Saint Patrick Catholic Church 34 AMHERST STREET, MILFORD, NH 03055 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9-12 and 1-5pm. Closed at Noon on Friday MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Roman Catholic Church is a welcoming community in a traditional and Eucharistic setting focused on prayer, service, and life-long faith Prayer Line call formation on the values and teachings of Jesus Christ Diane or Patti at 673-1311. LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Parish Office: 673-1311 Fax: 673-3687 Faith Formation: 673-4797 Saturday: 4:00 P.M. Website: saintpatrickmilfordnh.org Sunday: 7:00 A.M.; 8:45 A.M; 10.45 A.M. (Choir) . WEEKDAY MASSES: PASTORAL STAFF Monday, Thursday & Friday 7:30 A.M. Rev. Dennis Audet, Pastor Wednesday 5:30 P.M. Mass, unless otherwise indicated. HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION : 7:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. daudet52@gmail.com th st Patti Hendrickson, Pastoral Associate (Except Dec 25 , Christmas & Jan 1 , Mary, Mother of pattih2015@comcast.net God). Diane Bergeron, Secretary diane.st.patoffice@gmail.com Sue Pasquale, Faith Formation re@saintpatrickmilfordnh.org Pauline Nepveu, Accountant pbnepveu@myfairpoint.net Henry Kopczynskie, Music Director saintpatmusic@gmail.com Jerry Guthrie, Cemetery 672-1254 The Ascension of the Lord is this Thursday Masses are at 7:30am & 5:30pm followed by the Rosary led by the Knights of Columbus. This is a day of obligation. Pastoral Council Members Chairperson: Chris Conard Peter Arnoldy, MaryGrace Duncan, Jerry Guthrie, OFFICES ARE CLOSED ON MONDAY Jude Lorman, Will McGrath, Irene Prunier. Mass at the Cemetery at 8:30am weather permitting. Bring your own chair. 6th Sunday of Easter — May 26, 2019 May 27-June 2, 2019 May 27-June 2 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mon: OFFICES CLOSED MON - 5/27 - St. Augustine of Canterbury Tues: 4:30PM—Faith Formation Commission mtg(SPC) 8:30AM - Mass at the Cemetery for All Souls 7:00PM—Cribbage (C/H) TUES - 5/28 - Easter Weekday Wed: 6:05PM—Women’s Prayer group (SPC) 7:30AM - NO MASS 6:30PM—RCIA (SPC) 7:15PM—ScoutsBSA Troop 1794 (C/H) WED - 5/29 - Easter Weekday Thur: Ascension of the Lord 5:30PM - All Souls Masses: 7:30 & 5:30pm THURS - 5/30 - The Ascension of the Lord Sat: 7:30AM—Men’s Group (C/H) 7:30AM - Mary Clare, Jack & Kathleen Milan by 10:00AM—Mother/daughter social (C/H) John Sun: Coffee & donuts 5:30PM - Members of the Parish FRI - 5/31 - The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this week in memory of Mary Erana D’Antonio by Donna Thomas 7:30AM - Rev. Richard Vickery SAT - 6/ 1 - Vigil of 7th Sunday of Easter MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEKEND OF 4:00PM - Erana D’Antonio by Donna Thomas June 1-2, 2019 SUN - 6/2 - The 7th Sunday of Easter 4:00PM Altar Servers : Olivia & Jonathan Rolanti 7:00AM - Jack Lorden by Jane, Maureen & Eucharistic Ministers : Karen N., Linda V., Donna T. Cathleen Lector : Brian Newton Greeters : Gary M., Pauline N., Joanne O. - Members of the Parish 8:45AM 10:45AM - Michael O’Mara by his parents 7:00AM Altar Servers: Kathy S. Eucharistic Ministers : Jerry G., Jeanne D., Kathie N. Lector : Amy G. Greeters : Skip G., John M., Joe Z. Readings : 6-2-2019 8:45AM Altar Servers : Erin & Morgan Peterson Eucharistic Ministers : Mike & Ann G., Sr. Marcelle Acts: 7:55-60 Lector : Suzanne P. Rv: 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20 Greeters : The Santinellis Jn: 17:20-26 10:45AM Altar Servers : Kobe T., Caitlyn & Jacob B. Eucharistic Ministers : Henry A., Bridie C., Eric J. Lector : Pam T. Greeters: The Hohenadels, Bernie Q., Weedlenson J. WEEKEND OF: May 18-19, 2019 SACRAMENTS : Parish Offering Prior Year This Year Budget From(163) Envelopes $4,770 Baptisms : We rejoice with parents at the birth of a new child. Loose Offerings $2,667 Parents are encouraged to initiate preparation for baptism prior to the child's birth. Call the Parish Office at 673-1311 for information and Total Sunday $6,300 $7,437 pre-baptism instruction. Facilities Repairs: $2,543 Marriage : Weddings are a special time of joy and promise for a bride E-giving is available to all parishioners. This is a safe and and a groom. Engaged couples are invited to contact the pastor per- easy way to give to the parish. Go to our website saintpat- sonally (preferably 6-12 months) prior to the desired wedding date to rickmilfordnh.org under NEWS & EVENTS and scroll to begin their preparation. Couples should not make any commitment with a reception venue prior to the 1 st meeting with the pastor. “giving” then follow the instructions. This is very helpful for parishioners who want to give on a regular basis . Reconciliation : Individual confessions are held every Saturday from 3:00-3:45 P.M. in the reconciliation room at St. Patrick Church or during the week by personal