THE NEW TESTAMENT APOCRYPHA AND PSEUDEPIQRAPHA: a guide to publications, with excursuses on apocalypses by JAMES H. CHARLESWORTH with James R. Mueller assisted by many, especially Amy-Jill Levine, Randall D. Chesnutt, and M. J. H. Charlesworth ATLA BIBLIOGRAPHY SERIES, MO. 17 The American Theological Library Association and The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Metuchen, N.J., and London • 1987 CONTENTS Editor's Foreword xiii Preface xv I. INTRODUCTION 1 A Report on Research 1 Description 6 Excluded Documents 6 1) Apostolic Fathers 6 2) The Nag Hammadi Codices 7 3) The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha 7 4) Early Syriac Writings 8 5) Earliest Versions of the New Testament 8 6) Fakes 9 7) Possible Candidates 10 Introductions 11 Purpose 12 Notes 13 II. THE APOCALYPSE OF JOHN—ITS THEOLOGY AND IMPACT ON SUBSEQUENT APOCALYPSES Introduction . 19 The Apocalypse and Its Theology . 19 1) Historical Methodology 19 2) Other Apocalypses 20 3) A Unity 24 4) Martyrdom 25 5) Assurance and Exhortation 27 6) The Way and Invitation 28 7) Transference and Redefinition -. 28 8) Summary 30 The Apocalypse and Its Impact on Subsequent Apocalypses 30 1) Problems 30 2) Criteria 31 3) Excluded Writings 32 4) Included Writings 32 5) Documents , 32 a) Jewish Apocalypses Significantly Expanded by Christians 32 b) Gnostic Apocalypses 33 c) Early Christian Apocryphal Apocalypses 34 d) Early Medieval Christian Apocryphal Apocalypses 36 6) Summary 39 Conclusion 39 1) Significance 39 2) The Continuum 40 3) The Influence 41 Notes 42 III. THE CONTINUUM OF JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN APOCALYPSES: TEXTS AND ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS Description of an Apocalypse 53 Excluded "Apocalypses" 54 A List of Apocalypses 55 1) Classical Jewish Apocalypses and Related Documents (c. 200 B.C.E. to 135 C.E.) 55 2)' Jewish Apocalypses Significantly Expanded by Christians 56 3) Gnostic "Apocalypses" in NH Codices 5 and 7 56 4) Patristic Apocalypses or Early Christian Apocryphal Apocalypses . 57 5) Early Medieval Christian Apocryphal Apocalypses 57 6) Documents Often Considered to Be "Apocalypses" 57 Abbreviations for the List 58 Notes 61 IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY Guidelines 65 Additional Bibliographical Publications 66 Abbreviations 66 General 79 1 General Studies 79 2 Apoc Apocalyptic Literature 116 3 ApAc Apocryphal Acts 121 4 Can Canon 127 5 Agrapha, Fragments of Unknown Works 138 Major Works 156 6 AbAng Abbaton, Angel of Death 156 7 PsAb Pseudo-Abdias, Apostolic Histories of (see also entries under the names of apostles) 156 Abgarus (Letters of Christ and Abgarus) 156 8 GosAdv Gospel of the Adversary of the Law and the Prophets 159 vi Andrew, Acts of and Andrew Cycle 159 10 AcAnMth Andrew: Acts of Andrew and Matthias 163 11 AcAnPl Andrew: Acts of Andrew and Paul Andrew, Acts of Peter and (Peter: Acts of Peter and Andrew) "Andrew, Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) Andrew: Discourse of Andrew from Prison (Acts of Andrew) Andrew, Fragmentary Story of (Acts of Andrew) "Andrew, Martyrdom of" (Acts of Andrew) 166 12 EpApos Apostles, Epistle of the 168 13 MApos Apostles, Memoria of "Aristodemus and the Poison Cup" (Book of John) "The Asses Colt" (Acts of Thomas) "Atticus and