26 APR 1!:":i'j They think it's all over HOW DID MIR TEAM WORE OVER THE EASIER VOW CUISSIFIED RESULTS SERVICE: TOTAL FOOTSAEL. PAGE 17 STIJDENIncorporating jail r magazine Britain's biggest weekly student newspaper April 26, 1996 THEY TREATED ME LIKE A TERRORIST' SAYS JAILED STUDENT Thrown in solitary for losing passport B MARTIN ARNOLD. CHIEF REPORTER A SPANISH field trip turned into a r nightmare for student Mark Vinton when RADIO DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN airport police refused him entry and threw him in solitary confinement. Heavy-handed officials bundled Mark into a cell because he could not produce his passport - it had been lost in the post. Yet hours before the trip Mark had received a special fax from Spanish immigration officials authorising his entry to the country. Airport police dismissed it and locked Mark away, while tutors pleaded in vain for his release, Mark was stopped as he arrived with a group of 60 other Leeds University students and four lecturers. -They thought I was a terrorist.," said Mark. tried to reason v.ith them but they juvi wouldn't listen." Astonished Spanish police detained the astonished student in solitary confinement for more than seven hours as they sought to deport him back to Britain. It was only after an intervention by the Home Office that he was filially released and allowed to rejoin the Leeds $roup. University staff who attempted to intervene through their travel agent had been told nobody would be allowed to speak to Mark as he ramd immediate di:potation. They wouldn't let anyone speak to him or even get money through to him." said Philip Ashworth, Mark tutor who was accompanying the field course. "I thought the UK was part Ili the EU but that is obviously nog quite the case." Murk's friend Aden Morgan was shocked by the situation "He was totally alone anything could have happened and there was nothing we could do." Mark was held in confinement he waited Inr the next flight home. during which he was allowed a phone rata to England. He contacted a Family friend in the Home Office and asked him to speak to the USTEN UP: The latest recruits to !sr. Leeds' very own student radio station, line up ready for the relaunch today. Broadcasting Spanish authorities, He was released two hours later once the Malaga round the clock for a month, the station wilt officially launch its latest licence tonight at Bar Basics, where punters will be pofiee had realised their rnisiake_ entertained by far DJs and giveaways from station sponsor Calvin Klein. Station bosses claim to have the best student DJ Ilne-up In the country. You can check them out on 107,8FM until May 23. See feature on centre pages Pic: Willem Jaspert CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 — — INSIDE: News 1-9, Comment 6-7, Feature 10.11, Consumer Affairs 13, Careers 14, Sport 17-20. Plus 16 page juice pullout magazine • .:-TL7) 3 2 u.. J3N 'TI ill N I I : News Telly fame for Easter burglary victim SiralOWAT ink., es used investigate then Told Ben that IfiL victim of a house the i • kr.,..t•ht I. Ail II.1..p.'fi•11•111 crowbars to break down the a Yorkshire television .IC •,..1.141; -1 burglary hail a double shock when he arrived home to doors and then took wanted to film the flat shadowing atrcr, .Ii mi l orb, find all his belongings gone everythine they could find. The CFCS.% weiC ■ pc. pm,: .••• 1•11.11 and a TV crew w1irtrllk to -They basically stripped the officer as port of a GOLF WAR documentary on crime in the ••• II. fi I tri Ili on. viir OT ?I II the Oat,• said a disgruntled 11.11,-,••■ tl" r-■ Curler Ben, -''they rook all illy West 'irk hire region An amateur golfer who forgot Ben East, a second year things .Ineiudiur my Ben said: It becalm- to shout "fore" as he took his %Ilarn.1 International History and inflatable elephant. The only really amusing I had shot is being sued for a Lead , l rliti'n.sr, I 11r1-111 then rc Politics student. was told by thing they tel behind was close the door. and whopping L2 million by a 111 his landlord that his flat. on one CD I've losi hundreds enact the whole scene player that he knocked-out II II Kelso Road. had been broken of piamds cons lit stuff.