its health. The main sources of pollution in the and the effect of these discharges onto the water quality of Black Sea are the rivers which flow into the region dis- the streams and the Black Sea were discussed. This work charging huge amount of pollution (i.e. Danube pollution 3 -1 is the first study evaluating water quality and pollution in load is 203 km yr ). In addition to these major rivers detail in the northwest coastal region of Turkey. loads, especially along the Turkish and Bulgarian coast, a great number of small rivers flow into the Black Sea caus- ing substantial marine pollution [3]. Data on both the levels of pollutants and annual loads to the Black Sea from indi- vidual sources are very scarce. Although several studies KEYWORDS: Water pollution, Wastewater, Southern Black Sea, have been conducted in Turkish coasts of the Black Sea for Zonguldak, Turkey determination of the pollutant levels and annual loads [3, 4], more studies are needed to be carried out nationwide on micro-scale basis for understanding the whole region`s ma- rine pollution in detail. INTRODUCTION West Black Sea region of Turkey with its industrial (iron and steel complex, cement factories, 300 MW ther- In marine environment, human-caused disturbances mal power plant and hard coal exploitation and process- have many forms. Owing to source strengths and pathways, ing), domestic (no treatment plant available) and agricul- the greatest effects tend to be in the coastal zone. Waters tural activities is the most polluted region in the whole Black and sediments in such regions bear the load of industrial Sea region of Turkey. In this study, surface water pollu- and sewage discharges and are subject to dredging and tion in the part of the West Black Sea region, hereafter spoil dumping. Agricultural runoff may contain pesticide called Zonguldak region, along 40 km coastal regions in residues and elevated nutrients producing eutrophication in Zonguldak city and its provinces were examined. In addi- the water-bodies, or anoxic conditions in underlying sedi- tion, pollution loads of domestic and industrial wastewa- ments. ter and their effects on surface water quality were also in- vestigated. For this purpose, primarily, origins of surface The Black Sea having an area of 4.2×105 km2 and an water were evaluated and their physical, chemical and bac- average depth of 1240 m is the world’s largest land-locked teriological qualities were determined. Secondly, pollution sea. Approximately 90% of its water mass is anoxic, rep- loads of domestic and industrial wastewater and their ef- resenting the world’s largest anoxic water mass [1]. The fects to surface water quality were discussed. In addition, Black Sea has been suffering from extensive pollution for qualities of domestic tap water and local spring water used the last two decades due to unmanaged fishing, unrestricted for drinking water sources were also tested. 2170 © by PSP Volume 18 – No 11a. 2009 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Summary of water pollution on Southern Black Sea coastal of this type of morphology. Between small sandy beaches, region alluvial deltas are present. There are 26 main river basins The Turkish Black Sea Coast is 1,695 km long, extend- in Turkey, 8 of which are in the Black Sea zone [5]. ing from Bulgarian border in the west to the Georgia border in the east (Fig. 1). Black Sea coasts constitute 20% of Major industries discharging loads of various pollut- the total coastlines of Turkey. High mountains parallel to ants are presented in Table 1. The OYKA Pulp and Paper beaches that are not far from the sea are typical properties factories in Zonguldak and Giresun, KBI Copper Plants in BLACK SEA ÝNEBOLU SÝNOP . S u s Ç a r o BARTIN a . r R u ZONGULDAK K k SAMSUN h a R Ayancýk S. Ayancýk m ýr . ýl EREÐLÝ KASTAMONU ýz RÝZE K . ORDU Filyos S. TRABZON ÝSTANBUL