Eugenius" (Book of John) "The Banishment" (Book of John) 171 14 AcBarn Barnabas, Acts of 172 15 GosBarn Barnabas, Gospel of "Bartholomew, Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) 173 16 BkBart Bartholomew, Book of the Resurrection of Christ by 173 17 GosBart Bartholomew, Gospel of (Questions of Bartholomew) 175 18 MartBart Bartholomew, Martyrdom of and Bartholomew Cycle "Book of the Cock" (Coptic Narratives) "Captain Siphor" (Acts of Thomas) 177 19 LetCAbg Christ and Abgarus, Letters of 178 20 LetCHeav Christ, Letter of from Heaven 185 21 PsCl Clementines, Pseudo- "Cleobius and Myrte, Prophesies of" (Acts of Paul) 188 22 CopNar Coptic Narratives of the Ministry and Passion Cyril of Jerusalem, Discourse of (Assumption of the Virgin) "Daughter of Nicocleides" (Acts of Philip) Descensus ad Inferos (Acts of Pilate) "The Devil and the Woman" (Acts of Thomas) 196 23 TDom Testamentum Domini (Epistle of the Apostles) "The Dragon Slain" (Acts of Philip) "Drusiana, Episode of (Acts of John) 197 24 GosEb Ebionites, Gospel of 198 25 GosEg Egyptians, Gospel According to the 201 26 BkElch Elchasai, Book of 203 27 GosEv Eve, Gospel of Evodius, Discourse of (Coptic Lives of the Virgin) Evodius, Narrative of (Assumption of the Virgin) "Fight with the Beasts at Ephesus" (Acts of Paul) "Frontina, Episode of" (Acts of Paul) 204 28 GosGam Gamaliel, Gospel of "The Gardener's Daughter" (Acts of Peter) Gregory of Tours, Miracles by (Acts of Andrew) 205 29 GosHeb Hebrews, Gospel of the "Hermocrates of Myra, Episode of (Acts of Paul) "Hymn of the Soul" (Acts of Thomas) 207 30 Goslnf (Arab) Infancy, Arabic Gospel of the (see Mary Cycle) 212 31 Goslnf (Arm) Infancy, Armenian Gospel of the (see Mary Cycle) 215 32 Goslnf (Lat) Infancy, Latin Gospel of the Infantia, Liber de (Pseudo-Matthew) (see Mary Cycle) "Ireus and Aristarchus" (Acts of Philip) "Iuzanes, Baptism of" (Acts of Thomas) "Iuzanes, Son of Misdeus" (Acts of Thomas) 215 33 AcJas James (the Greater), Acts of 217 34 AscJas , James (the Greater), Ascent of "James (the Greater), Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) "James (the lesser), Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) 218 35 ProtJas James, Protevangelium of (see Mary Cycle) 218 36 AcJn John, Acts of and John Cycle 229 37 AcJnPro John: Acts of John by Procurus 234 38 ApGJn Apocryphal Gospel of John 237 39 BkJn John, Book of "John, Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) "John, Death of" (Acts of John) John, Discourse of Concerning Our Lord (see Acts of John) John, Mystery of; see John Cycle [3RevJn] John, Narrative of (Assumption of the Virgin) 238 40 IRevJn John, 1 Revelation of (Apokalypsis tou hagiou Ioannou tou Theologou) 238 41 2RevJn John, 2 Revelation of (A Second Greek Apocryphal Apocalypse of John) 240 viii 42 3RevJn of St. John and the Holy Virgin) 241 43 SyrHistJn John, Syriac History of John of Thessalonica (Assumption of the Virgin) 241 44 JB Cycle John the Baptist Cycle Joseph of Arimathea (Passing of Mary) 242 45 JsAr Joseph in Arimathea, Narrative of (see also Acts of Pilate) Joseph the Carpenter, Death of (History of Joseph the Carpenter) 243 46 HisJsCar Joseph the Carpenter, History of; and Joseph Cycle 244 47 LetLen Lentulus, Letter of "The Leopard and the Kid" (Acts of Philip) "Lycomedes, Episode of" (Acts of John) 