- starting with the policeman DOCUMENTARY; Ben East into during the Laster break. The policeman sent to knock irw on the door" STRIP SHOW inula i•JIt 11!Ir Local radio Di Neil Buldock Jrrirr stripped off naked and lratcwh iree. presented a special programme Ant IdIWn fin National Nudists Day. Jrro Dan talc !dun formehd Vi iliac DRUNK DOG Burka Maw" iketen.41{..x.rni Chiefs axe free rertrule1 Boomer. the beer-loving pooch -11 hen l in .v from Darlington. has been r.'rrerrr tdkxv made a member of the working men's club where she L:1.011110,1 ECNIX ,reels lctlm gutzles a pint a :day from tier OA In special howl, Column Affair, Lrikirro I. I .40ainerrpt ketahret bib education for all STAINLESS SERVICES El 1) I/ rill! Al 1.11111i Chaim. Irtihe Vicar Barry iitAlr. IA rill Clore trirs .1d • HIE tight for full grants has been axed by national Weston-super-Mare swaps the rte f kr0.11, student leaders who claim it is no longer realistic in the traditional red wine fur while Mark &Won current political climate. CAFE TAKEN BY STORM to avoid stainine church linen. Lieu Lel Delegates chose to Compiled by Andy Kelk abandon then policy of free STUDENT education at last month's National Union of Sttalcii; , COnterence in Blackpool. LEADERS at the Thrown in They voted instead th NUS should campaign for a new funding scheme ineltaling salvo; ABANDON from businesses and a revised solitary l'141rirr 1-4.1irm 14 .11.111-rwm, system of student loans. ';wt tor: The move WaS. branded ■I CAMPAIGN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 members Pgalac "shameful sell-out" by "I felt very let dim n and win of the Campaign for Free :is passengers and we can the isolated in a country: where itrarjrrri arguments for reform " Education, which fought to I didn't even speak the ''Iron Faltre The issue was keenly dehared [15,, a lawn preserve the union's commitment Language." he said. to restoring grants, at the at the annual conference. where Nenn A spokesman for Malaga t.. rely: equivalent of their 1979 Icycl, 1.500 delegates gathered from Immigration claimed: "it A6k.2,0144-,d, students unions across the was an extraordinary V countrv, Rachel Eaulkner. General Amino' Spurt Mike Disgraceful circumstance. We realised it P.rul 16,11trrisam Secretary at LOU, said: "This will had been a bit of a mix-up I "It is a disgracef ill decision give the NUS more opportunity' „a rakes and let him go after that will hit those who can least to talk policy but I was really afford to pay for their educatiern," receiving a fax from the Adarrthlerg Difrrtor anury and appalled by the cheap British Consulate." Oare% said Graham Hellawell. leader of tactics used to execute it " CAFE CULTURE: Owner Tanya Gray Pie: Willem Jaspert Aisktrara A Foreign office source %01 They. oda the CFE. Maintenance mints have been THE latest addition to Leeds' the mind and the huts, with a said: ~I'm sure nothing like Labour Students, win backed cut by 20 per cent in the last two cafe culture has been taking relaxing atmosphere tor eating. that would happen in this the change, were criticised as years. and the average debt for student land by storm just rwo drinking and RN-Willi!. a well as country." Heard a good putting politics and their own students under 21 is £1.548. week after opening, wrirei providing a venue for young Failure to attend the artierc before the interests of according to a NatWest Bank story? Call the Chris- Hanulton. artists to meet and exchange - field course students. survey last year. Geography Hut lint Murphy, NUS Leeds University graduate ideas. would have meant the loss Tanya Gray set up The "I wanted to work outside in President and a of i200 and the 10 credits leading Blairite. • GINA Raylin of WU gained Newsdesk told Leech. Student: "Fin once Dubtemmean arts cafe on Hyde the park but I can't garden so I the module was worth. election to the NUS's National we've grabbed reality by the Park alter laic-night spots on the decided to open a cart instead." Mark said: "I was pissed Executive Committee, finishing the neck. We now have Continent sparked het site said. off because it looked like I'd scruff of fourth in the hallotfor part- 0113 a massive opportunity to imp owe imagination. It has already attracted 500 have to go. hack home after (hue members. in "10:41 rle ■ the king conditions of rirdinar s She wants the cafe punters nn u !Ali done, all the effort of getting out 2434727 ...Alden's.. We'll no longer he serif S.1 A. rtj there in the first place.— Want to advertise? *Weather news * Weather news * Weather news Win rail tickets to Europe! Contact Campus Travel are offering two rail ticket, from London to Prague, Vienna and Berlin. All you have lode is write a Advertising ON THE HORIZON 1 ra el article ihoul your holiday experience abroad Please Ilse ,rAte ally you love your Level.) Student, in case of a tie- 0113 break.
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