N S k GÝRESUN a e . KARABÜK m m KOCAELÝ R . r r . Gülüç S. ý e S S S a l t i T e ARTVÝN y þ le r a r e e e a d ýn M n t k Y e r ý a m r F S i eð TURKEY D FIGURE 1 - Major Turkish rivers and Black Sea coastal towns (not in scale). TABLE 1 - Industrial pollution loads into the Black Sea [6]. Flow-rate BOD TSS TKN Total P Industry Location 5 m3/year tons/year tons/year tons/year tons/year Oyka Pulp & Paper Zonguldak 123,053 110.27 10.42 - - KBI Copper Fac. Samsun 130 - 1,320.00 - - Oyka Pulp & Paper Giresun 44,000,000 513.30 136.88 - - Ereğli Iron & Steel Zonguldak 17,377,500 - - - - KBI Copper Fac. Murgul 14,000,000 - 165.00 - - Akal Textile Zonguldak 5,500,000 31,000 190 - - Samsun Fertilizer Samsun 3,190,000 - 248,693.00 418.61 1,083.61 Entaş Poultry Sakarya - 13.38 - - - Samsun Sugar Fac. Samsun 590,000 4.32 9.13 - - Bafay Vegetable Oil Samsun 552,000 2,490.00 36.00 - - Karsu Fish Food Trabzon 500,000 51.80 2,460.00 1.28 - EK Slaughterhouse Sakarya 466,000 494.36 29.20 34.51 - Köytur Poultry Samsun 261,440 83.30 394.45 - 24. 65 Dogan Biscuit Sakarya 184,000 232.70 62.23 6.02 - Kebir Diary Trabzon 164,260 24.43 191.63 4.39 2.60 Cargill Grain Mill Sakarya 127,000 33.36 25.00 - 0.37 Bekar Textile Samsun 102,340 48.77 23.76 - - Sinop Textile Sinop 83,000 37.32 5.58 - - Çoroğlu Slaughterhouse Sakarya 50,000 94.17 14.77 6.60 - Ansan Beverage Trabzon 49,900 14.70 75.34 - 0.47 Akova Grain Mill Sakarya 30,100 45.77 4.90 - - Aşkin Bone Food Sakarya 26,090 6.10 65.04 - - Dokap Grain Mill Zonguldak 26,000 41.61 6.03 - - Mankap Vegetable Oil Zonguldak 24,000 75.15 59.13 - - Asistan Ethylalcohol Sakarya 22,067 37.10 74.37 - - Ahenk Delight Samsun 22,410 30.60 - 0.72 - Ipek Grain Mill Giresun 22,000 36.74 25.20 - 0.34 Elif Grain Mill Trabzon 21,000 36.14 52.20 - - Bul-Co Fish Food Giresun 20,600 1,422.00 51.35 - - Camadan Grain Mill Samsun 16,600 22.89 426.60 - - Ketaş Diary Trabzon 13,000 31.91 32.53 0.70 - Üstün Chandelier Samsun 6,000 0.30 5.91 - 0.05 Capo Fruit Sakarya 6,000 0.89 89.70 - - Mun. Slaughterhouse Zonguldak 5,180 3.90 0.82 0.45 - Filiz Candy Samsun 3,450 2.89 3.64 0.08 0.03 Ordu Vegetable Oil Ordu 2,000 0.38 2.38 - 0.03 Giresun Diary Giresun 1,670 3.32 0.48 0.05 - Terme Metallic Prod. Samsun 1,250 12.68 0.55 - 0.04 Sinop Diary Sinop 80 0.55 - 0.36 - Çamsan Wood Ordu 459 0.34 0.15 0.02 0.08 Yildiz Resin Samsun 350 10.00 0.09 - - Yurttaş Plastic Samsun - 0.35 6.50 - - 1.17 Total 210,540,876 6,119 254,401 475 1,112 2171 © by PSP Volume 18 – No 11a. 2009 Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Samsun and Murgul, the Samsun Fertilizer Factory and discharge their wastewater indirectly into the Black Sea steel factories in Zonguldak and Karabük have been identi- via the rivers [5]. fied as Turkey’s major of industrial wastewater discharges Annual discharges of pollutants by each main river or into the Black Sea. Together, these 7 factories account for stream at the Turkish coasts of the Black Sea region are pre- great amounts of the region’s total industrial wastewater sented in Fig. 2 and Table 2. Among the rivers and streams, discharges into the Black Sea. The wastewaters from these the Sakarya and Filyos rivers, which are located on the industries contain the highest TSS, TKN and total P of all western part of the coast, and the Kızılırmak, Yeşilırmak industrial emissions from the Turkish Black Sea coastal and Aksu rivers, which are located on the eastern Black region. Some factories have significant heavy metal dis- Sea coast, account for more than 70% of the total annual charges into the water-bodies. The Ereğli and Karabük Iron fluxes of most of the conventional pollutants due to their and Steel factories are major polluters, emitting pollutants into the air as well as discharging phenols into the Black highest annual water discharge into the Black Sea [3].
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