appointment with the pastor. GIVE+ONLINE Sacrament of the Sick: If you are anticipating surgery or experienc- ing health issues and would like to be strengthened with the Church’s sacrament of healing and hope, please contact the pastor personally to arrange for the Anointing of the Sick. Faith Formation Ministry SAVE THE DATE Faith Formation registration for 2019-2020 are available at For all people, young and old (high school the office and on the back ta- level, college level , vocational-technical schools etc.) , who have completed their bles at the entrance of the studies and are graduating now or have graduated ear- church and on the website. It lier this year. would be greatly appreciated You are invited to the Sunday, June 9 Mass at if everyone with a child(ren) in the pro- 10:45am. Come receive a blessing followed by a re- gram could register before June. ception in the church hall after Mass. Please RSVP our church office at 673-1311 by May 26. MOTHER/DAUGHTER SOCIAL ATTENTION: Mothers, and daughters that are between 9-14 years old, are invited to join us on Saturday, June 1, 2019 from 10am to12pm in the Church Hall. To sign up and for more information go to www.catholicquest.org . Our second collection next weekend is Toothbrushes & paste, Deodor- Catholic Communication Campaign. This ants, Shampoo & Conditioner, campaign connects people with Christ in the Bar Soap, Feminine Hygiene United States and in developing countries Products, Diapers, Wipes can be around the world through the Internet, televi- dropped off at the SHARE office or in the sion, radio, and print Church Hall. Thank you for your donations. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic or knowing more about our faith, please call the office 673-1311 or email Patti: pattih2015@comcast.net. RCIA is a process by which the Catholic Church forms and initiates new members into the Christian way of life, specifically in the Roman Catholic tradition. NON-TRIVIAL PURSUITS Weekly challenge from your Faith Formation Team (5-26-2019) Thursday is the Feast of the Ascension, celebrating Jesus’ bodily return to Heaven. In most of the United States, this will be celebrated next Sunday. Why, and What is this called? Answer to Last Week’s Question: (5-19-2019) “Heaven” is the abode of God, and since the Resurrection, the souls of those who die in God’s grace and friend- ship enter into His presence there (after purification, if needed), where they see Him “face to face.” At the end of the age, when the dead are resurrection, God will renew creation and we will live in His Presence on the New Earth in our Resurrected bodies. (CCC 1023and1043) Please remember in your prayers: Cameron Conley, Lexz Bragdom, Brenda Lamarre, Moe Facques, Timothy Russell, Maureen Belair, Marty, Leo Barriault, Jack & Nancy Moro, Wendy Boucher, Mary Ann Hower, Ronald & Jean Rood, Ron Lockwood, Connor Sillowy, Eva, Carolyn Hassett, Lyn, Bettina Mace, Vera Rasmussen, Karen Jarest, Marie Roccio, Thomas Burkardt, Ben & Anne Marie Yorio, Don- ald Labonte, William, JoAnn & John, Gus Dreher, Dorothy Calogero, Tiffany Brown, Raymond Coté, Irene Dion, Eugene Callahan, Andrea, Sophia Lamarche, Brundage family, Genie Stone, Coralee Smart, Marie, Frances, Arlene, Georgian, Jeanne, Sue, Dennis Creedon, Paul Golch, John Foss, Rob Erick- son, Jenny Ciotti, Dan Nelson, Denise Bergeron, Alice Creighton, Liz Richer, Luke LaVallee, John, Mike Paxton, Isa- belle Miller, Marc Belanger, Helen R., Claudette Blais, Kim Beebe, Anne Ronsov, Jack Long, Beth Powers, Scott Dickinson, Nenad Opijac, Jack Daniels, John Knott, Joseph Koprek, Bobby Holland, Lillie & Damien, Benjamin Smith, Patti Patenaude, Jeffrey Yorio, Lisa Yorio, Blanche Belanger, Cheryl Williams, Ken Hower, Jeff MacMartin, Margaret Nelson, Mindy Kane, Linda Lewis, Susan Yorio, Richard Copeland, Wayne Cormier, Robert Merley, Jeffrey Bryant, Crystal Heaney, Leah Stigliano, Philip McPhee, William Thompson, Sammy Tinaglia, Joseph Sherlock, John Sullivan, Alice & Lloyd Eskins, Mary & Dick Almy, Steven Perez, Elda Paduano, Meaghan Pezze, and for the men and women who are serving our country. Please call the parish office when someone can be taken off the prayer list . Thank You The Knights of Columbus would like to thank the parishioners of St Patrick's Church for supporting the six break- fasts this past year. Because of the parishioners generosity the Knights raised $1,861.90. This money is being split evenly between St Patrick's Church and Wilton Open Cupboard. Our Community Service committee would like to make you aware of an anti-bullying festival and fun run taking place Sunday, June 2 from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Keyes Field. Run / walk in your favorite superhero cos- tume. Walk, eat, play, listen to live music and spoken word, access resources and more!!.
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