248 48 AcMk Mark, Acts of; and Mark Cycle 249 49 BirMar Mary, Birth of; and Mary Cycle (also see works listed under "Virgin") 250 50 GosBirMar Mary, Gospel of the Birth of Mary, Lament of (cf. Gospel of Gamaliel) 255 51 PasMar Mary, Passing of (= Transitus Mariae and Dormitione Mariae) (cf. As- sumption of the Virgin) 257 52 QuesMar Mary, Questions of "Matthew, Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) 263 53 PsMt Pseudo-Matthew, Gospel of 264 54 MartMt -- Matthew, Martyrdom of; and Matthew Cycle Matthias, Acts of Andrew and (see Acts of Andrew and Matthias) 267 55 GosTradMth Matthias, Gospel and Traditions of Pseudo-Melito, Narrative of (Passing of Mary) "Mydgonia, Baptism of" (Acts of Thomas) "Mygdonia, Wife of Charisius" (Acts of Thomas) 268 56 GosNaz Nazaraeans, Gospel of the "Nerkela and Ireus" (Acts of Philip) 269 57 GosNic Nicodemus, Gospel of (Acts of Pilate) "The Palace in Heaven" (Acts of Thomas) "Panachares, Episode of" (Acts of Paul) "Parricide" (Acts of John) "The Partridge" (Acts of John) 271 58 AcPl Paul, Acts of; and Paul Cycle Paul, Acts of Andrew and (see Acts of Andrew and Paul) 277 59 GkAcPetPl Paul: Greek Acts of Peter and Paul 287 60 ApPl Paul, Apocalypse of "Paul, Book of (Pseudo-Abdias) 289 61 CorrPlSen Paul, Correspondence Between Seneca and 294 62 EpAl Paul: Epistle of Paul to the Alex- andrians 298 63 3Cor Paul, Third Epistle to the Corinthians 299 64 EpLao Paul: Epistle to the Laodiceans 302 65 MartPl Paul, Martyrdom of Paul, Passions of Peter and (see Passions of Peter and Paul) 306 66 VisPl Paul, Vision of 307 67 AcPet Peter, Acts of; and Peter Cycle 309 68 AcPet(Slav) Peter, (Slavonic) Acts of 314 69 AcPetAn Peter, Acts of Andrew and 315 70 ApPet Peter, Apocalypse of "Peter, Book of (Pseudo-Abdias) 317 71 GosPet Peter," Gospel of 321 72 MartPet Peter, Martyrdom of 328 73 PassPetPl Peter: Passions of Peter and Paul 329 74 PrePet Peter, Preaching of 330 75 AcPhil Philip, Acts of 332 76 AcPhil(Syr) Philip, (Syriac) Acts of "Philip at Athens" (Acts of Philip) "Philip, Book of" (Pseudo-Abdias) 335 77 GosPhil Philip, Gospel of 335 78 MartPhil Philip, Martyrdom of "Philip at Nicatera" (Acts of Philip) "Philip in Parthia" (Acts of Philip) 337 79 TransPhil Philip, Translation of "Philip and the Widow" (Acts of Philip) 337 80 AcPil Pilate, Acts of; and Pilate Cycle 337 81 DPil Pilate, Death of (cf. Report and Paradosis of Pilate) 343 82 LetPilCl Pilate: Letter of Pilate to Claudius (Acts of Peter and Paul 40-42) 344 83 LetPilHer Pilate: Letters of Pilate and Herod 345 84 LetPilTib Pilate: Letter of Pilate to Tiberius 346 85 LetTibPil Pilate: Letter to Pilate from Tiberius 347 86 RepParPil Pilate, Report and Paradosis of (cf. Death of Pilate) "The Sale and the Wedding Feast" (Acts of Thomas) 348 87 AvSav Savior, The Avenging of the "The Serpent" (Acts of Thomas) 350 88 SibOr Sibylline Oracles "Sidon, Episode of" (Acts of Paul) "Simon and Jude, Book of" (Pseudo- Abdias) The Six Books (Assumption of the Virgin) 351 89 RevSte Stephen, Revelation of "Temple of Artemis" (Acts of John) "Tertia—Wife of Misdaeus" (Acts of Thomas) 356 90 AcThad Thaddeus, Acts of "Thecla, Story of" (Acts of Paul) Theodosius, Discourse of (Assumption of the Virgin) 358 91 AcTh Thomas, Acts of 360 92 MinAcTh Thomas,
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